Tag Archives: Sinful Sunday

Christmas Lights Ablaze #sinfulsunday

“What do you mean you didn’t bring your camera??? . . . You get me all excited by taking me out for drinks on Christmas Eve . . . and THEN you tell me you didn’t bring your camera!!!”

“Well . . . you’d just better use your phone then hadn’t you!!! . . . Oh, and mind that car! Serves you right for walking backwards! – and no, we’re not going home to fetch your camera. You can just take me back to that pub for another glass of wine instead!”

It was actually very nice of Hubby to take me out for a pre-Christmas drink . . . and quite funny and surprising to hear people joking at the bar about the “blazing Xmas lights” in the alley behind the pub, which of course we just HAD to go out and see for ourselves!  So I suppose I will forgive him in the morning, especially after that other glass(es) of wine!!!

After all, it will be Christmas morning . . . you know, a time for goodwill and peace and love to all.

And I hope you will all be able to share some love and laughter
. . . and forgiveness . . . this Sunday too!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

Modest Rope Panties #sinfulsunday

Such a naughty . . . knotty night . . . and nice marks and memories to awake to this Sinful Sunday morning!

And I simply loved my modest rope panties courtesy of Lover No.14 . . . and
I mean both the knotting-on and the knotting-off!!!

See who else has been Sinful this Sunday from caressing the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

Modestly Stained #sinful sunday

It’s just been so busy, busy, busy recently . . . but not too busy to indulge in some Sinful Staining late last night!!!

I’m sure there will be many more Sinful stains this Sunday from spanking (responsibly and with due care of course!) at the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Mistress Modesty Ablaze, Sinful Sunday

Modestly Waiting #sinfulsunday

modestyablazeboatramp1“Are you sure you read the departure time correctly?” I asked. “There’s no other cars queued up in front of ours!”

modestyablazeboatramp2“Yes, the guide book says two Car Ferry departures to the island every day,
10 a.m. and 2 p.m.” Hubby replied, as I waited impatiently in the shade.

modestyablazeboatramp3“Well even if we are 15 minutes early, I would have expected to at least see some seamen around!” I said as I walked up to the boat-ramp.

modestyablazeboatramp4“It always comes down to semen with you doesn’t it?”, Hubby exclaimed as he checked his watch.

modestyablazeboatramp5“Not semen!” I shouted back. “I said sea-men . . . sailors . . . you plonk!”

modestyablazeboatramp6“Oh goodness, they’ve just started the engines . . .you don’t think they heard me shouting, do you?” I whispered as I scurried back to the waiting area.

And then minutes later, more cars suddenly arrived behind us, just like clock-work, as I sat . . . innocently of course . . . in my seat in the shade.

You will find lots more Sinful fun this Sunday by lapping at the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

P.S. We did have a lovely sailing across to the island and I would love to add this memory to the “Boat Ramp” category at Jades Scavenger Hunt pages. And don’t forget, there are lots of my other Scavenger Hunt journeys at
my Scavenger Listings page . . . and now over 90 different locations on
my Scavenger Slideshow page as well!!!   

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday

Modest Rainforest #sinfulsunday


Modesty Ablaze Rainforest – 2016

We were caught in a torrential downpour during our Sunday stroll this morning. But there’s something quite comforting about hearing the sound of the rain beating on the leaves of the forest canopy overhead . . . and feeling
the droplets on ones bare skin.

It reminded me of a similar stroll, below, in the rainforest in 1982 . . . from
our #polaroidspast albums.


Modesty Ablaze Rainforest – 1982

For more Sinful fun this Sunday kiss the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Modesty Ablaze in Polaroids Past
Be Proud of Who You Were . . . and Be Proud of Who
You Have Become!

Xxx – K

Xxx – K


Filed under #polaroidspast, Polaroids Past, Sinful Sunday

A Modest Intent #sinfulsunday


“I always have only the best intentions . . . for both of us!!!”

“Yes Mistress” he answered, kneeling in front of me.

For more Sinful intent this Sunday kneel and kiss the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Mistress Modesty Ablaze, Sinful Sunday

A Modest Flogging #sinfulsunday


Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Mistress Modesty Ablaze, Sinful Sunday

A Modest Mist #sinfulsunday


What a difference seven days can make! Last week for my weekend stroll it was mild and clear . . . if a little grey . . . skies.

This morning was cold and misty . . . very misty in fact. But you know what?
I just LOVE the mist!
It makes one feel closer to nature somehow doesn’t it. Natural and yet . . . mis-terious!!!

For more mystery this Sinful Sunday simply kiss the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

In a Modest Stile #sinfulsunday


Whilst I’ve always been a city-girl at heart, I do enjoy a stroll out and about in the country most weekends.


It was still quite mild for this time of year as Hubby and I set off on our favourite ramble yesterday afternoon, so I decided on just shorts and my waterproof jacket . . . in case of showers. Oh, and my wellington boots of course as one never knows about muddy fields and brooks.


“We will have to hurry-on though” I said to Hubby as I climbed the stile from the main road. “There’s another car just pulling-up by the side of the road”.


“No, I won’t take my jacket off . . . not yet anyway. I can hear they’ve got a dog with them so they will probably be racing past us shortly. Just be patient . . .
I’ll see how warm I get after we’ve walked on for a while.”

But . . . if you are as impatient as Hubby . . . there’s bound to be lots of other “jackets-off” at this week’s Sinful Sunday by
tapping the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

P.S. Now there is a “Stile” category at Jades Scavenger Hunt pages,
so I’m sure you will find lots more interesting country strolls there too.
And don’t forget, there are lots of other Scavenger Hunt strolls at
my Listings page . . . and now over 90 different locations on
my Scavenger Slideshow page as well!!!   

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday

A Modest Thank You #sinfulsunday


It’s always lovely to receive a surprise gift in the post . . . it makes one feel special and nice . . . especially when the gift is as lovely as this Black Net Body Stocking!!!

Normally the gifts are followed, or even preceded, by an email message from the sender. But this lovely present arrived recently without any notification before
. . . or since . . . from the person who sent it.

So, as it as made me feel very sinful whenever I’ve slipped it on, I thought I would model it here today by way of a “thank you”.

To see lot’s more sinfulness this Sunday just gently, and respectfully please,
kiss the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

P.s.More “thank you’s” await for the sender of this lovely gift. Just email to let me know if it was you . . . and I shall reply by return!!!


Filed under Female Dominatrix, Fetish Fashion, Latex & Lace, Sexy Lingerie, Sinful Sunday