Tag Archives: Wicked Wednesday

Completely Naked #wickedwednesday

So . . . no, I haven’t forgotten to include a photo this Wicked Wednesday . . . I’m going completely naked today, because this week’s theme is “Skin”.

Normally, my posts here, are all about making light of things. Trying not to
take anything too seriously, trying to bring some fun out of normal, everyday . . . or even not so everyday . . . situations.

But I hope that people can sometimes, even if only occasionally, pick-up on the more serious side to my postings here too.

Which is . . . that I really do feel we should all try to be more accepting, and more comfortable, in our own skin.

I know that is easier said than done. We all have self-doubts and bouts of low self-esteem, particularly when it comes to our body shape and size.

We all worry about the lines and sags, the wrinkles and the spreads. And we are all still . . . it seems to me . . . constantly reminded by mainstream media that the young, slim and beautiful, are bound to have more fun and be more successful in their lives and relationships.

And for many years I know I felt those pressures and worries as well. It seems ingrained within us, part of our upbringing, part of who we should aspire to be,
rather than who we actually are.

Now there are many others who have written . . . and are still writing . . . far more eloquently than I could on challenging those mainstream views.

But as the years have passed . . . and through enjoying and sharing lovely experiences with so many wonderful people that I’ve been fortunate enough to meet . . . it’s become ever easier to shrug-off those worries and self-doubts.

To have the freedom to live, and enjoy life, as I really want to.

And, by doing so, I always hope that those around me can feel and enjoy and share that freedom too.

So . . . through all the postings, and pictures, the exhibitionism and making fun of myself and my situations here . . . I always hope that this tiny, tiny part of the internet exudes huge, huge waves of body-positivity and learning to be confident in one’s own skin !!!

For more “Skin-Care” this Wicked Wednesday, gently stroke
the rainbow-coloured button below.


Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #wickedwednesday, Body Positivity, Polaroids Past, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Wicked Wednesday

Modestly Why ? @F4TFriday

Modesty Ablaze on the Rocks

This week’s theme at Food 4 Thought Friday asks “The Why of Blogging” and in particular, “What is it that compels you to write?”

I have posted before . . . in July 2014 actually . . . on how Modesty Ablaze first came about in my Past, Present and Why I Blog” Wicked Wednesday post. But as to the how’s and why’s of continuing to post???

Well . . . I suppose it is partly because my pages here allow me to indulge my exhibitionist streak . . . though in “real life” I am actually quite shy and reserved.

But it is also because, despite often worrying that people will surely get bored with my constant “holiday snaps”, I do get so many emails from people asking for more.

No I don’t mean, just asking for more naked photos . . . I mean asking more about my lifestyle, my “kinks”, my experiences . . . and my thoughts on all sorts of relationship or personal issues.

And I often feel guilty that I just can’t seem to find the time these days, to answer all of those messages personally.

So . . . being a more “visual” person, rather than being able to easily communicate my thoughts in words . . . I hope that my occasional photo-posts here express my core belief that above all else, we should always be true to ourselves . . . and always be just who we want to be !!!

And so that is what “compels” me to keep posting . . . as often as time allows . . . here at Modesty Ablaze.

For more Core beliefs, at this week’s Wicked Wednesday, and more Why’s
at Food For Thought Friday simply click on the buttons below.


Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #FoodForThoughtFriday, #wickedwednesday, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Food For Thought, Nude in Public, Public Nudity, sexual empowerment for women, Wicked Wednesday

Modest Holiday Panty Rituals

I don’t actually wear Panties on holiday . . . in fact for most of my vacation,
as you may have noticed . . . I don’t wear very much at all !!!

But there is, quite surprisingly, a wonderful shop in the main town which always seems to have an amazing collection of, very very cheap, sexy Panties.
I’m not sure how “authentic” some of the brand-labelling is, but they always seem nicely made, and fun to wear!

So, it has become a holiday ritual every year to journey into town to browse through the new range, and stock-up on supplies.

I immediately wash them, of course, before packing them away in my suitcase to bring home, because . . . one must always wash, and dry, new knickers before wearing for the first time, don’t you agree?

This weeks theme at Wicked Wednesday is “Authentic” . . . whilst over at Food For Thought Friday it is “Rituals” . . . and you can read more on both topics by clicking on the buttons below.


Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #FoodForThoughtFriday, #wickedwednesday, Food For Thought, sexual empowerment for women, Sexy Lingerie, Wicked Wednesday

A Modest Smile at #F4TFriday #wickedwednesday

Modesty Ablaze on her favourite Stairs

I recently used another photo from this evening on my Grecian Stairs No.7 post. But that photo was at the end of the evening on the way down my favourite, lucky, stairs . . . whilst this photo was from earlier . . . on my way up.

And, as this week’s theme at Wicked Wednesday is “Luck” and the theme over at Food For Thought Friday asks us what words, or phrase, we would choose to live by, I thought this picture was rather fitting for both.

Because I do feel that if you are lucky enough to find something in life you really really enjoy, then you must do all you can to hold onto, and cherish it.

And, of course, always try to remember that “When You Smile, The Whole World Smiles With You” . . . because a smile is so easy to share, and for me at least, so lovely to receive!!!

For more thoughts on “Luck” and “Words To Live By”, just click
on the two buttons below!


Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #FoodForThoughtFriday, Body Positivity, Nude in Public, Sexual liberation, Wicked Wednesday

A Modest Retreat #wickedwednesday

Modesty Ablaze Greece 1982
Modesty Ablaze – Greece – 1982

Thirty-seven years ago Hubby and I embarked on our very first holiday together
. . . island hopping in Greece. With sunglasses, sun tan lotion, a shared backpack . . . and very little-else.

This was, of course, long before emails and mobile phones . . . (but obviously not Polaroid cameras as Hubby insisted on taking his !!!)

That holiday marked a lasting love-affair with the Mediterranean which continued every summer after that first adventure, searching yet more lovely islands to enjoy.

Then, seven years ago, we found an island which we loved so much, we decided to return the following summer . . . and we’ve returned every summer since!

With each passing year we wonder if we will get bored, and decide not to return. But in fact it actually seems to get harder and harder to leave each time we stroll along that beach . . .our beach. . . and sink our toes into the sand and feel that sun on our backs (and our fronts!!!)

So, if an island get-away, could be called “A Retreat”, then this island is certainly ours!!!

Modesty Ablaze Greece Beach 2019
Modesty Ablaze – Greece – 2019

For more Retreat discoveries, explore this week’s Wicked Wednesday,
by clicking on the button below !!!

Modesty Ablaze in Polaroids Past

Be Proud of Who You Were . . . and Be Proud of Who
You Have Become!

Join me at #polaroidspast

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #polaroidspast, Body Positivity, Nude in Public, Polaroids Past, Public Nudity, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Wicked Wednesday

A Modest Pleasure #wickedwednesday

Modesty Ablaze Bamboo Shower

When the heat is at it’s peak on the beach, it’s such a lovely Pleasure to hop across the hot sand to the shade of the bamboo grove . . . and the cooling waters of the natural spring that trickles down from the hill above!

For more lovely Pleasures visit this week’s Wicked Wednesday,
by clicking on the button below !!!


Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under Body Positivity, Nude in Public, Public Nudity, Scavenger Hunt, Wicked Wednesday

Modestly Wondering #wickedwednesday

Modesty Ablaze Beach Nude

Sometimes . . . just for a moment . . . I wonder if I would get bored if every day was just like this?

Just for a moment !!!

For more wondering moments at this week’s Wicked Wednesday,
simply tap on the button below !!!


Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under Body Positivity, Nude in Public, Public Nudity, sexual empowerment for women, Wicked Wednesday

Modestly Swinging #KOTW #wickedwednesday

Modesty Ablaze Swinging

My earliest experience of swinging was over 30 years ago, shortly after our marriage had blossomed into our “open relationship” fun as a consequence of my The More I Have experience.

I’d told Hubby of my curiosity about Swinging as part of our “as long as it’s fun for both of us” desires and fantasies. This was before the days of the internet of course, but we had come across details of a Private and Exclusive Swingers Club in one of the Sunday papers I believe.

It was held at a disco-type night club in Kensington and so Hubby and I, very nervously, decided to apply. I remember we sat in the car several streets away for almost an hour on that first night, trying to build-up the courage to go along and knock on the door.

The club itself was actually quite stylish, with a quiet upstairs bar and a larger dance floor area downstairs. The DJ alternated the lighting in sync with the music he was playing . . . so bright and flashing for the more upbeat songs, and darker and more subdued for the slower music. And once an hour I think, he would announce a “lights down” sequence of around 15 minutes when the lights went almost off completely!

We seemed to be the youngest couple there and despite being interested in some of the scanty outfits on display, I felt awkward and uncomfortable and not at all flattered, or tempted, by any of the couples that approached us. Everyone was polite and and quite friendly, but neither of us felt at-ease enough, nor aroused enough, to wish to engage in anything more than just polite replies or general conversation (when that was even possible above the music, at least downstairs). And I certainly didn’t want to stay on the dance floor when the lights went out!

We lasted three or four hours, before agreeing it just wasn’t for us. And that was the end of our “swingers clubs” experience . . . though not the end of our other fun! . . . for over 20 years.

But our other fun did continue to evolve. Firstly just me sharing the accounts of my “fun nights out” with Hubby when I returned home, (as chronicled in my Modesty Ablaze Diaries), into eventually inviting him along quite regularly to join-in with one of my particular lovers who was quite happy for three-some play-fun as well.

And it was those wonderful evenings that often had us talking again about re-visiting our Swingers experience. No, not at the same club . . . but 20 years on and searching on the internet . . . we found that there was one particular club within easy reach!

So . . . still nervous, but no longer having to sit in the car for an hour beforehand, we took the plunge and . . . over the coming months . . . got very wet!

So much so, that for the best part of that year, it became almost our regular Saturday night out.

The club itself was admittedly more tacky than our Kensington experience,
but . . . older and wiser . . . my own perceptions and expectations had changed so much, and we both felt much more at ease. The hosts were welcoming and laid-back, the clientele seemed much more of our own age, and the no-pressure atmosphere just made it a much easier and more natural-feeling experience.

We had the especially good fortune that our “meet and greet newcomers chaperone”, was a really gorgeous and lovely blonde lady that had both of us swooning. And although we just mingled and chatted, without indulging on that first night, she was the first reason we went back . . . and back . . . and back.

And it was here that we first met some really lovely, fun people, both couples and single-gentlemen . . . and experienced some amazingly fun playtimes with . . . some of whom we still see today. The photograph at the top of this post, which I have used on my pages here before, is a wonderful example of one of those special friendships that just keeps on keeping-on.

I do realise though that Swinging is not for everybody and my advice for anyone curious about making those first initial steps is . . . of course . . . to talk openly and honestly with one’s partner about every possible scenario or worry you may have, before you actually visit your first club or event. It’s just common-sense really . . . but, if something doesn’t feel comfortable then, obviously, just say “thank you, but not tonight”.

In my experience, people always understand that “no means no” and won’t take offence or keep on asking. And there will always be a member of staff you can speak to if you did feel under pressure or that you were the subject of unwanted attention.

At our “local”, most of the attendees are other couples, though they do allow entrance to a few “selected single males”. Occasionally single ladies do attend alone as well.

It’s often difficult when meeting and chatting with couples for the first time, for both partners of each couple to feel interest and attraction. So I am very lucky in that Hubby is often happy to take the role of voyeur without necessarily needing to participate fully. But there have still been occasions when he has said that “thank you, but not tonight”, before I have, on my behalf.

And that is the golden rule for us . . . if one or the other of us is not comfortable . . . chatting and polite conversation is as far as it will go. And that is the beauty of a club, it allows one to mingle and move around . . . and move on. Although we have visited a private party as opposed to a club, that has only been through people we have previously met in the club situation.

Some of my club, and party, experiences are mentioned in myUnmasked edition of “The Modesty Ablaze Diaries” and I do have aSwingers Club page . . . many of which I haven’t visited, so can’t vouch for personally or even be sure they are still current, but all have been mentioned to me in the past by “friends” or visitors to my pages here. So, if you have any recommendations of your own, please do let me know !!!

You can read . . . and share . . . more experiences and thoughts on “Swinging”
at the current KOTW from kissing the lips below.

Or from visiting this week’s Wicked Wednesday,
by clicking on the button below !!!


Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #KinkoftheWeek, Hotwives, Kink of the Week, Sexual liberation, Swinging, Wicked Wednesday

A Modest Fantasy #wickedwednesday

Modesty Ablaze Tisbury One June 2019

We all have dreams . . . dreams and fantasies . . . and you probably won’t be surprised to hear that, for as long as I can remember, mine have usually been of the erotic, or sexual, variety.

And I’ve been very lucky over the past three decades, to have been able to indulge in, and live-out, many of those fantasies in real life.

They haven’t all been as wildly successful or fulfilling as in my dreams of course
. . . but many of them have!

And certainly one of my earliest fantasies from my early teens, after reading magazine articles and gazing at steamy photos of glamorous and sexy starlets of stage and screen . . . or perhaps of a wilful “model” exposed after some scandalous liaison or “ménage à trois” . . . was that I dreamt of having photos
of my own. Just like that.

Scandalous, erotic, naughty . . . and unashamedly . . . sexy !!!

Well, life has a way of offering opportunities to explore one’s fantasies doesn’t it! And, as my modesty slowly smouldered and, gradually, blazed and . . . eventually . . . exploded into my pages here, suddenly I found myself in a situation where I was able to indulge in my “photo-shoot” fantasy from all those years ago.

It was at Eroticon 2013 . . . my first visit . . . “Oh look”, I said to Hubby “there’s a session on ‘Erotic Photography’ by a John Tisbury. I know your Polaroids are fun, but . . .”

We’d not heard of John before, but from the moment his first photo appeared on the screen behind him, I was transfixed. I wanted to ask him more as his session ended . . . but lost my nerve.

But later in the day, during one of the mid-session breaks, I noticed John pouring himself a coffee . . . so dragging Hubby across the room with me, I strode over to introduce myself . . . and ask if he did private commissions.

Taking Hubby (and myself) totally by surprise, I said to John “I’d like to book a session please . . . Hubby will treat me for my birthday. It’s a special one . . . no, not my 30th.”

So, some weeks later, we spent an absolutely lovely afternoon in John’s wonderful studio, fulfilling yet another of my fantasies! And I enjoyed every minute of it, and every single photo from the session. He really is the loveliest man, and most wonderful photographer one could ever wish to meet.

I felt instantly at ease in his company and absolutely thrilled with the results . . . and if any of you have ever had similar fantasies of indulging in an erotic photo-shoot of your own, I would suggest you visit John’s website and book a session. Right now . . . and I’m sure you will never regret it.

Modesty Ablaze Tisbury Two June 2019

It should be obvious, of course, that the photos above . . . and my Slideshow are from John’s session that day!!!

For more confessions and fantasies visit this week’s Wicked Wednesday, by clicking on the button below !!!


Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under Body Positivity, Eroticon 2013, Exhibitionism, Polaroids Past, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Wicked Wednesday

Modestly Twisted #wickedwednesday

Mistress Modesty twisting

“You are far too young to remember the dance” I giggled as my sub begged me to Twist ‘more and more please Mistress’ !!!

“Of course, it was well before my time too !!!” I laughed as I rotated further.
“But I do remember seeing people enjoying themselves on the television. Swivelling and Twisting their hips from side to side . . . much like you are doing right now. They all seemed to enjoy it as well”.

And I do seem to recall the song was sung by someone called Chubby . . .
quite appropriate really . . . don’t you think?”

For more “Twisted” thoughts this Wicked Wednesday, gently
twist the button below !!!


Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under Female Dominatrix, Mistress Modesty Ablaze, sexual empowerment for women, Wicked Wednesday