Tag Archives: Sex Positive

Pour Me Another … July 2020 #PMAGW

Used Lingerie and Beads

For my second Pour Me A Glass Members mid-month bonus video for July, I’ve decided to add a fun clip I filmed to fulfill an order from one of my “Used Lingerie” followers several years ago. As well as my Satin Teddy, this gentleman had also ordered one of my “used toys” and an accompanying play-time video.

Now as often happens, I did get quite carried away with things, so this video is just the beginning of what turned-out to be a much longer film than I’d originally intended. Which means, of course, there is more to possibly share for future updates, if I receive enough requests … so do let me know!

If you are already a “Pour Me A Glass” Member, just log-in with your
New Password . . . >here< . . . or, if you are not yet a member, there is more information on how to subscribe from the link at the foot of each of my posts, or from >here<.

And thank you once again for spoiling me here, and helping me to keep my glass full. I really do hope you will enjoy and have fun watching each of this month’s clips and photos.

Bye for now !!!

P.s. – I’ve been reading my monthly newsletter out aloud for over a year now and lots of you have requested that I keep doing that, so if you are not growing tired of my voice, just click on the play arrow below.

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #PourMeAGlass, Multiple Orgasms, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members Page, sexual empowerment for women, Sexy Lingerie

Modestly Frilled #sinfulsunday #LiFE

Modesty Ablaze Frilled Red Knickers

I’m normally more for lace than frills. But I was thrilled with these frills when a gentleman friend gifted me them some time ago!

And as he reminded me of them recently, I thought it would be nice to model them again for him here this Sinful Sunday !!!

See who else is thrilling this Sinful weekend, by tapping the lovely lips below!

Sinful Sunday

And why not add some sinful lingerie moments of your own at Violet’s lovely, luxurious, lustful meme below.

Lingerie is for everyone

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #LingerieIsForEveryone, #sinfulsunday, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Sexual liberation, Sexy Lingerie, Sinful Sunday

Pour Me More … July 2020 #PMAGW

Modesty Hooked Part Three July Update 1

Although I received lots of flattering messages about my “Strap-On” fun video for my first Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members Newsletter
 post of the month, a number of you also asked for more of my “Hooked At Hoxton” videos which I’d featured earlier in June.

So my first mid-month update for July is “Part 3” of that amazing evening, as it ended with my engulfing, collapsing, orgasmic climax from Lover No.14’s probing hook, fingers and wand.

As I’ve mentioned on these pages before, No.14 is the only partner I could ever “switch” with … and I think you will see here just how lovely that switching can sometimes be.

If you are already a “Pour Me A Glass” Member, just log-in with your
New Password . . . >here< . . . or, if you are not a member, there is more information on how to subscribe from the link at the foot of each of my posts, or from >here<.

And once again, thank you so much for spoiling me here, and helping me to keep my glass full. I really do hope you will enjoy and have fun watching this month’s new clips and photos.

Bye for now !!!

P.s. – For over a year now I have been reading this newsletter out aloud and lots of you have requested that I keep doing that, so . . .

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #PourMeAGlass, Multiple Orgasms, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members Page, sexual empowerment for women

Modest Lingerie #sinfulsunday #LiFE


Lingerie is lovely … lingerie is luxurious … lingerie is lustful.
At least it is for me!

And it always makes me feel especially Sinful !!!

See who else is feeling Sinful this weekend by tapping the lovely lips below!

Sinful Sunday

And why not add some sinful lingerie moments of your own at Violet’s lovely, luxurious, lustful meme below.

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #LingerieIsForEveryone, #sinfulsunday, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday

Pour Me A Glass Members newsletter – July 2020 #PMAGW

Modesty Ablaze Pour Me A Glass July

I’m late, I’m late … I know I’m running very late … for my July Pour Me A Glass Members Newsletter and review of the past few weeks at my blog pages here at Modesty Ablaze.

And one of the reasons I’m running behind with things, is that as the lock-down restrictions are being eased here in the UK, I’ve been receiving an avalanche of email enquiries and questions … especially over the past 2 weeks!!!

I am quite excited myself that some “fun” things appear to be opening-up again … and hopefully that “fun” will lead to new content on my pages here soon.

But in the meantime my first Members Video for July is especially for Jay who requested a “Strap-On” video from one of my Femdom adventures.

Now I must apologise in advance for some of the language I use in this video … quite unbecoming of a lady I know … but this gentleman’s specific kink, apart from my Strap-On of course, is to be shouted at and verbally abused. Well you know me, as long as it’s fun and completely consensual, I always try to oblige!!!

This month’s photo-gallery is also to fulfill a special request. It is for Vi who said she would really like to see a slide-show of some of my Holiday Me-time fun with one of my favourite toys … so I hope you will all enjoy this selection as well.

And do let me know your own suggestions, for photos and videos, you would like to see during August !!!

So some of my most enjoyed posts during June were:

“Modestly Intense” … my first Sinful Sunday post for the month, where I was remembering a very “Intense, Speechless Moment” from several years ago. >>> Read more >>>

And I was also remembering back to previous lovely times, for my second Sinful Sunday post of the month “Modest Hopeful Horizons” … And I was so flattered when the lovely Tabitha Rayne made it one of her top 5 pics of the week. Tabitha is one of my favourite erotic authors who I always enjoy reading on my holidays away. I really do recommend you check out her wonderful library of books on Amazon.
>>> Read more >>>

My “Modestly Multilingual” post early in the month was prompted by two fun themes of “Magic” and “Body Language” at Wicked Wednesday and Food 4 Thought respectively … and again brought back some lovely, magical memories.
>>> Read more >>>

I had two more Real World Sex videos published at my Make Love Not Porn profile during the month. Stand To Attention and Part Two – The Entrée were from a lovely afternoon shortly before lock-down. And if you enjoy these two videos, there is more still to come !!! >>> Read more >>>

I ended the month with my Modest Floggers contribution to the Kink of the Week theme of floggers … which I thoroughly recommend you visit if you would like to know more about the subject of Impact Play in Kink. >>> Read more>>>

So … once again, thank you so much for spoiling me here and helping me to top me up with a lovely glass of wine occasionally. Well, more than occasionally actually, but if you’re also raising a glass or two occasionally, do remember to drink responsibly won’t you! I wouldn’t want to be encouraging anyone to be behaving irresponsibly … in ANYTHING !!!

Anyway … I hope you will all enjoy this month’s Members Videos, and Photo Gallery, and do let me know your thoughts, and suggestions, for new clips or photos you would like to see in the future. You can do that from the comments box at the foot of this post, or by emailing directly if you prefer.
I have lots and lots in my archives … and you never know … your suggestions may just appear on my Members Page soon !!!

If you are already a “Pour Me A Glass” Member, just log-in with your
New Password . . . >here< . . . or, if you are not a member, there is more information on how to subscribe from the link at the foot of each of my posts, or from >here<.

Bye for now !!!

P.s. – For the past year now, I have been reading this newsletter out aloud and I keep being asked to carry on reading . . . so, if you wish, you can listen to this month’s “Modcast” from the screen below . . .

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #PourMeAGlass, Body Positivity, Mistress Modesty, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members Page, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women

A Modest Stairwell #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze Nude Stairwells

Is there a word . . . or specific phrase . . . . if one has a kink for Stairwells ???

I ask because . . . and I don’t know why this is . . . but whenever I find myself climbing public stairs, I’m often overcome with a pressing need to take my clothes off without warning!!!

Which on this occasion left Hubby rather annoyed as he’d neglected to have his camera with him, so had to resort to his aging phone.

But I’m sure you will be able to find much better quality photos, and
kinks, this weekend by clicking-on the Sinful Sunday lips below.

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #sinfulsunday, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vú, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vŭ, Naughty Scavenger Hunt, Nude in Public, Public Nudity, Scavenger Hunt, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday

Pour Me Another … June #PMAGW

Pour Me Another Glass Members June

After my Hairdressing Issues posting at the beginning of lock-down, I’ve received quite a number of messages asking for further updates.

Well … my Waxing Salon is still closed of course … so I thought I would share a short clip of how things are at the end of June, for all you Pour Me Members.

Now, this was supposed to be just a short video-update. But as often happens when I’m having a morning lie-in, I got a little bit carried away displaying my current status for the camera.

So I just had to reach for my favourite toy for some “Me-Time” satisfaction
 . . . and it did go on for a little longer than it normally would when my Doxy wand is involved.

But you won’t mind my indulgence will you?

Oh and don’t forget to let me know . . . “hair” or “bare” ??? . . . I am keeping a tally of all the votes you know!!!

If you are already a “Pour Me A Glass” Member, just log-in with your
New Password . . . >here< . . . or, if you are not a member, there is more information on how to subscribe from the link at the foot of each of my posts, or from >here<.

And once again, thank you so much for spoiling me here, and helping me to keep my glass full. I really do hope you will enjoy and have fun watching this month’s new clips and photos.

Bye for now !!!

P.s. – For the past few months I have been reading this newsletter out aloud and lots of you have requested that I keep doing that, so . . .

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #PourMeAGlass, Multiple Orgasms, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members Page, sexual empowerment for women

Modestly Quiet #sinfulsunday

Even though I still had to queue to get in, it was surprisingly quiet for my weekend shop this morning.
Mind you … I was in the wine aisle at 10 a.m. … so probably far too early for sensible-shoppers!!!

You will be able to see what other Sinful Shoppers have been up to this weekend by selecting the Sinful Sunday lips below.

Sinful Sunday

P.s. – I already have a post for the Supermarket category at my Scavenger Hunt pages, so I shall add this photo to my Exposé Vŭ pages instead.

Modesty Ablaze Expose Vu

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #sinfulsunday, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vú, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vŭ, Naughty Scavenger Hunt, Nude in Public, Public Nudity, Scavenger Hunt, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday

Pour Me Again … June #PMAGW

Hoxton Dungeon Hook Part Two

My first Members Bonus video for this month, follows on directly from Part One of my Hoxton Hook fun with Lover No.14. And, as you will see, it was becoming very intense indeed . . . I hope you will enjoy it from a more comfortable position than I found myself in. Lol !!!

There is still more from that same playtime-fun session, so let me know from the comments box below, if you would like to see how No.14 continued!

And don’t forget that I always love receiving your suggestions for next month’s Videos and Photos . . . so if you have a particular theme, or fetish, you’d like me to search my archives for, just let me know!

If you are already a “Pour Me A Glass” Member, just log-in with your
New Password . . . >here< . . . or, if you are not a member, there is more information on how to subscribe from the link at the foot of each of my posts, or from >here<.

And once again, thank you so much for spoiling me here, and helping me to keep my glass full. I really do hope you will enjoy and have fun watching this month’s new clips and photos.

Bye for now !!!

P.s. – For the past few months I have been reading this newsletter out aloud and lots of you have requested that I keep doing that, so . . .

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #PourMeAGlass, BDSM fun, Female Dominatrix, London Dominatrix, Mistress Modesty, Mistress Modesty Co Dot UK, Multiple Orgasms, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members Page, sexual empowerment for women

Modest Hopeful Horizons #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze Hopeful Horizons

Every morning I rise . . . thinking, wishing and hoping . . . for this view.
And praying for new, safe, more peaceful horizons!!!

In the meantime though . . . I shall just brush the Sinful Sunday lips below
. . . for more hopeful and fun distractions.

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #sinfulsunday, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Nude in Public, Public Nudity, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday