Tag Archives: Women’s Sexuality

A Modest Fan #Boobday Friday

Oh . . . it has been very Hot here this morning . . . in more ways than one!!!
And I’m not actually sure if this fan will cool me down very much. But I thought it might be nice to share my fanning here at Boobday Friday.

Because as Hyacinth says . . .

Boobday is a body-positive meme where women share images of their bodies in order to show that there is beauty in all of us.  With confidence comes power and with power comes confidence.

And you will be able to view more different and powerful boobs, this and every Friday, from clicking Hyacinth’s lovely cleavage below!


Xxx – K


Filed under #boobday, Boobday Friday

The Only Way #sinfulsunday

Our day-to-day life seems to impose all sorts of different directions and challenges doesn’t it?

But I always try to say . . . to myself and anyone else who might want to listen . . . the only way is the FUN way!!!

Fun . . . and ok I will admit . . . quite often sinful as well!!!

But sinful should really be fun too . . . which I’m sure you will discover if you gently tap on the Sinful Sunday lips below!

Sinful SundayXxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday, womens Erotica

Modest Pearls #Boobday Friday

There is a story behind this necklace . . . but that is for another, (sinful???), day. In the meantime though, I thought I would share my Pearl Necklace here
today at Boobday Friday.

Because as Hyacinth says . . .

Boobday is a body-positive meme where women share images of their bodies in order to show that there is beauty in all of us.  With confidence comes power and with power comes confidence.

And you will be able to view more different and powerful boobs, this and every Friday, from clicking Hyacinth’s lovely cleavage below!


Xxx – K


Filed under #boobday, Boobday Friday

Modest Bathtime #wickedwednesday

As I mentioned in my Bubbles Boobday two weeks ago, I do so love some indulgent, relaxing . . . and bubbly bathtime! Especially when there is a really . . . really . . . powerful jet-tap to play with.

And . . . as I’m sure you can imagine . . . I just loved letting it pulse all over every bit of me. Before just collapsing back to soak-up those lovely bubbles.

You can dip-into lots more Bubbles at this week’s Wicked Wednesday from tapping at the button below!


Xxx – K


Filed under sexual empowerment for women, Wicked Wednesday, womens Erotica

A Modest Tease #Boobday Friday

It’s fun to tease occasionally isn’t it . . . and feeling fun and slightly naughty this morning, I just couldn’t help myself!!!

And there are sure to be more teasing glimpses at this week’s Boobday Friday
. . . because as Hyacinth says . . .

Boobday is a body-positive meme where women share images of their bodies in order to show that there is beauty in all of us.  With confidence comes power and with power comes confidence.

And you will be able to view more different and powerful boobs, this and every Friday, from clicking Hyacinth’s lovely cleavage below!


Xxx – K

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Filed under #boobday, Boobday Friday

Top 50 Sex-Positive Websites @Lubezilla

It’s always nice when people say lovely things about you . . . and it was especially nice for me recently to be mentioned in Lubezilla’s “Top 50 Sex-Positive Websites listings.

Because . . . as I’ve said before . . . the over-riding reason for me posting here as Modesty Ablaze, has always been to encourage people to make their lives and experiences “fun and natural and sharing”. Not to suppress, or feel guilty about one’s sexual thoughts and desires, but rather to celebrate and enjoy those feelings and express and share them within their own relationships, and their own everyday emotions.

I always feel that, as in every aspect of our lives, sharing smiles and laughter,
and embracing all of our emotions and passions, makes all of us better people. Not just ourselves . . . but those around us, and who may come in contact with us, whether it be in person . . . or by stumbling across these pages in the wider world beyond.

This is not to belittle all those important issues of sexual equality and education and dispelling prejudice, but there are many Lifestyle Bloggers (I prefer that term to that of just “Sex Bloggers”) far more eloquent than I, and much better than I, at addressing and discussing all of those subjects.

But for me, if I can just make people giggle for a few minutes, or perhaps embolden people (through myPolaroids Past pages) to accept that we all change as we “mature” and that we should just embrace those changes and be proud of who we are, where we have come from, and all the fun and good times we have all achieved along the way . . . then I will be happier too.

And I know you will find lots more like-minded people as you scroll through Lubezilla’s wonderful list, who will inspire and motivate you . . . I urge you to click the link below, and have lots of fun exploring!!!


Top 50 Sex-Positive Websites

NB: Thank you, as always, to the lovely John Tisbury (see my sidebar!!)
for taking my photo above!

Xxx – K

1 Comment

Filed under @Lubezilla, #polaroidspast, Modesty Ablaze Sex Toy & Product Reviews, Polaroids Past, sexual empowerment for women, womens Erotica

Modesty Ablaze “Rope Panties Pt.2” #realworldsex film @makelovenotporn

One of the nicest things about sharing one’s #realworldsex videos at Make Love Not Porn, is receiving all the lovely messages and feedback from people saying how much they enjoy them.

And . . . not only enjoy them . . . but also telling me that my videos have helped enliven and expand their own sex lives and relationships . . . and made them feel much more at ease about expressing their own sexuality. One shouldn’t feel guilty about sexual preferences or desires . . . as long as they are fun, inclusive . . . and completely consensual.

And . . . of course . . . it’s also nice to receive comments and requests for more of one particular video.

So . . . to fulfill several requests for more “Rope Play” fun . . . I’m delighted to introduce a “Part 2” of my recent Rope Panties video with Lover No. 14.

And yes, those lovely panties that Lover 14 had made for me in Part One . . . were eventually and slowly pulled off me . . . only for him to decide that he wanted to do some more rope work. This time in the form of a Star-Design
Bikini Top . . . .

But of course his rope play never just ends with knots and ties . . and No. 14 soon had me giggling and gasping . . . especially as he found some very creative uses for my Doxy Massager . . . including some tickling massaging whilst I was laid on my tummy, and then, even some teasing pulsing whilst having me stand to attention in front of him. All ending, as I’m sure you can imagine, in giggling, tingling and convulsing orgasms one after the other.

If you can’t imagine it . . . well . . . you will just have to watch it won’t you ? . . . I’m sure you’ll soon be giggling along with me. And hopefully tingling too !!!

MakeLoveNotPorn.tv previewed “Rope Panties Part 2” with Lover No.14,  in their Make Sexy Playtime Love Not Porn edition as:

You can never go wrong with a Modesty Ablaze video! From giggles and playful banter to a seemingly never ending stream of orgasms, her #realworldsex will introduce you to new techniques, help you let your guard down, and ultimately, leave you basking in the glory of a fantastically liberated 50 year old woman (who also happens to be a mother, too)!

I know I always say that my latest #realworldsex video is my new favourite
but I can honestly say that this evening was truly one of my most enjoyable and spontaneously wonderful times I’ve ever enjoyed . . . so I hope you will enjoy and laugh and giggle along with me.

And . . . don’t forget . . . If you watch this introductory video from my profile page at Make Love Not Porn Dot TV – it continues with some free peek clips from Rope Panties Part 2 itself.

It’s free to register at Make Love Not Porn . . . where you will find lots more videos from like-minded people . . . all sharing their own Real World Sex fun and good times.

And “Rope Panties Part Two” is all of those things all over, and over, again . . . and I hope you will enjoy, and giggle-along with us!!!

You can view my introduction to “Rope Panties Part Two” by clicking the preview screen at the top of this post . . . or from >here< . . . BUT, as always, if you register (it’s FREE) and watch the intro video directly from my MakeLoveNotPorn profile page there are some short Free Peek clips from the actual video itself at the end of my introduction. AND, no it’s not like all those other video-sites! There are none of those horrid pop-up adverts and unwelcome invitations. MakeLoveNotPorn.tv is simply about other #realworld people just like you and me, celebrating-in, and sharing their sexuality, fun and love.

I urge you to view, and see for yourself, exactly what I mean).

There are lots more screen shots and Free Peek links to all of my #realworldsex videos, at my Make Love Not Porn page >here<. And much more on just why I love the whole concept of MLNP . . . and all of the other Real World People enjoying their own Real World Sex . . . from my “Why I Love Make Love Not Porn” introductory video (from March 2014) >here<.

“Rope Panties Part Two”  is my 37th video released on Make Love Not Porn and you can rent it from my Modesty Ablaze Profile page at MakeLoveNotPorn >here<.

It’s completely FREE to register at MLNP and I’m sure you will enjoy not just my thirty-seven #realworldsex videos, but lots of other fun and amazing contributions from the growing MLNP community as well!!!

Make Love Not Porn

Xxx – K


Filed under #afterrealworldsexselfies, #realworldsex at MLNP.tv, Make Love Not Porn, sexual empowerment for women, womens Erotica

Modestly Into Temptation . . . #sinfulsunday

Eve said to Adam . . . “an apple a day???”

And, Adam replied . . . ???

For more tempting, tempestuousness this Sinful Sunday,
Eve would probably have suggested taking a bite from the lips below!

Sinful SundayXxx – K


Filed under sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday, womens Erotica

A Modest Shower #Boobday Friday

I always believe in starting the day with a nice, invigorating, shower . . . especially if one is preparing for a very special day ahead!

And this lovely shower in our wonderful hotel for our weekend away,
actually gave me lots and lots of fun . . . in more ways than one!!!

But just before I get too steamed-up remembering those “more ways than one”,
I think it’s probably best if you follow me across to this week’s Boobday Friday for some calming distractions . . . because as Hyacinth says . . .

Boobday is a body-positive meme where women share images of their bodies in order to show that there is beauty in all of us.  With confidence comes power and with power comes confidence.

And you will be able to view more different and powerful boobs, this and every Friday, from clicking Hyacinth’s lovely cleavage below!


Xxx – K

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Filed under #boobday, Boobday Friday

Modestly Mown(s) #sinfulsunday

“You’ve already had one beating this weekend . . . so if you don’t want another
you’d better get out there and mow that lawn!” I told him!!!

“Well perhaps if you’d trimmed those edges properly like I told you to,
you wouldn’t have to worry about the neighbours hearing your moans!!!”

For more “outdoor” experiences this Sinful Sunday just tap the lips below!

Sinful SundayXxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday