As well as visiting all the local attractions whenever I am away on holiday . . . and, of course, sampling the local wine . . . I always make an effort to enjoy the local food and produce.
We’d been told that the island capital was famous for it’s daily Fruit and Vegetable Market . . . and when we arrived I could see why.
I’ve simply never seen such an amazing array!!! Just rows and rows of Market Stalls in a wonderful setting along the quayside.
“I do need my five-a-day! . . . fruit and veg silly . . . I know just what you’re thinking!!! Anyway, let’s just wander and see what look’s best.”
“Ooohh, look at these rock melons. They do feel ripe . . . but let’s try the next stall along the way. “
“The melons here are different aren’t they . . . but still feel nice. Oh, but look there’s even more variety next door!”
“Well we’ve bought our grapes, bananas . . . one always needs bananas! . . . apples, kiwi-fruit . . . I’m particularly partial to a firm kiwi . . . but I’m still not sure about the rock melons. I think I prefer those other ones.” I said to Hubby. “That’s what so annoying about you and shopping.” he replied. “We always end-up going all the way back to the first place we started!”
“Well . . . ” I snarled back, “you know you really enjoy me having freedom of choice, don’t you . . . AND, see the way I’m squeezing this melon . . . !!!”
I’m sure you will have lots of fun yourself, browsing and sampling at this week’s Sinful Sunday, from squeezing the lovely lips below!!!

I’m not sure if there is a Market Stall category at Curvaceous Dee’s Scavenger Hunt site, but . . . you can browse my other Scavenger Hunt attempts at my Scavenger Hunt Listings Page ! or view some of my previous Scavengers at my Scavenger Slideshow >here<!!!
Oh . . . and why not join in yourself? . . . Come on, it’s such fun!
Let’s all Dare to Bare !!!

Xxx – K