Eve said to Adam . . . “an apple a day???”
And, Adam replied . . . ???
For more tempting, tempestuousness this Sinful Sunday,
Eve would probably have suggested taking a bite from the lips below!
“You’ve already had one beating this weekend . . . so if you don’t want another
you’d better get out there and mow that lawn!” I told him!!!
“Well perhaps if you’d trimmed those edges properly like I told you to,
you wouldn’t have to worry about the neighbours hearing your moans!!!”
For more “outdoor” experiences this Sinful Sunday just tap the lips below!
Filed under Sinful Sunday
I always enjoy going up and down . . . so I had lots of fun in this swishy lift at
my Wedding Weekend away recently.
Especially as the glass back looked out onto the hotel courtyard and street below (which you’ll catch glimpses of if you click on my buttons above).
And I’m sure you will see lots more Sinful glimpses this Sunday by
pushing patiently on the lips below!
Oh and I’m hoping that my travelling up and down will qualify for the Lifts category at Jades Scavenger Hunt pages.
And don’t forget, there are lots of my other Scavenger Hunt travels at
my Scavenger Listings page . . . and now over 100 different locations on
my Scavenger Slideshow page as well!!!
Xxx – K
Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday
A glass of wine . . . or two . . . helps of course, but I do get frightfully bored on aeroplanes. My mind starts to wander . . . and I start having “naughty” thoughts.
Like perhaps . . . doing one of Zoe’s (Sex Is My New Hobby) wonderful
Mile High posts at Boobday Friday!
But it’s always so cramped in aeroplane toilets, I thought it might be easier
if I took off my shirt here in my seat and just wore my scarf.
Oooh just imagine the sort of . . . aero-naughty-cal, aviatricks . . . one could
get up to in here.
Mmm . . . it’s making me all wobbly just thinking about it!
Oh my Goodness . . . someone’s knocking on the door asking if I dropped my scarf as I walked down the aisle!!!
Anyway, fully recovered, and with my scarf returned, waiting in the Transit Lounge for the next leg of our journey, I swear I just heard those young men behind me say they are playing ‘Scavenger Hunt’ on their phones!!!
But, I think I shall just indulge the airport’s wi-fi by flying over to this week’s Sinful Sunday from the lips below!
P.S. Hopefully those two young men may eventually find my “aero-nautics” in the Aeroplane category at Jades Scavenger Hunt pages.
And don’t forget, there are lots of other Scavenger Hunt excursions at
my Scavenger Listings page . . . and over 100 different locations on
my Scavenger Slideshow page as well!!!
Xxxx – K
Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday
One of the . . . many . . . fun things about attending Eroticon 2017 earlier this year was the opportunity to meet some of the wonderful sponsors of the event and discover and learn about new and interesting toys and accessories.
And one of the loveliest items I purchased was this beautiful blue dildo from Ceramic Pleasures. And I can assure you, it really has given lots of “pleasure” over the past few weeks!!!
Although I have several different glass dildos and, of course, my wonderful Farringdon Titanium dildo, I’ve never owned a “ceramic” one before. And as well as the completely different feel and sensations it gives . . . I also get quite a thrill knowing that my lovely “blue ridged dream”, as I’ve christened it, is a one-off, hand-made item, and completely one-of-a-kind. (As are all of the intriguingly varied range of dildo’s available from John at Ceramic Pleasure).
Now . . . do please excuse me as I simply just have to stroke those ridges again
. . . but whilst I do, I’m sure you’ll discover lots more pleasures of your own from stroking the Sinful Sunday lips below!
Whenever the sun comes out like it has today, I always feel like completely immersing myself in . . . naked . . . summer fun.
You know what I mean I’m sure . . . feeling warm ripples swirling all around!
Feeling the warmth of the sun caressing one’s skin . . .
Whilst taking care not to get too many rays on sensitive bits of course!
But just wanting to float away . . . completely relaxed and care-free.
But, sadly, these photos aren’t from today . . . rather they are from our wonderful Mediterranean vacation last summer!
So days like today just leave me looking forward even more, to immersing myself once again in those lovely relaxing waters.
But, in the meantime, to take my mind off things, I shall just have to immerse myself in this week’s Sinful Sunday by slapping the lips below!
P.S. But remembering those pictures above, I suddenly realised they would be ideal for the “Underwater” category at Jades Scavenger Hunt pages.
And don’t forget, there are lots of other Scavenger Hunt immersions at
my Scavenger Listings page . . . and now 100 different locations on
my Scavenger Slideshow page as well!!!
Xxxx – K
Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday
Sometimes one has to improvise . . . especially when you’ve forgotten
to pack your ball-gag!!!
But I’m sure you will find lots more people, being far more expressive, this
Sinful Sunday, by pinwheeling over the tender lips below!
Filed under BDSM fun, Female Dominatrix, Mistress Modesty Ablaze, Sinful Sunday
Yes I know it’s now officially Spring . . . but for me, Autumn is actually my favourite time of year. And as those first leaves start to fall I’m always reminded of that beautifully haunting Eva Cassidy song “Autumn Leaves”.
So when I learned that this week’s theme at Sinful Sunday was to choose a photo “inspired by a Song Title”, my morning stroll in the woods last autumn, immediately sprang to mind.
Because, not only is “Autumn Leaves” one of my favourite songs,
but Eva’s story is one of the most inspirational I have ever come across. Especially poignant and inspirational for me for so many reasons . . . I really do urge you to take some time to view that video . . . I am sure you will find it as moving and motivational as I do.
And, of course, you can view all the other song titles at this week’s
Sinful Sunday, by rustling over the lips below!
Filed under Sinful Sunday
It’s always exciting whenever I meet someone who share’s my fetish for shoes!
And I enjoy that real sense of sharing even more . . .
When I can tell that my choice of footwear is obviously being appreciated!
In fact it often makes me want to just . . .
Jump for joy . . . up and down . . . and over and over again !!!
I’m sure there will be lots more joyful excitement to be found this
Sinful Sunday, by stomping on the lips below!
I always like to wrap things up with a tight red ribbon and bow . . .
And the visitor to my chambers last night certainly seemed to appreciate my attention to detail and finishing touches!!!
There’s simply bound-to-be more sinful attention and detail to be discovered this Sunday, by smacking the lips below!
Filed under BDSM fun, Fetish Fashion, Mistress Modesty Ablaze, Sinful Sunday