One can never have too much of a good thing . . . especially when those good things are as Satisfyer-ing as lovely playtimes with one of my favourite accessories for 2017, the Satisfyer 2.
You may remember that earlier this year I was thrilled to review not just the Satisfyer 2, but the Satisfyer Pro 2 and the Satisfyer Pro Penguin as well. And as I said at the time, although I enjoyed them all, it was the perhaps slightly “older-styled” 2, that I instantly fell in love with . . . and has remained at the top of my toy-drawer ever since. Why? Well firstly because it’s wonderful suction-cup-mouth just seemed the perfect shape, size and fit for my clit. But mainly because it’s so simple-to-use control button, allows one to cycle up and down in intensity . . . and suckability . . . which means I can adjust the pace, and teasing sensations, to suit my mood and thoughts at the time. Neither the Penguin Pro, nor the Satisfyer Pro 2, allowed that same flexibility of play at that time.
But last month, just days before I set off for my summer vacation, the lovely people at sent me their intriguingly titled “Next Generation” series of the Penguin and Satisfyer Pro 2. And I was delighted to learn that, along with several other new features, that oh-so-important function of upwards-and-downwards control had been added to both of their new models.
Now I never take a large case on holiday . . . after-all I rarely need much in the way of clothes!!! . . . but it was an easy decision to find the room for my new
Pro 2. (More on the Penguin later).
And I am so glad that I did . . . because the Satisfyer Pro 2 Next Generation quickly became one of (the many) fun highlights of my holiday.
On first glance it is very similar to it’s earlier version. The stylish outer box and hygienic seal remains almost the same, as does it’s interior moulded plastic base for the USB charging cable and the Pro 2 itself.
The actual sizing and technical details can be viewed in my usual “Modesty Ratings” panel at the foot of this blog, so let’s go straight to the . . . Satisfyer-ing . . . bits because it truly, truly is even better than before and has even replaced the prototype 2 in my affections as my new favourite playmate.
The accompanying letter from Satisfyer highlighted five “What’s new?” bullet-points.
“- whisper quiet mode” – Well, yes it is quieter than previously, though I certainly wouldn’t describe it as a “whisper”. The noise of it’s predecessor never really bothered me anyway, particularly as my gasps and groans (screams even!), almost always drown-out everything else in the proximity anyway. But yes, it is quieter.
“- with new engines” – I never felt power was a problem with either the 2 or the Pro 2 before as they were both able to give me enough intenstiy. But the power definitely does seem even stronger than before (and I think this is certainly more noticeable in the Penguin Next Generation).
“- with a smoother start” – I personally don’t notice any discernible difference in starting-up . . . but that’s possibly because, by now, I’m already tingling from the moment I first cradle it in my hand.
“- less bright lights” – The light on the power button is certainly not as bright. But I must confess that was never a concern for me anyway. (I normally close my eyes quite quickly once I’ve turned the Pro 2 on !!!)
“- speed control with +/- buttons” – Oh Yes !!! For me, this is the most important improvement in the Next Generation versions. Not just in the flexibility, and change of pace, that being able to change the intensity of that glorious sucking allows . . . but also the fact that the button itself is larger and more intuitive to the feel, and therefore easier to adjust, than on the previous version.
And, for me, there is one more reason why I so love the Satisfyer Pro 2 Next Generation . . . and that is it’s “mouth”. It is slightly larger and I think ever-so-slightly more oval in shape, than previously and so seems to fit me, and my special joy-spot, much more nicely . . . and enjoyably. Perhaps that is just a personal thing as one size doesn’t fit all, but in this case it seems to pull me in like a magnet, every time I reach for it.
Now, I’m not going to repeat all the descriptions about it’s size, and shape, and colour, nor about the USB charging requirements etc. . . . you can read about all of those things in my previous review >here< because those things haven’t discernibly changed.
BUT, I did want to mention one thing that I wasn’t completely sure about in the original specifications that had arrived with those first three Satisfyers earlier in the year. And that is whether or not they were completely waterproof. Well . . . being on holiday on my favourite Grecian Island, and spending hours every day on the beach, I simply couldn’t resist testing my Pro 2 Next Generation underwater. Yes in the ocean!!!
The people at Satisfyer probably wouldn’t recommend using their Pro 2 completely immersed in salt water . . . BUT I can certainly tell you that I did. On a number of occasions and with lots (and lots and lots) of enjoyment as you can see from the pictures below and . . . if you are really curious, from the movie-clip on my MakeLoveNotPorn #realworldsex video “Summertime Fun“.
And also by the way, as I discovered during that same video, the Satisfyer Pro 2 Next Generation, isn’t just for clittoral stimulation, because I used it on Hubby who erupted like a volcano within just a few minutes of me applying it to the tip of his erection.
Anyway . . . back to it’s waterproof-ability . . . yes it’s still working perfectly here at home, on dry land, a month or so later!
As I mentioned, the Satisfyer Pro Penguin Next Generation also arrived at the same time as it’s larger sister, but I didn’t take it on vacation with me . . . you don’t think I’m that greedy do you??? But I have, of course, tried it on several occasions since my return.
I do love it’s new look and I think the black colour (complete with it’s fun, cute bow-tie) makes it much more attractive than it’s previous Pink colour. So it really does suit it’s Penguin name.
It has the same improvements as the Pro 2 in that it is quieter, more powerful and has the ability to increase and decrease the intensity upwards and downwards.
However, I must confess that I find the button much more difficult to operate and synchronize than the Pro 2. The “dew-drop” shaped button serves as both the “on-off” switch and for controlling the intensity levels. But for me it is just too clumsy and frustratingly difficult for me to work consistently, and so consequently I lose my concentration . . . and patience. It is a shame really, because once I do get it turned on, it’s power does seem noticeably higher and stronger than previously. But it’s just that clumsiness that makes it lose its appeal for me.
But then, I just reach for my Satisfyer Pro 2 Next Generation and immediately forget about any other distractions!!!
So . . . just to summarise each of my Next Generation Satisfyer experiences . . .
The Satisfyer Pro 2 Next Generation
Modesty Rating: 10 out of 10
Pros: Light and comfortable to hold. Nice pronounced head, which is easy to position. 11 intensity levels with Control buttons that are easy to find and operate . . . and now cycle upwards and downwards in intensity, for wonderfully orgasmic control!!!
Cons: Absolutely none!
Material: ABS Plastic, Silicone.
Measurements: Just over 7 inches in length. 6 inches circumference at it’s widest part.
Colour: Bronze with white detail.
Power: Rechargeable with supplied USB Cable.
Waterproof: Oh Yes (see above!!!)
Lubricant recommendation: Water based.
Noise level: Loud until pressure is applied to the mouth, or the mouth is placed in position. Then quite quiet, even at the highest level.
After-care: Should be cleaned with damp cloth, or one of the specialist sex-toy cleaners and dried with a soft, lint-free cloth.
Supplier Product Link: The Satisfyer Pro 2
Additional Supplier Links:
The Satisfyer Pro Penguin
Modesty Rating: 5 out of 10
Pros: Light and comfortable to hold. Small and discreet. 11 intensity levels which can cycle upwards and downwards in intensity.
Cons: One-piece control button design which faces inwards towards the body and is awkward to control with any consistency.
Material: ABS Plastic, Silicone.
Measurements: Just over 5 inches in length. 6 inches circumference at it’s widest part.
Colour: Black and white with a Pink bow-tie.
Power: Rechargeable with supplied USB Cable.
Waterproof: Yes.
Lubricant recommendation: Water based.
Noise level: Quite loud until pressure is applied to the mouth, or the mouth is placed in position. Then quite quiet, even at the highest level.
After-care: Should be cleaned with damp cloth, or one of the specialist sex-toy cleaners and dried with a soft, lint-free cloth.
Supplier Product Link: The Satisfyer Pro Penguin
Additional Supplier Links:

Additional links: Satisfyer at Twitter

To view the Satisfyer Pro 2 Next Generation performing “underwater” . . . click on my bottom!!!
The Satisfyer Pro Penguin and the Satisfyer Pro 2 Next Generation models were sent to me, free-of-charge, for an honest and un-biased review.
The Modesty Rider:
I realise, of course, that there are already thousands of long-established Sex Toy Reviewers and Review sites . . . most of whom will be far more adept at explaining all the technical details and specifications of things. But for me, sexy clothes and lingerie, sexy toys . . . and even sexy books . . . are all about adding a little fun and excitement to things. So that is how I tend to approach my reviews and videos!!! Just to explain “how it was for me” in a fun, and light-hearted, way without taking things too seriously! Chances are that if something makes me giggle and tingle and feel good, it will score higher on my Modesty Rating.
Visit some of my most recent Sex Product and Video Reviews at my Sex Toy Review page >here< or special buy links for specific products >here<.