“They come in all shapes and sizes don’t they?” Hubby said as we set off
on our early evening stroll.
“I know . . . and that’s just how I like them!!!” I giggled, trying to cool and fan myself in the sticky humidity.
“No, I don’t mean last night!” he laughed. “I mean these bollards!”
“Well, you must admit, they are quite phallic” I teased, as I rubbed against the next one in the road.
“Oh and look” I cried out as we turned the next corner. “These ones are lovely. Tall and ridged, and nicely rounded on top!!!”
“No, I’m not so keen on these ones” I said as we walked on further. “They look a bit awkward, and I don’t like their flat heads”.
“No, I don’t think they will count as bollards” Hubby chastised, “they are more like cones”.
“Mmm, I know, but they would be much more comfortable than the last lot. Let’s stop here for a few minutes!” I purred.
“How about this one?” I called out. “This is a sort-of bollard isn’t it???”
“I don’t think so” he replied. “It’s just to help people stay on the right side.
So probably not much use for you!!!”.
“Well you never normally complain if I stray from the straight and narrow”
I shouted back, trying to make myself heard over the sound of the bus
racing by . . . and not really hearing what he was saying in reply!
“The beeping’s not from the bus” I eventually made out his words. “There’s a car indicating to turn in, so can you move out of the road!!!”
“He was a bit grumpy!” I scowled as I walked back up to Hubby. “He said this is a private turning and not a public thoroughfare!”
So I felt a bit like a scolded, naughty school-girl . . . not for the first-time as Hubby pointed out . . . but I’m hoping that at least some of my measuring different sizes, will qualify for the “Bollards” section
in Jade’s Scavenger Hunt.
But for more immediate naughtiness this Sunday, I suggest you kiss
the Sinful lips below!
And don’t forget, there are lots of my other Scavenger Hunt travels at
my Scavenger Listings page . . . and now over 100 different locations on
my Scavenger Slideshow page as well!!!

Xxx – K