Tag Archives: Sex Positive

A Friday Quickie with Dee … from “Modesty Unmasked” – Part Seven of The Modesty Ablaze Diaires

Modesty Ablaze Unmasked Ebook

The audio clip below, was recorded whilst sat on the balcony of my holiday apartment, enjoying a glass of wine (or two) … so you will have to excuse the occasional sipping-pauses … and was originally just meant for my Pour Me A Glass Members page.

One of my longest-standing members there had requested one particular chapter, “A Quickie Evening with D” from myModesty Unmasked – Part 7 of The Modesty Ablaze Diaries” ebook.  But I thought I would now add it here … for general release so-to-speak … as I have received lots of emails recently asking for more “Modcasts”.

So click on the arrow below to listen … and do let me know if you would like to hear more in the future!!!

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine

1 Comment

Filed under #PourMeAGlass, Body Positivity, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members Page, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women, The Modesty Ablaze Diaries, womens Erotica

Modestly Excited … #sinfulsunday

Mistress Modesty Topless Purple and SissyBoy

“No you may not !!! … I know you’re excited, but we have at least another hour yet, and I have a lot more in mind for you!”

“Perhaps if you’re a good girl … and if I feel that you really deserve it … then
we shall see”.

There is bound to be much more excitable fun at this week’s Sinful Sunday to be discovered from tapping the lips below.

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #sinfulsunday, BDSM fun, Body Positivity, Female Dominatrix, London Dominatrix, Mistress Modesty, Mistress Modesty Ablaze, Mistress Modesty Co Dot UK, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday

Pour Me More – Oct. 2020 #PMAGW

Making Love On The Telephone Part 4 Cover

Several of you have messaged over the past week or so mentioning that you were hoping that my main video for the month would have been a continuation of my lovely “Making Love On The Telephone” evening fun with my lover … instead of theHoliday Watersports video which I’d posted in response to a special request.

I also received messages saying how much that video was enjoyed by lots of you as well … and, as I always like to post fun clips of different requests if I can, that made me happy too.

But … good things come to those who wait … so I’m thrilled to now add “Part 4” of that wonderfully passionate fucking as my first mid-month update for October. And I’m so glad that so many of you have requested “more” as it was such a personal and loving evening … and yes there is still more to cum if you would like me to add more for later in the month. So do let me know !!!

I’m also delighted to welcome more new Pour Me A Glass Members who have joined over the past two weeks … so I will keep the links to my previous Members videos active on the page for longer than is normally possible, so that you may enjoy some back-browsing!

Modesty Ablaze Unmasked Back Cover

As I mentioned in my Septembers newsletter, lots of you have been asking for more audio readings from one of my Modesty Ablaze Diaries E-books, so I’m happy to say that whilst sitting on my holiday balcony one afternoon enjoying some afternoon shade … and of course a chilled glass of wine … I recorded a short reading from one of the Chapters from Modesty Unmasked. Do let me know if you enjoy listening to it and I will add more in future updates.

So … thank you so much again for spoiling me here and helping to top me up with a lovely glass of wine from time to time. And I hope you will all enjoy this month’s Members Videos, and Photo Gallery.

Do let me know your own suggestions, for new clips or photos you would like to see in the future. You can do that from the comments box at the foot of this post, or by emailing directly if you prefer.

If you are already a “Pour Me A Glass” Member, just log-in with your
New Password . . . >here< . . . or, if you are not a member, there is more information on how to subscribe from the link at the foot of each of my posts, or from >here<.

Bye for now !!!

P.s. – For over a year now, I have been reading this newsletter out aloud and I keep being asked to carry on reading . . . so, if you wish, you can listen to this month’s “Modcast” from the screen below . . .

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #PourMeAGlass, Body Positivity, Mistress Modesty, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members Page, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women

A Modest Re-A-Pier-ance #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze Pier 1

Long before I was able to fly, summer-time meant exciting days-out to the seaside, and ice-creams on the Pier.

Modesty Ablaze Pier 2

Sitting at the end of the boardwalk and gazing out to sea, dreaming of distant exotic lands … and beaches … far beyond.

Modesty Ablaze Pier 3

Sadly, on my recent seaside staycation, the ice-cream parlour was locked-down and the coffee bar closed.

Modesty Ablaze Pier 4

But it was still lovely to sit and listen to the water lapping below, the sounds of the keep-fit classes behind me, and the fishermen casting their lines over the end of the pier, in front of me.

Because there is something quite enchanting, and comforting, about a pier beside the seaside isn’t there?

For lots of other enchanting memories, just “tap” the lips below at this week’s Sinful Sunday.

Sinful Sunday

P.S. – I do already have several other a-pier-ances, here and here for my Naughty Scavenger Hunt pages, so I thought I would add this particular
Pier to my Exposé Vŭ memories.

Modesty Ablaze Expose Vu

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #sinfulsunday, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vú, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vŭ, Naughty Scavenger Hunt, Nude in Public, Public Nudity, Scavenger Hunt, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday

Modestly Wishing … #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze Wishing Beach

Oh how I wish I was back here on my favourite beach … on my favourite island … in my favourite attire !!!

Instead of the cold wind and rain of an October Sunday here in London.

But I’m sure to find some warming Sinful fun from the luscious lips below.

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #sinfulsunday, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Naughty Scavenger Hunt, Nude in Public, Public Nudity, Scavenger Hunt, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday

Pour Me A Glass Members newsletter – October 2020 #PMAGW

Modesty Ablaze Pour Me A Glass October 2020

Hello, everyone and welcome to my October Newsletter … already !!! The past few weeks in particular just seemed to have flown by.

For me that’s probably because after such a wonderful holiday away on my favourite idyllic island, I’ve been quickly brought back down to earth having to return to all the normal routines of home.

I know I was incredibly lucky to have been able to get away for a summer break when so many others have not been so fortunate. But I hope that some of the holiday photos and videos which I will be sharing here at my Pour Me A Glass Members Pages in the coming months, will at least put a smile on faces and bring a few moments of joy.

I would also like to welcome all of the new Pour Me A Glass Members who joined during August and September … I really do appreciate your support … and hope you will enjoy my pages here.

As I said, I will have some brand new “first-view” videos and photos posted here soon, but my first video for October is actually from two summers ago … and I am posting it to fulfill a “special request” from Jay who recently asked me about “showers”. Now he wasn’t meaning the sort of “Shower” which I added for you here two weeks ago. No, he was meaning “showers” of a completely different sort … I’m sure you know what-sort he means!

Anyway, I did email Jay some links and an explanation of why his exact request might not be appropriate here. But as he replied back so nicely … and because I always like to do my very best to fulfill my members special requests … I thought my “Holiday Relief Compilation” might give some relieving enjoyment for him as well. And, of course, for all of you who may similarly enjoy the sound of running water !!!

This month’s Photo Gallery is also to fulfill a special request … this time for DK who asked to see “more of your Mistress outfits”. These are new photos, unseen anywhere else just yet … so let me know if you would like me to add more from the same session.

And do let me know your own suggestions for things you would like to see for my mid-month Update Posts in the coming weeks … because I do have lots of photos, and lots of videos, saved in my archives !!!

So … some of my most read posts during September were:

I’ve been so happy to get back to posting some regular “Boobday Friday” posts again.

I am still regularly asked for new postings of my … well … my boobies obviously. And it’s always flattering to have so many of you asking to keep seeing them … so … I managed three postings during the month.A Holiday Wine, Modestly Feathered and … just last Friday … Modest Seatbelts.
AND … you’ll be happy to know … that I’ve returned from my holidays with lots more to post in the coming weeks. >>> Read more >>>

And speaking of my holidays, it has become a tradition over the past eight summers for me to have a photo taken on my favourite Grecian Stairs. But with so many cancellations and restrictions I thought that I wasn’t going to get there at all this year. Thankfully though we did make it, and I think my delight is evident from the smile on my face … at my Sinful Sunday post shortly after I arrived back home.. >>> Read more >>>

Another of my holiday traditions has been to always film an introductory video … on my favourite beach … about my latest Real World Sex film to be published at my Make Love Not Porn pages.

It was really … really … hot as I sat describing my new film Stand To Attention Part 5 – The Doxy Finale. But at least I was able to quickly jump up as soon as I’d finished my explanations … and walk down to the water for a cooling dip. >>> Read more >>>

It was fun to remember some of my previous Make Love Not Porn videos, in myModest Mornings post near the end of the month … for the current Kink of The Week theme about “morning sex”. Now I like sex at any time of the day … but morning playtime fun is a often a bit different isn’t it ? I think so anyway!
>>> Read more >>>

And being different was quite obvious in my Modestly Keyedpost at Sinful Sunday two weeks ago as I re-created one of my “Polaroids Past” photographs from 1986.


So … thank you again for spoiling me here and helping me to top up my wine glass from time to time.

I do hope you will all enjoy this month’s Members Videos, and Photo Gallery … and let me know your own suggestions, for new clips or photos you would like to see in the future from the comments box at the foot of THIS post, or by emailing directly if you prefer.

If you are already a “Pour Me A Glass” Member, just log-in with your
New Password . . . >here< . . . or, if you are not a member, there is more information on how to subscribe from the link at the foot of each of my posts, or from >here<.

Bye for now !!!

P.s. – For over a year now, I have been reading this newsletter out aloud and I keep being asked to carry on reading . . . so, if you wish, you can listen to this month’s “Modcast” from the screen below . . .

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #PourMeAGlass, Body Positivity, Mistress Modesty, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members Page, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women

Modestly Vane … #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze Weather Vane

“Well, it doesn’t look like a Weather Vane to me,” I said to Hubby as we paused during our walk along the promenade. “It looks more like a Victorian Bus Stop!”

Modesty Ablaze Weather Vane 2

“The Weather Vane bit is on the top” Hubby replied. “It’s actually a Weather Kiosk and has been here since the 1930’s.”
“It’s staffed by weather volunteers” he went on. “And they record the wind, temperature and tides every day”.

Modesty Ablaze Weather Vane 3

“What !!!” I exclaimed. “You mean you’ve let me stand here like this whilst there’s actually someone sat inside!!!”
“And look, there’s a bus pulling in now anyway!!!” I hissed as I quickly stepped away in case the driver thought we were getting on.

Modesty Ablaze Weather Vane 4

“I suppose we’d better look like we’re interested in all this information” I told him as the bus pulled away and I had calmed down a bit.

Thankfully, the volunteers must have left for the day as nobody came out to start explaining all the charts and numbers in person.

But for more forecasts and reports this Sinful Sunday,
dial-in from the lips below.

Sinful Sunday

I’m not sure if there is a Weather Vane, or Weather Kiosk, Scavenger Hunt location just yet, but I’m rather hoping my meteorological investigations
won’t be in vain.

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #sinfulsunday, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Naughty Scavenger Hunt, Nude in Public, Public Nudity, Scavenger Hunt, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday

Pour Me Again – Sept. 2020 #PMAGW

Modesty Ablaze Making Love on the Phone Part 3 Cover

It has been so lovely over the past two weeks, to have received so many wonderful emails about my “Making Love on the Telephone” videos at my Pour Me A Glass Members page in August and at the beginning of this month.

Initially I’d been a little concerned about the graininess and blurry picture quality, as the impromptu video was filmed on my mobile phone instead of Hubby’s usual camera. But having received so many messages asking for “more”, I added “Part Two” for my September Newsletter post and have been simply thrilled at how many of you have emailed to say how much you’ve enjoyed the intimacy and softness of our love-making.

It’s always nice of course, to receive flattering comments about my photos and film clips, but I don’t think I’ve ever received so many nice words since I began my special Pour Me A Glass Members pages in April of last year.

So I’m delighted to add “Part Three” of our lovely evening to this Members Update, and yes there could be a “Part Four”.

I’m also delighted to welcome several new Pour Me A Glass Members who have joined over the past few weeks … so I will keep the links to my previous Members videos active on the page for longer than is normally possible, so that you may enjoy some back-browsing!

Modesty Ablaze Unmasked Back Cover

As I mentioned two weeks ago, lots of you have been asking for some time for more audio readings from one of my Modesty Ablaze Diaries E-books, so I’m happy to say that whilst sitting on my holiday balcony one afternoon enjoying some afternoon shade … and of course a chilled glass of wine … I recorded a short reading from one of the Chapters from Modesty Unmasked. Do let me know if you enjoy listening and I will try to add some more in future updates.

So … thank you so much again for spoiling me here and helping to top me up with a lovely glass of wine from time to time. And I hope you will all enjoy this month’s Members Videos, and Photo Gallery.

Do let me know your own suggestions, for new clips or photos you would like to see in the future. You can do that from the comments box at the foot of this post, or by emailing directly if you prefer.

If you are already a “Pour Me A Glass” Member, just log-in with your
New Password . . . >here< . . . or, if you are not a member, there is more information on how to subscribe from the link at the foot of each of my posts, or from >here<.

Bye for now !!!

P.s. – For over a year now, I have been reading this newsletter out aloud and I keep being asked to carry on reading . . . so, if you wish, you can listen to this month’s “Modcast” from the screen below . . .

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #PourMeAGlass, Body Positivity, Mistress Modesty, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members Page, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women

Pour Me More – Sept. 2020 #PMAGW

Modesty Ablaze Holiday Shower 2020

Several of you asked about the header photo from my first Pour Me A Glass Members post of the month last week.

And, when I first started my Members pages, I promised that as well as posting photos and videos from my Mistressing Sessions, and my Swinging Fun adventures, I would also be sharing lots of personal candid moments, pictures and film clips with no filters, no re-touching, no pretences, no “breathy, over-acted voices” and no “creative editing”.

Just the real me having fun and being just who I am … with all the lumps and bumps of the “mature” lady that I am.

So my first members-update video for this month is exactly that. From the wonderful summer holiday that I am just back from … after a long day at the beach … washing off the suntan lotion, sand and sea-salt before preparing to head out for an evening meal.

So, I hope you will all enjoy spending some time in the shower with me !!!

Modesty Ablaze Unmasked Back Cover

Now lots of you have been asking for some time for more audio readings from one of my Modesty Ablaze Diaries E-books, so I’m happy to say that whilst sitting on my holiday balcony one afternoon enjoying some afternoon shade … and of course a chilled glass of wine … I recorded a short reading from one of the Chapters from Modesty Unmasked. Do let me know if you enjoy listening and I will try to add some more in future updates.

So … thank you so much again for spoiling me here and helping to top me up with a lovely glass of wine from time to time. And I hope you will all enjoy this month’s Members Videos, and Photo Gallery.

Do let me know your own suggestions, for new clips or photos you would like to see in the future. You can do that from the comments box at the foot of this post, or by emailing directly if you prefer.

If you are already a “Pour Me A Glass” Member, just log-in with your
New Password . . . >here< . . . or, if you are not a member, there is more information on how to subscribe from the link at the foot of each of my posts, or from >here<.

Bye for now !!!

P.s. – For over a year now, I have been reading this newsletter out aloud and I keep being asked to carry on reading . . . so, if you wish, you can listen to this month’s “Modcast” from the screen below . . .

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine

1 Comment

Filed under #PourMeAGlass, Body Positivity, Mistress Modesty, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members Page, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women

Pour Me A Glass Members Newsletter – September 2020 #PMAGW

Modesty Ablaze Pour Me A Glass Members Newsletter September 202

Yes my Pour Me A Glass Newsletter is rather late this month.

But if you are one of my Pour Me A Glass Members you will know from an email you should have received in mid-August, that I was going to be away on my favourite island vacation until the second week of September.

And … in fact … I actually recorded the accompanying Audio (see below) for this post whilst sat on my holiday balcony enjoying a lovely glass of rosé, (of course), on the last day of what was a truly magical break away from the hustle and bustle of London.

But the good news is that although this September posting is late, I do have lots and lots of photo and video fun to share over the coming weeks and months.
 And I hope you will enjoy viewing them as much as I enjoyed filming them.

But my first exclusive members video for the month is Part Two of my “Making Love on the Telephone” clip … which I simply had to post after receiving so many lovely emails asking for “more”.

Now, when I was recording the audio for this post on my balcony, I said that I hadn’t yet decided on the photos for September’s picture Gallery. I did say that I might include some first-view photos from our holiday … or instead use some different photos from my archives.

In the end I decided to go for the latter option as Hubby pointed out that August’s picture gallery had featured some naked-on-the-beach photos from last year’s holiday, so he suggested it would be better to have some content of a different nature. And, besides which, he hadn’t had the time to sort through the hundreds of new photos from this years trip (but don’t worry, I am insisting he just gets on with that and files them all promptly !!!)

As I have been away, and without wifi, for the best part of the month, I am not including a review of my most popular posts during August (as I simply haven’t had the time since my return to check). However you will be able to scroll through the “Recent Posts” list from the side-bar to the right and catch-up on any that you may have missed.

So … thank you so much again for spoiling me here and helping to top me up with a lovely glass of wine from time to time. And I hope you will all enjoy this month’s Members Videos, and Photo Gallery.

Do let me know your own suggestions, for new clips or photos you would like to see in the future. You can do that from the comments box at the foot of this post, or by emailing directly if you prefer.

If you are already a “Pour Me A Glass” Member, just log-in with your
New Password . . . >here< . . . or, if you are not a member, there is more information on how to subscribe from the link at the foot of each of my posts, or from >here<.

Bye for now !!!

P.s. – For over a year now, I have been reading this newsletter out aloud and I keep being asked to carry on reading . . . so, if you wish, you can listen to this month’s “Modcast” from the screen below . . .

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #PourMeAGlass, Body Positivity, Mistress Modesty, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members Page, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women