After a very late night out, I sometimes find I need my morning stroll even more than ever! Just to blow away the cobwebs, get some fresh air and be sipping water . . . instead of wine!!!
So despite the windy weather this morning . . . I resisted the temptation to
just turn-over and have a long lie-in . . . and forced myself up for my usual weekend morning walk.
I will admit that I found it hard at first . . . (last night too actually, but
that’s another sinful story)!!! . . . so I was happy to reach my favourite
Drinking Fountain at the half-way point of my stroll.
And I certainly needed to catch my breath and have a cooling drink, so I was grateful that it wasn’t busy. Well not too busy anyway . . . “You don’t think he’s been following us do you?” I asked my walking companion.
“Don’t think so, anyway he’s turning off towards the Coffee Pavilion” came the reply. “Are you for coffee?”
“No, no . . . let’s wait til we get home!” I whispered. “Just another sip of water and let’s be on our way!”
Catch-up with everyone else on their way to a Sinful Sunday by
kissing the lips below!
I understand that the Scavenger Hunt pages are having a catch-of-breath themselves at present (as we all do from time-to-time), but I’m hoping to add this to my collection as “Public Drinking Fountain” upon it’s return!
More of my previous Modest Scavenger Hunt sips and trips can be viewed at my Scavenger Slideshow page >here<!!!
Why not join in yourself? . . . Come on, let’s all dare to bare !!!
Xxx – K