Tag Archives: Sinful Sunday

Modesty’s back to work #sinfulsunday

It’s the end of my summer holidays . . . and so it’s back in to the office on Monday. And that, unfortunately, means that I shall have to put all my clothes back on!!!


So I hope that you have all been well behaved whilst I’ve been away . . . or . . . !!!

You will find lots more people with clothes on . . . unusually . . . at this weeks Sinful Sunday by smacking the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

Grecian Steps Revisited #sinfulsunday


I’m still in post-holiday denial-mode . . . I just don’t want to accept that it’s back to work, back to the normal everyday routine. (Though, Hubby is sitting here next to me saying “You’ve NEVER been normal, everyday or routine!”)

But anyway . . . whilst sitting here on a rainy-London-Saturday-evening, scrolling through more of our holiday-snaps, this photograph reminds me of a different, lovely (very sinful) evening, just two weeks ago.

And also of walking these same Grecian Steps twelve months ago.

Take lots more Sinful steps this Sunday by clicking the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

A wine . . . or three at #sinfulsunday

Whenever I’m away on holiday I always look forward to sampling the local wine. So I was delighted to discover an absolutely wonderful winery just a few miles inland from our holiday apartment recently. Especially as they were offering a guided tour of their vineyards . . . AND sample tastings!!!

ModestyWine1As you can imagine . . . I was in my element, surrounded by bottles and bottles!!!

ModestyWine2The smell from the machinery was so intoxicating that I felt flushed all over!!!

ModestyWine3And by the time we got to the vats . . . I was beginning to feel a little tipsy!

ModestyWine4Which is possibly why the lady behind me, working on checking the screw top seals, declined my offer of a helping hand.

ModestyWine5But anyway, after spending quite some time sampling their most recommended wines and, as usual, being the last to leave . . . I am sure they were happy that I purchased several bottles at the end of the tour.

I was a little disappointed though that they hadn’t let me actually pick any of the grapes myself . . . so insisted that Hubby stop on the long driveway on the way out for one last look!!!

ModestyWine7 I am quite sure you will find lots of other intoxicating indulgences this Sinful Sunday from sipping on the lovely lips below!!!

Sinful Sunday

P.S. I had such a lovely, indulgent afternoon, (and possibly one or two too-many glasses) that I’m not sure if my visit qualifies for “Vineyard” or “Winery” at Curvaceous Dee’s Scavenger Hunt site?
Perhaps I’ll have to go back again just to make sure!!!

You can see lots of my other Scavenger Hunt attempts at my
Scavenger Hunt Listings Page ! or view some of my previous Scavengers at my Scavenger Slideshow >here<!!!

Oh . . . and why not join in yourself? . . . Come on, it’s such fun!
Let’s all Dare to Bare !!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday

Showerkini #sinfulsunday

“That’s the first time I’ve seen you in a bikini on this holiday!” Hubby joked
as I teased him in the shower during the last week of our summer hols.


And he was right of course, because we had discovered so many lovely little beaches where I . . .


. . . just loved going completely without!!!

You are bound to be showered with lots more
Sinful Sunday
 images from tapping the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

Pink Bottoms @ #sinfulsunday

It’s interesting the things you sometimes find washed up on the rocks whilst out beachcombing! And I’m sure you can imagine all the thoughts that raced through my mind when I came across these pink bikini bottoms during our early morning stroll yesterday.

“Do you think I should hang them up here for the owner to find?” I giggled to Hubby as I lifted them up (gingerly) from between the rocks.

Clive1“Yes, just in case they need them to get back into town without too much embarrassment” he replied.

Clive2“Here, do you think they look familiar?” I paused to ask as I tried to fix them to some driftwood.

Clive3“You don’t think they belong to . . . Clive . . . do you???”

I’m sure there will be lots more interesting discoveries at this week’s
Sinful Sunday
from the lips below!

Sinful Sunday


Filed under Sinful Sunday

Sinful Anniversary #sinfulsunday


Modesty Ablaze Wedding night – 1984

This weekend is a special one for Hubby and I . . . thirty-one years ago, after several years of many Sinful Sundays, we celebrated our Wedding night.

As you can imagine, this was one photo that never made it into the pages of our Wedding Album! But as this week’s theme at Molly’s meme is all about retro and vintage . . . I thought it might be fun to share this memory from that very, very special evening.

You can see who else is looking back this Sunday by kissing the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Modesty Ablaze in Polaroids PastXxx – K


Filed under Polaroids Past, Sinful Sunday

A Sinful Gift #sinfulsunday

It’s always nice to receive an unexpected gift isn’t it . . . especially when it’s from a, so far at least, anonymous admirer.


This lovely rubber top, which I’d added to my one of my Wishlist pages sometime ago, arrived recently.

So I thought I would thank the sender by modelling it here this Sunday . . . because it certainly has made me feel quite sinful on every occasion
that I have worn it!

See who else is being Sinful this Sunday by, gently please,
slapping the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under BDSM fun, Sinful Sunday

Sinful Stocking Tops #sinfulsunday

I’ve always felt there is something sinful about stockings and lace . . .
and I very rarely go out of an evening without wearing one pair or another.

Even now in the summer months . . . I will go without my suspender belt, but still feel sinful, sliding on a pair of net or lace hold-ups.


And sometimes I may even wear a skirt . . . but never, of course, any knickers!!!

See who else is being Sinful this Sunday by sliding over the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

A #sinfulsunday visit to the Library


It’s just been so busy this week that I haven’t had the time to update my pages here. And with our summer vacation fast approaching, I had to make a difficult decision. Spend the morning at home looking through photographs for today’s Sinful Sunday . . . 


Or . . . spend an hour at the library to stock-up on suitable books for reading whilst lounging around the pool???
So here I am, making a quick visit to my local Library . . .


And, quite by coincidence, the first shelf I find myself in front of is “Erotic Fiction”. And just reading some of the titles is making me feel quite hot!


Now, I wonder if they have “The Perfect Submissive” here on the shelf?


Well, I’m quite disappointed, it seems that they don’t. Perhaps I’ll have to go round to the front desk and suggest they order it in!!!

But whilst you’re waiting for me to return, you can read all about lots of other Sinful Sundays by kissing the lovely pink lips . . . the ones below silly!!!

Sinful Sunday

P.S.  I’m hoping that my own Sinful visit will qualify for the “Library” section at Curvaceous Dee’s Scavenger Hunt site.

You can see lots of my other Scavenger Hunt visits at my
Scavenger Hunt Listings Page ! or view some of my previous Scavenger Hunts at my Scavenger Slideshow >here<!!!

Why not join in yourself? – Come on, it’s such fun
Let’s all Dare to Bare !!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday

At My Feet #sinfulsunday


“Mmm, that’s lovely . . . I just don’t get to put my feet-up often enough,
after a long day at the office.”

“And this is exactly the position I like my slaves to assume
after serving me my wine.”

“Just be careful though . . . don’t knock my chair . . . I wouldn’t want any sudden moves to make me spill even a drop!!!”

I am sure you will discover lot’s more interesting positions this Sinful Sunday from gently tapping the Sinful lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Thanks and kisses to Vinylman1 for my “At My Feet” picture above.

Xxx – K


Filed under Mistress Modesty Ablaze, Sinful Sunday