Tag Archives: Sinful Sunday

The Waiting #sinfulsunday


The waiting . . . the anticipation . . . the expectation . . . the tension . . .
the apprehension . . . the excitement . . . the consummation . . . the release!

Oh . . . I do so enjoy . . . keeping them waiting !!!

See just who else has been waiting for Sinful Sunday by swishing
the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Mistress Modesty Ablaze, Sinful Sunday

Mirrored Past #sinfulsunday


Modesty Ablaze – #polaroidspast – 1983

I’ve never really liked mirrors . . . because, very often, I don’t really like
what I see looking back at me.

I suppose it’s because one always thinks that it is the mirror that reflects everything about who we are.

But then I’ll remember which one of us is really in control . . . so I’ll shake
my finger in defiance and say “there will always be more to me than you
can ever see!!!”

 Of course, I probably wasn’t thinking that as I stood brushing my hair in my #polaroidspast picture from 1983 . . . but as Mirrors is this week’s theme at Sinful Sunday there is sure to be lots more reflections-shared from
brushing the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

Modesty Ablaze in Polaroids Past

Oh and P.S. – Be Proud of Who You Were . . . and
Who You Have Become!

Join me at #polaroidspast
Xxx – K


Filed under #polaroidspast, Polaroids Past, Sinful Sunday

Sinful Semaphore #sinfulsunday


“Look” I exclaimed to Hubby, “this wasn’t here when we walked by yesterday,
it must have washed ashore on the evening tide.”


“Well there’s another couple coming along” he replied. “Perhaps we should ask them if they’ve spotted more wreckage further down the beach.”


“You ask them then” I said. “I’ll wait here. Can we take it home for the garden?” “No” he snapped back, “it might have come from one of those
boats anchored just off shore.”


“Well I might remember some semaphore signals from when I was a girl-guide”.


“None of the boats seem to be paying much attention” he said.
“But, that couple seem to have stopped and are turning back in this direction. We’ll just have to leave it where we found it”.


So . . . sadly . . . we did, and when we returned the next morning, it was gone.

But I’m sure you will discover lots more interesting things floating-by at this week’s Sinful Sunday by clutching sinfully at the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Oh, and I suppose I will just have to make do with counting my temporary piece of flotsam and jetsam as a “Driftwood Category” notch for my #scavengerhunt page at Pieces of Jade’s,  new Scavenger Hunt  

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxxx – K



Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday

A Modest Flutter #sinfulsunday

I’m not normally one to have a flutter . . . betting on racehorses I mean, silly !!! But it was Grand National Day here in England today, and I couldn’t help but get caught up in all the excitement of the event as I watched it on television.


“I’ve always fancied being a Jockey” I said just after the race. “Come on, let’s start training for next years race!”

And I think it’s a sure-bet that there will be lots of other flutters to be discovered by cracking your crop over the Sinful Sunday lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

Is it something beginning with . . . C ?

This week’s theme at Sinful Sunday is to share ones most favourite thing! Well, goodness, I just couldn’t think . . . there are so, so many things I enjoy . . . although there is possibly one common-thread!!!

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I’m sure you will discover lots and lots of other people’s favourites from sliding your . . . finger-tips? . . . over the Sinful Sunday lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

Naturally reserved #sinfulsunday


It has been an unsettling and chilly spring so far . . . but I’ve still enjoyed getting out for a weekend stroll.


And to explore all of our local nature reserves and parkland walks. It’s usually just so peaceful and still amongst all the plants and trees. Just the chirping of birds and insects, or the quiet footsteps on the gravel pathway of the occasional rambler, jogger or dog walkers.


It’s only as one nears the end of the winding pathways that we are reminded we are never far from the city! Still, I suppose one has to say that it’s encouraging that the young ones are getting out to explore as well.

There’s bound to be lot’s more explorations at this week’s
Sinful Sunday from lips below!

Sinful SundayOh, and to celebrate the return of “Scavenging” with it’s new hostess
Pieces of Jade, I’m hoping that my weekend stroll will qualify for the
Nature Reserve
location at the new Scavenger Hunt  

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday

Change like the tide #sinfulsunday


Sometimes I think I should be more responsible, more sensible and more . . . well, more modest really!

But then I change my mind . . . then I think . . . well, why should I ??? . . . after all, it’s always much more fun when I set my modesty ablaze!!!


And I’m certain there will be lots more people getting all hot and immodest at this week’s Sinful Sunday . . . find out by tapping the lips below!

Sinful SundayXxxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

Twice as Nice #sinfulsunday


Sometimes . . . just sometimes . . . I’ll admit I do get a little sinfully greedy!!!

But I know I won’t be the only one this Sinful Sunday . . . see just who else is being Sinfully Greedy by stroking the lips below!

Sinful SundayXxxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

In a Shallow Field #sinfulsunday

Mistress Modesty to Submissive Assistant: “This week’s Sinful Sunday prompt is ‘Shallow Depth of Field’. Find me a photo you can touch-up to get that effect on!!!”

Submissive Assistant to Mistress Modesty: “You know I’m useless at touching-up!”

Mistress Modesty: “I’ve never had any complaints!”

Submissive Assistant: “I mean at touching-up photos!!!”

Mistress Modesty: “Well you’ll just have to learn quickly won’t you!
Sort-it out!!! . . . I wouldn’t want to get disqualified!!! . . . You’ve got until
the morning!!!”

Next morning:
Submissive Assistant:
“I’ve been up all night!”

Mistress Modesty: “I know . . . I could feel it rubbing on my back”.

Submissive Assistant: “Look then . . . it’s in a field . . . and it’s out of focus . . . will this do???”


Mistress Modesty: “Well . . . we’ll just have to wait and see won’t we . . . you’d just better hope it’s not disqualified!”

And . . . just in-case I am . . . I’m sure there will be lots and lots of official
‘Shallow Depth of Field’
entries to be found at Sinful Sunday by focussing on the lips below!

Sinful SundayXxxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

My English Rose #sinfulsunday


A Sinful Request for a special person who wishes to remain anonymous . . .
but who “worships from afar” and begins every flattering email he sends with
“To my English Rose”.

In his most recent message he asked that I show more of
“that delightful derrière” . . . so how could I resist!

You are sure to get to the bottom of much more delights at this week’s
Sinful Sunday by, politely please, patting the lips below!

Sinful SundayXxxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday