Tag Archives: Wicked Wednesday

A Modest Muse #wickedwednesday

“Look there’s another sofa left on the side of the road” Hubby said as we walked down the hill from the Taverna towards our apartment on the beach.

“Good, I need a rest-stop” I replied. “Even at this time of night, it’s still hot and sticky!” But just as I began to get comfortable . . . !!!

“What do you mean you didn’t hear it???” I hissed as the car, slowly, passed us by. “How could you not have seen it coming round the corner???”

“BECAUSE . . .” Hubby stammered “it’s such a tight bend, and I was looking through my camera. You didn’t hear it either! Did you!!!”

I eventually calmed down of course as we walked on, especially as Hubby promised another cocktail at the beach bar below.

But I’m sure there will be some much more relaxing and calming stories at
this week’s Wicked Wednesday theme of “muse”.
Just tap on the button below to enjoy.


Whilst it was a rather short rest-stop at the time, it is fun remembering
it now, and fun to add the experience to my
Abandoned Furniture  Exposé Vŭ pages here.

Xxx – K


Filed under Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vŭ, Wicked Wednesday

Modest Geography #wickedwednesday

My yearly reports at school were never very satisfactory. “Lacks concentration and attention to detail”. “Can’t seem to grasp the importance of punctuation”. Or, “Simple calculations seem challenging”.

But I did love Geography !!!

Dreaming about far-off and exotic places, deserted beaches, hot sun and feeling warm sand between my toes. And of course, strange and interesting rock formations!

So I am definitely looking forward to brushing-up on my Geography lessons at this week’s Wicked Wednesday by pushing on the button below!!!


Xxx – K


Filed under Nude in Public, sexual empowerment for women, Wicked Wednesday

A Modest Maze #wickedwednesday

“Well if they can find their way out, I’m sure we’ll be able to manage it!” Hubby said as we pondered the entrance to the Maze.

“Come on then” I said. “I suppose we could always use your GPS to find
our way around”.

“That would be cheating!” he said. “But we’d better get started, there’s another couple at the end of the path thinking about it as well I think”.

“Oh look, I’ve found that hole looking out that we noticed earlier!” I called out
as I walked down the first pathway.

“But these paths all look the same after a while don’t they!” I said as we
wandered on.

“Well, this one is a complete dead end. We’ll have to turn back in the direction we just came!”

“It must be that way” I exclaimed. “I can see the spire of a house in the distance!”

“See, I knew this was the right way out!” I grinned, feeling proud of myself at having led ourselves back to the main gardens. “Yes I know there’s lots of people around. I’m putting my dress back on, alright!!!”

And although we didn’t have to use any satellite navigation aids on our fun adventure, I understand there will be lots of texting . . . and sex-ting I’m sure . . . at this week’s Wicked Wednesday because this week’s theme is “Telephone”
. . . just dial below!!!


P.s. I’m hoping that my wandering around above will qualify for the “Maze” category at Jade’s wonderful and fun Scavenger Hunt pages!

Lots of my earlier Scavenger Hunts can be found at my Scavenger Listings page . . . and now over 100 different locations on my
Scavenger Slideshow page as well!!!   

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Wicked Wednesday

Building Sites Modestly Re-visited #wickedwednesday

This week’s theme at Marie’s Wicked Wednesday is all about memories . . . and it’s always fun when I am away on my holidays to remember, and re-visit, previous sites and excursions. Such as returning to several Building Sites we first visited last year, to check on their progress in the 12 months since.

So it was quite encouraging to see the beginnings of new work on what was just a series of rods sticking up here last summer.

And the work on the lower level round the corner was coming-on as well.

As some brickwork has clearly been added to what was entirely
open walls last year.

But then just further on down the hill . . . near one of our favourite little bars
. . . this site didn’t look to have changed at all.

Well, except for perhaps moving the cement-mixer from one side to the other.

I’m hoping that when we return in 2018, I will be able to report on more progress and development. It gives me something to look forward to.

But, in the meantime, there will be more looking forwards . . . and re-living fond memories . . . by tapping the button below!!!


And to help me remember to re-visit these same building sites next year,
I shall add them to my Exposé Vŭ pages here.

Xxx – K


Filed under Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vŭ, Public Nudity, Scavenger Hunt, Wicked Wednesday

Mirrored Memories #wickedwednesday

I’m not a great fan of mirrors . . . as I often don’t like what I see reflecting
back at me.

But this mirror inside the shower of our lovely hotel room earlier in the year, gave us lots of wicked and messy fun every evening. So this week’s theme of Mirrors at Wicked Wednesday rekindled wonderful memories of those naughty slippery and soapy times.

And there is sure to be many more mirrored memories and experiences to enjoy at Wicked Wednesday by rubbing the button below!!!


Xxx – K


Filed under Wicked Wednesday

Modestly Driven to Distraction #wickedwednesday

One must always remember the most important rules of the road
whilst out driving . . . such as:

1) Always fasten your seatbelt; 2) Keep your eyes on the road;
3) Keep both hands on the wheel and 4) Give clear signals to warn other
drivers of your intentions.

And of course, after parking, make sure you take your car-keys with you on leaving the vehicle . . . so as not to get locked-out !!!

I’m sure you will learn more safety tips, and proper care of car-keys
by driving over to this week’s
Wicked Wednesday by pushing the button below!!!


This latest journey is too late to add to my Scavenger Hunt car category, but it was such a nice drive that I just have to add it to my Exposé Vŭ pages.

Xxx – K


Filed under Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vŭ, Scavenger Hunt, Wicked Wednesday

Modest Withdrawal #wickedwednesday

“I think it’s actually brand-new you know.” I said to Hubby. “I’m positive it wasn’t here last year”.
“Yes, you’re right” he replied, “the concrete looks like
it’s not even properly set yet!”

“Oh and look, the flashing message on the screen is saying something about using ‘The latest digital-recognition-technology'” I told him.

“You don’t think that blue-button is secretely taking photos do you?” I asked
as I spun around, suddenly worried about my card details. “You know I don’t like these machines . . . I always have problems with withdrawals“.

“No of course not,” he replied. “That just means the way it reads the hologram
on your card. Just quickly tap-in your number otherwise it will be declined.
You said we needed cash for cool drinks at the Taverna next door.”

He was right of course, and a cool drink was certainly more important than worrying about holograms and cameras!

But I know holograms are being discussed more seriously at this week’s
Wicked Wednesday so why don’t you join me over there by tapping on
the button below!!!


I’ve already visited an ATM in my Scavenger Hunt travels, but this one was such a nice location that I just have to add it to my Exposé Vŭ pages.

Xxx – K


Filed under Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vŭ, Public Nudity, Wicked Wednesday

A Modest Kitchen #wickedwednesday

As much as I love my own kitchen . . . I do enjoy having a nosey-around someone elses from time-to-time!

Especially when it is over a hundred years old, such as this one!

And full of wonderful china and such immaculately preserved work surfaces.

And, of course, such a wonderful array of copper and brass.

But just imagine having to wash-up all that crockery and frying-pans in such a small sink!!! It’s enough to make one thirsty . . . so let’s see if we can find the wine cellar shall we?

Or, if coffee or tea is more to your own taste, I know you will be able to find lots of sweeteners for those over at Wicked Wednesday because this week’s theme is “Sugar” . . . just stir gently on the button below!!!


Oh, and I did find the wine cellar!!! But that’s for another day! In the meantime I’m hoping that my nosey-ing around in the Scullery will qualify for the “Public Kitchen” . . . whoops, I almost made a spelling mistake there, too much wine . . .  category at Jade’s wonderful and fun Scavenger Hunt pages!!!

And don’t forget, there are lots of my other nosey-ing around Scavenger Hunts at my Scavenger Listings page . . . and now over 100 different locations on my Scavenger Slideshow page as well!!!   

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Public Nudity, Scavenger Hunt, Wicked Wednesday

Modestly Inked #wickedwednesday

No . . . just teasing as you can probably tell!!!

I have often fantasised about having a tattoo though . . . it’s just that I’ve always been too nervous to actually have one done.

However, as this week’s theme at Wicked Wednesday is Tattoo’s . . . and as I’ve always been so envious of Marie’s wonderful ink-work . . . I just couldn’t resist joining in!

But I’m sure there will be lots more elaborations on real Tattoo’s from tapping on the button below!!!


Xxx – K


Filed under Sexual liberation, Wicked Wednesday, womens Erotica

Modestly Abandoned Furniture #wickedwednesday

“It must be rubbish-collection day.” Hubby said as we walked towards the town’s main street. “This is the second piece of furniture we’ve passed since
we parked the car”.
“Well don’t ask me to sit down on it like you did for the last one,” I replied.
“That vinyl is almost melting in this blazing-sun!!!”
“And I don’t even want to touch it, actually. We don’t know how long it’s been
left abandoned here!”

I got my way of course . . . as I always do . . . but as we walked on down the street, I did mention to Hubby that it looked like one of those chairs that one often has to sit on whilst waiting in reception at the doctor’s or dentist.

And that’s so appropriate, as this week’s Wicked Wednesday is all about dentist’s . . . as you will discover by tapping on the button below!!!


As Hubby mentioned, we did come across several instances of “Abandoned Furniture” during our recent holiday . . . so perhaps Jade may consider that as a new category at her wonderful and fun Scavenger Hunt pages!!!

And don’t forget, there are lots of my other Scavenger Hunt discoveries at
my Scavenger Listings page . . . and now over 100 different locations on
my Scavenger Slideshow page as well!!!   

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K



Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Uncategorized, Wicked Wednesday