Tag Archives: Sex Positive

Pour Me More – February Members Update #PMAGW

A Cooling Cucumber video Pt 2

My first mid-month Pour Me A Glass Members update for February is especially for all of you who wanted to see how I carried on with my “Cooling Apartment Cucumber” Me-Time fun.

And I think you will see that I actually became quite carried away with the textures … and girth … of that most adaptable of fruit. And it is a fruit apparently, as PMAGW Member SJ pointed out, and not a vegetable. But as you will see, I was far too excited to be thinking about those sort of specifics!!!

Once again this video falls into the more “candid” category of my Members postings, but I have always said that my Members Page would be where I would be sharing lots of my more “candid” moments. Photos and videos with no filters, no re-touching, no pretences. Just the REAL ME having fun and being just who I am … with all the lumps and bumps of the “mature” lady I am.

So I hope you will enjoy viewing it as much as I enjoyed my indulgence. 

But do let me know if you would instead prefer more of my #femdom, #swinging or #NudeInPublic style of videos for my next updates … I’m sure I will be able to oblige as I have years and years worth of videos and photos in my Modest Archives !!!

So … thank you once again for spoiling me here and helping me to regularly top up my wine glass.

And to the several new members who have joined over the past few weeks I do hope you will all enjoy this month’s feature Members Video, and Photo Gallery … and let me know your own suggestions, for new clips or photos you would like to see in the future from the comments box at the foot of THIS post, or by emailing directly if you prefer.

If you are already a “Pour Me A Glass” Member, just log-in with your
New Password . . . >here< . . . or, if you are not a member, there is more information on how to subscribe from the link at the foot of each of my posts, or from >here<.

Bye for now !!!

P.s. – For over 18 months now, I have been reading this newsletter out aloud and I keep being asked to carry on reading . . . so, if you wish, you can listen to this month’s “Modcast” from the screen below . . .

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #PourMeAGlass, Body Positivity, Mistress Modesty, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members Page, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women

A Modest Texture #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze Ball Sucking Texture

“It’s the texture that I love … and the sound they make when they pop back
out of my mouth!”

There is bound to be many more Textures to experience this weekend, by sucking on the Sinful Sunday lips below.

Sinful Sunday

P.s. – Just to clarify, these photos are from my Sessioning Archives and
not from a recent meeting … mores the pity!!!

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #sinfulsunday, BDSM fun, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Female Dominatrix, London Dominatrix, Mistress Modesty, Mistress Modesty Ablaze, Mistress Modesty Co Dot UK, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vú, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vŭ, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday

Pour Me A Glass Members Newsletter – February 2021 #PMAGW

Modesty Ablaze Pour Me News Feb2021

Welcome to my second Pour Me A Glass of Wine Modcast for 2021.

It’s February already … and despite everything that is going on in the world at the moment … the past month seems to have flown by.

I always start each month’s Newsletter with some details about the first Members video for the month, so … without giving away too much information … my feature video for February is for all of you who have requested more of my “showers” films.

Now, as you will I’m sure understand, I haven’t been able to film any new Mistressing videos for a few months now, so this latest video is from my archives collection.

But, it hasn’t been released on ANY of my Clips Sites before, and when you watch it I think you will understand why !!!

So it really is a brand new exclusive viewing, just for you all. It may not be to everyone’s “taste” but do let me know if you enjoy it, or if you would prefer something completely different … perhaps from my Nude In Public, Exhibitionist, Beach Holiday … or Swinging Adventures because, as I’ve mentioned before, I have years and years worth of videos in my archives.

And the pictures in my Members Photo Gallery this month are also compiled from my photo archives … this month featuring more of my travels around a number of different Dungeons here in London, during my Mistressing sessions ….

Now … it’s always fun looking back at what were my most popular posts over the past month …

Dirty Sexy Words Video Cover

… and it was especially nice to see that my post about being featured, in a live reading by Zak Jane Keir, at the London Alternative Market live-streaming event mid way through January was so well received.
I actually don’t like hearing the sound of my own voice … so hearing Zak reading my words from an extract from my Modesty Unmasked book … was just wonderful. I’ve never heard anyone else reading any of my diary entries out aloud before … and Zak has such a lovely reading voice … so I was absolutely thrilled.
The YouTube video is now live on her Dirty Sexy Words YouTube Channel … so please do log-in and watch and listen for yourself .
>>> Read more >>>

Modesty Ablaze Cooling Cucumber Video Cover

My Cooling Apartment Cucumber Real World Sex post during the month was very popular as well … and I’m delighted to say that the video itself has also been very popular on Make Love Not Porn. And “Part 2” of that lovely “Me-Time” fun I had on my holiday, will be uploaded shortly. So keep checking back to see how much I still managed to enjoy my regular “fruit and veg” … even whilst on holiday. It wasn’t all wine, sea and sun you know ! >>> Read more >>>

Modesty Ablaze Beachcombing Boobday Friday

I did feature some of my beach fun from my holiday though … including my Modestly Beach-combing Boobday Friday post. And it was nice to learn that Violet Fawkes has now taken over the Boobday Meme … so there are now lots more boobies to view every week … apart from just mine.
>>> Read more >>>

Modesty Ablaze Staring

I always try to post as many Sinful Sunday posts each month as I can, and my own favourite in January … because it brought back some lovely memories of my Staycation week away last August … was myModestly Staring
post early in the month.
>>> Read more >>>

Tantalize Me Gift Box

And also early in the month I was very lucky to be asked to review the wonderful Tantalize Me Gift Box collection. Tantalize Me specialise in Adult Subscription Boxes and Sexy Gift options … and as I said in my review, the quality of both the presentation and the contents, of the Lelo Couples Gift Box I received was just superb … and has continued to give me lots of fun every time I “re-open” it. >>> Read more>>>

So … thank you again for spoiling me here and helping me to keep my wine glass at a pleasingly appropriate level.

I do hope you will all enjoy this month’s Members Videos, and Photo Gallery … and let me know your own suggestions, for new clips or photos you would like to see in the future from the comments box at the foot of THIS post, or by emailing directly if you prefer.

If you are already a “Pour Me A Glass” Member, just log-in with your
New Password . . . >here< . . . or, if you are not a member, there is more information on how to subscribe from the link at the foot of each of my posts, or from >here<.

Bye for now !!!

P.s. – For over 18 months now, I have been reading this newsletter out aloud and I keep being asked to carry on reading . . . so, if you wish, you can listen to this month’s “Modcast” from the screen below . . .

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #PourMeAGlass, Body Positivity, Mistress Modesty, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members Page, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women

The Naughty Chair #sinfulsunday

The Mistress Modesty Naughty Chair 1

“From that smirk on your face you seem to be enjoying being sent to my
Naughty Chair far too much for my liking!!!”

Mistress Modesty Naughty Chair 2

“Well … let’s see if you’re still smirking once I get my swatting-rhythm really going shall we?”

Mistress Modesty Naughty Chair 3

“And if you dare start dribbling on my floor, you’ll be the one cleaning it up … with your tongue !!!”

Sometimes though, naughty-boys just can’t help themselves can they?
But for the moment I’ll leave putting those freshly-polished floor boards
on display, for a future post.

In the meantime though, I’m sure you will discover what other naughty fun is going on this weekend, by licking the Sinful Sunday lips below.

Sinful Sunday

P.s. – Just to clarify, these photos are from my Sessioning Archives and
not from a recent meeting … mores the pity!!!

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #sinfulsunday, BDSM fun, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Female Dominatrix, London Dominatrix, Mistress Modesty, Mistress Modesty Ablaze, Mistress Modesty Co Dot UK, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vú, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vŭ, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday

The Modesty Ablaze Diaries of a London Hotwife … @DirtySexyWorld

Dirty Sexy Words at YouTube reading of Modesty Ablaze Diaries of a London Hotwife

As I mentioned in my Diaries of a London Hotwife post just before Christmas, I’m hoping to have “Modesty Unleashed – Part 8” of my personal diaries published sometime soon.

But I was delighted to be featured in a reading by Zak Jane Keir on the London Alternative Market  live-stream event last weekend.

I first met Zak years ago at an Erotic Book reading at TeamSh in Hoxton. Her enthusiasm for books, and fetish, was immediately apparent … and quite infectious … after just a few minutes of chatting with her.

And we’ve since bumped into one another on several occasions since at other events, and of course on my regular visits to LAM (before lockdown) where she always has a well-stocked bookstall … as well as online ordering from her Dirty Sexy Words website.

Along with an encyclopedic knowledge of fetish and erotica books, Zak also publishes books of her own and I would highly recommend her The Masters Voice which I took away with me on my Kindle for my holiday last summer. (And I can tell you that reading it on the beach made the sun feel even hotter!!!)

So, as I’ve always loved the tones and textures of Zak’s voice, it was an absolute thrill, and honour, to hear her reading a passage from my “Modesty Unmasked – Part 7 of The Diaries of a London Hotwife” on that LAM livestream.

And, it is now also available on Zak’s DSW Books YouTube Channel … just click on the Video Screen above or >here< to listen.

There are links to all of my Diary Editions from my Ebooks page >here< including my new Etsy Shop … and I have a new Modesty Diary Twitter feed at @ModestyDiary … so do follow me there for special offers and updates.

And be sure to follow Zak at her @DirtySexyWorld for lots more literary erotica !!!

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #PourMeAGlass, Body Positivity, Dirty Sexy Words, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Mistress Modesty, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members Page, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women, The Modesty Ablaze Diaries

A Modest Site #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze Building Site 2020

Several people have asked over the past few months if I had any new “Building Sites Revisited” photos from my vacation last September.

Well actually most of the building-in-progress apartments we’d been passing over the last few years, had all been completed this summer … but there was still one that hadn’t changed much at all since we first walked by in 2016.

I’m desperately, desperately praying that we will be able to check back this coming summer. Here’s hoping!!!

But, in the meantime, I will distract myself with regular visits to the
Sinful Sunday lips below.

Sinful Sunday

P.S. – I will though, add this 2020 update check to my previous Building Sites” visits to my Exposé Vŭ memories below.

Modesty Ablaze Expose Vu

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #sinfulsunday, BDSM fun, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Female Dominatrix, London Dominatrix, Mistress Modesty, Mistress Modesty Ablaze, Mistress Modesty Co Dot UK, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vú, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vŭ, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday

Pour Me More – January & Exciting News #PMAGW

Modesty Ablaze Cooling Cucumber Pt 1 Cover

So … I have two items of exciting news for my first Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members Update for 2021!!!

Firstly … and because of all the simply lovely messages from all of you following mySilly Naked Beach Lilo Fun video last month, I have added another holiday video which follows on directly from that one.

It starts out on the beach, but because I was feeling all hot and sticky, quite quickly decamps to the air-conditioned comfort of our apartment … and the cooling relief of a lovely … cucumber.

Cucumber? … yes cucumber … you’ll have to view the video to see what I mean!

And the second bit of good news is that the lovely gentleman who hosts my Pour Me A Glass Members videos for me, has upgraded his servers. (No nothing to do with my submissives and their servitude … it’s something technical to do with where the videos live and how they are streamed).

And what that means is that my PMAGOW videos should now load, and play, much quicker … which is particularly important as there are now lots more of you than when I first started my Members page two years ago.

And it also means that I can keep videos current on the pages for longer than I previously could. (So you will be able to browse backwards and re-live moments from earlier months).

Anyway, this video falls into the more “candid” category of my Members postings again and if you enjoy it, as much as I did, then do let me know and I will upload more for my next members update.

So … thank you once again for spoiling me here and helping me to regularly top up my wine glass.

And to the several new members who have joined over the past few weeks I do hope you will all enjoy this month’s Members Videos, and Photo Gallery … and let me know your own suggestions, for new clips or photos you would like to see in the future from the comments box at the foot of THIS post, or by emailing directly if you prefer.

If you are already a “Pour Me A Glass” Member, just log-in with your
New Password . . . >here< . . . or, if you are not a member, there is more information on how to subscribe from the link at the foot of each of my posts, or from >here<.

Bye for now !!!

P.s. – For over 18 months now, I have been reading this newsletter out aloud and I keep being asked to carry on reading . . . so, if you wish, you can listen to this month’s “Modcast” from the screen below . . .

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #PourMeAGlass, Body Positivity, Mistress Modesty, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members Page, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women

A Modest Power #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze Transformer 2020

Way back in early 2015, I mentioned that I’d recently discovered how much
I enjoyed the … transmission of power.

And Hubby reminded me of that photo he’d taken back then, as we set-out for one of our evening strolls last summer. This isn’t the same transmitter … they are perched on poles like this all over the island … so I can’t add it as a new location to my Scavenger Hunt collection.

But, although they may not exactly be things of beauty, I do feel a certain attraction to them … so I may start a new sub-category during my next visit.

Until then, I shall make do with investigating all the different transmissions available by switching on the Sinful Sunday lips below.

Sinful Sunday

P.S. – Until I have enough Power to start that new “sub-category” I shall add this one to my Exposé Vŭ memories.

Modesty Ablaze Expose Vu

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #sinfulsunday, BDSM fun, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Female Dominatrix, London Dominatrix, Mistress Modesty, Mistress Modesty Ablaze, Mistress Modesty Co Dot UK, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vú, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vŭ, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday

Modestly Staring #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze Staring 1

“I was not rude to her!” I said to Hubby. “She was just standing there staring,
so I just asked her if she was coming up … or not!”
“Well she seemed to be shaking her head and muttering something about ‘rudeness’ as she walked on” he said.

Modesty Ablaze 2

“Well look … there’s plenty of room for her to have walked up and passed me by” I said. “So I don’t know why she would storm off in a huff!”

Modesty Ablaze Staring 3

“And of course I would have tied my belt up tighter!” I laughed. “You’re not suggesting I’m some sort of ‘exhibitionist’ or something are you???

Mind you, I’m sure if you step down onto the Sinful Sunday lips below, you’re bound to see lots of people making exhibitions of themselves.

Sinful Sunday

P.S. – I will admit though, that I do rather have a thing for Stairs … and Stairwells … so I shall add these particular steps to my Exposé Vŭ memories.

Modesty Ablaze Expose Vu

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #sinfulsunday, BDSM fun, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Female Dominatrix, London Dominatrix, Mistress Modesty, Mistress Modesty Ablaze, Mistress Modesty Co Dot UK, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vú, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vŭ, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday

Pour Me A Glass Members Newsletter – January 2021 #PMAGW

Modesty Ablaze Modcast January 2021

Hello and Welcome to my Pour Me A Glass of Wine Modcast for January … my first Members Newsletter for 2021.

And, of course, I’d like to begin by wishing you all a Happy New Year and best wishes for the months ahead. I know we’ll all be hoping for some good news after such a difficult 2020.

So let’s hope for health and happiness for everyone, and some fun times in which we can all let our hair down and begin to enjoy ourselves, socially, once again.

Now for my last Members Mid-Month Update in December, 
I asked you all for the sort of Video and Photo Content you would most like me to upload for January. 
And lots of you requested more from my FemDom Mistressing Sessions !!!

Well the months and months of lock-down we were under in London, meant that unfortunately I had very few opportunities for fun Dungeon Sessioning.

But, as you may have gathered if you have been one of Pour Me A Glass Members for some time, I do have quite an archive of Films and Pictures from lots of my fun times over the past ten years or more. Some of which has actually never been published anywhere else before.

And for my first Members video of the year I’m delighted to upload Part Two of my “Sissy Whores Strap-On Ass Fucking” after so many of you asked to see how that particular session had ended. 
And carrying on with my FemDom Mistressing theme, my Members Photo Gallery for January is also from my Dungeon Archives, with a compilation of different photos from different sessions … and from several different chambers across the capital.

So … looking back at my most popular posts over the past month …

Modestly sunburnt boobies

I was able to continue with my weekly Boobday Friday posts … choosing several from my Summer holidays, with various stages of sun-burn across my boobies. Often quite embarrassing for me to look at, but I did get lots of messages offering to rub some after-sun lotion on them !!! >>> Read more >>>

Modest Work Out Pt2

I always receive lots of lovely feedback, and lots of questions too, whenever I upload a new video to my Make Love Not Porn pages. And Modest Workout Part 2was no exception. And yes there is more to come from that amazing evening … possibly in the “cumming” weeks. >>> Read more >>>

Mistress Modesty smoothing subs spanked ass

Now one of my favourite Memes is the wonderful Marie Rebelle’s Wicked Wednesday, which I always look forward to checking out every Wednesday, even if I don’t manage to contribute every week. But one of the prompts early in the month was “After Care” which is always an important part of my Mistressing sessions that I was talking about earlier. So I was delighted to be able to add myAfter Glowposting to that week’s interesting collection. >>> Read more >>>

Modestly Waiting for the Water Taxi

And another Meme I always enjoy visiting is Sinful Sunday … and it was a lot of fun remembering some of my fun times from our wonderful summer holiday.
Including queuing for the Water-Taxi after one of our long walks around the cliffs and beaches near our apartments. >>> Read more >>>

Modesty Ablaze Unmasked Cover

And, finally, one of the questions I am most often asked is when will I be publishing the next edition of my Modesty Ablaze Diaries?
 Well, I’m hoping that “Part 8 – Modesty Unleashed” will be published early in the year. And to celebrate that fact, all my previous SEVEN diaries, PLUS my “Modesty Unboxed” compilation edition, is now on sale from my Gumroads page for just $2 each. There is more information about that from my post just before Christmas, or from my NEW Diaries social feed @ModestyDiary on Twitter >>> Read more>>>

So … thank you again for spoiling me here and helping me to top up my wine glass from time to time.

I do hope you will all enjoy this month’s Members Videos, and Photo Gallery … and let me know your own suggestions, for new clips or photos you would like to see in the future from the comments box at the foot of THIS post, or by emailing directly if you prefer.

If you are already a “Pour Me A Glass” Member, just log-in with your
New Password . . . >here< . . . or, if you are not a member, there is more information on how to subscribe from the link at the foot of each of my posts, or from >here<.

Bye for now !!!

P.s. – For over 18 months now, I have been reading this newsletter out aloud and I keep being asked to carry on reading . . . so, if you wish, you can listen to this month’s “Modcast” from the screen below . . .

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #PourMeAGlass, Body Positivity, Mistress Modesty, Pour Me a Glass of Wine, Pour Me A Glass of Wine Members Page, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women