Tag Archives: Sinful Sunday

Pool Illuminations #sinfulsunday


Ooohh . . . it has turned very cold here in London today. Just all of a sudden . . . and it’s left me yearning for the hot and sticky, and sexily sinful, evenings by the pool from our vacation during the summer.

You know those sort of evenings! Glass of wine . . . or two, or three . . . kicking off one’s sarong and sneaking down into the pool for a (skinny) dip, whilst everyone else has long-since staggered off to their beds for the night.

You’re bound to find lots of other illuminating thoughts and images from dipping down onto the luscious lips . . . the one’s below silly!!!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

Sinfully Late #sinfulsunday

I know I’m late, I’m late . . . I’m sinfully late for Sinful Sunday! But it’s been such a busy (and sinful) weekend . . . and I’ve only just this minute returned home from SexpoUK.  And right now I’m excitedly trying on some of the things that I insisted Lover No.1 treat me to . . . so I hope that this photo of just one of his many, many purchases will suffice for this week!!!


Ooohh . . . and just before I reach for his next purchase (a lovely sheer body-stocking!) . . . I just wanted to say a hello and thank you to some of the lovely and friendly people I met at SexpoUK today . . . DoxyMassager, The Fantasy Box, MysteryVibe, Ohhh Bunny . . . and so many more. Everyone was so friendly and I’ve returned home feeling very happy and, of course, very sinful.

And, if you haven’t already visited today, I’m sure you will find lots more people feeling very Sinful this Sunday from tapping the lips below.

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday, womens Erotica

Regal Fountains #sinfulsunday


I do love strolling in the park on an Autumn Sunday morning, especially on a crisp morning like Sunday last, with the sun popping-out from behind the clouds.


And it was actually almost warm enough to take one’s coat off . . . well almost!


But what I love most of all about my favourite morning stroll are the fountains!


Just the sound of the running water of the Regent Park fountains is so peaceful and calming . . .


But even though I know that I have to share my walk with lots of other strollers, it’s often hard to believe that I’m standing in the middle of central London!!!

And there will be lots of other calm and serene sharing this Sunday from strolling over the lips below.

Sinful Sunday

P.S. Ever since I first discovered Dee’s Scavenger Hunt, I’ve been waiting for the opportunity to add one of those Fountains to my Scavenger collection.

And you can discover more of my strolls at my Scavenger Slideshow >here<!!!

Why not join in yourself? . . . Come on, let’s all dare to bare !!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday

A Sinful Whipping #sinfulsunday


I was very excited earlier this year when I was gifted this lovely Bullwhip from one of my submissives.

But it’s five-foot length means that one needs lots of room in which to use it . . . and sadly, all of my sessions in the months after first receiving it were in small dungeon-rooms with not enough “swing-space”.

Until earlier this week that is . . . at a wonderfully roomy new chambers that I had been recommended. And I am delighted to say that it swings and cracks every bit as good as it looks and feels in ones hand.

Now, I just need more practice . . . lots and lots of practice! So please do excuse me, because as you can see, I have a volunteer waiting in the wings!!!


But, in the meantime, I’m sure there will lots more
sinful views from above this Sunday to be found
from whipping (gently please) the lips below.

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

Modestly Pink #sinfulsunday


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month . . . and this past Friday
as part of the Wear It Pink day I organised lots of fund-raising fun and games in my office.

I wasn’t dressed quite like this of course!!! But my Pink Hat and Pink Flowers . . . along with my Pink Boa from my #boobday Friday post . . . was part of my attire for the day.

 And as I did get lots of sinfully teasing and suggestive comments
(I can’t think why!) as I roamed from floor-to-floor and door-to-door
in our building, I thought I would carry-on the fun wearing pink
for the rest of the weekend!

I’m sure there will lots more sinful fun this Sunday to be found
from the lips below.

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

Sinful Cocktails #sinfulsunday

I do love sucking-on . . . oh whoops, I mean sipping-on . . . a nice Cocktail.

Cocktail1And, as you can probably tell I’m on my second . . . or third . . . already !!!

Cocktail3This one is lovely . . . it’s a “Sunset Sling” . . . quite appropriate really.

Cocktail2But it is getting quite busy here now . . . I can hardly hear what you’re asking me.

Cocktail5Order me a refill and I’ll move over to that other corner where it’s quieter?

Cocktail6Ooohh that’s better . . . and I can feel the sea breeze from the beach as well.

We found this lovely cocktail bar close to our apartment during our recent Summer Holiday. It seemed perfect for the Bar category at Curvaceous Dee’s Scavenger Hunt site . . . and as we’d discovered it on our first Sunday evening stroll, it seems just right for my Sinful Sunday post this week. And I’m sure there’ll be lots more Sinful discoveries from sipping (or sucking)
the lips below!!!

Sinful Sunday

As I was trying to explain to someone during another Cocktail evening this past week, for me Scavenger Hunting is such sinful fun.  You can find out more at my Scavenger Slideshow >here<!!!

And why not join in yourself? . . . Come on, let’s all dare to bare !!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under #realworldsex at MLNP.tv, Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday

Simple Sinful Pleasures #sinfulsunday

Sometimes the simplest pleasures can be the most difficult to achieve . . .


Just being able to completely unwind, relax and release oneself from all the stresses and strains of work and the everyday 9 to 5.

This week’s theme of “Simple Pleasures” at Sinful Sunday is sure to have lots and lots more pleasurable views from the lips below.

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

Anticipation Ablaze #sinfulsunday

Don’t you often think that . . . the anticipation . . . “amplifies” the delight ???


And I anticipate lots more delights at this weeks Sinful Sunday by smacking the lips below (smacking gently and responsibly please!!)

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Mistress Modesty Ablaze, Sinful Sunday

Lick my shoes clean #sinfulsunday


Mistress Modesty Ablaze insists on always having every one of her sessions completed by having her slave clean her shoes. Especially her favourite Lucky Red Shoes!

On this occasion . . . still bearing the lovely red welts on his back from his earlier beating, and knowing he has been in chastity for over a month, Mistress instructs Slave Winston to give them an extra sparkle . . .

And as always, he does an expert job of then licking all over, to make sure they are extra-shiny and spotlessly clean!!!

You are sure to find lots more sparkle-and-shine at this weeks Sinful Sunday by licking the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under BDSM fun, Mistress Modesty Ablaze, sexual empowerment for women, Sinful Sunday

Modesty’s Melons #sinfulsunday

As well as visiting all the local attractions whenever I am away on holiday . . . and, of course, sampling the local wine . . . I always make an effort to enjoy the local food and produce.

ModestyAblazeMelons1We’d been told that the island capital was famous for it’s daily Fruit and Vegetable Market . . . and when we arrived I could see why.
I’ve simply never seen such an amazing array!!! Just rows and rows of Market Stalls in a wonderful setting along the quayside.

ModestyAblazeMelons2“I do need my five-a-day! . . . fruit and veg silly . . . I know just what you’re thinking!!! Anyway, let’s just wander and see what look’s best.”

ModestyAblazeMelons3“Ooohh, look at these rock melons. They do feel ripe . . . but let’s try the next stall along the way. “

ModestyAblazeMelons4“The melons here are different aren’t they . . . but still feel nice. Oh, but look there’s even more variety next door!”

ModestyAblazeMelons5“Well we’ve bought our grapes, bananas . . . one always needs bananas! . . . apples, kiwi-fruit . . . I’m particularly partial to a firm kiwi . . . but I’m still not sure about the rock melons. I think I prefer those other ones.” I said to Hubby. “That’s what so annoying about you and shopping.” he replied. “We always end-up going all the way back to the first place we started!”

ModestyAblazeMelons6“Well . . . ” I snarled back, “you know you really enjoy me having freedom of choice, don’t you . . . AND, see the way I’m squeezing this melon . . . !!!”

 I’m sure you will have lots of fun yourself, browsing and sampling at this week’s Sinful Sunday, from squeezing the lovely lips below!!!

Sinful Sunday

I’m not sure if there is a Market Stall category at Curvaceous Dee’s Scavenger Hunt site, but . . . you can browse my other Scavenger Hunt attempts at my Scavenger Hunt Listings Page ! or view some of my previous Scavengers at my Scavenger Slideshow >here<!!!

Oh . . . and why not join in yourself? . . . Come on, it’s such fun!
Let’s all Dare to Bare !!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday