Tag Archives: sexual adventure

Modesty Ablaze “Kisses Part 2” #realworldsex film @makelovenotporn

ModestyAblazeKissesPt2CoverSince my Valentines Kisses video was published at Make Love Not Porn in February, I’ve had lots and lots of emails asking when “Part Two” would be available.

Well, I’m delighted to say that it is finally here . . . Part Two of that fabulous, sexy, exhausting . . . but wonderfully fun evening of just pure, real world sex.
Because that’s what it simply was . . . just a wonderful evening of real and passionate loving . . . and kissing  all over.

And . . . I do mean ALL OVER . . . because I do so love giving, and receiving, those gorgeously deep, sucking . . . and all-consuming . . . passionate kisses that only Lover No. 50 seems to give.

KissesPt2Teaser3Oh and did I mention . . . DEEP . . . and EXHAUSTING ??? . . . well you will just have to watch the video to see EXACTLY how DEEP and EXHAUSTING I mean.

And, don’t forget, if you register at the lovely Make Love Not Porn dot TV website . . . and watch this introductory video from there . . . you will see some exclusive Free Clips from my “Valentines Kisses Part 2” video at the end. It’s FREE to register and you can see Free Clips of not only all my videos there . . . but lots and lots of other fun #realworldsex videos as well.

The MakeLoveNotPorn.tv Make Lingerie Love Not Porn post recently previewed Valentines Kisses Part 2 as:

In part two of Valentine’s Kisses, Modesty and her lover(s) are totally euphoric! Full of extremely deep, passionate kisses, and some very impressive #downtown action, this video proves that more really is the merrier! Especially when you’re queen Modesty and it’s Valentine’s Day!

You can view my short introduction to “Valentines Kisses Part 2” by clicking the preview screen at the top of this post . . . . . . and, as I mention in that video, if you register (it’s FREE) and watch the intro video directly from my MakeLoveNotPorn profile page there are some short Free Peek clips from the actual video itself at the end of my introduction.

There lots more screen shots and Free Peek links to all of my #realworldsex videos, at my Make Love Not Porn page >here<. And much more on just why I love the whole concept of MLNP . . . and all of the other Real World People enjoying their own Real World Sex . . . from my “Why I Love Make Love Not Porn” introductory video (from March 2014) >here<.

“Valentines Kisses Part 2” is my 27th video released on Make Love Not Porn and you can rent it from my Modesty Ablaze Profile page at MakeLoveNotPorn >here<.

It’s completely FREE to register at MLNP and I’m sure you will enjoy not just my twenty-seven #realworldsex videos, but lots of other fun and amazing contributions from the growing MLNP community as well!!!

Make Love Not Porn

I really do hope you will enjoy viewing “Valentines Kisses Part 2” as much as I enjoyed receiving them!!!

Xxx – K

1 Comment

Filed under #realworldsex at MLNP.tv, Hotwives, Make Love Not Porn, sexual empowerment for women

Modestly Parking #wickedwednesday

One is always on edge when trying to park anywhere in London . . .


“It says £6 for two hours  . . . But we haven’t got much choice have we?”


“I know, I KNOW that’s expensive, but make up your bloody mind, the show starts in 10 minutes!”


“Now I’ve forgotten my card number! You’ll have to pay it on your phone then!”


“Will you hurry up! I can’t stand here all day, someone else will get the space and it’s the last one left!”

“Living on the Edge” is this week’s theme at Wicked Wednesday . . . and I often feel “on-edge” when trying to find parking in London, particularly when we are running a little bit late for an event. You are bound to discover more edgy experiences by beeping on the circle below!


Xxx – K

P.S. – We did manage to make our payment in the end, but all the frustration involved made me think I should also post it as a “Parking Meter Scavenger Location” at Pieces of Jade’s,  new Scavenger Hunt  

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Wicked Wednesday

Top 100 Sex Bloggers for 2015


I’m late of course . . . I seem to be late with almost everything recently . . . so much to do, so many people to see!!!

But the annual Top 100 Sex Bloggers List is too important an item to let pass without mentioning . . . and applauding . . . all those involved with it’s preparation and production, (particularly the remarkable Molly) and all those Sex Bloggers listed (see below).

I will let Molly explain the history and ethos of the list >herewith< which I really do encourage you to read!

Now of course, lists, recommendations and compilations are always subjective aren’t they? What appeals to one person may be of no interest at all to another. But to me what is so important about the Top 100 Sex Bloggers List is that it is the perfect starting point for discovering a hugely diverse and entertaining group of people discussing, promoting, and most importantly in my view, celebrating  one’s sexuality in a way that it is never, ever approached in mainstream media.

And that is important in enlightening, educating and helping to hopefully remove all of the stigma, shame and guilt from what is, after all, the most basic and empowering of all of one’s natural emotions and instincts.

But enough of the preaching and finger-shaking from me . . . because none of us like too much of that do we? (Depends exactly where the finger is shaking actually!!!)

Anyway . . . just before listing Molly’s compilation below, I really wanted to take this opportunity to mention some of my favourite visiting places as well. Definitely not in any particular order of importance or preference, but just because when reading through a list of any kind it only seems natural to stop every-so-often and giggle and nod my head and say “Oh yes, I LOVE that one!” And I say “giggle” because usually for me, one of the most compelling reasons I return again and again to a particular blog, or website, is because it is FUN, because it makes me giggle and feel good about something.

And these people or places always make me feel good about something:

You Won’t Tame This Sassy Cat: – For her continually inspiring and wonderfully fun photos and wonderfully frank and honest stories and recollections! Not to mention that I’m always so envious of her most amazing collection of shoes . . . and the most stunning, captivating, sensuous eyes I have ever been looked at by!!!

Exposing 40: – A new discovery over the past year for me. Lovely, lovely photos . . . and, stimulating, motivational words and quotations that always, always, seem to strike a chord. The right notes at just the right times!

F Dot Leonora: – Fun, surprising, quirky, challenging, fun, interesting . . . and did I say fun . . . posts, that always make me giggle and always make me . . . well, wonder! Spiralling stories like an old-time radio serial. The sort that seem to stop, almost in mid-sentence, and make you cry out “but what happened next!!!”

Behind the Chintz Curtain: – Stylish, classy and thought-provoking words always. And, stylish, classy and thought-provoking photographs too. But it is those words . . . always so perfectly correct and proper, and then, whoosh-bang, so naughtily erotic and arousing! I’m always, always shifting and squirming in my chair before I reach the end!

Beck and Her Kinks: – And speaking of naughty! Wow . . . direct and always straight to the point. I almost always gasp out loud . . . and giggle . . . and feel good whenever I visit. Naughty, fun and prolific . . . I’m amazed at her energy! Bitch!

Rebels Notes: – Oh, and speaking of prolific energy! Marie just has an awe-inspiring amount of both. As well as being awe-inspiring in so many others ways too. Amazing tatoos, piercings and fun and naughty words and photos. And the hostess of some wonderful memes . . . including one of my favourite weekly visits, Wicked Wednesday.

Sinful Sunday: – Favourite weekly visits? Of course it has to be Molly’s Sinful Sunday. Another lady of amazing and awe-inspiring energy, Molly’s weekly meme is a must visit for just some of the most erotic imagery you will find. Clever, motivational, inspirational, body-positive and definitely sexily-sensual. Sunday’s wouldn’t be the same!

Boobday Friday: – Hyacinth’s wonderful blog is, of course, this year’s No. 1 in the Top 100, but I also wanted to mention her wonderful weekly meme Boobday Friday. A truly body-positive celebration of breasts of all shapes, sizes and denominations, I think it is a wonderfully important place that everyone (and I mean everyone in the truly global sense) should regularly visit. Because . . . well just because!!! It’s obvious really!!!

Cherry Tart Blog: – Another new discovery for me this year. Dawn’s regular posts and photos just seem to strike a chord with me. Honest and personal in a motivational sort of way . . . I always want to read and I often find myself nodding and thinking “I know just what she means”. I often feel a part of her journey.

The Other Livvy: – Yet another new discovery this year. And yet another place to which I seem to feel some sort of connection that makes me want to return over and over. Fun writings and wonderfully clever and startling photos. You will just have to visit to see what I mean!

Sex is My New Hobby: – And what a lovely new hobby to have! And what a lovely new blog to discover! The honesty in the words and the creativity and sensuality in the photos always seem to touch in a personal way. My new hobby is regularly visiting Sex is My New Hobby!

And I could go on . . . and on . . . of course. Because there are just so many wonderfully entertaining, inspiring and thought-provoking blogs to enjoy and discover. And I urge you to browse Molly’s list below and do just that . . . Enjoy and Discover!!!

Oh, but before I go, I would just like to add to Molly’s mention of sad losses in 2015. Firstly that of Curvaceous Dee and her wonderfully, wonderfully fun Scavenger Hunt meme. To me, as well as being such fun to indulge in, Dee’s Scavenger Hunt was a place which just perfectly promoted body-positivity in every sense of the word. Being proud of one’s self and having fun in celebrating that in the hope and belief that it would inspire others to be confident and at ease with their body and sexuality as well. I was lucky enough to meet with Dee whilst on holiday early in 2014 and she is a such a lovely, lovely person that instantly made you feel happy to be with. She tells me that the Scavenger Hunt meme will soon be re-instated by another hostess and when it is I certainly encourage you to visit and participate.

On a much, much sadder note we also lost Bobbie Morgan of A Good Woman’s Dirty Mind late in 2015. Although we never met in person, the messages we shared through email and twitter were always wonderfully inspiring for me. Fun and enthusiasm, and Bobbie’s passion for education and sex-positivity, just seemed to bounce out of every word she typed. Through those messages it was as though I could hear her voice, speaking her words, bubbling, cajoling and encouraging. Her blog still remains and is a wonderful resource of information and discussion on all things sex-positive. I urge you to visit!!!

As indeed I also do for . . . Molly’s list of the Top 100 Sex Bloggers of 2015
. . . reproduced in it’s entirety below!!!

New Voice of the Year Award

This award goes to a blog that is new this year and therefore have not been around long enough to qualify for the Top Sex Bloggers list. After much sole searching I have decided that there are two winners of this award this year.

Melina Greenport: I discovered her blog through Wicked Wednesday and have fallen increasingly in love with her sexy, intelligent, beautiful writing. Seriously, if fabulous erotic fiction is your thing then this lady is going to rock your world.

Exposing 40: Exposing 40 has launched herself into the blogging world with style, grace and passion. Her site is a body positive adventure, centred around life in your 40’s. This blog is an unashamed look at, not only her body, but both male and female guests and challenges the traditional ideals of youth = beauty/sex and I am really looking forward to seeing where this project takes her in 2016.

And now with the previews done lets launch ourselves into the main event!

Top 100 Sex Bloggers 2015

1. A Dissolute Life Means

When I started this project I knew Hy was going to make the top 10 but once all the scoring was done she emerged a worthy winner of this years list. Her writing is fearless, bold, honest and raw. She never shies away from the realities of herself when it comes to her writing. She is funny, sexy, intelligent, thought-provoking, sometimes heart breaking, and often heart warming. She also runs the fabulous #Boobday meme ‘a place for us to honour breasts of all shapes and sizes belonging to all types of folks’. In my opinion she is a most worthy winner!

2. Love Hate Sex Cake

I have long been a dedicated reader of Cheeky Minx but 2015 has seen her completely blow me away. Her photography is second to none and when coupled with her deliciously sexy prose packs a lust filled punch that will leave you breathless and returning again and again for more.

3. Malin James

Malin’s blog is a delightful mix of quality sexy erotica and thoughtful intelligent opinion pieces. One moment she will be knocking your knickers off with her erotic fiction and the next she will have you pondering the vagaries of life. She is a skilled and passionate writer, insightful, self aware and utterly engaging, her blog is one of those places that you can happily loose hours of your life in.

4. Dangerous Lilly

Lilly is all the things you want in a sex toy reviewer; honest, smart, dedicated, and knowledgeable. Her no nonsense writing is engaging and informative and damn can she make me laugh. This woman really knows her stuff, and she is my go to site when when I want to get an opinion on a sex toy. She is one of those bloggers who comes across as being totally and utterly herself and her blog is possibly one the best designed and easiest to navigate on this whole list.

5. Switch Studies

I first discovered Ginger Nic’s blog through Elust but doing the research for this list caused me to delve a lot deeper into her site, what I found totally hooked me in. Her writing is intelligent, artistic, and covers a wide range of topics. It is a true glimpse into her life and thought processes that will make you want to read on. There really is something for everyone here, regardless of your persuasion

6. Holden and Camille

In my opening post about the list back in January I said if you knock my knickers off you are going to do well and these guys totally did that. In fact they didn’t just knock them off they tore them off and threw them across the room. Their photography is quite frankly smoking hot. From suggestively erotic to devilishly filthy these guys have it covered, or should that be uncovered? This blog is a fabulous journey through one couples sex lives in the bedroom, living room, dinning room, bathroom, staircase and beyond and whenever I visit there I always end up leaving with the urge to indulge in a damn good fuck.

7. Remittance Girl

If, like me, you like your erotica raw and gritty with not a happy ever after ending in sight then RG’s writing is the stuff for you. Combine that with strong, well reasoned opinion pieces and you have got yourself a winner. In my opinion RG is one of the best writers of short erotic literature of our time. She has the power to make you think about human desire and eroticism in a way that will at times leave you uncomfortable whilst also turning you on.

8. Stranded in Toronto

There is no one else quite like Stranded in the sex blogging community in my opinion. A fine writer, he has a talent for combining sci-fi and fantasy with humour and hot dirty sex that will have you returning again and again to his site. 2015 has been the year of self publishing for him but that has not slowed him down when it comes to his blog. He is prolific in his writing and there is always something new to enjoy on his site.

9. The Big Gay Review

This blog was completely new to us and both of us were completely taken with it. It is beautiful presented, easy to navigate and his pictures of the products that he reviews are not only beautifully done but also numerous so you really get to see the products in detail. Oh and this guy is funny. He has a wonderful turn of phrase that resulted in us both sitting here chuckling to ourselves as we read. I have a feeling that hanging out with Dave in real life would be a total blast and he most definitely has been added to the list of sex bloggers I would one day like to meet in person.

10. Domme Chronicles

I have been a very long time reader of Ferns, in fact over the years I am fairly sure there is not much of her content that I have not actually read. Despite the fact that her kink is pretty much the direct opposite of mine I am an avid reader of her site. She is a phenomenal writer and her blog is an honest frank account of what it means to her to be a female Domme.

11. Seattle Poly Chick N/A
12. My Dissolute Life @nlikes
13. The Power Exchange @talesofmouse
14. Abbi Rode and Told @OCDcrankypants
15. Rebel’s Notes @rebelsnotes
16. Girly Juice @girly_juice
17. Innocent Loverboy @innocentlb
18. The Drew Duality @dualdrew
19. Ann St Vincent @AnnStVincent
20. Jade Aurora Waters @jadeawaters
21. Insatiable Desire @RayneMillaray
22. Understanding Flutterby @FlutterbyFlip
23. Cammies on the floor @cammiesonfloor
24. Aerie’s Room @aeriesroom
25. Seaside Slut Diary @seasideslut
26. Sex Blog (of Sorts) N/A
27. oh Joy Sex Toy @ErikaMoen
28. Modesty Ablaze @ablazingmodesty
29. Denying Thumper @thumperMN
30. Lady Laid Bare @JillyBoyd
31. Redhead Bedhead @joellennotte
32. Hey Epiphora @epiphora
33. The Gritty Woman @GrittyWoman
34. Miss Ruby Reviews @MissRubyReviews
35. Behind the Chintz Curtain @ChintzCurtain
36. Superotica @TamsinFlowers
37. The Sub Mission @The_Sub_Mission
38. Rouged Mount N/A
39. You can’t Tame this Sassy Cat @Sassycat38
40. BD Swain @redswain
41. The Submission of Elle @hispetitelle
42. Temperature’s Rising N/A
43. Ninja Sexology @ninjasexology
44. Cara Sutra @thecarasutra
45. Kitty Stryker @kittystryker
46. Deviantt Kitten @devianttkitten
47. Horny Geek Girl @hornygeekgirl
48. Poison Pen Dirty Mind @OleanderPlume
49. Teachers have sex @teachershavesex
50. Penny for your Dirty Thoughts @pennysblog
51. Emmeline Peaches Reviews @EmmelinePeaches
52. Maria Open’s Up @MSM1647
53. A to sub Bee @sub_bee
54. Songs From His Nyghtbird N/A
55. A Roll in the Hay @kinthehay
56. Apricot Creams @apricotcreams
57. A Sexual Being @KaylaLords
58. Reticent Mental Property N/A
59. Janine Ashbless N/A
60. The Erotic Writer N/A
61. Crista Anne @pinkness
62. Ero Centric @EROcentric
63. Break Out N/A
64. Happy Come Lucky @ht_honey
65. Stella Kiink @stellakiink
66. He’s Naked @hesnaked
67. F Dot Leonora @fdotleonora
68. Tabitha Rayne @TabithaErotica
69. This Girl’s Weblog N/A
70. Under His Hand N/A
71. Toy Meets Girl @dizzygirl812
72. Sex is my New Hobby @SexIsMyNewHobby
73. Exhibit A @EA_unadorned
74. Cara Thereon N/A
75. Marvelous Darling @marvydarling
76. The Other Livvy @theotherlivvy
77. Beck and Her Kinks @Beck_Noire
78. Just Indecerous @JustIndecerous
79. Mr Wills House of Thrills @MrWills_HoT
80. A Kilted Wookie Writes @Kilted_Wookie
81. Artemisia FemmeCock @AFemmeCock
82. Illicit thoughts @Kats_my_Name__
83. Kink Praxis @TGStoneButch
84. Bangs and Whimpers @bangsnwhimpers
85. Vagina Antics @vaginaantics
86. Jerusalem Mortimer: Between the Lines @JaimeMortimer
87. The Lustful Literate @lustfulliterate
88. Ella Dawson @brosandprose
89. Sexologist Vixenne @DrVixenne
90. Frisky in the 916 @jackandjillcpl
91. Absolutely Ruby @Absolutely_Ruby
92. Malflic @malflic
93. The Kiss Me Quick’s Erotica Podcast @RoseCaraway
94. Bex talks Sex @bextalkssex
95. Frisky’s Sex Toy Reviews @FriskyGirl_
96. Kinky Biker Mom @KinkyBikerMom
97. Wank of the Day @wankoftheday
98. Charlie in the Pool @charlieinthe
99. My Sex Life with Lola N/A

100. YOU! Rori always left this last spot free for the all the other awesome sex bloggers out there. It is just not possible to include everyone, I relied on the nominations to gather the list and I am sure there are people missing, but this place is for you because every single one of you counts and contributes towards this community.


Top 100 Sex Bloggers 2015






Filed under Top 100 Sex Bloggers List

Modesty Ablaze “Twice As Nice” #realworldsex film @makelovenotporn


“Twice As Nice” is my newest video at MakeLoveNotPorn.tv and is especially for all those people who have been reminding me that I’d promised a “Part Three” from my truly wonderful “Happy Birthday” evening with Lover No.14 last year.

Whilst the video itself is from some months ago, I still remember . . . and often re-live . . . that amazing evening and following morning just like it was yesterday. It was such fun . . . such amazing fun . . . that I know I will never forget it.  And I hope you will get a sense of that fun . . . and passion . . . from watching it too.

Like all of the #realworldsex videos at Make Love Not Porn . . . and I mean all of the videos there, not just mine . . . I think that “Twice As Nice” shows how much fun, and how natural and fulfilling, sex can really be.

So much so that once the fun starts we all just forget about the camera and lose ourselves completely in each other and the fun times we are having.  In fact at one point Hubby is obviously so enjoying the fun that Lover 14 and I are having . . . that he slightly loses the direction of the camera! But I’m sure you will still be able to sense exactly what was happening at the time!!!

Plugged with my special present

As I mentioned, this was part of my Happy Birthday weekend, and . . . as if the whole occasion wasn’t a birthday present enough . . . the actual little gift I was bought for the occasion, makes a special appearance. It’s not so little really, but it is rather lovely though, and Lover 14 certainly put it to good use!!!

Oh . . . and why I have called the video “Twice As Nice” ? No, it’s not because there were two orgasms . . . there were lots, lots more than that! LOL!!! . . . it’s because . . . Two Cocks are better than One . . . of course!


The MakeLoveNotPorn.tv MakeLickjob and Martini Love Not Porn post recently previewed “Twice As Nice” as:

In part three of her “Happy Birthday” evening with Lover no. 14, we see Modesty having a GREAT time. Full of floggers, plugs and wands, (oh my!) and a lover she has an extra crazy connection with (of course), this is the perfect way for Modesty to celebrate a birthday! In part three of this rendezvous, we see lots of succulent #downtown action, before an #explosive climax!

You can view my short introduction to “Twice As Nice” by clicking the preview screen at the top of this post . . . . . . and, as I mention in that video, if you register (it’s FREE) and watch the intro video directly from my MakeLoveNotPorn profile page there are some short Free Peek clips from the actual video itself at the end of my introduction.

There lots more screen shots and Free Peek links to all of my #realworldsex videos, at my Make Love Not Porn page >here<. And much more on just why I love the whole concept of MLNP . . . and all of the other Real World People enjoying their own Real World Sex . . . from my “Why I Love Make Love Not Porn” introductory video (from March 2014) >here<.

“Twice As Nice” is my 26th video released on Make Love Not Porn and you can rent it from my Modesty Ablaze Profile page at MakeLoveNotPorn >here<.

It’s completely FREE to register at MLNP and I’m sure you will enjoy not just my twenty-six #realworldsex videos, but lots of other fun and amazing contributions from the growing MLNP community as well!!!

Make Love Not Porn

I really do hope you will enjoy “Twice As Nice” as much as I did!!!

Xxx – K


Filed under #realworldsex at MLNP.tv, Make Love Not Porn, sexual empowerment for women, Swinging, womens Erotica

The Modesty Ablaze Valentine’s Day Bulletin No.2

Last week I mentioned in my Fantasy Bulletin No.1, that I would keep on at you about Valentine’s Day! So this is Bulletin No.2 to remind you to take advantage of a wonderful opportunity to give a little love to that person (or persons!) that have a special place in your life . . . or perhaps the person(s) you would like to have a special place in your life.

It’s the perfect time to be able to use a little imagination and perhaps suggest something different, or “spicy” for your relationship, that you might ordinarily feel a little awkward or shy about.

After all, Valentine’s is normally considered by most people to be fun and frivolous . . . extravagant and silly . . . racy and sexy! Just the ideal excuse to say “well it is Valentine’s, it is just a bit of fun!” even if that red latex cat-suit, or those fur-lined bondage handcuffs . . . or red riding crop . . . is something you’ve actually always wanted to try!!!

And just to help guide you in the right direction . . . and encourage you to be just a little Valentine’s-outrageous and fun-naughty . . . I highly recommend that you browse my favourite first-stop-shops for all things fun, fetish and sexy, below.

So in no particular order, something for the weekend sir or madam?


From Belle De Soir . . . a wonderful selection of both sexy silky lingerie and super sexy toys at some of the most reasonable prices I think you’ll find all across the world-wide web.

I just love their Gracya range of Corsets, Thongs and Suspender Belts

Or to set your evening really throbbing, why not try my favourite Doxy Wand Massager or, if you’re feeling even more adventurous the new Doxy Skittle!!!

And, if you use the Val5off Discount Code before February 15th, you’ll be able to claim a 5% reduction on most of the lovely items throughout their shop.


Or . . . if latex and lace, or pvc and pleasure is more what you have in mind . . . then Honour Clothing is a must visit on your Valentinian travels!

Because they have some of the most lovely creations that I have ever slid myself into.

Including the Glamour Corselette which you may have seen on these very pages before, or how about the simply fabulous Chimera Basque which always brings me lots and lots of compliments whenever I wear it out and about.

I have a wardrobe full of Honour, from basques to boots and bras to blindfolds . . . and everything feels so stylish and so, so sexily naughty!!!


And speaking of naughty . . . then if you really, really want to try something really, really naughty and really, really kinky . . . then you must stop by Uberkinky.

Because as they say . . . for them “It’s Not a Fetish, it’s a Way of Life” and trust me they really mean it!!!

If you’ve visited me here often . . . or perhaps visited me in person LOL!!! . . . then you will have seen lots and lots of Uberkinky items.

So if this Valentine’s you’d like to add some real kink to your relationship, from Bondage Wear to Bondage Gear, from Collars to Cock Rings, from Vibrators for her to Vibrators for him, from Front to Rear . . . Uberkinky is truly out there!!!

Or, if I’ve left you feeling that all of the above is perhaps just little extreme . . . and you would prefer something a little more mainstream . . . may I suggest the largest online shop of all.

love-2433-300x225Because at Lovehoney you simply can’t go wrong . . . there is something within for everyone. And, I have to say, that whilst they may not seem as “specialised”, or “bespoke” to the naked eye as the shops I’ve mentioned above, in terms of service and delivery, they are second to none.

As I’m sure you will discover as you begin browsing their aisles, their product range just goes on for miles and miles.

There is something for every taste and every desire . . . with lots of little helpful reviews and extensive product details for every item that sparks your interest.

And, speaking of sparks, if you can’t start making some sparks of your own from the options above, I shall be very disappointed!

I’m expecting you to report back!!!

But in the meantime . . . until Bulletin No.3 . . . bye, bye for now!!!

Xxx – K



Filed under Modesty Ablaze Sex Toy & Product Reviews, Sex Toys, Sex Toys Reviews, Uberkinky Fetish Toys, Valentines Day, womens Erotica

Bottom to Top #wickedwednesday

ModestyBottomTopI’m often asked what I get “from having a blog” and people sometimes look surprised when I reply “It’s helped me feel better about myself”.

And no, I don’t mean that in a vain or boastful way . . . I actually mean that Modesty Ablaze has truly helped me discover and feel more confident about so many things, both physical and emotional, and helped me more easily accept who I am.

Modesty has been a release, and a celebration, of things that previously I may have worried about admitting or acknowledging . . . and certainly about sharing with others! (Even with those nearest and dearest to me).

Sharing in public those concerns that we all have about the way our body changes as we grow older, sharing our desires about what excites us . . . and sharing our experiences and the “interesting” discoveries we make along the way . . . has made me feel stronger and happier and given me a greater sense of self-esteem.

This week’s prompt at Wicked Wednesday is “self image” and how we feel about ourselves. So it seemed the perfect occasion to share my thoughts above on how Modesty Ablaze has contributed to my changes and experiences over the past few years.

And, of course, another very important discovery I have made since I first bared-my-soul (some would say bared-my-all!!!) across the world-wide-web, is the wonderful sense of community and the sense of belonging that has ensued.
I am constantly grateful for all the comments, emails and private messages I receive . . . offering help or advice at some question I may have posed or suggested. Or thanking me for giving strength and acceptance in the course of a statement, or situation, I may have described.

So Modesty has made me happier and more fulfilled . . . I hope she has made some of you feel the same.

 See who else is sharing from the Wicked Wednesday button below!!!


Xxx – K



Filed under Wicked Wednesday, womens Erotica

“A Gentler Squeeze” #realworldsex film @makelovenotporn

GentlerSqueezeCoverMay1615I like sex . . . in fact I LOVE sex . . . and it is always especially sexy and exciting sharing new experiences and sensations with a different lover.

But I also have to feel comfortable with that person . . . I can’t just jump into bed with anyone I meet . . . there has to be a connection, a chemistry if you like, before I can become intimate with someone new.

I have been incredibly privileged over the years to have met some wonderful lovers and had some amazingly fun times. And I have “connected” with several people who have not only become regular lovers, but regular friends as well. Lovers I may occasionally meet not just for sex . . . but for lunchtime coffee or after work drinks . . . as well.

And luckily for me several of those lovers share my excitement and enjoyment at sharing my videos of our meetings on MakeLoveNotPorn.tv.

No silly, not videos of our meetings for coffee or drinks, but videos of our wonderful “real world sex”. Those times when we really do just let ourselves go and indulge ourselves in each others company . . . and each others passions . . . and just see where our emotions take us.

And that’s what makes these “real world sex” videos at Make Love Not Porn, so special for me. They are just that . . . just REAL WORLD in REAL TIME . . . like a video diary of our lovemaking. There is no plan, no script for what we are going to do. We quickly forget about the camera and just . . . MAKE LOVE . . . and not make Porn!!!

“A Gentler Squeeze” . . . my latest video at MLNP.tv . . . is exactly one of those occasions.  It is from a new meeting a few weeks ago with Lover No.36. Although we had met for coffees on several occasions . . . we hadn’t been able to get together “intimately” . . . since the evening of our “Secondary Squeeze” video late last year. So it was really lovely to be able to arrange a new meeting . . . back at our favourite hotel . . . and make up for lost time.

GentlerSqueeze1If you’ve watchedThe Main Squeeze andSecondary Squeeze . . . my two previous videos with Lover 36 . . . you’ll know that he is one of the most “energetic” of lovers I have ever been with.

But in this new video, I think you will see a different side to our relationship . . . gentler, calmer moments of just how much we’d missed each other. Almost like getting to know one another all over again, with some sensual kissing and re-acquainting myself with his . . . rather MAHOOSIVELY thick manhood . . . and then some lovely slow fucking . . . building up to a wonderfully fulfilling ending.

“A Gentler Squeeze” is just part of our time together and perhaps if you enjoy it . . . and let me know that you would like to see more . . . I could upload a “Part 2” from the rest of the evening.

But . . . in the meantime . . . I hope you will enjoy Lover 36 and his Gentler Squeeze !!!

The recent “Make Radiant Love Not Porn” post on the MakeLoveNotPorn-blog previews “A Gentler Squeeze” as:

“Is it just me or does Modesty just get better and better? In this video, Modesty meets up with a lover that she hadn’t been able to rendez-vous with seen since late last year. Maybe there’s some truth to the statement that absence makes the heart grow fonder ’cause once they were given the opportunity, these two sure couldn’t keep their hands off of each other! Filmed by lover no. 1, hubby, this sweet reunion is filled with all sorts of ecstatic moments and a surprising downtown adventure that you’ll have to rent to see!”

There are some screen shots and Free Peek links to “A Gentler Squeeze”, and all of my #realworldsex videos, at my Make Love Not Porn page >here<. And much more on just why I love the whole concept of MLNP . . . and all of the other Real World People enjoying their own Real World Sex . . . from my “Why I Love Make Love Not Porn” introductory video (from March 2014) >here<.

“A Gentler Squeeze” is my 18th video released on Make Love Not Porn and you can rent it from my Modesty Ablaze Profile page at MakeLoveNotPorn >here<.

It’s completely FREE to register at MLNP and I’m sure you will enjoy not just my seventeen #realworldsex videos, but lots of other fun and amazing contributions from the growing MLNP community as well!!!

And don’t forget, you can ask me ANY questions you like about any of my videos, or anything about MakeLoveNotPorn in the form below.

NB: Submissions from this form are emailed directly to my In-box and are NOT displayed publicly. (Alternatively, you can make public comments, in the normal way, from the “Comment” panel at the very foot of this post).

Make Love Not Porn


Xxx – K

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Filed under Make Love Not Porn

A Real Neat Blog Award Post

WomenBehindWordsI have felt very flattered over the past week to have received two mentions in The Real Neat Blog Award series of posts.
Firstly by Tami at kinkybikermom and then by Catherine SassyCat at: sassycat3000.net . . . both of whom are fabulously fun and enviously prolific bloggers from America.

Neat300x180In keeping with the Real Neat Blog Award theme, they both sent me a number of questions to answer which I have set out to do as best I can below.

Tami and Sassy both: T & S:
Q: What was the reason you decided to start blogging?
A: I’ve been so lucky to have a wonderful “open-marriage” and enjoyed a polyamorous lifestyle with my Hubby for over 30 years. I’d been writing diary accounts of my liaisons with my lovers, and of our swinging experiences for almost all of that time. Initially it started as almost just a list of dates, whens and wheres . . . a way of keeping track I suppose (LOL!!!) But as time passed, and I started adding more “details” it became obvious how much both Hubby and I enjoyed flicking back through the pages from time to time. (This was before the age of home-computers!!!) It made our own next-few-nights afterwards even more fun and exciting.
But the blog itself was started almost as a joke, or dare really. Hubby and I had been idly channel-hopping on the TV and stumbled across one of those technology programs. It was all about the explosion of “normal people” using blogging sites to blog about their hobbies or interests. I joked to Hubby “I could start a blog on how much I love sex”. He said “I dare you! You could post all those diary entries you’ve been writing for years and years” . . . and a few days later Modesty Ablaze was born.
The name Modesty Ablaze came about from one of my “Cougar Moments” with an extremely energetic young man at our local Swingers Club one evening. After we emerged from the “viewing room” to a round of applause from quite a crowd of on-lookers, I blushed and giggled to my young lover “you’ve sent my modesty up in flames”. He replied “Modesty Ablaze”.

T&S: Has that reason changed throughout time?
A: I never imagined anyone would even FIND my blog, let-alone find it interesting. But within a few weeks I started receiving more and more visits . . . and some lovely flattering and sweet emails, comments and lots and lots . . . and lots . . . of questions about our lifestyle. And that really made it obvious to me just how so many people still don’t talk to their partners, or share their thoughts and desires. So I suppose I began more and more to want to say to anybody visiting Modesty Ablaze “look, it doesn’t matter whatever your age, whatever your shape, whatever your gender, whatever your relationship . . . life should be about having fun, communicating all your desires and your fantasies (especially your fantasies), sharing those moments with your loved ones and those around you”. So yes my reasons for continuing with Modesty Ablaze have changed . . . and I hope some of my posts may have helped change others (for the better!)

TQ: Are there other bloggers whose work has given you inspiration? If so, share with us the post and their post that gave you inspiration.
A: I try and follow and try to read, as many posts by as many different bloggers as I can . . . and as time allows (providing it doesn’t interfere too much with my “social life” of course! LOL!!!)  . . . and there are far too many inspirational people to list here. But if you really, really, need some clues to my most visited blogs you could see my Favourites from 2014 List that I included in a Marvellous Year at #wickedwednesday >here<.

SQ: What was the best and worst advice you received when you started your blog? What’s the advice you offer to those just starting out in the blogosphere?
A: Hubby saying “you can’t possibly blog like you talk!” is the best AND the worst advice!!!My advice to anyone starting out would be the same advice I give to ANYONE about ANYTHING “If you’re not having fun doing it, then don’t do it !!!”

TQ: If there was one question you could ask your favorite blogger what would it be?
A: How on earth do you manage your time so efficiently to blog every day ???

SQ: Where do you see yourself in 5 years of blogging? What is your ultimate goal for your blog?
A: If I’m not still having fun doing it, there won’t be Modesty Ablaze in 5 years.The ultimate goal for my blog is to: Make people smile, make people happy, make people feel good about themselves and . . . therefore make the people around them feel good about themselves!!!

TQ: Did you ever see yourself as any type at all blogger? (The underline is for whatever label you give your blog. Sex, kink, dating, etc.)
A: No !!!

SQ: What are some adjectives you would like your readers to use to describe your blog and why?
A: Sexy and Fun !!! (Because “If you’re not having fun doing it, then don’t do it !!!”)

TQ: What website on the entire web, besides your own, do you spend the most time on?
A: Make Love Not Porn at: https://makelovenotporn.tv/

SQ: How important are blog stats, page ranks and comments for you?
A: I don’t have enough time to investigate or worry about stats or page ranks (what are they even?). But it is always nice to receive comments and email messages (I still try to answer every sensible one).

TQ: Gotta ask one toy question. Name your absolute favorite sex toy. (More than one is fine.)
A: Hubby !!!

SQ: Describe a typical blogging day for you. (What you do first, etc.)
A: Try to write down what happened the night before!!!

TQ: Last one is just for fun. Who is your favorite superhero and why?
A: Mistress Modesty Ablaze of course! . . . Why ? . . . LOL! Can’t you guess!!!

SQ: What is your favorite blogging meme to take part in and why?
A: Scavenger Hunt of course! . . . Why ? . . . It’s thrilling and FUN!!!

So, thank you so much to Tami and Sassy for asking me those questions above. It was actually quite a fun, and easy part of this Real Neat Blog Award. The difficult part is choosing who to ask some questions of my own because, as I mentioned before, there are so many blogs I love visiting to read so many arousing and erotic words . . . and . . . gaze with envy at so many lovely, arousing and erotic photographs!!!

But . . . You know I am ALWAYS curious to know from other people, two of those same questions that both Tami and Sassy asked me.
1.  What made you start blogging? (Yes, I know it is a recurring question, but it is interesting to know isn’t it!)
2.  Has that reason changed throughout time?
But also things I am always curious about whenever I’m scrolling through a new blog or posting.
3.  How did you come about your blog name?
4.  Do you share your blog with your partner / special friend before you make each post?
5.  Your lifestyle obviously influences your blog, but has your blog, or reading other blogs you have discovered via your own, influenced your lifestyle?
6.  How on earth do you manage your time so efficiently to blog?

And the people I’d most like to ask those questions of?

Well . . . and I realise that some of them may have already been nominated, or participated, so they may not thank me for asking . . . but I would actually like to ask those questions of:
Xxx –  K

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Filed under Erotica On-line, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, womens Erotica

Modesty and #realworldsex @makelovenotporn

After my Wicked Wednesday post last week, I received several emails asking just why I think the message and ethos of #realworldsex at MakeLoveNotPorn.tv . . . is so important.

So I thought it would be useful to replay my video from March of last year . . . gosh, where has the year gone???  You can >click< on the screen below to hear my thoughts on MLNP and why I love it so much.

Modesty Ablaze on MLNP

I always tell anyone who asks me that, from a women’s point of view, I find MLNP so empowering because it is so real and portrays sex as I feel it should be portrayed. Completely consensual, fun and loving and yet still arousing and erotic. And yes, I really do think that #realworldsex can still be exciting and “naughty” and stimulating . . . in fact much, much more so than what you see on those “other” on-line sites.

I like watching sex that is erotic . . . BUT . . . I want it to be real and respectful and fun. Something that I can relate to on my own, personal, level. And, as I say in the video, that is why since discovering MakeLoveNotPorn.tv , I haven’t watched any of those other sites at all!!! Because I want my adventures to be fun, and respectful and . . . real, not forced, not staged or choreographed . . . just wonderfully indulgent, fun and enjoyable as the best sex should always be!!!

And I hope you might be able to enjoy and experience some of that fun by discovering the huge and growing variety of MLNP-porn stars and their videos at MakeLoveNotPorn.tv . . . I urge you to investigate!!!

**It is FREE to register at MakeLoveNotPorn and FREE to view >**Free Peeks< of all the videos available for rental at this wonderful #realworldsex-positive website. I hope you will register your support for the message . . . and FUN . . . of this truly wonderful concept.

I currently have FOURTEEN #realworldsex videos at MLNP, (and hope to have several new ones cumming shortly):

1) Modesty Ablaze Toytime – Playing with several of my toys, (mainly solo with just a brief cameo appearance from Hubby!!!)

>** Toytime Free Peek Pictures<

2) Modesty Unmasked – Introducing our wonderful friend, Lover.14, along with his whips and canes . . . and yes, I am not wearing my mask!!!

>** Unmasked Free Peek Pictures<                   

3) Modesty Bound & Unbound – Over 40 minutes of an amazing multi-orgasmic session . . . again with Lover.14 who this time brought along his ropes to have me Bound and then slowly, and delightfully, Unbound . . . whilst he and Hubby played with me!!!

>** Bound & Unbound Free Peek Pictures<         

4) Modesty Winding Up & Then Winding Down – The first video where Hubby really comes out from behind the camera and Lover.14 takes over the filming . . . well just for awhile, as he then gives me a wonderful “relaxing” full massage!!!

>** Winding Up & Winding Down Free Peek Pictures<

5) Modesty Hubby Gets a Beating – Hubby really does “come out” in this video (in more ways than one! – LOL). I loved helping giving him a tender beating . . . but don’t worry, he certainly gets his reward !!!

>** Hubby Gets a Beating Free Peek Pictures<

6) More Fun with Rope – Another session with Lover 14 and his ropes and cane . . . and another multi-orgasmic scene climaxing with some passionate kissing of the kind I really, really love!!!

>** More Fun With Rope Free Peek Pictures<     

7) The Main Squeeze – Featuring one of my newest lovers, Lover No.36. And I think you’ll understand why I’ve called this session “The Main Squeeze“ when you view it. You can see a snap-shot of Lover 36 at one of my Sinful Sunday posts from August of last year . . . but only the video can completely reveal the real fun of an amazing evening!!!!

>** The Main Squeeze Free Peek Pictures<      

8) With She Lover – This is a really very, very special video for me. I’ve tried to explain just how special in my “Special Edition“ post . . . but suffice to say it shows a wonderful moment sharing some “girly fun” with my friend, and lover She Lover. I hope you will be able to see how easy it is for me to just completely let myself go in her company!!!

>** She Lover Free Peek Pictures<                  

9) Mistress Modesty – Normally I’m the one being spanked, but in this video I am the one in complete control . . . and I really enjoyed it. AND, my “mystery submissive” enjoyed it too. I loved being Mistress Modesty, using my strap-on, and I loved using my cane and whip. But, despite all the caning and flogging, there is a happy (if rather messy) ending!!!!

>** Mistress Modesty Free Peek Pictures<     

10) Modesty & The St. Andrews Cross – I was recently given the opportunity to enjoy an evening at The Hoxton Dungeon Suite with Lover No.14 and Hubby.
This 20 minute video is just part of our wonderful evening, and following morning, of naughty fun. I will, perhaps, post more if you let me know you’ve enjoyed my “Modesty and The St. Andrews Cross” !!!!!!!

>** Mistress Modesty Free Peek Pictures<     

11) Modesty & The Secondary Squeeze – After just a few minutes to recover after “The Main Squeeze” (No. 7 above), Lover No.36 was ready to start again!
And, of course, I find his attentions so irresistible that . . . well, what’s a girl to do???

>** The Secondary Squeeze Free Peek Pictures<    

12) Completely Hooked – The Dungeon Part Two – Featuring a return to The Hoxton Dungeon with Lover No.14 for more multi-orgasmic fun. But this time experiencing completely new, and different, sensations of rope and anal-play . . . and even gentle hook-suspension!!!

>** Completely Hooked Free Peek Pictures< 

13) Sunburnt – The Movie – From a simply amazing holiday Hubby and I had in the summer on a beautiful Greek Island. We both got quite sunburnt, as you will see, but that didn’t stop us having some wonderful, sexy and fun times even with the balcony doors open to the pool below!!!

>** Sunburnt Free Peek Pictures< 

14) A Touch Of Glass – Possibly my most “personal” movie at MLNP yet. Just me alone with my Diamond Dream Glass Dildo, lost in my own private cocoon for 15 minutes of rippling, swirling, multiple orgasms!!! (And yes, there are some glimpses of my Diogol Plug as well!)

>** A Touch of Glass Free Peek Pictures

As I said, I hope to have several completely new videos published at MakeLoveNotPorn.tv shortly . . . but in the meantime I really do urge you to investigate not just my own, but all of the growing number of MLNP-porn stars all of whom are sharing their own #realworldsex at MakeLoveNotPorn.tv .

Xxx – K


Filed under #realworldsex at MLNP.tv, Make Love Not Porn, sexual empowerment for women, womens Erotica

Modesty Rub @ #sinfulsunday

ModestyClubRubFeb15The early hours of this Sunday morning and feeling very Sinful . . . after a fab night out at Club Rub . . . and definitely in need of having my nipples rubbed!!!

And I am sure you will discover lots of other Sinful thoughts, and needs and deeds, at this weekend’s Sinful Sunday from rubbing the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Club Rub, Sinful Sunday