Tag Archives: Kink of the Week

Modest Dungeons #KOTW #wickedwednesday & #4Thoughts

Mistress Modesty Wicked Dungeons

For last week’s Sinful Sunday post Something beginning with … I mentioned how my journey here at Modesty Ablaze had sent me in many new directions and on many new exciting adventures.

And in fact I’m not ashamed to admit that I became almost addicted to embracing every new opportunity, and every new path, that Modesty led me on. Some that I would never ever have imagined, or some that had perhaps been a fantasy that I’d never thought I would dare to indulge.

And certainly one of the latter, was the unfolding evolution of Mistress Modesty into what I’d once perceived as a dark world of dungeons and damp cellars, leather and chains.

But I was intrigued, and entranced, by the thought of willing submissives, begging to be caged and beaten, blindfolded and gagged, presenting their naked and humbled bodies to the will and whim of a powerful Dominatrix.

Possibly it was the thoughts of having that power, that control, so unusual in my “normal, real” world.
Possibly it was the arousing thoughts of being worshipped and adored, without the expectation or need of reciprocation.
Perhaps it was a little of both those things.

But as my journey, and connections … and bookings … grew, it actually became more about the fun of the different experiences and different people involved.

And that is how it has continued over the years since. An overwhelming sense of fun and satisfaction with every new session … and every new sensation.

And hopefully it is an addiction that I can continue to enjoy for many years still to come.

For more experiences of Addiction … and Gagging … and Medieval Dungeons … visit the current editions of Wicked Wednesday, 4 Thoughts and Kink of The Week … by smacking the buttons below!

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Kink of the Week

Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #4Thoughts_Fiction, #KinkoftheWeek, #wickedwednesday, BDSM fun, Female Dominatrix, Fetish Fashion, Food For Thought, Kink of the Week, London Dominatrix, Mistress Modesty, Mistress Modesty Co Dot UK, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Wicked Wednesday

Modestly Cucking #KOTW #wickedwednesday & #4Thoughts

Modesty Ablaze on Cuckolding at #KOTW

The current theme at Kink of the Week is “Cuckolding” … so although our relationship is not, strictly speaking, exclusively a Cuckolding one … how could I possibly not join in?

Because, as I explained in an earlier post this week, Hubby does actually quite often get to join-in the fun!!!

But the “idea” of Cuckolding is definitely a Kink … for the both of us.

It started from my confession to Hubby all those years ago of my office affair.

His revelation that he actually enjoyed knowing I was experiencing the thrills and excitement of sex with another man, started us on a wonderful journey of sharing each of our kinks and desires … one of which was Hubby’s fantasy of watching me with another man.

It didn’t happen immediately of course. Neither I, nor that particular lover, were ready for that sort of inclusion straight away! Rather my affair continued, (awkwardly at first as my lover found the knowledge that my husband knew of our relationship, disconcerting and “weird”), with me returning home each evening to relive all the details to an excited Hubby expectantly waiting-up for me on the sofa.

Unexpectedly I soon realised I was as excited as Hubby was in recounting the where’s, how’s and what’s of each nights encounter. And, even more unexpectedly, I actually found myself excited during the evening, knowing that I would be returning home and reliving every kiss and touch … and thrust!

Slowly my lover’s unease about the situation began to change. He started asking lots of questions about Hubby’s reactions, and eventually, he agreed for the three of us to meet. That’s all it was at first, just meeting for drinks, and for my two men to get to know one another. And they actually got along very well.

It still took several months after that first social meeting however, for my lover to become comfortable enough to agree for Hubby to join us in our hotel room, after I promised he would be made to sit quietly in the corner and not speak or move. And so our first Cuckolding experience was christened.

There were nervous flutters for all of us … but I did feel quite a thrill from my mock “headmistress” finger pointing instruction to Hubby “sit on that chair, not a peep until you’re spoken to”. And Hubby told me later he felt the same way. (And this was decades before morphing into my Mistress Modesty persona).

It started slowly, and differently, as it was bound to I suppose. But once we were lost in our embraces the normal lust and passion returned. Hubby was allowed to speak of course … during our natural breaks … and dutifully topped-up our glasses and fed us both grapes and melon slices.

For my part I found it all wonderfully exciting and arousing, and it made the evening even more thrilling and empowering than before. My lover however, didn’t feel the same way, telling me later that sharing didn’t give him the same thrill that it obviously did for Hubby and myself.

But Hubby loved his “role-play” mode of the humiliated Cuckold, and I absolutely loved playing along to his kink (and now mine) of the lustful Hotwife.

That first affair eventually fizzled out as office affairs generally do. And though all of my subsequent lovers were always told of our “open-relationship” lifestyle from the outset, not many felt comfortable enough to join in with Hubby’s “loves to watch” kink. But happily … very happily … for us, we have been lucky enough over the years, to meet several other gentlemen who have enjoyed, and benefitted from, our Cuckold fetish. (One of whom appears above!)

For lots more experiences of Cuckolding … and Mischievous and Improvement lifestyles … visit the current editions of Wicked Wednesday, 4 Thoughts and Kink of The Week … by tapping the buttons below!

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Kink of the Week

Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #4Thoughts_Fiction, #KinkoftheWeek, #wickedwednesday, BDSM fun, Female Dominatrix, Fetish Fashion, Food For Thought, Kink of the Week, London Dominatrix, Mistress Modesty, Mistress Modesty Co Dot UK, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Wicked Wednesday

Modest Leather #wickedwednesday and #4Thoughts_Fiction and #KOTW

Mistress Modesty loves Leather

New “hobbies” always open-up new experiences and often change one’s perception of certain things, and previously held likes and dislikes don’t they.

And that was certainly the case when I first embarked upon my Femdom fun adventures.

It was obvious that I would need a complete new wardrobe … and accessories. Not that I’ve ever been averse to a new wardrobe of course!!!

Previously the only leather garments in my wardrobe(s) had been “normal” coats and jackets. And, in fact for my first Mistressing outfits my initial choices were all in Latex. I loved the shiny look and feel of the garments as I browsed the racks at both of the shops my Mistressing mentors had recommended.

But although I loved my new outfits, and felt much more in-tune with my new “persona” when I was wearing them, it was actually the purchase of my first accessories that really led to my new love. Leather.

My first two items, a stranded heavy leather flogger and a lovely spanking slapper, just had that smell and feel about them that had me intoxicated in a way I hadn’t experienced with my normal leather coats and jackets.

Perhaps it was that rawness … and knowing the intention of their purpose … that made me want to inhale and savour that smell even more. And to feel the strength and yet caress of that texture against ones skin. Suddenly the clingy and difficult to get into, and out of, sticky latex was pushed to the back of my wardrobe to be replaced by lots, and lots, of new garments in my new Pleasure, my new love … and yes even my new Desire for … Leather !!!

For more thoughts on Pleasure, Desire … and Leather … just visit the current editions of Wicked Wednesday, 4 Thoughts and Kink of The Week … by tapping the buttons below!

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Kink of the Week

Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #4Thoughts_Fiction, #KinkoftheWeek, #wickedwednesday, BDSM fun, Female Dominatrix, Fetish Fashion, Food For Thought, Kink of the Week, London Dominatrix, Mistress Modesty, Mistress Modesty Co Dot UK, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Wicked Wednesday

Modest Lipstick Lips #KOTW #wickedwednesday

Modest Lipstick Lips 1

I do think it’s just so important … to take good care of one’s lips!

After all, it’s probably one of the things that people will remember most
after a first meeting, don’t you think?

Modest Lipstick Lips 2

So I like to keep them smooth and moist … and yes occasionally add a touch of my favourite red lipstick to make them even more kissable … and memorable!!!

For more about Lips and Lipstick at this week’s Kink of the Week, just kiss the luscious red lips below.

Kink of the Week

And, as you can imagine, I always make sure to have my lipstick close to hand wherever my travels may take me. Which just happens to be this week’s theme at Wicked Wednesday.


Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #KinkoftheWeek, #wickedwednesday, BDSM fun, Female Dominatrix, Kink of the Week, London Dominatrix, Mistress Modesty, Mistress Modesty Co Dot UK, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Wicked Wednesday

Modest Mornings #KOTW #wickedwednesday

Modesty Ablaze Morning Glory Kink of the Week

This week at Kink of The Week we are urged to “Let’s Get Our Kink On and talk about: Morning Sex”

Well … I’ve never really been a morning person … my normal daily schedule is to roll over as I awake to Hubby sliding out of bed and then to peacefully doze until he returns with my morning cup of tea, before I have to haul myself up to shower and prepare for the morning commute.

At weekends of course I indulge in a slightly longer lie-in, waiting to be brought that first cup of tea, and breakfast in bed.

But, back in those halcyon days of a few years ago, when we were able to entertain one or other of my lovers with an occasional weekend sleep-over, well that would make for a different sort of waking-up all together.

Then, inevitably, I’d awake to early morning caresses and kisses … from each side of me … and no thoughts or mention of cups of tea whatsoever. At least not for the next hour or so, as we resumed our fun from where we’d exhaustingly finished the night before.

Those wake-ups … such as my Morning Glory or By Morning Light fun … would always start at a much calmer and slower pace than where we’d left off the previous evening. With long warm and lovely kisses, gentle stirrings and strokings, and soft whispers and giggles as we remembered and recounted what had happened “last night”.

And whilst those particular occasions will always bring back special memories, they also characterise “morning sex” for me. Soft and warm, slow and gentle, and in some ways more intimate than other, later-in-the-day liaisons (even with the same lover). Not necessarily more fulfilling, not necessarily more passionate or engulfing … just different.

And different is what makes the world more enjoyable isn’t it !!!

For more thoughts on Morning Sex kiss the luscious red lips below.

Kink of the Week

This week’s theme at the lovely Marie’s Wicked Wednesday is Heirlooms.
I know that, strictly speaking, Memories are not exactly Heirlooms, but possibly sort-of ??? Let’s investigate together by tapping the button below.


Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #KinkoftheWeek, #wickedwednesday, BDSM fun, Female Dominatrix, Kink of the Week, London Dominatrix, Mistress Modesty, Mistress Modesty Co Dot UK, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Wicked Wednesday

Speaking Out of Turn #KOTW #wickedwednesday

Mistress Modesty Speaking 1

“Did you think I wouldn’t hear about your idle gossip??? … You must be sillier than I thought!”

Mistress Modesty Speaking 2

“We Mistresses talk to each other you know … just because it isn’t all over social-media, doesn’t mean I wouldn’t learn of it!!!”

Mistress Modesty Speaking 3

“Mistress Modesty is too-nice and too-lenient” … “Isn’t that what you’ve been saying??? … Bragging how you always leave unmarked and without set-tasks for your next session!”

“Well … we’ll have to see about that now won’t we !!! … I think we shall just stick to this one position for your whole 3 hours today !!!”

“I think you will choose your words more carefully next time … won’t you !!!”

NB: In my rush to pre-schedule this post, (prior to several weeks without WiFi),
I completely mis-read the theme requirements.
So … it turns-out that I am also guilty of “Speaking-out-of-Turn” … however, for more correct forms of Social Speaking, simply swipe at the KOTW lips and Wicked Wednesday Rainbow below.

Kink of the Week

Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #KinkoftheWeek, #wickedwednesday, BDSM fun, Female Dominatrix, Kink of the Week, London Dominatrix, Mistress Modesty, Mistress Modesty Co Dot UK, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Wicked Wednesday

Modest Exhibitions #KOTW and Naughty Peeks #wickedwednesday

Modesty Ablaze Exhibitionist 1

People are often surprised when I say that I’m actually very shy by nature … especially when finding myself in new situations, or when meeting people for
the first time.

But I’ve always been interested in those things that normal society tells us are “naughty” or “taboo” … or “weird” or “kinky”. I suppose one could say that I have always had a secret rebel within.

So … losing myself in being Modesty here, has allowed me to cast-off those natural inhibitions and to have some wonderfully fun, and totally empowering times … indulging myself in many of those naughty and taboo experiences that some people may say I shouldn’t.

And one of those rebellious stirrings from within that Modesty seems to just love to indulge, is an exhibitionist streak that always thrills … and often tingles.

Modesty Ablaze Exhibitionist 2

And exhibitionism just happens to be the current theme at Kink Of The Week.

So … steps or stairs, hills or hollows, inside or out … as long as I’m sure that I won’t upset or offend … my philosophy has always been to never take things too seriously and to always try to make everything fun … fun for me and fun for those around me.

For more Exhibitionist stirrings … or Naughty Peeks simply swipe at the KOTW lips and Wicked Wednesday Rainbow below.

Kink of the Week

Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #KinkoftheWeek, #wickedwednesday, Body Positivity, Kink of the Week, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vú, Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vŭ, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Wicked Wednesday

Modest Exercise #KOTW and #wickedwednesday

Mistress Modesty Exercise 1

“If you thought I’d lost my swing during lock-down, you’re in for a big surprise!” I told him as I began to warm to the task in hand.

Mistress Modesty Exercise 2

“It may be my first session back” I said as I began quickening my swings, “but I have been working-out every day to make sure I kept my strength up!”

Mistress Modesty Exercise 3

“And anyway, swiping bare asses like yours is like a sixth-sense to me!” I said
as I really began to enjoy the sounds … and sights … of the increasing
intensity of my flogging!

For more Exercising motivation and Sixth-Sense experiences simply swipe at the KOTW lips and Wicked Wednesday Rainbow below.

Kink of the Week

Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #KinkoftheWeek, #wickedwednesday, BDSM fun, Female Dominatrix, Kink of the Week, London Dominatrix, Mistress Modesty, Mistress Modesty Co Dot UK, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Wicked Wednesday

Modest Floggers #KOTW

Mistress Modesty Flogging Submissive

As I mentioned in my Modest Surrenders post recently, I receive a really wide range of requests for lots and lots of different kinks, for my London Dominatrix Mistressing sessions.

But the first things I pack when preparing for a session … no matter what the specific theme of the request … are my floggers.

Because, some initial impact-play and warming-up, is almost always the way I begin each session … whether with one of my regular subs, or a new attendee visiting for the first time.

That’s because some gentle teasing and stimulation, normally beginning slowly across the back or bottom, is I find, the perfect way to break the ice and set the mood for what is to follow. Even if my visitor has not actually asked for any impact-play at all.

Now, all of my favourite chambers have their own array of floggers hanging on display and ready to use. But I prefer to choose from my own collection that I have accumulated over the past five years of my fun hobby.

Partly because I know they have been meticulously maintained and cleaned after each session. But also because one becomes familiar with the weight, balance (most important for longer use) and feel … and which will best fit each particular scenario as required.

Mistress Modesty Thin Brown Leather Flogger

I have over a dozen different favourites hanging in my cabinet. Each of a different size and material to suit a specific purpose.

I prefer wooden handles for a firm and comfortable grip, and full-length full-bodied falls (strands) in hard leather. But I have several floggers in rubber, suede, flex, knotted rope and even plastic falls … as well as two smaller cock-and-ball floggers (one in soft leather, one in a firmer plastic).

Mistress Modesty Barbed Wire Flogger

I purchased my first three floggers, at different times, from the excellent once-a-month (pre-covid) LAM Fetish market here in London. But subsequently I’ve been very privileged to have had a number gifted to me by manufacturers as review items, and also by subs themselves.

Mistress Modesty's flogger across Subs bum

But if you are thinking about buying a flogger for the first time, I would seriously suggest you either visit LAM upon it’s return, or from a reputable high-street shop. (I can recommend several in London if you’d like to send an email or DM).

And as always, I’d just say have fun … start slow and build the rhythm to suit both flogger and floggee !!!

For much more information and thoughts on Floggers just
swish the KOTW lips below.

Kink of the Week

Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #KinkoftheWeek, BDSM fun, Female Dominatrix, Kink of the Week, London Dominatrix, Mistress Modesty, Mistress Modesty Co Dot UK, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation

Modestly Cleaning-up #KOTW

“Now look . . . I did tell you that if you made a mess you would have to clean it up immediately! . . . didn’t I !!!”

“Well then . . . with that tongue of yours . . . lick it up. Every last drop!!!”

For more Cleaning and Domestic Servitude just lick the KOTW lips below.

Kink of the Week

Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine

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Filed under #KinkoftheWeek, BDSM fun, Female Dominatrix, Kink of the Week, London Dominatrix, Mistress Modesty Ablaze, Mistress Modesty Co Dot UK, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation