Tag Archives: Sinful Sunday

Satin & Lace #sinfulsunday


Sinful Satin & Lace – from 1986

I’ve always loved sinful Satin and Lace – even back in 1986 !
And sometimes I wish I’d known then everything I know now.

But, I tell myself that I wouldn’t have had quite so much fun discovering . . . and experiencing . . . all my sinfully fun times in all the years since!!!

See who else is being Sinful this Sunday by kissing the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Modesty Ablaze in Polaroids Past

Xxx – K


Filed under Polaroids Past, Sinful Sunday

Sitting comfortably #sinfulsunday


“Are you comfortable No.1? . . . I know I certainly am.”

“Now don’t move, not a flinch . . . or it’s ten swipes for every twitch!!!”

There’s simply bound to be more Sinful Sunday simple comforts from swiping the Sinful lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Thanks and kisses to Vinylman1 for my “Sitting Comfortably” picture above.

Xxx – K


Filed under BDSM fun, Female Dominatrix, Mistress Modesty Ablaze, Sinful Sunday, womens Erotica

Stained Steel #sinfulsunday

For all you Sinful people who asked for more pictures of my Stainless Steel Abrasive Paddle that I mentioned in Wicked Wednesday during the week.


I’d commanded my Submissive No.1 to buy it for me at last Sunday’s  London Alternative Market from the TrussedUK  stall . . . and I’d been dying to try it out on his bottom all week.

Of course he wasn’t quite so keen . . . but last night I told him
“I’ve waited long enough. Over my knee!!!”

ModestyCheeseGrater2 And to my surprise he actually enjoyed it almost as much as I did. Almost!!!

“Now off you go . . . boiling hot soapy water please. No, not your bottom,
my paddle!!!”

You are sure to discover lots more Sinful Sunday enjoyment from slapping
the Sinful lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

Oh & P.S. – The pretty patterns are still just as clear this morning!!!


Filed under Female Dominatrix, Sinful Sunday, TrussedUK, womens Erotica

Heeled & Chained #sinfulsunday

ModestyHeeledChainedNo I haven’t switched . . . sometimes I just like to tease him with the things I will be playing with later this Sinful Sunday evening!!!

See who else is teasing and playing this Sinful Sunday by tapping your heels on
the Sinful lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

Burlesque Fun #sinfulsunday

ModestyCloserCleopatraJust returned from a wonderfully fun evening at London Burlesque with our favourite friends . . . wish I’d worn my special swinging jewellery!!!

See just who else is sinfully swinging this Sinful Sunday by kissing
the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

Modesty & “The” Pedestrian Crossing

Hubby has always had this thing about a pedestrian crossing . . . not just any pedestrian crossing, but “The” Pedestrian Crossing!!! It was one of the first places he just had to visit when he first arrived in London and, for the past 35 years, he has been trying to get me to walk across it. So …I finally did …!!!

BUT … neither of us realised that, unlike when he first strolled across it alone all those years ago, there is NOW a video camera there! It was only after my Sinful Stroll that we realised we were on film!  (Click screen below)


“I suppose we shouldn’t be too surprised” he said after our discovery.  “After all, it is probably THE most famous pedestrian crossing all across the universe.”


Still, had I’d known about the videocam beforehand, I’m not sure I would have been able to act naturally as I stepped out onto the crossing.


Because, although it’s not on a long and winding road, it was still quite busy . . .


… with cars,  buses, taxis and other pedestrians … here there and everywhere!


And I’m sure I sensed a taxi slowing down and the driver offering a ticket to ride!


So you can imagine why I let out a shout when I reached the other side!!!


But, do you want to know a secret? I found every little thing about my stroll wonderfully exciting and fun.
So much so that I wanted to share it with you here … from me to you!!!


And, as Hubby says, it may not be something your mother should know, but hopefully when I’m sixty four, I’ll look back at these photos … and that video … and feel glad all over.

Join all the other people feeling glad all over this Sinful Sunday
by crossing the Sinful lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

P.S. You can view some of my previous Scavenger Hunts at my
Scavenger Hunt Listings Page  … and may I suggest you share some strolls of your own at Dee’s site by clicking on the button below!

Come on, it is such funLet’s all Dare to Bare !!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

P.s. If you’ve read my “Modestly Returning” post at the beginning of April 2024, you will know that most of my content here was lost, or corrupted, at the beginning of 2022. We are slowly working on re-instating that lost content, and repairing the broken links, so please bear with us. I hope this won’t dampen your enjoyment here.

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday

Spooky Spotty @ #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze's Spooky Spotty

This interestingly named . . . “Spotty” . . .  vibrator arrived in the post for me to review during the week.

The name comes from being intended for P-spot massage and perineum stimulation, and is the newest product in Nomi Tang’s range of wonderfully shaped silicone vibrators.

My No.1 submissive’s immediate reaction, on seeing the size and shape of the Spotty, was . . . “ouch that looks spooky” . . . knowing that I am going to insist on testing it with him!!!

You are sure to discover lots more interesting colours and shapes this Sinful Sunday by tapping the Sinful lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

My Sinful Past @ #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze Recovering - 1984

Modesty Ablaze “afterwards” – 1984

Whilst we were browsing through photographs for my #afterrealworldsexselfies post during this past week, Hubby remarked that I’ve always had that sinfully-satisfied look in my eyes immediately “afterwards”.

And to emphasise his point, he pulled out this photo . . .  one of our #polaroidspast collection . . . from one of my “afterwards” from 1984. And in all the years since there have been lots . . . and lots and lots . . . of sinful moments of course!

But it’s fun being sinful sometimes isn’t it . . . and I’m sure that all of you here this Sinful Sunday will look back and giggle and feel good about your own sinful-moments-past.

And, for lots of Sinful moments from the present this Sunday, simply click the lovely lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

Oh and P.S. – I get lots of messages from people who say they would love to join-in with #polaroidspast but don’t have any old “polaroids”. But the theme is actually about celebrating how you have become who you are now! Just remembering those wonderful . . . fun . . . and perhaps inspirational moments, from even your recent past, that have brought you to the here and now. So Come-on . . . Dare to Bare . . . Be Proud of Who You have Become!

Modesty Ablaze in Polaroids Past


Filed under #afterrealworldsexselfies, Polaroids Past, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday

Modesty Cupped & Bound #sinfulsunday

Last weeks Sinful Sunday featured a post from Kazi showing some Cupping play . . . something I’d encountered, (unexpectedly and completely by surprise), for the first time just the evening before. It seemed such a coincidence that
I simply had to post some of that cupping fun I had, here this week!

ModestyRopeOneIt started out with my favourite rope-maestro Lover 14 working on a new
rope-dress for me.

ModestyBareHis insistence that he should mask me whilst he worked wasn’t unusual . . .
for him . . . but it was the next sensation, seen coming here, that caught me completely by surprise.

ModestyBreastCupsThe sudden sucking feeling was actually very pleasant . . . until they were unplucked a few moments later!!!

ModestyBottomTwoBut it was such arousing fun . . . that later on in the evening I asked to experience the sensation in “other places”. My bottom being just one of them!!!

ModestyBottomRingsAnd, as I do like having souvenirs of my marks, I just had to ask Hubby for some photographic keepsakes as well.

And I’m sure you will discover many more Sinful keepsakes by cupping
the lovely lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

River Cam #sinfulsunday

ModestyCamRiverHaving just returned from a very Sinful, and very exhausting, NWA . . . most of the pictures from which are far too sinful even for Sinful Sunday . . . I haven’t had the opportunity to prepare a proper post for this week.

So I thought I would simply re-post one of the pictures from our stroll around the lovely town of Cambridge this afternoon.

Having woken early but sinfully delaying our hotel checkout until the last possible moment . . . we enjoyed our afternoon unwinding with a late lunch by the river, strolling around the colleges, and indulging in a Scavenger Hunt picture or two >here<.

But you’ll find many more Sinful photos, and Sinful posts, from kissing the lovely lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday