Tag Archives: Polaroids Past

Modest Christmas Kisses 2021 #sinfulsunday #polaroidspast

Modest Christmas 2021

You will know of course, that I always do things modestly … modest gifts, modest tree … even back in 1985 (below).

Modest Christmas Wishes 1985

Sending you all Christmas Kisses and Best Wishes for a Healthy, Happy, Peaceful … and Fun … Festive Season!!!

Sinful Sunday
Modesty Ablaze in Polaroids Past

Be Proud of Who You Were . . . and Be Proud of Who
You Have Become!

Join me at #polaroidspast and my Polaroids Past slideshow.

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #polaroidspast, #sinfulsunday, Body Positivity, Mistress Modesty, Polaroids Past, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday

A Sinful Stance … #polaroidspast

Modesty Ablaze Sinful Stance 2004

I’m often told I look quite “sinful” when I … even quite innocently … stand with hands-on-hips. But finding this in my #polaroidspast archives from 2003, I obviously hadn’t quite mastered my Mistress Modesty look just yet.

For more Sinful Stances this weekend simply smack the Sinful lips below!!!

Sinful Sunday
Modesty Ablaze in Polaroids Past

Be Proud of Who You Were . . . and Be Proud of Who
You Have Become!

Join me at #polaroidspast and my Polaroids Past slideshow.

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #polaroidspast, #sinfulsunday, Body Positivity, Female Dominatrix, London Dominatrix, Mistress Modesty, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vŭ, Polaroids Past, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday

Modest Showers #sinfulsunday #polaroidspast

Modesty Ablaze Shower 1985

It’s been a week of showers here in London, reminding me of how many showers I’ve shared here at Sinful Sunday over the years. Including my first #polaroidspast posting here back in September 2014.

So I thought I would add another Shower Polaroid … from 1985 above … to my Sinful Showers collection here.

Modesty Ablaze Shower 2020

Along with another much more recent shower … as you can probably tell
from September 2020.

For lots more cleansing thoughts this Sinful Sunday,
just rub the lovely lips below!

Sinful Sunday
Modesty Ablaze in Polaroids Past

Be Proud of Who You Were . . . and Be Proud of Who
You Have Become!

Join me at #polaroidspast and my Polaroids Past slideshow.

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #polaroidspast, #sinfulsunday, Body Positivity, Polaroids Past, sexual empowerment for women, Sinful Sunday

Modestly Keyed #sinfulsunday #polaroidspast

Modesty Ablaze Keyed - 1986

Looking back … to 1986 in this case … always reminds me of just how far we’ve travelled and how much has changed.

Modesty Ablaze Keyed - 2020

Yet the important, simple, personal things … that should really, really matter … haven’t changed at all.

Looking back should always remind one of the important things to cherish when looking forward.

For many more important personal thoughts to cherish,
kiss the lovely lips below!

Sinful Sunday
Modesty Ablaze in Polaroids Past

Be Proud of Who You Were . . . and Be Proud of Who
You Have Become!

Join me at #polaroidspast and my Polaroids Past slideshow.

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #polaroidspast, #sinfulsunday, Body Positivity, Polaroids Past, sexual empowerment for women, Sinful Sunday

Modestly Shuttered #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze Shuttered Greece 1982

It’s usually lots of fun trying to recreate poses from our #polaroidspast archives
. . . particularly from our lovely Grecian holiday adventures!

Modesty Ablaze Shuttered 2020

But whilst our attempt this morning did bring back wonderful memories . . .
it has also left me yearning even more for simpler times . . . just like 1982.

For more simple, happy, thoughts this weekend, kiss the lovely lips below!

Sinful Sunday
Modesty Ablaze in Polaroids Past

Be Proud of Who You Were . . . and Be Proud of Who
You Have Become!

Join me at #polaroidspast and my Polaroids Past slideshow.

Xxx – K


Filed under #polaroidspast, #sinfulsunday, Body Positivity, Polaroids Past, sexual empowerment for women, Sinful Sunday

Modest, Simpler Times #sinfulsunday

Modest Black Lace 1986
Modesty Ablaze – Black Lace – 1986

Sometimes one yearns for simpler . . . brighter . . . happier . . . times.

For more simple, happy, thoughts this weekend, kiss the lovely lips below!

Sinful Sunday
Modesty Ablaze in Polaroids Past

Be Proud of Who You Were . . . and Be Proud of Who
You Have Become!

Join me at #polaroidspast and my Polaroids Past slideshow.

Xxx – K


Filed under #polaroidspast, #sinfulsunday, Polaroids Past, Sinful Sunday

Modest #wickedwednesday’s Past

Modesty Ablaze Polaroids Past sauna
Modesty Ablaze – Hot tub – 1988

I’ve never been very good at numbers, and as some of you may have noticed,
I got my numbering wrong again for last Wednesday’s Wicked posting.
It wasn’t the 400th edition of Marie’s Wicked Wednesday then at all,
it was the 399th!!!

But I’m sure I have done my adding-up correctly now, which means it really is the 400th edition this week.

Now 400 editions is a massive landmark in any genre, but in the context of the Sex Blogging Community it is even more so. And Marie’s website will always hold a very special place in my heart, as her’s was one of the very first websites I discovered when I began my own tentative steps into publishing myself here at Modesty Ablaze Dot Com, and she has remained a constant source of inspiration ever since.

And, it was a Wicked Wednesday post about Polaroids, in August of 2014, that reminded me of all of my “private” Polaroid Photo Albums hidden-away on the top shelf of our bedroom wardrobe . . . which prompted me to begin my Polaroids Past series.

It was of course a great honour to have Marie subsequently add two of her own lovely photos (see below) to my “Polaroids Past” slide-show collection.

Marie at Polaroids Past
Marie Rebelle’s Splash of Red 2009

So it is always a great joy to visit Wicked Wednesday every week . . . and
I certainly hope to keep doing so for another 400 editions, and more!!!

And I urge you to do the same by pushing the Wicked Wednesday
button below.


Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #polaroidspast, #wickedwednesday, Body Positivity, Polaroids Past, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Wicked Wednesday

A Modest Retreat #wickedwednesday

Modesty Ablaze Greece 1982
Modesty Ablaze – Greece – 1982

Thirty-seven years ago Hubby and I embarked on our very first holiday together
. . . island hopping in Greece. With sunglasses, sun tan lotion, a shared backpack . . . and very little-else.

This was, of course, long before emails and mobile phones . . . (but obviously not Polaroid cameras as Hubby insisted on taking his !!!)

That holiday marked a lasting love-affair with the Mediterranean which continued every summer after that first adventure, searching yet more lovely islands to enjoy.

Then, seven years ago, we found an island which we loved so much, we decided to return the following summer . . . and we’ve returned every summer since!

With each passing year we wonder if we will get bored, and decide not to return. But in fact it actually seems to get harder and harder to leave each time we stroll along that beach . . .our beach. . . and sink our toes into the sand and feel that sun on our backs (and our fronts!!!)

So, if an island get-away, could be called “A Retreat”, then this island is certainly ours!!!

Modesty Ablaze Greece Beach 2019
Modesty Ablaze – Greece – 2019

For more Retreat discoveries, explore this week’s Wicked Wednesday,
by clicking on the button below !!!

Modesty Ablaze in Polaroids Past

Be Proud of Who You Were . . . and Be Proud of Who
You Have Become!

Join me at #polaroidspast

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #polaroidspast, Body Positivity, Nude in Public, Polaroids Past, Public Nudity, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Wicked Wednesday

Modest Landmarks to Laugh at #wickedwednesday #F4TFriday

Modesty Ablaze Curtains 1988
Modesty Ablaze Curtains – 1988

This week’s prompt of “Laughter” at Wicked Wednesday . . . and of “Landmarks” at Food For Thought Friday . . . just seem to fit so well together that I couldn’t resist re-posting my thoughts from a previous Wicked Wednesday post a few years ago.

I’ve always thought it’s important to be able to laugh at oneself from time-to-time, and I always try to not take things too seriously. And memories from many of those landmark moments often bring giggles and laughter.

So, recalling personal landmarks from my Modesty Ablaze timeline over the years:

From my Seventy-Teenies:
Rebelling from Catholic school tie and gymslips by day, to punk rocker by night down in deepest darkest Soho. I will never be old. Meet a boy with strange accent . . . a little older? Just a little. But . . . he works in the bar at the Marquee club in Wardour Street. Free tickets, free drinks at the bar! He likes me! The Clash, Siouxsie, The Damned, The Jam . . . wild times, wild nights. I’ll never grow old!

To my Eighty-Twenties:
I’ll never grow old. Leaving school. New job. Same boy, think he likes me. Summer holidays, island hopping Greek Islands. Different job. Same boy, think I like him. Flying to the bottom half of the world. I’ll never grow old! Returning home. Leaving home. Sinful living, same boy, we like each other. I’m never growing old, in fact I’m feeling younger.

And my Eighty-MidTwenties (almost):
Same boy. He loves me, I love him. White Wedding. Route 66, Everglades, Sunsets over Key West. I’ll never grow old! In fact, I’m feeling younger.

To my Ninety-Twenties:
New home. Same boy. Children. Love them. Suddenly . . . I’m getting older.

And my Two Thousand Thirties:
School run mornings. Back to work. Office affair. Oh God, what’s happening? I’m a wife, a mother, I should be being responsible, I’m not a youngster anymore. What to do? Must stop, can’t stop. Come clean to same boy. He says he knows already! He understands, he loves me. He thinks it’s fun. He doesn’t mind. I love him. I’m never growing old, in fact I’m feeling younger.

Oh suddenly it’s Two Thousand Forties:
Same boy. New job. New affair(s). Oh God. Can’t stop. Never growing old, in fact feeling younger.

And my Two Thousand Mid-Forties:
Same boy. Swinging fun, such fun. Three-somes, Four-somes, More-somes.
Oh God. Can’t stop. Never growing old, in fact feeling even younger.

To my Two Thousand Fifties:
Same boy. More fun, such fun. FemDom, Mistressing, Crops & Canes. Can’t stop. Won’t stop. Too much fun to stop.
I can’t possibly be getting old, in fact I’m feeling younger, ever younger.

To the years flying by to Two Thousand Mid-Fifties:
Same boy. Lots more fun, new friends, more whips & strap-ons. Don’t want to stop. Hoping it won’t stop. Too much fun to stop. Years seem to pass ever quicker . . . but I’m still feeling younger, wanting younger!

Do I have any goals / landmarks still to achieve?

Oooh . . . never to let an opportunity pass by !!!

Modesty Ablaze Curtains 2019
Modesty Ablaze Curtains – 2019

For more “Laughter” and “Landmark” memories and hopes for the future just click on the two buttons below!


Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #FoodForThoughtFriday, #polaroidspast, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Food For Thought, Mistress Modesty Ablaze, Polaroids Past, sexual empowerment for women, Wicked Wednesday

Modest Photos #F4TFriday

Modesty Ablaze Real Estate Signs 2019

I mentioned in last week’s Food For Thought Friday how I discovered several wonderful websites that inspired me to publish my own life experiences here as Modesty Ablaze.

And one of those websites, Sinful Sunday, instantly appealed with it’s weekly theme of erotic, sexy, photos and images . . . which fits perfectly with this week’s questions at #F4TFriday.

What are your motivations for taking sexy photos?

I suppose I’ve always been a bit of an exhibitionist . . . a quite “shy” one of course . . . but even in the earliest days of our relationship, I would tease Hubby with some flashing fun, or mock-model “poses”.

He quickly started capturing those fun moments with his camera . . . hence my Polaroids Past archives from which I occasionally publish our fun photographic memories here.

Modesty Ablaze Polaroids Past

Who are you taking them for? Who is your primary audience?

We’ve always had fun with taking our photos, so primarily we’ve always taken them for us. But as Modesty Ablaze started to “blossom” . . . and particularly since discovering Curvaceous Dee’s Scavenger Hunt . . . we found it actually added to our fun to know our photo-flings would, in many cases, (not all !!!), end-up here.

What challenges do you face/overcome when taking such photos? What lengths have you gone to to get “that” shot?

For our Scavenger Hunt photos, I’d say the “challenge” is more about the thrill of actually being naked, or semi-naked, in public. That’s what makes it such fun! One does have to be prepared of course, and sometimes we have stumbled upon a particular location when I haven’t been dressed appropriately and we have then added it to our “must return” list. But Hubby almost always has his small camera with him, and there have been occasions when some of our most fun Scavengers have been quite spontaneous and spur-of-the-moment. (Bikes and Last Post for example).

Modesty Ablaze Bike Rack
Modesty Ablaze Post Box

How did you feel the first time you sent/posted a sexy photo?

Naughty, nervous . . . tingly-thrilling!!!

What are your limits in terms of what you would/wouldn’t show/do in a photo you share?

I try to make everything fun and enjoyable. If it’s not either of those things for me, then I would certainly stop doing it . . . and certainly not share them here or anywhere.

Have there ever been any awkward/embarrassing moments (e.g. getting caught in the act) when taking your photos?

There have been lots of awkward moments in the sense of trying to be sure to not offend other people. Perhaps the most awkward of which was the Abridged crossing as it was very busy that day.

Modesty Ablaze on the Bridge

But my only really embarrassing moment was during my Sunday Stroll on the Heath with my lovely friend She Lover. After several “test snaps” we’d sat down on a bench with our coffee, having just been passed by an elderly couple who seemed to be giving us long, rather disapproving stares, when I suddenly realised I’d forgotten to re-button my blouse.

Modesty Ablaze on Hampstead Heath

So from my point of view, I hope the photos I share will always make people giggle, smile . . . laugh even (with me, or at me I really don’t mind) . . . and hopefully make them feel a little happier than when they arrived!!!

For more “Picture This” answers just tap the
Food For Thought button below.


Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #FoodForThoughtFriday, Body Positivity, Exhibitionism, Food For Thought, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vú, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vŭ, Nude in Public, Polaroids Past, Public Nudity, Scavenger Hunt, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation