Tag Archives: Foot Fetish

Modest Feet #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze Feet

Whilst I’ve absolutely loved being on this holiday, I seem to have walked more than ever before.
But it has helped that our lovely apartment has a wonderful deep bath to come home to . . . and just soak . . . at the end of each day.
And, as I’m often asked for more photos of my feet . . . I was thinking as
I lounged . . . that this would be a perfect time for fulfilling those requests!

Modesty Ablaze Toes

And . . . so as not to forget those toes lovers . . .

Now, whilst I continue to enjoy my bubbles, excuse me whilst I browse this week’s  Sinful Sunday for more interesting images beginning with F !!!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx- K


Filed under #sinfulsunday, Body Positivity, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday