Tag Archives: Women’s Sexuality

Modestly Released #Boobday Friday

As I mentioned a few weeks ago . . . I do love my White Lace.

But, after a long day at the office, it is so lovely to unclip and release myself!!!

  And I’m sure that when you visit Hyacinth’s Boobday Friday today, there will be lots more lovely boobies being released . . .

Boobday is a body-positive meme where women share images of their bodies in order to show that there is beauty in all of us.  With confidence comes power and with power comes confidence.

I totally, totally agree . . . and I’m sure you will LOVE seeing different and powerful boobs, this and every Friday, from clicking Hyacinth’s
lovely cleavage below!


Xxx – K


Filed under #boobday, Boobday Friday, sexual empowerment for women, womens Erotica

A Modest Profile #wickedwednesday

This week’s theme at Wicked Wednesday, is to compose one’s own Dating Profile. You know . . . for one of those on-line dating applications! So I thought I would add mine to Marie’s list, but it actually wasn’t as easy as I thought it might be! In fact it has taken me most of the day, and . . . being new to all of this, of course . . . I’m still not sure if I’ve done it correctly!

Shy, retiring, mature . . . and modest . . . wall-flower, seeks patient gentlemen for meaningful, long-term, relationships.
Must enjoy quiet, peaceful strolls in the countryside . . . or local parks . . . but equally be happy to accompany me on my travels around the city on public transport (buses and tube).
Must have own camera . . . and a keen and genuine interest in movies is essential!
Must be open-minded and willing to share!
A high tolerance to pain and discomfort would be advantageous!
The ability to maintain a well-stocked wine cellar is an absolute necessity!!!
The successful applicants will be required to undergo a rigorous interview process and, if successful in the first instance, will be subject to regular review and re-appraisal!!!

So . . . I’m sure I’ve missed something obvious and important . . . but do you think I might have many applicants?

Anyway, I’m sure I will be able to find more tips on successful Dating Profiles from clicking the button below!


Xxx – K

Oh and P.S. – Huge thanks to the lovely, lovely John Tisbury for taking my dating profile photo above!!!


Filed under Wicked Wednesday

Modest thoughts #eroticon 2017

I attended my first Eroticon in 2013 and had enjoyed it so much that I was positive I’d be there a year later. But that following year, and in fact every year since, fate had intervened and I’d always been abroad. So imagine my despair when the Eroticon 2017 dates were first announced, and I discovered it was on the same weekend as a very important, pre-planned family event.

But excuses were made, plans were changed, “disappointments” and awkward questions were dodged and diverted . . . as I was so determined to journey to Camden Town for at least one day!

And so I did . . . and I had such a lovely time!!!

I’m not a writer . . . and I don’t even consider modestyablaze to be a “blog” as such . . . but I just hope that my occasional posts will make anyone who comes across them smile, or perhaps even laugh a little . . .  because I always try to approach everything I do with a sense of fun and adventure.

And, with fun and adventure uppermost in my mind, the most important thing I got once again from Eroticon this year, is that sense of “community” . . . that feeling that there ARE actually so many other people out there who share similar sex-positive, body-positive values and one’s individual rights to choose (about everything!!!)

And so to my one day, the Saturday, at Eroticon . . .

Highlights? Well the whole day was a highlight, from Sarah Brynn Holliday’s session on “Blogging as Feminism and Social Justice” right through to the “Steel and Stilettos Fitness Masterclass” with the gorgeous JetSet Jasmine and King Noire (which I felt I just had to attend after the amazing array of luncheon options sponsored by Chaturbate).

And in-between . . . having previously giggled and laughed-in-agreement all the way through both of Girl On The Net’s two books, I giggled and laughed-in-agreement all the way through her wonderfully inspirational “Pitching 101: learn to sell your ideas”. (Whispered quote from Hubby halfway through GOTN’s presentation “she’s the only other woman, apart from you, I’ve ever heard that can say so many words without pausing for breath!”).

Oh . . . and I simply must mention the lovely Pixie and Andrew in their KinkCraft Workshop for their unwavering patience in instructing me how to make a collar, knot by knot. (Was I the last to finish???)

Oh . . . and browsing the wonderful sponsor stalls at break time. Meeting the entirely lovely William from Doxy (STILL the best . . . and more on that soon!!!), swooning over my new blue Dildo from Ceramic Pleasures, feeling the pulsing, tingling #QueenBee from HotOctopuss, and marvelling at all those sparkly coloured creations from Godemiche . . . and, of course, the very different and intriguing Ruby Glow.

And, as I said, experiencing that wonderful sense of “community” from the Friday evening “Meet and Greet”, and “Saturday Night Social” . . . and all the wonderfully friendly and inspirational people there.

If you were there, you will know what I mean . . . if you weren’t then book now for Eroticon 2018 !!!

This week’s theme at Marie’s Wicked Wednesday, is “Meetings” and I’m sure there will be many more “meetings” to attend from tapping the button below!


Xxx – K


Filed under Eroticon 2017, Wicked Wednesday

Planning our route to Eroticon 2017

“It’s Eroticon next week” I said to Hubby this morning during our morning stroll. “You know we could probably walk to Camden along the towpath”.

“Or maybe even hire a canal boat . . . it’s only two or three locks away.”

“But you would need to put that bloody camera away and help me with these
heavy lock gates!!!”

“And look there’s some lovely little tunnels and bridges we’d travel under.”

“Shall we knock on one of the windows and ask if they do weekend charters?”

“Oh I suppose you are right . . . we probably have left it a bit too late to find a mooring space now. Perhaps it would be easier to take the tube or catch a bus
or cycle there on our bikes . . . or maybe even just walk there.”

But, in the meantime . . . to get myself in the mood . . . I think I’ll just stroll over to this week’s Sinful Sunday from the lips below!

Sinful SundayXxx – K

P.S. We had such a lovely stroll this morning and I hope it will be added to the “Lock” category at Jades Scavenger Hunt pages. And don’t forget, there are lots of my other Scavenger Hunt journeys at
my Scavenger Listings page . . . and now over 90 different locations on
my Scavenger Slideshow page as well!!!   

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxxx – K


Filed under Eroticon 2017, Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday

From Bottom to Top #Boobday Friday

I had lots of fun posing for my Wicked Wednesday on Valentine’s night . . . but those little hearts just got EVERYWHERE !!!

But if you nip-on-over to Hyacinth’s today, I am sure there will be more boobalicious nipples on display, because as she says . . .

Boobday is a body-positive meme where women share images of their bodies in order to show that there is beauty in all of us.  With confidence comes power and with power comes confidence.

I totally, totally agree . . . and I’m sure you will LOVE seeing different and powerful boobs, this and every Friday, from clicking Hyacinth’s
lovely cleavage below!


Xxx – K

1 Comment

Filed under #boobday, Boobday Friday

Modesty Catches a Bus #sinfulsunday

We’ve all done it haven’t we? Moaned about waiting for a bus in the cold and damp . . . especially when one has an important appointment to keep!

But actually once inside, London Buses are usually very warm and stuffy.

And I often feel like removing my coat so as not to become too
hot and bothered!

And do you find you can’t help but listen-in to other passengers conversations? Whilst trying to look nonchalant and innocent of course!!!

Anyway, the bus is coming-up for my stop . . . so I always make sure I’ve gathered up my scarf and handbag!

And as I stand-up to get off, I always take heed of the signs and look carefully around me in case I feel I have to report something unusual that
I’ve seen on my journey.

It was quite an uneventful bus trip on this occasion, but it’s quite likely that you will find some unusual sights this Sinful Sunday when you push the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

P.S. Just before I rush off to that appointment I’m hoping my commute this morning will qualify for the “Bus” category at Jades Scavenger Hunt pages. And don’t forget, there are lots of my other Scavenger Hunt journeys at
my Scavenger Listings page . . . and now over 90 different locations on
my Scavenger Slideshow page as well!!!   

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday

Modestly Lounging #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze Lounging – 1982

This week’s theme on this Sinful Sunday is “Minimalist – a moment in time, or an artistic perspective, with simplicity and grace”.

Well, I’m not sure about the “grace” . . . and I clearly hadn’t yet discovered waxing . . . but this photo from my #polaroidspast collection, brings back lovely memories from a moment in time in 1982.

For more moments in time, and probably far more artistic perspectives this Sinful Sunday, just kiss the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Modesty Ablaze in Polaroids Past
Be Proud of Who You Were . . . and Be Proud of Who
You Have Become!

Xxx – K


Filed under #polaroidspast, Polaroids Past, Sinful Sunday

Modesty’s High Tea #Boobday Friday

One expects to be served tea and breakfast in bed every morning . . . in fact
I insist upon it!

And, whilst most take “High Tea” in the afternoon or early evening, I prefer mine to start the day.

After all, afternoon’s and evening’s are for a glass of wine . . . or two . . .
aren’t they? And for visiting Hyacinth’s, Boobday Friday whilst I tipple,
because as she says . . .

Boobday is a body-positive meme where women share images of their bodies in order to show that there is beauty in all of us.  With confidence comes power and with power comes confidence.

I totally, totally agree . . . and I’m sure you will LOVE seeing different boobs this, and every, Friday from clicking Hyacinth’s lovely cleavage below!


Xxx – K


Filed under #boobday, Boobday Friday, sexual empowerment for women, womens Erotica

Modesty Highlights @EroticonUK #wickedwednesday

At Eroticon March 2013.

January marked the fifth year of my blog pages here at modestyablaze.com
. . . so it seems only fitting to celebrate my 5th anniversary as part of this week’s Wicked Wednesday theme of “Highlights”.

Especially as early next month (March 4th and 5th) the Eroticon UK conference takes place here in London.

Because attending my first Eroticon back in 2013 was not only a highlight of the past five years, but one of the contributing factors in encouraging me to develop and continue my on-line adventures as Modesty Ablaze.

Up until that point I’d been a shy (modest) wallflower, occasionally posting excerpts from my “lifestyle” diary archives, curious . . . and cautious . . . and wanting to learn more!

Attending that conference not only changed Modesty Ablaze . . . but was empowering and motivational personally on so many different levels as well. Meeting like-minded people, with so many different experiences and adventures, and with such a sharing sense of “community” was simply wonderful.

It was at Eroticon that I learnt about the wondrously fun Scavenger Hunt, discovered Yes, (the world’s greatest lubricant), saw the brilliantly creative photography of John Tisbury, and viewed and listened in awe to an inspirational video-link-address by Cindy Gallop and her amazing #realworldsex vision of MakeLoveNotPorn.

And of course . . . meeting so many wonderfully open and welcoming . . . fellow attendees, (as I mentioned in my post-Eroticon 13 post from March 2013).

So it truly was a highlight of my years as Modesty Ablaze !!!

Now, I’ve . . . rather inconveniently . . . been abroad on vacation on every occasion Eroticon has been held since that first visit. So I am SO looking forward to attending once again this year.

Oh, and – I’m still rather shy of course . . . so if you should see me there . . . please come-up and say hello, because I’d love to hear all about your experiences and highlights too !!!

And if you tap on the lovely Marie’s Wicked Wednesday button below, you’re sure to discover Highlights from other people . . . some of whom I look forward to meeting at EroticonUK 2017!


Xxx – K


Filed under EroticonUK, Wicked Wednesday

A Modest Shirt #Boobday Friday

I don’t know about you, but I find something quite sexy about slipping
into someone else’s shirt!

And this morning I’m even tempted to wear it into the office . . . buttoned-up
of course!

But I rather suspect there will be lots of unbuttoned shirts and blouses at Hyacinth’s, Boobday Friday today, because as she says . . .

Boobday is a body-positive meme where women share images of their bodies in order to show that there is beauty in all of us.  With confidence comes power and with power comes confidence.

I totally, totally agree . . . and I’m sure you will LOVE seeing different boobs this, and every, Friday from clicking Hyacinth’s lovely cleavage below!


Xxx – K

1 Comment

Filed under #boobday, Boobday Friday