Tag Archives: Sinful Sunday

A Modest Sip #sinfulsunday

After a very late night out, I sometimes find I need my morning stroll even more than ever! Just to blow away the cobwebs, get some fresh air and be sipping water . . . instead of wine!!!


So despite the windy weather this morning . . . I resisted the temptation to
just turn-over and have a long lie-in . . . and forced myself up for my usual weekend morning walk.


I will admit that I found it hard at first . . . (last night too actually, but
that’s another sinful story)!!! . . . so I was happy to reach my favourite
Drinking Fountain at the half-way point of my stroll.


And I certainly needed to catch my breath and have a cooling drink, so I was grateful that it wasn’t busy. Well not too busy anyway . . . “You don’t think he’s been following us do you?” I asked my walking companion.

ModestyAblazeDrinking2“Don’t think so, anyway he’s turning off towards the Coffee Pavilion” came the reply. “Are you for coffee?”

“No, no . . . let’s wait til we get home!” I whispered. “Just another sip of water and let’s be on our way!”

Catch-up with everyone else on their way to a Sinful Sunday by
kissing the lips below!

Sinful SundayXxxx – K

I understand that the Scavenger Hunt pages are having a catch-of-breath themselves at present (as we all do from time-to-time), but I’m hoping to add this to my collection as “Public Drinking Fountain” upon it’s return!

More of my previous Modest Scavenger Hunt sips and trips can be viewed at my Scavenger Slideshow page >here<!!!

Why not join in yourself? . . . Come on, let’s all dare to bare !!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday

Sinful Valentines Kisses #sinfulsunday


I was lucky enough to have my first Valentine’s Kisses on a very Sinful Friday evening . . . but, of course, I’m always hoping for more!!!

And there will actually be more Valentine’s Kisses from this sinful Friday here tomorrow . . . but in the meantime I’m sure you will find “more” of all sorts of sinful things this Sunday by kissing the Sinful lips below!!!

Sinful SundayXxxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

Aftermath #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze Aftermath at Sinful Sunday

Aftermath [af-ter-math, ahf-] = “something that results, or follows, from an event, especially one of a tumultuous nature . . .”

[too-muhl-choo-uh s, tyoo-] = “full of tumult or riotousness; marked by disturbance and uproar; raising a great clatter and commotion; disorderly or noisy; highly agitated, as in the mind or emotions; distraught; turbulent.”

Or, in my case . . . quite simply . . . fucked!!! 

Oh, that doesn’t begin with A !!!

But I’m sure you will be Agog, Astounded, Amazed, Awestruck . . . possibly even Aghast at all the interpretations of this week’s theme at Sinful Sunday. Because, if you haven’t already guessed,
it’s all to do with the letter A.

Just Attach yourself to the lips below for Affirmation!

Sinful SundayXxxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

Out Modestly Counting #sinfulsunday

I’m a little bit late posting for Sinful Sunday today . . . because I’ve been out and about in my local park, counting.


Yes, you heard me correctly, counting. Along with half-a-million other people across the UK, I’ve been out counting!

No silly, there weren’t half-a-million people in my local park . . . but I did see quite a few, just like me, with pen and clipboard in hand. Mind you, most of them seemed to be dressed in khaki jackets and wellington boots . . . but it seemed quite mild, so I was happy feeling at one with nature, as I often do.

Anyway, the RSPB here in the UK, was asking people to take part in a survey to report sightings of all the different birds in their gardens and local parks for the world’s largest wildlife survey this weekend.

So, of course, I tried to completely grasp the situation and do my bit as well.


Particularly as I know there are often lots and lots of Blue Tits to be seen in our garden and park.


I hope I didn’t distract you too much from your own counting, if you were one of the other strollers that passed me by in my local park this morning.

You can see  how lots of other Sinful people have been spending their weekend by grasping the lips below!

Sinful SundayXxxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

Getting Ready #sinfulsunday


Just getting ready . . . and practicing my “snaps” . . . for my first Club Rub of the year this evening.
Well actually it will be last night as you will probably be reading this on Sinful Sunday morning . . . possibly even before I’ve returned home!!!

You can see  how lots of other Sinful people have been spending their weekend by snapping onto the lips below!

Sinful SundayXxxx – K


Filed under Mistress Modesty Ablaze, Sinful Sunday

Modesty Ablaze & The Big Chair #sinfulsunday

ModestyAblazeChair1Whilst out for a walk in the midday sun on holiday, it is always nice to find somewhere comfortable to pause and rest . . . and take in the view.


Especially when it is somewhere as picturesque . . . and unusual . . . as this lovely spot I discovered last week.


I felt a little bit like Alice in Wonderland as I relaxed in this wonderful
roadside armchair.


Sitting back and just watching the world whizz by in their fast cars.


Oh, actually, I think one of the cars is stopping . . . perhaps I should move on
in case that gentleman wants to get out and sit down and relax
for a few minutes himself.

I’m sure there will be lots more relaxing moments to be found this Sunday from the Sinful lips below!

Sinful SundayXxxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday

Modest Christmas Kisses #sinfulsunday


Christmas is always a busy time for everybody . . . and for some people can often be a stressful time as well.

So my motto . . . in everything!!! . . . is just to TRY to make it FUN.

And I’d sincerely like to wish you all, lots of Kisses, lots of Giggles, lots of LOVE
. . . and lots and lots of FUN during this Christmas week!!!

Oh, and . . . hopefully . . . a little bit of Sinfulness as well!!!

And if you’re feeling stressed and need some alternative cheer . . . I’m sure you’ll find some, from giving great big kisses to the lips below!

Sinful SundayWishing you all a Loving, Merry . . . and FUN . . . Christmas!!!

Xxx – K


Filed under Latex & Lace, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday, womens Erotica

Modesty’s Xmas Baubles #sinfulsunday

Christmas just seems to happen in more and more of a rush with every passing year . . . and I never seem to get any assistance from the rest of the household with preparations! Even when it comes to the simplest of tasks like dressing the tree and retrieving the decorations from their boxes in the loft.

So tonight I decided to take matters into my own hands and create some
Xmas Baubles of my own . . . one twist at-a-time!!!


I imagine they’ll be just the right shape for binding-up and hanging on the tree
by next weekend!!!

Perhaps though, I just need to click on the lips below to give myself some early Christmas Cheer and Sinfulness instead!
Mmm . . . >click< . . . or Twist . . . or both ???

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

Of Christmas’s Past #sinfulsunday


A Modest Christmas Tree – 1985

I’m sure you will know that I’ve always been quite shy . . . and always approached everything I do “modestly”.

Even my #polaroidspast Christmas tree in 1985 was quite modest and discreet.

There’s sure to be lots more modest and discreet thoughts on festive-themes at this weeks Sinful Sunday . . . or perhaps not “that” modest and discreet!!!

But it will be fun to investigate won’t it? Let’s find out by tapping the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Modesty Ablaze in Polaroids PastXxx – K


Filed under Polaroids Past, Sinful Sunday

Laying the table #sinfulsunday


Laying the table for the final #mistressmodestyablaze session of the month
. . . and a very sinful session it was too.

And if you . . . gently and responsibly please . . . smack the lips below, I’m sure you will discover lots more sinful sessions this Sunday!!!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under BDSM fun, Female Dominatrix, Fetish Fashion, Mistress Modesty Ablaze, Sinful Sunday