Tag Archives: Sinful Sunday

A Modest Day at the Building Site(s)

“Have you noticed” I said to Hubby as we drove down the hill to our apartment, “that lots of the building sites we’ve passed haven’t changed much since we started coming here three years ago? Perhaps we should take a photo of them each year to see how they change or progress”.
“That’s a great idea” he replied. “Let’s start tomorrow!”


So the very next morning, as we set-out to re-aquaint ourselves with the island, we stopped at the first site at the top of the road.


“Well actually, they are obviously doing some new work,” I said. “Look they have barrels of water and new materials to work with.”


“But this hasn’t changed at all” he said at the next stop, further up the hill. “Yes, it’s such a shame as it’s right between two nice new houses.” I had to agree.


“Well, this is encouraging” I pointed out, as later on and much further along the coast road, we came across a completely new building.
“Yes, I think there was just an olive grove here last year” he said.


“It’s a lovely view . . . and quite close to the beach”.


“Hopefully it will be a nice new house when we come back next year”.


But later that evening, as we drove on to one of our favourite tavernas, we came across another site that hadn’t changed much at all since our last visit.


“Well they have started to add a new level here” I said. “I don’t think all these rods were sticking up like this last time . . . I’d be bound to remember such impressive erections!!!”


“Anyway, can you come along and hurry up please, that’s someone else probably driving on to our restaurant”.


“I mean it you know. If you don’t put that camera away, I’m just going to walk on without you! I don’t want to miss out on a table and you promised me a special meal . . . and a nice bottle of wine . . . to celebrate our first night back!!!”

I got my way of course . . . as I almost always do. Well, I’m sure you’ll agree it’s what a lady who’s been on her feet all day . . . traipsing around building sites, stepping over stones and piles of wood and around cement-mixers and cables . . . simply deserves.

And I’m sure you’ll come across lots more deserving ladies, and gentlemen, at this week’s Sinful Sunday by tapping the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

P.S. I’m also hoping that all that traipsing around will qualify for the “Building Site” category at Jades Scavenger Hunt pages. And don’t forget, there are lots of other Scavenger Hunt “sights” at my Listings page . . . and now over 90 different locations on my Scavenger Slideshow page as well!!!   

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday

Brushing Back The Years #sinfulsunday

Sometimes I whisper to the mirror in the morning . . . “I wish I could brush back the years . . . back to 1982”.


Modesty Ablaze – 1982

But then I remember all of the fun, all of the laughter . . . and all of the love
. . . over the years inbetween.


Modesty Ablaze – 2016

And I know I’m better now . . . than then . . . a better person, more rounded
(and I don’t just mean my tummy)!!!

So whilst it’s fun attempting to re-shoot one of my #polaroidspast . . . I wouldn’t change any of those experiences, and memories at all . . . in fact
I’m hoping for many, many more!!!

And as this week’s theme at Sinful Sunday is to re-shoot photos from
one’s past, I’m sure you will find many more sinful memories from clicking
on the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

Modesty Ablaze in Polaroids Past
Be Proud of Who You Were . . . and Be Proud of Who
You Have Become!

Xxx – K


Filed under #polaroidspast, Polaroids Past, Sinful Sunday

Modestly Humble #sinfulsunday


Sometimes one stumbles across something that makes one just want to . . .


Slap ones hands together and . . .


Stamp ones feet . . . in excitement, happiness and joy!

Today was a day just like that . . . and I’m sure there will be lots more exciting happiness and joy to be found this Sinful Sunday from slapping the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under BDSM fun, Female Dominatrix, Fetish Fashion, Mistress Modesty Ablaze, Sinful Sunday

Modesty’s Lighthouse #sinfulsunday


“Are you sure this is a Lighthouse?” I asked Hubby. “I thought Lighthouses were tall and have those big mirror thingys on the top?”

“Well the guidebook say’s it’s a quite famous Lighthouse. And look, it does have a blinking light on the top!” he replied.


“Well that blinking guidebook of yours just seems to keep bringing us to places where there are always loads of other people about!
You know I don’t like crowds when I’m on my holiday!” I snapped back.


“Mind you, at least it’s a bit cooler here in the shade.” I admitted after I’d walked round to the other side.


“In fact it is quite nice feeling that sea-breeze.” I said as I started to enjoy myself.


“Yes, I know it’s a nice view! . . . But you just concentrate on looking back down the path and make sure no-one else comes round the corner.” I told him.


“Oh, fucking hell!!! . . . There’s a boat pulling up behind you! Where did they come from? Didn’t you hear it coming?” I exclaimed.

“Well you told me to keep an eye on the path!” he shouted back. “I haven’t got eyes in the back of my head and anyway I’m sure they didn’t see you”.


“Of course they saw me you idiot! They were fucking pointing!” I hissed as I stormed down the steps back towards the path.

“Please don’t use that sort of language. We’re in a public place and it’s disrespectful to their culture.” he said, trying to calm me down. “And anyway, they were just waving. That’s what you do when you’re on a boat passing the shoreline. People always just wave from a boat.”


“They weren’t fucking waving! They were pointing!!!” I shouted at him as I marched down the path. “And don’t talk to me about being disrespectful! You weren’t the one standing half-naked in their public place! That’s probably far more disrespectful!!!”


“It’s not disrespectful” he said, still trying to calm me down. “They have all those marble statues all over the place, and they’re always half naked.” he went on. “And anyway the boat has sailed past now, so just relax.”

“Well, that’s as maybe” I replied, “but there’s more people at the end of the path now, so you can just find me a nice taverna and a nice glass of wine . . . and then
I might be able to relax!!!”

Anyway, you will probably find lots more half-naked and statuesque pictures . . . and possibly even some more bad-language . . . at this week’s Sinful Sunday by smacking the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

P.S. I did actually calm-down enough to agree with Hubby later that it was indeed a “Lighthouse” and would therefore be perfect for that category at Jades Scavenger Hunt pages . . . there are lots of other Scavenger Hunt “locations” at my Listings page . . . and now over 90 different locations on my Scavenger Slideshow page as well!!!   

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday

Coming Pleasantly to the Bottom of your street ??? #sinfulsunday


I often giggle about road, and place names, I “come” across in my strolls around our London streets.


Perhaps it’s just my naughty mind . . . but they often make me feel all warm and tingly when I read them!


And sometimes I just get hot, and pleasant, flushes as I turn a corner and
spy another inspiring sign . . .


I mean . . . what could be more “pleasant” than a nice “mount” !!!


And even sometimes driving around in the suburbs, I’ll see a sign that makes me just laugh out loud . . .


. . . and exclaim to Hubby, “Oh look, you just have to pull over!!!”


“Well you can’t stand there with just your top down!” he said at this latest stop. “It’s got bottom in the name!”


“Oh, all right then . . . but there’s another bus coming . . . so don’t go trying to tell me there’s anything else in the name!!!”

And, I haven’t actually found a street named with that particular part of one’s anatomy just yet . . . but if you know of one, perhaps you could tell me and,
you never know, I might just pop-round!!!

I imagine there will be lots of tops and bottoms at this week’s Sinful Sunday
. . . let’s explore by clicking the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

P.S. I’ve actually collected quite a few naughty place names in my travels recently, but I’m hoping these ones will be a good starting point for the “Road” category at Jades Scavenger Hunt pages . . . there are lots of other Scavenger Hunt “locations” at my Listings page . . . and now over 90 different locations on my Scavenger Slideshow page as well!!!   

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday

Sunglasses Optional #sinfulsunday

“Oh Bother !. . . bother, bother, bother!!!” I exclaimed.


“What’s wrong?” Hubby lowered his camera and called back to me. “That guy on the other side of the street has walked past  now. Are you ready or not?”

“Well . . . it’s Sinful Sunday theme-week today” I replied. “And it’s supposed to be something beginning with B . . . couldn’t we do something more creative or topical rather than me just standing here?” I asked.


“Like what ?” he shouted. “We’re here now! And besides it’s a Billboard. That begins with B”. “And anyway” he carried on, “there’s other things I can see beginning with B. Like your black sunglasses, and your blue shoes, and your beautiful boo . . .”


“Oh, stop it!” I called back. “I suppose you are right. We are here now . . . and it is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn . . . so perhaps that is topical in it’s own way . . . just to offer a ‘last-taste-of-summer-fun’ !!!”

Anyway, there will be lots and lots of other things beginning with B to behold at this week’s Sinful Sunday from tapping on the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

P.S. As well as Beginning with B for this week’s theme, I’m sure “Billboard” is a category at Jades Scavenger Hunt pages . . . and there are lots of my other Scavenger Hunt posts at my Listings page . . . and now over 90 different locations on my Scavenger Slideshow page as well!!!   

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday

Modestly Black & White #sinfulsunday


Modesty Ablaze – 1988

On reading Hyacinth’s wonderfully strong words, just this Friday, on recent events surrounding something so natural, and so important as one’s personal freedom of choice, I was left wishing once again . . .

Why things can’t be simpler? Why can’t things be more straightforward . . . why can’t things be more . . . black and white!!!

Why can’t we just all let each other be who we choose to be ? . . . To live our lives how WE want to live them ? . . . AND to let others live theirs the way THEY want to live them???

Because . . . I’m sure the world would be a much nicer place for ALL of us !!!

Anyway, for hopefully more enjoyable and smiley thoughts than my own this Sunday, please tap the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

Modesty Ablaze in Polaroids Past
Be Proud of Who You Were . . . and Be Proud of Who
You Have Become!

Xxx – K


Filed under Polaroids Past, Sinful Sunday

A Modest Cause-way #sinfulsunday


“Do we really have to walk all the way over to the other side?” I asked Hubby as we stepped onto the causeway.


“I’m quite happy just catching some sun here. And look even that gentleman behind me has stopped and is turning around.”


“Well, the guide-book says there’s a nice taverna on the other side of the harbour” Hubby replied. “And, see, there are other people walking on over there” he said as another man passed us by.


“But it feels hotter here out on the water, than back on shore where we started!”
I complained as we reached the half-way point. “Why don’t you ask this couple coming along if it’s worth the long walk?” I pleaded as I rested against the wall.


“Well, they’d better be right about it being a nice place, but can I rest here for just a few minutes longer . . ?


. . . because I can at least feel a nice little breeze here at the moment!”


“Oh alright then . . . I must admit the guide-book is right, it is a nice taverna . . . but I’ll need a few more glasses of wine before we have to start the walk back!!!”

And I imagine there will lots more cause-for-pausing at this week’s
Sinful Sunday from sipping from the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

P.S. Whilst sipping my wine I wondered aloud (only to Hubby obviously!!!) if there was a “Causeway” category at Jades Scavenger Hunt pages . . . but, of course, being way out on the other side of the harbour we had no wi-fi to check!!!
But, if not there are some other Scavenger Hunt postings at my Listings page and over 90 different locations on my Scavenger Slideshow page!!!   

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday

Grecian Stairs Three #sinfulsunday


In what has become my annual summer odyssey, there is one special set of steps
I just always have to climb.

And halfway-up I like to pause and gaze back down to the beach below . . .
just as I did from the same spot last summer . . . and the summer before . . . to catch my breath, take in the lovely view, and feel the cooling evening breeze!!!

There’s bound to be lots more breath-taking views to take in this Sinful Sunday by blowing cooling kisses at the lips below!!!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

Modestly Spiked #sinfulsunday

“Looking Up” is this week’s theme at Sinful Sunday, but . . .


. . . things may not be “looking up” for everyone within my crasp . . . depending, of course, on how “upward” one grows during the evening!!!

Experience more upward trends this Sunday by smacking the lips below!!!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Mistress Modesty Ablaze, Sinful Sunday