Tag Archives: woman’s sexuality

Modesty Ablaze “Me-Time Teasing” #masturbationmay #realworldsex film @makelovenotporn

Modesty Abaze Introduces Me-Time Teasing

Re-published in May 2024, from my original post in 2018, as part of #MasturbationMay and MakeLoveNotPorn’s #metime #realworldsex celebration videos.

I recently contributed a post to the Food-For-Thought-Friday blog-site on the joys ofMe-Time fun.

So it was quite a co-incidence to discover that my favourite #realworldsex videos website MakeLoveNotPorn was also devoting an entire edition to “Me-Time self-loving” fun. And why not! After-all, it’s only natural and normal isn’t it?

I do already have a number of Me-Time videos on my MakeLoveNotPorn profile of course . . . but as one can never get enough, I thought it would be fun to add another.

And, as I mentioned in answer to one of the questions on the Food-For-Thought-Friday prompt . . . one’s mind is the most powerful stimulant of all . . . and different things, and different thoughts running through my head, often make me aroused and wanting to “Play”.

Modesty Ablaze Me Time Teasing 1And one of my most common fantasies is imagining that I’m putting on a little show for one of my lovers . . . where they may look, but mustn’t touch. I suppose it’s to do with my exhibitionistic tendencies, as I tease them with my panties, or one of my toys . . . and hope that they get just as excited by watching, as I get by indulging in my fantasy.

But as with any fantasy . . . or in fact, anything I do . . . it has to be fun to be enjoyable and fulfilling. And I hope you will find that this new “Me-Time-Fun” video is BOTH of those things.

You can view my introduction to “Me-Time Teasing” by clicking the preview screen at the top of this post . . . or from >here< . . . BUT, as always, if you register (it’s FREE) and watch the intro video directly from my MakeLoveNotPorn profile page there are some short Free Peek clips from the actual video itself at the end of my introduction. AND, no, it’s not like all those other video-sites! There are none of those horrid pop-up adverts and unwelcome invitations. MakeLoveNotPorn.tv is simply about other #realworld people just like you and me, celebrating-in, and sharing their sexuality, fun and love.

I urge you to view, and see for yourself, exactly what I mean.

Modesty Ablaze Me Time Teasing 2There are lots more screen shots and Free Peek links to all of my #realworldsex videos, at my Make Love Not Porn page >here<.

“Me-Time Teasing”  is my 57th video released on Make Love Not Porn with more to cum soon, and you can rent it from my Modesty Ablaze Profile page at MakeLoveNotPorn >here<.

It’s completely FREE to register at MLNP and I’m sure you will enjoy not just my fifty-seven #realworldsex videos, but lots of other fun and amazing contributions from the growing MLNP community as well!!!

Make Love Not Porn

P.s. If you’ve read my “Modestly Returning” post at the beginning of April 2024, you will know that most of my content here was lost, or corrupted, at the beginning of 2022. We are slowly working on re-instating that lost content, and repairing the broken links, so please bear with us. I hope this won’t dampen your enjoyment here.

Xxx – K

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Filed under #realworldsex at MLNP.tv, Body Positivity, Make Love Not Porn, Multiple Orgasms, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation

Modest Symmetry #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze Black Net TightsI do like things to be symmetrical . . . and for one to maintain a sense of balance in everything one does, don’t you think?

So . . . for more views on balance and symmetry this Sinful Sunday
just tap the lips below!Sinful SundayXxx- K


Filed under #sinfulsunday, Modesty’s Shoe Fetish, sexual empowerment for women, Sexy Lingerie, Sinful Sunday

Modesty Ablaze “Me-Time Teasing” #realworldsex film @makelovenotporn

Modesty Abaze Introduces Me-Time TeasingI recently contributed a post to the Food-For-Thought-Friday blog-site on the joys ofMe-Time fun.

So it was quite a co-incidence to discover that my favourite #realworldsex videos website MakeLoveNotPorn was also devoting an entire edition to “Me-Time self-loving” fun. And why not! After-all, it’s only natural and normal isn’t it?

I do already have a number of Me-Time videos on my MakeLoveNotPorn profile of course . . . but as one can never get enough, I thought it would be fun to add another.

And, as I mentioned in answer to one of the questions on the Food-For-Thought-Friday prompt . . . one’s mind is the most powerful stimulant of all . . . and different things, and different thoughts running through my head, often make me aroused and wanting to “Play”.

Modesty Ablaze Me Time Teasing 1And one of my most common fantasies is imagining that I’m putting on a little show for one of my lovers . . . where they may look, but mustn’t touch. I suppose it’s to do with my exhibitionistic tendencies, as I tease them with my panties, or one of my toys . . . and hope that they get just as excited by watching, as I get by indulging in my fantasy.

But as with any fantasy . . . or in fact, anything I do . . . it has to be fun to be enjoyable and fulfilling. And I hope you will find that this new “Me-Time-Fun” video is BOTH of those things.

You can view my introduction to “Me-Time Teasing” by clicking the preview screen at the top of this post . . . or from >here< . . . BUT, as always, if you register (it’s FREE) and watch the intro video directly from my MakeLoveNotPorn profile page there are some short Free Peek clips from the actual video itself at the end of my introduction. AND, no, it’s not like all those other video-sites! There are none of those horrid pop-up adverts and unwelcome invitations. MakeLoveNotPorn.tv is simply about other #realworld people just like you and me, celebrating-in, and sharing their sexuality, fun and love.

I urge you to view, and see for yourself, exactly what I mean.

Modesty Ablaze Me Time Teasing 2There are lots more screen shots and Free Peek links to all of my #realworldsex videos, at my Make Love Not Porn page >here<.

“Me-Time Teasing”  is my 57th video released on Make Love Not Porn with more to cum soon, and you can rent it from my Modesty Ablaze Profile page at MakeLoveNotPorn >here<.

It’s completely FREE to register at MLNP and I’m sure you will enjoy not just my fifty-seven #realworldsex videos, but lots of other fun and amazing contributions from the growing MLNP community as well!!!

Make Love Not Porn

Xxx – K

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Filed under #realworldsex at MLNP.tv, Body Positivity, Make Love Not Porn, Multiple Orgasms, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation

Modestly Buttoned #Boobday Friday

Ooohh . . . it just seems to be getting more and more difficult to get out of bed
in the mornings lately!

I refuse to accept it being an age thing! . . . Perhaps it’s the long winter we
seem to be having?

Anyway, I find that pushing a few of my favourite buttons does seem to help
to get the blood circulating!!!

And I’m sure there will be lots of other buttons circulating at
this week’s Boobday Friday.

Boobday is a body-positive meme where women share images of their bodies in order to show that there is beauty in all of us.  With confidence comes power and with power comes confidence.

Be sure to visit . . . and why not join-in . . .  Boobday sharing, this and every Friday, by clicking on Hyacinth’s lovely cleavage below!


Xxx – K

1 Comment

Filed under @SatisfyerCOM, #boobday, Body Positivity, Boobday Friday, sexual empowerment for women

A Modest Stretch #Boobday Friday

Don’t you find that a low-ceiling tends to make things more . . . intimate?

Well I know I certainly did during our very decadent long-weekend . . .
during which quite a lot of “stretching” was enjoyed!!!

So I thought I would share one of them here at this week’s Boobday Friday.

Boobday is a body-positive meme where women share images of their bodies in order to show that there is beauty in all of us.  With confidence comes power and with power comes confidence.

Be sure to visit . . . and why not join-in . . .  Boobday sharing, this and every Friday, by clicking on Hyacinth’s lovely cleavage below!


Xxx – K


Filed under #boobday, Body Positivity, Boobday Friday, Hotwives, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, womens Erotica

Modest Sculptures #Boobday Friday

As I mentioned several #Boobday Fridays ago, I do like to set Hubby specific tasks whilst we are on holiday. Just to keep his mind from wandering! It helps with his concentration and mindfulness . . . and also with his patience. (Though he wasn’t always able to maintain that as much as I would have liked!)

And I’m sure there will be even more tests of his concentration and patience at today’s Boobday Friday. Because as Hyacinth says . . .

Boobday is a body-positive meme where women share images of their bodies in order to show that there is beauty in all of us.  With confidence comes power and with power comes confidence.

And you will be able to view more different and powerful boobs, this and every Friday, from clicking Hyacinth’s lovely cleavage below!


Xxx – K


Filed under #boobday, Boobday Friday

More Than Just the Sex: 5 Reasons Why Younger Men & Older Women Are the Perfect Match

If you have visited me here occasionally before, you will know how much fun I have in my regular evenings with one of my younger lovers.

So my curiousity . . .  and attention . . . was immediately drawn by the “More Than Just the Sex: 5 Reasons Why Younger Men & Older Women Are the Perfect Match” article I was recently sent (see below), and which I find myself nodding along in agreement to, as I read. Not to mention becoming aroused all over again at so many pleasant memories!

Well, okay, it is partially about the sex.

Times, are changing. LGBTQ rights are making progress and younger women are dating men on television. Consider Alicia Florrick’s one-night stand with her campaign manager (gasp, a double-whammy) from the ever popular legal drama, “The Good Wife”.

For the rest of us mid-life mortals still biting our lips every time a pretty young (male) thing walks by, you hereby have scientific and actual permission to go after what you want.

Or, at least, 5 reasons worth considering, if satisfaction and happiness are something you’ve been taught to just deny, deny, deny.

But, everyone needs to start somewhere.

  1. Lasting Longer
    For all you newbies and monogamy converts, there’s something in it for you: those dates and encounters that start casually between an older women and younger man are much more likely to end up turning into a lasting relationship. While “4ever” may not be quite forever, there’s a greater chance, according to studies for the symbiotic affinity younger men have for older women to transform the connection into a long-term relationship.
  2. Millennial Men Are Setting a New Standard
    It’s not just women’s social status, attitudes and expectations that are changing alongside their newfound power and professionalism. It’s also the status of younger guys. There is a lot more flexibility and younger men are more likely to be “open-minded” – and this doesn’t only have to do with their youth. It’s also because millennials, as a group, tend to be more self-reliant, highly educated and entrepreneurial. So if she’s dating a millennial man, he’s more like “young money”.
  3. The Tables Have Turned
    Usually, older women who date younger men are painted as desperate to cling on to a notion of youth that’s long passed them. Or else, they’re just closet-dominatrixes. After all, popular culture has a Maddona-Whore complex in the age of the 2010s for a reason, okay? But, now, it’s younger men who are actively attracted to older women, specifically singling them out as potential dating material – and are more than willing to take commitment to the next level with them. And it’s not because they have mommy issues, either. It’s because older women in this day and age tend to be financially and emotionally stable.
  4. Baggage Check – It’s no secret: older men tend to have baggage – and masks for hiding the baggage. The baggage is usually a couple of (failed) marriages, losses in life, emotional stagnation, teenagers and alimony. And their masks have been perfected over a century. Younger guys are not only less likely to have accumulated these fodder-for-a-therapist issues, they’re also less likely to internalize them so deeply or have it affect them as intensely as older men. Seriously though, younger guys have a greater tendency to roll with the punches – for now. So make hay while the sunshines.
  1. Older Women Make Younger Men Feel…Sexy! Another myth we’re turning inside out, folks: it’s actually younger men who end up feeling way sexier in a relationship with older women. See, older women who are confident enough are confident enough to go for younger guys. They don’t need a man, they want a man. They’ve lived with their beautiful bodies for long enough to know what they’re capable of, what their best features are and why they should respect themselves. Which means they’re more willing and able to tell their younger male counterparts how sexy they find their bodies, or their minds, or their voices. It’s often the younger man that will blush and feel shy and yet delighted at the genuine attention and care an older woman showers him with.

What’s the Big Deal, Anyway?

As an older woman, you’re likely to encounter many “boy toy” comments. And they’ll mostly come from other older men or (particularly judgemental) younger women. This happens because these groups feel threatened.

So consider this spin: you’re so in charge of your own desires, it actually threatens others who secretly want what you want but are “too afraid”  to go and get it.

Let that really sit for a moment. Now, if you’re feeling more mischievous and inspired than ever before, head online to Milf Area, gather a few close girlfriends and head to a local clubbing event dressed to the nines or chat up that cutie in the gym.

After all, what is that all those younger guys are saying?
“YOLO”: You only live once, right?

I am so happy to enter into such a fun collaboration with Milf Area because . . . as I mentioned in my opening paragraph . . .  I find myself nodding along in agreement with much of the above. With the rider of course that, as with ANY relationship, the key factor should always be open and honest communication between both (or in my case, all) parties involved. For as long as one’s desires, intentions and expectations are clear good, and fun things, normally happen!!!

Xxx – K   


Filed under Erotica On-line, Hotwives, MILF Area, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Swinging, womens Erotica

A Modest Kneed #sinfulsunday

Sometimes . . . when one’s submissives have purposefully, and willfully, misbehaved . . . there is nothing else for it but a firm, over-the-knee spanking!!!

And, once I’ve finished here, I shall visit this week’s Sinful Sunday, from smacking the lips below, to check-out everyone else’s needs and desires.
Though only . . . as I say . . . once I’ve finished here!

Sinful SundayXxx – K


Filed under Female Dominatrix, Mistress Modesty Ablaze, sexual empowerment for women, Sinful Sunday, womens Erotica

Modest Domination #sinfulsunday

After a busy few weeks it was fun to get out and do some flex-ing again!!!

Which rather fits in with the “D” theme at  Sinful Sunday this week, where I’m sure you will find lots more Dominant flexing by slapping on the lips below!

Sinful SundayXxx – K


Filed under BDSM fun, Female Dominatrix, Mistress Modesty Ablaze, Sinful Sunday

Summer Dresses #Boobday Friday

It seems that summer has arrived with high temperatures forecast for the next few days . . . so I’m bringing out my Summer Dresses this morning . . . and thinking about some summer fun to come!

I haven’t quite made my mind up just yet . . . but I am liking the feel of this one
. . . nice and cool and breezy I think!!!

But I shall take a look at this week’s Boobday Friday for some further inspiration . . . because as Hyacinth says . . .

Boobday is a body-positive meme where women share images of their bodies in order to show that there is beauty in all of us.  With confidence comes power and with power comes confidence.

And you will be able to view more different and powerful boobs, this and every Friday, from clicking Hyacinth’s lovely cleavage below!


Xxx – K


Filed under #boobday, Boobday Friday