Tag Archives: Sex Positive

“My Cougar Moment” Part 5 of my Hotwife Diaries Audio Reading

My Cougar Moment Post Cover

My newest short Audio Reading … from “My Cougar Moment” Part Five of my Modesty Ablaze London Hotwife Diaries … is now available to listen to from my Audio Profile page, as well as directly from my “Modesty Speaks” pages >here<.

And don’t forget, the E-book version of “My Cougar Moment” is now also available at my Gumroad PDF Ebooks profile >here<. And I’m hoping to add the remaining editions of my Diaries in the coming weeks as soon as I can …

“My Cougar Moment”

Normally when Hubby and I have a night out at our Swingers Club we will spend the first hour or so sitting at the Bar chatting to staff … or to other couples, or singles, that we have met previously.

And by “met” I don’t necessarily mean people that we have actually played with before … many of our swingers friends are just that … friends that we have met there. People who share the same views and experiences as we do.

The atmosphere is always very friendly and relaxed … and it is really just very nice to unwind in a different and far more exciting environment than we would on a normal evening out with our normal friends.

And, of course, I love being able to wear something sexy and naughty. And Hubby enjoys me dressing like that and sitting, or standing at my side … or watching me take an occasional stroll away from the bar to investigate what may be happening in the play areas … or the viewing rooms … and then slowly strolling back. “Strutting my stuff” … as he calls it …

There have been occasions when we’ve not met or played with anyone at all during the evening. Or perhaps we may have just chatted and exchanged numbers with a couple, or interesting single guy, but that for one reason or another we’d not indulged with any further.

But on our most recent visit, I did something I’d never, ever done before … and it turned into one of the most amazingly exciting evenings we’ve ever enjoyed there.

We’d arrived early and had been sitting at the bar on our own, sipping our drinks and chatting to one of the lovely barmaids, when a simply gorgeous young man entered from reception and came up to the bar to order a drink. He wasn’t close enough for us to hear him ordering … but our eyes met briefly as he glanced around the bar whilst he waited for his glass.

As he walked off towards the main room I saw him glance briefly back in our direction, before he disappeared around the corner. Our barmaid came back to roll her eyes and tell me “Wow. He’s so hot!”.

I nodded my agreement and asked her where she thought he was from and if she’d seen him here before. She told me he was definitely a newbie and possibly Spanish or Italian.

A few minutes later he’d returned to the main room and was standing by the wall on the opposite side of the room to us. “God he is gorgeous isn’t he” I giggled to our barmaid. Hubby put his arm around my shoulder to pull me closer and whispered into my ear “why don’t you go and introduce yourself and offer to show him around.” I giggled with nervous excitement at his suggestion and replied, “I can’t, I wouldn’t know what to say.”

Usually, couples or singles would approach us first and we’d chat … sometimes for quite awhile … before I would nod to Hubby that I was “interested.” And then it would be him that would make the “suggestion” to our new “friends”, if they hadn’t already asked us first.

But now … not only was Hubby suggesting that I make the first move … he was suggesting that I do it on my own!!!

My heart was racing 90-to-the-dozen and I felt my excitement levels rising by the second. … “Go on, you’ve got nothing to lose. Talk to him before someone else gets in first,” Hubby was urging in my ear.

I got down off my stool and started to walk slowly over towards him …

You can listen to me reading the above excerpt from my Soundcloud Audio profile >here<.

So … I hope you’ve enjoyed this first excerpt from “My Cougar Moment” … and if you would like to hear me reading more from one of my Diaries … please do check back here soon at my Modesty Ablaze Hotwife Diaries pages.

Click here to download, and read the rest of “My Cougar Moment” … and do let me know if you have any questions about the download process, or about Kindle and Ebook-readers compatibility.

The other editions of my “personal diaries” are listed on my Ebooks page, and I’m hoping to have been able to upload more audio readings to myModCastaudio page soon as well.

Bye for now !!!

P.s. As with all of my Hotwife Diaries, the cover photo above was taken by the lovely John Tisbury.

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine

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Filed under #PourMeAGlass, Body Positivity, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Hotwives, MILF Area, Mistress Modesty, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members Page, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women, The Modesty Ablaze Diaries

Modest Defences #sinfulsunday

Sunset Groyne 4762

A few days after my Modest Livestock post last Sunday I had an absolutely lovely message from Sally, a longtime follower with whom I’d lost contact after my “retirement” early in 2023.

So this weekends Sinful Sunday is especially for Sally, from the same afternoon stroll as that Livestock encounter … at one of the many coastal defences just a mile or so further along the coast from where we have strolled before on a much warmer, and sunnier, day earlier this year.

To visit more fun exposures at this week’s Sinful Sunday click on the lovely sexy lips below!

Sinful Sunday
Modesty Ablaze at the #naughtyscavengerhunt

Modesty Ablaze Expose Vu

Xxx – K

P.s. If you’ve read my “Modestly Returning” post at the beginning of April 2024, you will know that most of my content here was lost, or corrupted, at the beginning of 2022. We are slowly working on re-instating that lost content, and repairing the broken links, so please bear with us. I hope this won’t dampen your enjoyment here.

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #naughtyscavengerhunt, #sinfulsunday, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vú, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vŭ, Naughty Scavenger Hunt, Nude in Public, Public Nudity, Scavenger Hunt, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday

Modest Livestock #sinfulsunday

Livestock 1 4768

“Go on then” I smirked, as we paused our afternoon stroll along the coastal path, “I know you’re dying to tell me what your guidebook says”.

Livestock 2 4770

“Well it says they’re not just ‘cows’” Hubby replied triumphantly. “They’re actually ‘Shetland Cattle’ which have been introduced to the peninsula here, especially to help with the Nature Reserve’s land-management plan”.
“They help with meadow conservation and scrub and bramble control because they’re a really hardy breed, used to living in exposed locations with low-quality grazing”, he continued.

Livestock 3 4771

“And that nearest brown and white one” he carried on, “is the bull called ‘Arwell’ who’s recently sired some new calves which the Reserve is really excited about”.

Livestock 4 4767

“Well … don’t you start getting ideas and ‘excited’ yourself …” I told him. “You’ve had me standing here so long the sun’s gone down, and I’m getting cold now! And … it’s still a long walk back to the car park!!!”.

But I must admit it was a lovely walk, and I’m very happy to be able to add it to the “Livestock” category at my #naughtyscavengerhunt pages >here< … which I’ve just this morning reminded Hubby he has still to catch-up on repairing some of the broken links lost in our 2022 breakdown.

But in the meantime, I’m sure you’ll be able to discover lots of other exposures at this week’s Sinful Sunday by clicking on the lovely sexy lips below!

Sinful Sunday
Modesty Ablaze at the #naughtyscavengerhunt

Modesty Ablaze Expose Vu

Xxx – K

P.s. If you’ve read my “Modestly Returning” post at the beginning of April 2024, you will know that most of my content here was lost, or corrupted, at the beginning of 2022. We are slowly working on re-instating that lost content, and repairing the broken links, so please bear with us. I hope this won’t dampen your enjoyment here.

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #naughtyscavengerhunt, #sinfulsunday, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vú, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vŭ, Naughty Scavenger Hunt, Nude in Public, Public Nudity, Scavenger Hunt, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday

Pour Me A Glass Members – Mid-November 2024 #PMAGW Update

170 Finale Post Cover

Goodness, it’s the middle of November already … aren’t the weeks just flying by???

But … that means that it’s time for my mid-month Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members update.

And it was so flattering to receive so many lovely messages about my “Holiday Cocktails” video from the beginning of the month. So I thought it only right and proper to post the Finale of that wonderfully tasty cocktail-mixing fun from our holiday apartment.

Followed by … Part Two of my “Mistresses Stocks” dominatrix session from my FemDom Dungeon Archives, which features more cock-teasing fun of a completely different nature from one of my favourite London Dungeons.

And, I have lots more similar videos from my Dungeon sessions, and of course, from my Candid Holiday Fun archives, so just let me know if you’d like to see more.

Or, perhaps you would prefer something from my Nude-in-Public, Me-Time Playtime, Body Worship … or Cigar Smoking Fetish adventures. Because, as I’ve mentioned here before, I have years and years worth of videos in my archives … AND … I always enjoy fulfilling members special requests whenever I can. So … the choice is yours … just ask !!!

And don’t forget your last chance to visit this month’s Photo Gallery which is for all of you who asked for more of my “Bodyworship” FemDom content.

Plus: My new Telegram Channel: – I also have a separate PMAG Telegram Members channel, where I am able to post even more personalised, and more frequent and “individualised” clips. So if you have the Telegram app on your phone or laptop, just let me know within the “Ask Me A Question” panel on the form at the foot of the Members page, and I will email more details of also joining me there. !!!

So thank you all once again for spoiling me here and helping me to keep my wine glass full. And I do hope you will all enjoy this month’s Members Videos, and Photo Gallery … and let me know your own suggestions, for new clips or photos you would like to see in the future from the comments box at the foot of THIS post, or by emailing directly if you prefer.

**NB: The content on my Pour Me A Glass Members page normally features videos and photos not yet shared … or perhaps too “private and candid” … for any of my other media platforms.

If you are already a “Pour Me A Glass” Member, just log-in with your New Password . . . >here< . . . or, if you are not a member, there is more information on how to subscribe from the link at the foot of each of my posts, or from >here<.

Bye for now !!!

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #PourMeAGlass, Body Positivity, Mistress Modesty, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members Page, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women

“A Naughty Surprise” Part 4 of my Hotwife Diaries Audio Reading

A Naughty Surprise Gumroad Cover

My most recent short Audio Reading … from “A Naughty Surprise” Part Four of my Modesty Ablaze London Hotwife Diaries … is now available to listen to from my Audio Profile page, as well as directly from my “Modesty Speaks” pages >here<.

And don’t forget, the E-book version of “A Naughty Surprise” is now also available at my Gumroad PDF Ebooks profile >here<. And I’m hoping to add the remaining editions of my Diaries in the coming weeks as soon as I can …

“A Naughty Surprise”

I knew one shouldn’t play too close to home, but Scot was only my second lover. I’d met him on the morning school run and with my new-found ‘freedom’ I just couldn’t resist his flirting. I knew it was dangerous and risky. What if the other Mums noticed our playground glances and private jokes? What if they put two and two together? But we couldn’t control ourselves.

Our affair exploded into almost weekly meetings of passion and excitement. Three or four hours at a nearby hotel, summer blanket-nights in the local park, or a cherished afternoon duvet-day at his or mine. And now, even four years on, despite, or perhaps because of, the opportunities being more and more difficult to arrange, I could never say “no” to his surprise requests and suggestions. So his telephone call to say he was home-alone that evening was too good a chance to be missed!

He called on my way into the office on Tuesday morning. He often calls at that time because he knows I can more easily chat on the bus than I can at home with the kids around. But after our normal greetings he quickly explained that his wife and children would be visiting her parents and staying overnight that evening and would I like to pop-down?

I told him that although I didn’t have anything particularly planned I would have to first check with Hubby.

My call to Hubby’s mobile went to voicemail, so I texted as well, and then spent the rest of the morning waiting for him to call back, all the while having little tingles at the anticipation, and hope, that I may be able to see Scot again so quickly after our evening the previous week.

Though there is something quite exciting, and thrilling, about spending a few hours in a nice hotel room, I do always feel more at ease, and more “liberated”, when we are able to meet in one of our own homes. (It wasn’t always the case of course. When we first started our “fling” all those years ago I used to feel terribly nervous and guilty about visiting him in his house, and it was over a year before I would actually step foot in their bedroom!)

Eventually Hubby called back to say he’d got my message and he’d love for me to have another meeting with my lover. I asked him if he’d take the children out for a Pizza as I would need to come home first and get myself ready. “I couldn’t possibly go straight from work without a change of clothes,” I told him. He laughed and told me he would.

My day was actually very busy and the afternoon passed quickly without me having much chance to think about the evening ahead until I was on the bus and texting Scot to ask what time was best for him.

It was nice to arrive home and find the house deserted. Hubby had obviously been home and taken the kids out already. I rushed upstairs to run a bath and then walked into the bedroom to find that he had also laid a dress out on the bed for me! Normally Hubby suggestions of what he’d like me to wear for an “evening out” are rather extreme and not practical.

But he’d left out a pink floral silk dress that was actually one of my favourites, and, surprisingly modest by his usual standards! I giggled and looked in vain to see if he’d selected matching shoes or jewellery.

I was able to lounge and soak in the bath for half an hour, enjoying myself thinking how lucky I was to be seeing my lover for the second time in a week. I then sat at the bedroom mirror applying my make-up and selecting earrings and a necklace and thinking about which shoes would best match.

My phone beeped. It was Scot to say he was home and just hopping into a shower and suggesting I let myself in as soon as I was ready …

You can listen to me reading the above excerpt from my Soundcloud Audio profile >here<.

So … I hope you’ve enjoyed this first excerpt from “A Naughty Surprise” … and if you would like to hear me reading more from one of my Diaries … please do check back here soon at my Modesty Ablaze Hotwife Diaries pages.

Click here to download, and read the rest of “A Naughty Surprise” … and do let me know if you have any questions about the download process, or about Kindle and Ebook-readers compatibility.

The other editions of my “personal diaries” are listed on my Ebooks page, and I’m hoping to have been able to upload more audio readings to myModCastaudio page soon as well.

Bye for now !!!

P.s. As with all of my Hotwife Diaries, the cover photo above was taken by the lovely John Tisbury.

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #PourMeAGlass, Body Positivity, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Hotwives, MILF Area, Mistress Modesty, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members Page, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women, The Modesty Ablaze Diaries

“The Balcony” Part 3 of my Hotwife Diaries Audio Reading

The Balcony Cover Modesty Ablaze Hotwife Diaries

My latest short Audio Reading … from “The Balcony” Part Three of my Modesty Ablaze London Hotwife Diaries … is now available to listen to from my Audio Profile page, as well as directly from my “Modesty Speaks” pages >here<.

And don’t forget, the E-book version of “The Balcony” is now also available at my Gumroad PDF Ebooks profile >here<. And I’m hoping to quickly add the remaining editions of my Diaries in the coming weeks …

“The Balcony”

Vince had already told me when he flew in from the Paris office, that his stay in London was only a short one and that he would be flying home the following Thursday. He probably then wouldn’t be back in London until September at the earliest and, as we’d sat having our lunch-meeting catch-up, he’d asked if he could see me again before he left.

I knew by “seeing me” that he wasn’t meaning for another business lunch! I promised that I’d see if I could arrange an evening after work on the Tuesday or Wednesday.

He popped his head round my office door on Monday morning to remind me again, and I giggled as I told him “I’ve already asked Hubby if I can go out after work tomorrow”.

My husband knew of course exactly what I meant by “going out after work”. Hubby knew, and approved, of all my occasional lovers and liaisons. He’d said to me “I suppose you won’t be coming home again until very late?” His tone was half-teasing, half-asking, and I knew that he really wanted me to come home, and not stay all night with Vince.

“I promise I’ll come home. Just wait up for me like you normally do.

I’ll text from the taxi” I said to him when we kissed our goodbyes on Tuesday morning . . .

I’d begun winding-down all my tasks when Vince called at 5 p.m. to say he was going to be stuck in a client meeting longer than he’d thought. “Oh, what does that mean?” I asked . . . he could tell I was annoyed!!!

He asked if I had things to work on and that perhaps I could call The Ivy for him and see if we could get a late table. I told him I didn’t want to stay late at the office and asked how late he thought he was going to be. He didn’t know, but suggested I just go on to the apartment first instead (I still had my key from one of our previous meetings) and we could go out and eat from there. I told him I’d text when I got there and could cook him something if he let me know he was on his way. I asked what he had in . . . he laughed and said “nothing, it’s easier if we eat out, I know where, I’ll finish here as soon as I possibly can”.
I stopped in M&S before hailing a taxi. (Thank god for Ready Meals). I was sure he’d have wine, but popped two bottles into the basket, just-in-case.

He was right, there was virtually nothing in his kitchen. Some jars of dried fruit, nuts and some cereal. The fridge had some bottled water and fruit juices . . . but nothing else!! I knew he was only staying for 10 days and that he always ate out in the evenings, but … !!!

I emptied the salad bags into some bowls, set the other things in the fridge, poured a glass of wine . . . and decided to shower whilst I waited for his call or text.

I simply love his bathroom, huge and open-plan, all tiles and mirrors and the shower itself is wonderful. I felt dizzy . . . and decadent. And I’d only had one glass of wine !!!

I found his white towelling robe and pulled it on and wandered back into the lounge, opening the doors to the balcony and then sinking back onto the sofa with my wine and trying to work the remote control for his television. He called to say he was in a taxi and on his way, apologising and saying he knew several nice places nearby and what did I fancy.

“I’ve shopped and have your dinner on. Just get home quickly!” I giggled . . . thinking that I’m often moaning something similar to Hubby like, “I have to work too you know, AND come all the way home from the West End to cook a meal.

You can listen to me reading the above excerpt from my Soundcloud Audio profile >here<.

So … I hope you’ve enjoyed this first excerpt from “The Balcony” … and if you would like to hear me reading more from one of my Diaries … please do check back here soon at my Modesty Ablaze Hotwife Diaries pages.

Click here to download, and read the rest of “The Balcony” … and do let me know if you have any questions about the download process, or about Kindle and Ebook-readers compatibility.

The other editions of my “personal diaries” are listed on my Ebooks page, and I’m hoping to have been able to upload more audio readings to myModCastaudio page soon as well.

Bye for now !!!

P.s. As with all of my Hotwife Diaries, the cover photo above was taken by the lovely John Tisbury.

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #PourMeAGlass, Body Positivity, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Hotwives, MILF Area, Mistress Modesty, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members Page, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women, The Modesty Ablaze Diaries

Pour Me A Glass Members – November 2024 – Update #PMAGW

041 PMAG Cover November 2024

As existing members of my Pour Me A Glass Members will already be aware, as well as re-launching my Modesty Ablaze blog pages here, I have also relaunched the Members Video and Photo Gallery page. And so I’m delighted that this month’s videos feature two, very different, clips from my archives.

Firstly, several of you asked to see something from my FemDom Dungeon Archives … particularly the follow-on from a short preview-clip of “Mistresses Stocks” that I posted on my Telegram Channel late in October.

So “Mistresses Stocks Part 1” is the full-length video of that clip, from a particularly fun session at one of my very favourite London Dungeons.

And … my second first-view video for November is “Holiday Cocktails” which is especially for Kevin who asked for more of my “summer holiday fun”. But instead of being out on the beach, this one features some lovely, private, cocktail mixing from inside our holiday apartment.

And this month’s Photo Gallery is for all of you who asked for more of my “Bodyworship” FemDom content. And, of course, I also have lots of similar videos from my Dungeon sessions, so … just let me know if you’d like to see more!!!

So thank you all once again for spoiling me here and helping me to keep my wine glass full. And I do hope you will all enjoy this month’s Members Videos, and Photo Gallery … and let me know your own suggestions, for new clips or photos you would like to see in the future from the comments box at the foot of THIS post, or by emailing directly if you prefer.

**NB: The content on my Pour Me A Glass Members page normally features videos and photos not yet shared … or perhaps too “private and candid” … for any of my other media platforms.

If you are already a “Pour Me A Glass” Member, just log-in with your New Password . . . >here< . . . or, if you are not a member, there is more information on how to subscribe from the link at the foot of each of my posts, or from >here<.

Bye for now !!!

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #PourMeAGlass, Body Positivity, Mistress Modesty, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members Page, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women

“Arrivals & Departures” Part 2 of my Hotwife Diaries Audio Reading

Arrivals & Departures Ebook Cover

I’m delighted to tell you that I have finally been able to produce a short Audio Reading from my “Arrivals & Departures” Part Two of my Modesty Ablaze London Hotwife Diaries … the E-book version of which is now available at my Gumroad PDF Ebooks profile >here<.

And I’m hoping to quickly add the remaining editions of my Diaries in the coming weeks …

“Arrivals & Departures – A Passionate Goodbye”

Vince was the unlikeliest of all my lovers.

Almost half my age, and seconded to my department on a temporary placement from the Paris office.

The CEO had asked that he be made welcome and helped to settle-in to develop a higher European profile for the company.

My initial upset at being given this unwanted responsibility, was soon swayed by the young Frenchman’s wit and charm … and, of course, that lovely accent!!!

Within weeks I was smitten. Our early morning coffee-meetings had turned into hour long-lunch breaks … quite innocent business discussions … then to dinner … quite innocent still … then to after-hours chats … and then … to much, much more!

My husband knew of course.

Hubby knew, and approved, of all my occasional lovers and liaisons. After all, it was he who had encouraged and started me on my first extra-marital affair over a decade ago. And there’d been several lovers, and several long-running affairs since.

My experiences had only served to enhance and enliven our marriage and love for one another, so it was only natural that I would quickly tell him about this exciting and wonderfully horny young man that had suddenly been introduced into our office.

And the fact that the subject of my newest quest was so much younger than us … and a work colleague … made it all seem so much more dangerous and exciting … for the both of us.

Weekly visits to his West End apartment soon followed and always ended in further passionate indulgence with Hubby … when I returned home at the end of each evening.

Eight weeks after his arrival I was devastated to learn that Vince was being sent off to the States for a month, and then back home to Paris with just a one day stop-over in London to collect his things. He was flying-in early on Sunday and then out again later that evening.

He texted from New York “Can we meet at the apartment for goodbyes?”.

I’d texted back “Sunday is family day, but I’ll see”.

Hubby and I woke early on Sunday morning, hot and sweaty … and twisting in passionate embraces. We both knew, without having to say, that our love-making was fuelled by thoughts of Vince and his temporary return that morning. “Text him that you’ll be there” Hubby kissed as we lay recovering.

I let him watch me tap in the message and press the send key before we embraced together again, cuddling and snoozing … and checking my phone every fifteen minutes for the next hour and a half.

Just after 10, a text back from Vince that he’d arrived. “Just here. Great news. Let yourself in. Wine will still be in the cooler.”

Hubby was as excited as I was and stood by the door as I showered, trying to make his suggestions over the sound of the water, about exactly what I should do when I arrived …

You can listen to me reading the above excerpt from my Soundcloud Audio profile >here<.

So … I hope you’ve enjoyed this first excerpt from “Arrivals and Departures” … and if you would like to hear me reading more from one of my Diaries … please do check back here soon at my Modesty Ablaze Hotwife Diaries pages.

Click here to download, and read the rest of “Arrivals & Departures” … and do let me know if you have any questions about the download process, or about Kindle and Ebook-readers compatibility.

The other editions of my “personal diaries” are listed on my Ebooks page, and I’m hoping to have been able to upload more audio readings to myModCastaudio page soon as well.

Bye for now !!!

P.s. As with all of my Hotwife Diaries, the cover photo above was taken by the lovely John Tisbury.

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine

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Filed under #PourMeAGlass, Body Positivity, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Hotwives, MILF Area, Mistress Modesty, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members Page, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women, The Modesty Ablaze Diaries

“My Cougar Moment” Part 5 of my Modesty Ablaze Hotwife Diaries

My Cougar Moment Hotwife Diaries Cover

Continuing on with my mission to update my Modesty Ablaze London Hotwife Diaries page, the latest revised edition “My Cougar Moment” Part Five of my Modesty Ablaze London Hotwife Diaries … is now available at my Gumroad PDF Ebooks profile >here<.

And I’m hoping to quickly add the remaining editions of my Diaries in the coming weeks …

“My Cougar Moment” – Part Five of the London Hotwife Diaries

Normally when Hubby and I have a night out at our Swingers Club we will spend the first hour or so sitting at the Bar chatting to staff or to other couples, or singles, that we have met previously.

And Hubby enjoys me dressing like that and sitting, or standing, at my side or watching me take an occasional stroll away from the bar to investigate what may be happening in the play areas, or “public” viewing rooms, and then strolling back through the main lounge, “strutting my stuff” as he calls it.

But on our most recent visit, I did something I’d never, ever done before and it turned into one of the most exciting evenings we’ve ever enjoyed there.

Click here to download, and read the rest of “My Cougar Moment” … and do let me know if you have any questions about the download process, or about Kindle and Ebook-readers compatibility, from the form on myContactpage.

The other editions of my “personal diaries” are listed on my Ebooks page, and I’m hoping to have been able to re-upload revised links to myModCastaudio readings soon as well.

Bye for now !!!

P.s. As with all of my Hotwife Diaries, the cover photo above was taken by the lovely John Tisbury.

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine

Leave a Comment

Filed under #PourMeAGlass, Body Positivity, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Hotwives, MILF Area, Mistress Modesty, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members Page, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women, The Modesty Ablaze Diaries

Waterwheel Revisited 2024 #sinfulsunday

Water Wheel Revisited 4671 1

“I do love this place. Especially when it’s so still and peaceful out here like it is today”. I said to Hubby as we re-traced our steps from previous years.

Water Wheel 2024 4671 2

“Yes, even just listening to the sound of the water gently trickling along under the bridge”, he agreed.

Water Wheel 2024 4672 3

“And it’s like being in a lovely little sun-spot standing up here looking out to sea”, I paused and looked back towards the town road.

Water Wheel 2024 4672 4

“Ooops that’s enough now though … someone’s coming round the corner”, I exclaimed as I heard approaching footsteps on the path.

So we did have to rather quickly end our visit … but I know we’ll revisit next year … as we did several years ago and even learning some interesting history about the wheel on our first visit way back in 2016.

And I will of course, be adding this years visit to my Exposé Vŭ memories!!

You can see what else is peacefully flowing this weekend at this week’s Sinful Sunday by clicking on the lovely sexy lips below!

Sinful Sunday
Modesty Ablaze at the #naughtyscavengerhunt

Modesty Ablaze Expose Vu

Xxx – K

P.s. If you’ve read my “Modestly Returning” post at the beginning of April 2024, you will know that most of my content here was lost, or corrupted, at the beginning of 2022. We are slowly working on re-instating that lost content, and repairing the broken links, so please bear with us. I hope this won’t dampen your enjoyment here.

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #naughtyscavengerhunt, #sinfulsunday, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vú, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vŭ, Naughty Scavenger Hunt, Nude in Public, Public Nudity, Scavenger Hunt, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday