Tag Archives: Scavenger Hunt

A Modest Lighthouse … #sinfulsunday

A Modest Lighthouse 1

“It’s not very big is it” Hubby said as we reached the end of the path on the hill.

A Modest Lighthouse 2

“Well size isn’t everything!” I replied. “I thought you of all people
would know that!”

“It can be seen for 4 nautical miles” he continued, “and it is still
a working light.” he read from his guidebook.

A Modest Lighthouse 3

“Oooh … you know me, I do love anything nautical” I told him.

“Apparently” he continued, “there used to be a second light further
down the hill and when both lights were aligned the fishermen would
know the tide was high enough to bring their boats up on to the beach.”
“Let’s go round the back and see if there’s any further information inside”.

A Modest Lighthouse 4

“No it’s locked” I told him. “And anyway it’s all very well for you to want to continue exploring, but it’s rather windy and chilly up here for me.
Let’s go back down the hill for that glass of Savvy you promised me!”

I’m sure there will be lots more enlightening fun at this week’s Sinful Sunday. Just switch on the lips below.

Sinful Sunday

I did, of course, claim my glass of wine (or two or three) back down in the town … and am also happy to claim “Lighthouse” for my Scavenger Hunt collection as well. Cheers !!!

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #sinfulsunday, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Naughty Scavenger Hunt, Nude in Public, Public Nudity, Scavenger Hunt, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday

A Modest Necessarium … #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze Latrine1

“It means ‘behind the dormitory’ … and it was the Latrine for the Monks to use”
I explained in my best tour-guide voice.

Modesty Ablaze Latrine2

“Of course it had drains! The gutter would have run down the middle here
… one would just have to crouch with feet either side!”

Modesty Ablaze Latrine3

“Yes, I’m sure they would have had to open their robes like this!” I said.
“They couldn’t have just ‘lifted them a bit’ … they’d get them all wet down the front and around the ankles, silly!!!”

There’s bound to be lots of other fun explorations at this week’s Sinful Sunday, just “tap” the lips below.

Sinful Sunday

As I already have Public Toilets” as a location at my Scavenger Hunt collection I thought I would add this, rather older discovery, to
my Exposé Vŭ pages instead.

Modesty Ablaze Expose Vu

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #sinfulsunday, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vú, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vŭ, Naughty Scavenger Hunt, Nude in Public, Public Nudity, Scavenger Hunt, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday

Oh I Do Love To Be … #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze Beach Hut 1

Oh I do love to be beside the seaside … I do love to be beside the Sea !!!

Modesty Beach Hut 2

Even when it’s not my usual Seaside at this time of the year . . .

Modesty Ablaze Beach Hut 3

I decided I still just had to be … Beside The Sea !!!

To see what other Gleeful fun has been going-on this weekend, just tap the Sinful Sunday lips below.

Sinful Sunday

I did hear the gentleman above me on the promenade, commenting on the colourful “Beach Huts” below as he and his friend walked by, so I’m certainly happy to be able to add them to my Scavenger Hunt collection.

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #sinfulsunday, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Naughty Scavenger Hunt, Nude in Public, Public Nudity, Scavenger Hunt, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday

Modestly Plugged #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze Butt Plug 1

“Look at this” I said to Hubby, during our afternoon stroll yesterday.
“It’s like a giant Butt Plug isn’t it”.

Modesty Ablaze Butt Plug 2

“It’s quite warm from the sun” I said as I sat astride it. Warm and quite
smooth actually.”

Modesty Ablaze Butt Plug 3

“Ooh . . . one could get quite worked-up riding it” I teased him.

Modesty Ablaze Butt Plug 4

“I know we can’t stay all day!” I said as he started to get nervous about other walkers approaching along the path.

Modesty Ablaze Butt Plug 5

“It would be rather fun to have something like this in our back garden though,
don’t you think?” I teased him further.

Modesty Ablaze Butt Plug 6

“Yes, yes, I’m coming” I said as he insisted he was going to walk on without me. “Or, at least . . . I’d like to be!!!”

Anyway, I’m sure there will lots of other fun distractions at this week’s
Sinful Sunday, to be enjoyed by pulling at the lips below.

Sinful Sunday

P.s. I would really like to add our discovery to my Scavenger Hunt collection
. . . but I can’t think of an appropriate category???
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!

There are lots of my previous Scavenger Hunt discoveries at my
Listings page . . . where there are now well over 120 different locations.
Most of which are on my Scavenger Slideshow page as well!!!

Modesty Ablaze Scavenger Hunt pages

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #naughtyscavengerhunt, #sinfulsunday, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Nude in Public, Public Nudity, Scavenger Hunt, sexual empowerment for women, Sinful Sunday

Modestly Abandoned 5 #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze Abandoned Bed1

“Look!” I said as I called him back during our long walk this morning. “I sometimes think you’re not concentrating when you just race straight-on ahead!”

Modesty Ablaze Abandoned Bed2

“This is dangerous.” I told him. “It could quite easily fall over and cause someone to trip and fall. I think you should call the council on your phone, and report it to the local enforcement officer. It’s causing a public nuisance!”

Modesty Ablaze Abandoned Bed3

“I know they won’t come straight-away! But perhaps you could text them a photo so they know where to find it” I told him. “I’m just trying to be helpful!”

But Hubby felt there might some confusion over the issue of “causing a public-nuisance”, so reluctantly I agreed to just walk on.

Hopefully I can take my mind off it by viewing some Abandonment of a different kind, at this weekends Sinful Sunday, by tapping the lips below!!!

Sinful Sunday

P.S. – So . . . even though we didn’t send a photo to the council I have at least added this discovery to my
Abandoned Furniture list at my Exposé Vŭ pages.

Modesty Ablaze Expose Vu

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #abandonedfurniture, #sinfulsunday, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vú, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vŭ, Public Nudity, Sinful Sunday

Modesty Ablaze & The Dark Knight #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze & the Dark Knight

“No I can’t stand closer to him . . . I don’t want to attract attention to myself !!!”

“Just hurry up and take the picture . . . otherwise you’ll have us both locked-up
in the Tower!!!”

Thankfully we made it home safely because I’m looking forward to discovering lots of other Dark-moments and Scary Stories at this week’s Sinful Sunday by rattling on the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

P.S. – I already haveCastle as a category at
Jade’s fun Scavenger Hunt pages, so any suggestions for a new category? “Armoury” perhaps?

There are lots more of my Scavenger Hunt excursions at my
Listings page . . . where there are now over 125 different locations.
Most of which are on my Scavenger Slideshow page as well!!!

Modesty Ablaze Scavenger Hunt pages

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #naughtyscavengerhunt, #sinfulsunday, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Nude in Public, Public Nudity, Scavenger Hunt, sexual empowerment for women, Sinful Sunday

Modestly Awkward Moments #wickedwednesday

Modesty Ablaze at The Sun Dial

I always try to be discreet during my Scavenger Hunt excursions . . . as it is never my wish to upset or cause offence.

But, due to the very “public” nature of the locations we like to choose, we have occasionally found ourselves having to quickly re-robe and move on.

Such as during our Sun Dial photos above when a couple suddenly appeared behind me. The husband just stood speechless for a moment, until his wife pulled him away and said to Hubby as they passed, “it is a lovely setting here isn’t it”.

But much more worrying was the occasion below, in 2014, during a fun night
out in Hoxton, when a police car actually pulled-up and an officer told me to “Get down off that Post Box please madam!”. I was petrified that I was about to be arrested but, wonderfully, they just smiled and pulled away.

Modesty Ablaze's Last Post

There will be many more “Awkward Situations” I’m sure at this week’s Wicked Wednesday. Just tap on the button below.


Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #wickedwednesday, Body Positivity, Scavenger Hunt, Sexual liberation, Wicked Wednesday

Modest Machinery #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze Digger 1

I know I have mentioned here before how I love to get-to-grips with really, really large items of machinery !!!

Modesty Ablaze Digger 2

So this very big digger certainly caught my eye as we drove
from the airport towards our apartment on our arrival.

Modesty Ablaze Digger 3

However, it was in constant use over the next few days, as repair work
was being carried out along the main road.

Modesty Ablaze Digger 4

So I had to be patient and wait until the first Sunday of our holiday,
to be able to drive back and make a closer inspection . . .

Modesty Ablaze Digger 5

. . . and feel that lovely strong metal . . . and firm hard rubber
hot from the midday sun.

Modesty Ablaze Digger 6

Luckily for us, we’d timed our visit at just the right time, because
the very next day all the workmen returned!!!

I’m sure there will lots more mechanics and construction at this week’s
Sinful Sunday to be discovered by pushing the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

P.S. – I have had a similar Earth Moving Moment on a previous holiday
visit added to my Scavenger Hunt pages, so I shall add this occasion to
my Exposé Vŭ page instead.

Modesty Ablaze Expose Vu
Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #sinfulsunday, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vú, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vŭ, Nude in Public, Public Nudity, Scavenger Hunt, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday

A Modest Pleasure #wickedwednesday

Modesty Ablaze Bamboo Shower

When the heat is at it’s peak on the beach, it’s such a lovely Pleasure to hop across the hot sand to the shade of the bamboo grove . . . and the cooling waters of the natural spring that trickles down from the hill above!

For more lovely Pleasures visit this week’s Wicked Wednesday,
by clicking on the button below !!!


Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under Body Positivity, Nude in Public, Public Nudity, Scavenger Hunt, Wicked Wednesday

Modestly Fresh #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze Vegetable Garden

This garden may not be as neatly manicured as the English Garden I visited recently, but it is so lovely to be able to purchase one’s cucumbers and lettuce, directly from the nice gentleman who actually grows them!

See who else has been fresh and adventurous this Sinful Sunday by
plucking at the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #sinfulsunday, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Nude in Public, Public Nudity, Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday