Fifty? Goodness . . . Yes, I’ve just recently had my 50th #realworldsex video published at
I know I’ve posted several times previously about my thoughts on MakeLoveNotPorn . . . but I thought that turning 50 at MLNP was worthy of post all of it’s own, to celebrate that fun and message of Make Love Not Porn.
Because all those years ago, way back in 2013, I would never have dreamt that I would ever have FIFTY videos in my MLNP library . . . in fact I was quite surprised I’d had the courage to even submit one!!! And when I watch it now, I do giggle, with embarrassment, but also actually with the fun memories as well.
Because, as I hope you will already have gathered if you are a regular visitor at my blog-pages here, I always want fun to be at the heart of EVERYTHING I do. Giggling and smiling means we are happy, and being happy means making those around us feel happy too . . . even if only for short moments in time . . . being happy should be natural and normal.
And when so much of what happens in the world these days, seems to be un-happy and un-natural, the #realworldsex fun at MakeLoveNotPorn gives such welcome feelings of happiness . . . and naturalness.
From the moment I first heard, and viewed, MLNP founder Cindy Gallop’s amazing and inspirational presentation video from her TedConference appearance in 2012, I knew I simply had to be part of the MLNP community.
If you haven’t yet viewed that Ted video, or her equally inspiring first presentation at Ted2009, then I urge you to do so . . . because listening to Cindy’s words . . . and the fun and motivational style in which she delivers them . . . was one of those defining, almost life-changing moments for me.
I say almost life-changing because of course I was, already, experiencing and enjoying lots and lots of #realworldsex moments . . . and had been for a long, long time . . .
. . . but although my pages here at Modesty Ablaze already existed, I suppose that I still had those nagging feelings of . . . well not, shame about the lifestyle Hubby and I were enjoying . . . but a worry that perhaps more “normal” people wouldn’t understand or accept the relationship choices we had made over our years together.
Cindy’s passion for the philosophy of MakeLoveNotPorn in those Ted videos was obvious and contagious . . . that our sexuality could be, and should be, fun and real and normal. A celebration of life and love and respect! And that inspired me to overcome my doubts . . . and modesty . . . to submit that first video.
And the fun has not only continued, but grown ever more fulfilling and empowering over the past five years, with another 49 #realworldsex videos!
From those first modest me-time moments . . .

To introducing new friends . . .

Adventures at our favourite dungeon . . .

Special girly-times . . .

Steamy Kisses . . .

Fun holiday frolics . . .

Strap-On Fun . . .

Festive Occasions . . .

Naughty Holiday Memories . . .

To simply . . . Amazing Hotel Evenings

BUT this post is not meant to be about JUST my videos . . . because I hope that by sharing some of these special, fun, moments of my own, it may inspire more people to investigate and experience the wonderful feelings of fulfilment, empowerment and sexual-confidence that being part of the community at MakeLoveNotPorn can bring . . .
There are full details of all of my #realworldsex videos, and the stories behind them, at my MakeLoveNotPorn page >here< . . . and much more on just why I love the whole concept of MLNP . . . and all of the other Real World People enjoying their own Real World Sex . . . from my “Why I Love Make Love Not Porn” introductory video (from March 2014) >here<.

Enjoy !!!
Xxx – K