I’ve called my newest #realworldsex video at Make Love Not Porn, “Giggling Persuasion”, because . . . as you will see . . . it features lots of giggling, and lots of gentle persuasion!!!
It is from Day 2 of an amazing weekend visit to Lover No.14’s lovely hotel and carries on directly from my “Sticky, Wet and Sweet” video, featured here on my Make Love Not Porn pages recently.
We’d had a short break, re-energising ourselves after our earlier exertions, with some “unusual” chocolate treats.
I then wanted to give No.14 some special kisses . . . as he’d thoroughly spoilt and exhausted me with his own, very special kisses earlier.
But of course, he insisted my kisses would be far more “satisfying” standing right in front of his hotel windows, overlooking the busy railway station below . . . with the curtains still wide open!!!
He was soon quite excited though, so I was happy that we moved away from the windows and back on to the bed . . . for the sake of my modesty . . . and to rest my knees!
But in his excited state, No.14 wasn’t going to let me rest any other parts of my body as he slowly began to renew his explorations, and with lots of “different” kisses . . . and patient and fun persuasion . . . we were both soon locked in wonderful, passionate, and quite “energetic” embraces.
So energetic that he soon had me convulsing in another lovely, and exhausting, orgasm.
We’d been playing on the bed for so long . . . and after all that champagne earlier . . . that I was desperate for a widdle, so I hope you won’t mind that “Giggling Persuasion” ends rather abruptly as I had to dash off to the bathroom to relieve myself.
But there is still more fun to come from this wonderful evening . . . so Part Four (which I think I will call “Special Splashes”!!!) will be “coming soon”.
MakeLoveNotPorn.tv previewed “Day 2 – Starting Over” in their special Make Flourishing Love Not Porn edition as:
Modesty Ablaze had so much fun showing up at lover No. 14’s hotel suite wearing nothing but a trench coat, that she decided to do it all over again — this time with the added excitement of riding the train all the way there! Once en suite, Modesty quickly disrobes and No. 14 sets about doing what he does best — tying Modesty up and making her delirious with delight! Totally focused on Modesty’s pleasure, this video has the same charming banter we’ve come to enjoy from Modesty’s other videos with hubby and Lover No. 14. I just love how polite they all are while indulging in exhibitionism, bondage, and some intense #realworldorgasms!
You can view my introduction to “Giggling Persuasion” by clicking the preview screen at the top of this post . . . or from >here< . . . BUT, as always, if you register (it’s FREE) and watch the intro video directly from my MakeLoveNotPorn profile page there are some short Free Peek clips from the actual video itself at the end of my introduction. AND, no, it’s not like all those other video-sites! There are none of those horrid pop-up adverts and unwelcome invitations. MakeLoveNotPorn.tv is simply about other #realworld people just like you and me, celebrating-in, and sharing their sexuality, fun and love.
I urge you to view, and see for yourself, exactly what I mean.
There are lots more screen shots and Free Peek links to all of my #realworldsex videos, at my Make Love Not Porn page >here<. And much more on just why I love the whole concept of MLNP . . . and all of the other Real World People enjoying their own Real World Sex . . . from my “Why I Love Make Love Not Porn” introductory video (from March 2014) >here<.
“Giggling Persuasion” is my 53rd video released on Make Love Not Porn with more (much more) to come soon, and you can rent it from my Modesty Ablaze Profile page at MakeLoveNotPorn >here<.
It’s completely FREE to register at MLNP and I’m sure you will enjoy not just my fifty-three #realworldsex videos, but lots of other fun and amazing contributions from the growing MLNP community as well!!!

Xxx – K