Tag Archives: Sex Positive

Pour Me Mid-January . . . #PMAGW

Goodness we are already almost half way through the first month of 2020.
And I hope you have been having as much fun as I have these first two weeks into the New Year.

Now, I know from all the messages that I received immediately after my Lover No.19 – Part 1 video was added to my “Pour Me A Glass Members” page at the beginning of the month, that you would like to see more. Well, just be patient because good things cum to those who wait don’t you know!!!

But . . . in the meantime . . . lot’s of you have also asked for more of my “holiday fun clips”. So, for my first bonus video of the month I have just added
A Really, Really Quick Holiday 2019 Come.

Enjoy . . . because I certainly did !!!

Once again, thank you so much for spoiling me here, and helping me keep my glass full, and I really do hope you will enjoy this month’s new clips and photos.

If you are already a “Pour Me A Glass” Member, just log-in with your New Password . . . >here< . . . or, if you are not a member, there is more information on how to subscribe from the link at the foot of each of my posts, or from >here<.

Bye for now !!!

P.s. – And, especially for those of you who keep saying how much you enjoy me reading my newsletters out aloud, just click below:.

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine

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Filed under #bodypositivity, #PourMeAGlass, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Multiple Orgasms, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members Page, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation

An Extra-Special Thank You Glass . . . Pour Me A Glass Members #PMAGW

Just three more sleeps until Christmas. So this short post is to say a special heartfelt thank you to all of myPour Me A Glass of Wine Members who have been helping to keep my glass full since the beginning of April this year.

I have, of course, enjoyed all of those glasses, but more importantly it has been truly special receiving such lovely complimentary emails, and hearing that my answers to your questions . . . or even sometimes just my regular postings here at Modesty Ablaze . . . have in some way helped or cheered difficult times and circumstances for some.

And, as lots of you asked for more videos from my summer holidays, I hope this clip of some Beach Watermelon fun will bring more giggles and smiles.

So, once again, thank you for spoiling me here, and helping me keep my glass full, and I really do hope that you will enjoy this, and my earlier member’s clips and photos.

If you are already a “Pour Me A Glass” Member, just log-in with your
New Password . . . >here< . . . or, if you are not a member, there is more information on how to subscribe from the link at the foot of each of my posts,
or from >here<.

Bye for now !!!

P.s. – For the past few months I have been reading my end-of-month Newsletters out aloud and lots of you have requested that I keep doing that, so –

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine

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Filed under #bodypositivity, #PourMeAGlass, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Nude in Public, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, Public Nudity, Sexual liberation

Pour Me A Glass Members newsletter – December #PMAGW

It seems hard to believe but . . . as we are now into December . . . this is actually my ninth newsletter since I began my “Pour Me A Glass Members” page way back in April. You know what they say about “time really flies when you are enjoying yourself”!!!

And . . . I can tell from all of your emails . . . that you have obviously enjoyed receiving them as well.

I am particularly happy that I didn’t receive any negative responses at all to my “Mixing A Special Cocktail Part 1” video which was my mid-November update.

I say that because I was a little worried that perhaps the “contents” of my cocktail-mixing may have been a little naughty . . . even for me.

So . . . for this month’s main video I have uploaded the “climax” of that Holiday Cocktail which I hope you will enjoy just as much as I enjoyed mixing . . . and squeezing . . . and stirring it to completion.

My Photo Images for December features a twelve photo slide-show of sharing some “special kisses” with Lover 83 . . . after we’d both recovered from our energetic love-making that you will have seen in last months main video.

So I hope you will enjoy both this exclusive video . . . and the photo-gallery . . . and keep checking back at my pages here for an update of more exclusive content during the month.

And don’t forget that I always enjoying receiving your requests asking for particular themes or fetishes, so come on, don’t be too shy to ask !!!

So . . . some of my most popular posts from November included: —-

“Modest Pips” my Boobday Friday post from the very first Friday of the month. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m always being asked for more Boobday posts, but I do feel rather awkward in that Hyacinth has suspended her own Boobday postings for the moment. But I did get several messages saying how much my “pips” were appreciated . . . so I will try and add some more during December. >>> Read more >>>

Something that I will definitely be adding more of . . . is my #realworldsex videos at Make Love Not Porn Dot Tv. I posted my “2019 Holiday Fun Part 1” early in the month – my 62nd video there!!! It is already proving very popular and as the title implies, I will have Parts Two . . . and more . . . uploaded soon.
>>> Read more >>>

I’d been receiving a number of messages over the past months informing me that several of the Clubs I had links to, on my Swingers Club page, were no longer working. So, in my A Modest Swinging Question Food For Thought posting two weeks ago, I asked if any readers had any new clubs they would like to recommend. And I’m happy to say that I have received a number of links and suggestions which I’m hoping to update the page with shortly.
>>> Read more >>>

The beginning of December normally means lots of Xmas party invitations . . . so for my “A Modest Xmas Stocking” Sinful Sunday post last week, I decided to preview an outfit for my upcoming office party. It seemed very popular with my Modesty readers but, in the end, I felt it not quite appropriate for the occasion itself. >>> Read more >>>

My “Machines You Can Have Sex With” at the end of the month was a post for one of my sponsors . . . but actually some of the “machinery” featured in the links got me quite excited. So much so that I have added several of them to my Brighten My Day Wishlist. So if you decide you would like to send me a special Christmas present I would be most appreciative and sure to feature the item in one of my “Pour Me A Glass Members” exclusive videos.
>>> Read more >>>

So, once again, thank you so much for spoiling me here, and helping me keep my glass full, and I really do hope you will enjoy this month’s new clips and photos.

If you are already a “Pour Me A Glass” Member, just log-in with your New Password . . . >here< . . . or, if you are not a member, there is more information on how to subscribe from the link at the foot of each of my posts, or from >here<.

Bye for now !!!

P.s. – For the past few months I have been reading this newsletter out aloud and lots of you have requested that I keep doing that, so . . .

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine

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Filed under #PourMeAGlass, Body Positivity, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation

A Modest . . . Hair #sinfulsunday

I wax . . . regularly . . . and as I am now in my more “mature” years, I do like to keep things tidy. All round . . . if you know what I mean!

But it’s just been so, so Horribly busy recently, that I haven’t had the time to keep my normal waxing appointment.

So imagine my Horror this morning when Hubby pointed out . . . during his morning “cleaning” duties . . . that downstairs had become a little bit Hairy . . . and even worse, that some of the Hairs were white!!!

Should I have thanked him for his Honesty . . . or should I have spanked him for his Harshness ???

Well actually . . . on the spur of the moment . . . I already did one of the above. But How would you have Handled the moment???

For more Honest and Helpful thoughts beginning with H . . .
Hover over the Sinful lips below !!!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #sinfulsunday, Body Positivity, sexual empowerment for women, Sinful Sunday

Modest Secrets #wickedwednesday

Modesty Ablaze Secrets

Well not so much a “secret” . . . more a philosophy really . . . but trying
to never take anything too seriously, and just having fun in everything I do
here at Modesty Ablaze, allows me to celebrate and enjoy my, slightly
out-of-character, double-life.

Actually I’m not sure if that should be triple, or quadruple life? Lol!!!

But what I do know, is that Modesty allows me to have that fun and celebration and freedom of expression, without having to bottle all those feelings up inside!

For more on Secrets, and Out-of-Character revelations, visit this week’s Wicked Wednesday and Food For Thought from the buttons below.

Food For Thought Friday

Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #FoodForThoughtFriday, #wickedwednesday, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Food For Thought, Nude in Public, Public Nudity, sexual empowerment for women, Wicked Wednesday

Yes – Yet Another Glass at #PMAGW

Pour Me Another Glass of Members Wie

As promised in my Pour Me Another Glass post at the beginning of the month, there were several new video clips from the morning-after my wonderful evening with Lover 83.

And “Pink Bob Subby” is the third video I’ve now added to my “Pour Me A Glass Members Page” this month . . . as I turn my favourite vibrator onto my camera-man. I hope you will enjoy it as much as he, rather obviously, did!!!

Modesty Ablaze Pink Bob Cock

You can view this bonus clip if you are already a “Pour Me A Glass” Member, by just logging-in with your updated password** . . . >here< . . . or, if you are not a member, there is more information on how to subscribe from the link at the foot of each of my posts, or from >here<.

Enjoy !!!

**Please email me if you haven’t received today’s update email, as I must admit I’m having difficulty keeping up with the current list.

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine

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Filed under #bodypositivity, #PourMeAGlass, Body Positivity, Multiple Orgasms, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, sexual empowerment for women

Pour Me Another Glass . . . #PMAGW

Modesty Ablaze Pour Me A Glass of Wine October

I mentioned in my October Newsletter that the previous weeks had been extremely busy . . . wonderfully so . . . and that meant I hadn’t been able to post here at my Modesty Ablaze pages quite so often.

But I also said that the good news to come from all that busy-ness, would be several new video clips to be added to my Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members page during the month.

So my “Satisfyer Kegel Balls Fun” is from the morning after my lovely evening with Lover 83.

Mistress Modesty's Kegel Balls

As you can probably imagine, I’d woken up feeling extremely horny after my New Celebration exertions from the night before and the first thing that came to hand amongst the number of toys laid-out, but unused, on the chaise longue in our room, were this set of balls.

So, of course, I just couldn’t resist !!!

You can view this bonus clip if you are already a “Pour Me A Glass” Member, by just logging-in with your new, updated, password . . . >here< . . . or, if you are not a member, there is more information on how to subscribe from the link at the foot of each of my posts, or from >here<.

Enjoy !!!

P.s. Oh . . . and yes, there will be more clips to cum over the next two weeks!!!

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #PourMeAGlass, Body Positivity, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, sexual empowerment for women, womens Erotica

Pour Me A Glass Members Update . . . mid-August

Modesty Ablaze Pour Me Update Mid August

After all the very excitable messages I received in the first few days after my
Pour Me August Newsletter, I could hardly hold-back on uploading the “climax” to that fun now could I.

So, I hope you will enjoy this little finale. I certainly enjoyed it at the time . . . and, of course, I still enjoy the memories every time I have watched it since.

Just click on the preview screen above and enter your updated Members Password details as normal.

I haven’t decided on September’s Pour Me A Glass Members content just yet . . . so you still have time to add your special requests to the suggestions box, and I will see what I can do. It could be more fun from another evening with Lover 20 . . . or perhaps one of my other hotel adventures . . . or perhaps you would like to suggest your own kinky theme or fetish. In the, unlikely (lol !!!), event that I haven’t indulged in something similar . . . you might just inspire me to try!!!

But, in the meantime, enjoy !!!

As before, if you are already a “Pour Me A Glass” Member, you may log-in with your Members Password details >here< . . . or, there is more information on how to subscribe, >here<.

I realise they may not always be to everyone’s tastes . . . but as I always say . . . as long as it’s fun and completely consensual, I will certainly consider all of your themes and suggestions.

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine

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Filed under #bodypositivity, #PourMeAGlass, Body Positivity, Hotwives, Multiple Orgasms, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation

Pour Me A Glass Members … August

Pour Me A Glass of Wine August

As you may have gathered from my recent postings . . . I’ve been in Summer Holiday mode for the past few weeks !!!

But now that I have, unfortunately, returned home . . . my first task is, of course, to update my Pour Me A Glass Members pages for August.

Now whilst I was away I received lots of requests for more of last month’s main video “Part 2 of my Hot Hotel Night with Lover 20”. And I must admit that I’ve been so, so, SO . . . enjoying reliving those lovely memories of that fun evening myself, that I just couldn’t resist uploading Part Three . . . and YES there is still a lovely “climax” to cum! So, if you ask me nicely, I may just post that as Part Four here on my Members Page soon !!!

As before, the video is a bit blurry and jumpy in places as it was filmed on the spur-of-the-moment on a mobile, and not on our normal video camera. But it really does captures the intensity and passion of our three-some fun . . . and disproves that old wives tale that two doesn’t go into one!!!

I also received a number of requests for more clips, or photos, of my Mistressing fun. So the members photo gallery images for this month feature some, never seen before photos or screen grabs, from some of my FemDom sessions in my favourite London chambers.

I always enjoy receiving your requests asking if I have any videos or photos of particular themes or fetishes . . . and some of those requests are occasionally quite . . . Uumm “Creative” shall we say.

But don’t be too shy to ask . . . I really am quite broadminded and as long as it’s something I enjoy and find exciting myself, it’s quite likely that I will have something in my archives that may fit your specific request.

Now, as you can imagine . . . most of my July postings at my Modesty Ablaze pages had a Summer Fun theme. Such as . . .

My Modestly In To Bat cricketing theme Boobday Friday post !!!
>>> Read more >>>

Or my cooling-down-on-the-beach Modesty Mythology post for the last Boobday Friday of July. >>> Read more >>>

And . . . speaking of cooling down on the beach . . . my Sinful Sunday Watermelon, was a another case in point of just how refreshing it can be . . . slurping and sucking on something cool and wet!!! >>> Read more >>>

Something that definitely wasn’t comfortably cooling however, were the Panties I had to wear home on my flight back to London. In fact, they got quite hot and sticky. But I am happy to report that they now have a new home . . . Following my Members Update video-posting a few days ago. >>> Read more >>>

But despite my being away for most of the month, I WAS able to share some photos from a fun session at my favourite Chambers in the first week before I left . . . in my Mistresses Lights On posting.>>> Read more >>>

So . . . thank you so much once again for spoiling me here . . . and helping me keep my glass full !!!

I hope you will enjoy this month’s new clips and photos. If you are already a “Pour Me A Glass” Member, just log-in with your New Password . . .
>here< . . . or, if you are not a member, there is more information on how to subscribe from the link at the foot of each of my posts, or from >here<.

Bye for now !!!

P.s. – Last month I read my newsletter for my “Pour Me A Glass Members”, out aloud and received some nice emails to ask if I would do the same again, so . . .

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine

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Filed under #PourMeAGlass, Body Positivity, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation

Pour Me A Glass Members Update June

Modesty Ablaze Waxing

I’m always open to themes and suggestions for my Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members content, and my June Newsletter certainly did motivate some interesting comments.

So, for my mid-month addition here, I thought I would return to a more “standard” video clip . . . after a recent appointment at my waxing parlour!

I haven’t decided on July’s content just yet . . . so you still have time to add special requests to the suggestions box, and I will see what I can do.

But, in the meantime, enjoy !!!

As before, if you are already a “Pour Me A Glass” Member, you may log-in with your Members Password details >here< . . . or, there is more information on how to subscribe, >here<.

I realise they may not always be to everyone’s tastes . . . but as I always say . . . as long as it’s fun and completely consensual, I will certainly consider all of your themes and suggestions.

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine

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Filed under Body Positivity, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation