Tag Archives: Exhibitionism

The Bandstand #ScavengerHunt 40

We did have some nice warm and sunny days this summer . . . and some lovely weekend breaks away from the hustle and bustle of London.

ModestyBandstand1One such visit was a wonderful day on the south coast enjoying a peaceful picnic in the park by the river.

ModestyBandstand2And this beautiful Bandstand was a lovely spot to relax and enjoy some shade.

ModestyBandstand3And although I’m not very musical . . . I did enjoy my brief moments on the stage!

Now I realise that there is not yet a “Bandstand” category at Curvaceous Dee’s Scavenger Hunt but can I suggest that we start one?

Some of my other Scavengers, that have been allowed, can be found at my Scavenger Hunt Listing page . . . and can I suggest, why not Dare to Bare, and join in the fun with some sharing of your own???.

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt

Hubby’s Reservoir #scavengerhunt 39

When I first suggested to Hubby that I wanted to post some Scavenger Hunt memories of our fun adventures over the years, his initial doubts were quickly replaced by “there’s this one place you MUST do”.

I knew just where he meant from the glint in his eye, somewhere he has to go back to every time we return to that hemisphere . . . “The Reservoir”!!!

ModestyReservoir1It was his childhood playground and every time we returned to gaze from it’s hill across the harbour to those islands with strange names, he’d repeat his stories of cowboy and indian skirmishes in the native bush below, scaling dangerous peaks to the summit of Everest, journeys to the moon and lunar landings!

ModestyReservoir2And each time we’ve returned since that first visit 32 years ago, he’d moan as the bush gradually disappeared and new houses crept further and further up his magic hill.  The view is still stunning of course, but now his sacred reservoir is virtually surrounded by houses and out-buildings.

ModestyReservoir3So despite my protests that “a Scavenger Hunt picture would have been so, so much easier 32 years ago!!!” I agreed to grant his wish.

ModestyReservoir4So this post is especially for Hubby . . . to add to all those other distant “boys own” memories.

You can do some exploring for yourself at my previous Scavenger locations on my Scavenger Hunt Listing page.

How about joining in the fun with some sharing of your own???

Xxx – K

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Switching @ #sinfulsunday

For all those who showed some concern for my “poor sub” after my recent Wicked Pegging . . .

ModestyAblazeSinfulPegsYou see . . . it’s not all one-way traffic!  After all, what’s good for the goose has to be good for the gander . . . and it was!!!

I’m certain you will see lots of other Sinful seconds, and other naughty fun, from pinching the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

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Modesty’s Last Post #WickedWednesday

Flowers will be gratefully accepted, should I be arrested, after a wonderfully fun night out with my friend No.37 in Hoxton last week!

ModestyPostBoxOne“I do need to send a letter urgently. Do you think we’ve missed the last post?”
“OMG . . . there’s a police car pulling-up next to us!”

ModestyPostBoxTwo“Excuse me madam . . . you’ll have to get down from there . . . it’s not safe to be climbing upon!”

ModestyPostBoxThree“Oh . . . I am so terribly sorry officer . . . my dress must have caught on something as I jumped down!

ModestyPostBoxLast“Well, they were very sympathetic actually . . . and just drove off. I suppose they must have had much more important things on their mind than me obstructing the Royal Mail !!!”

But it was certainly very exciting . . . so exciting that I’m hoping it will qualify for “Post Office Box” at Curvaceous Dee’s Scavenger Hunt.

But on this very Wicked Wednesday I’m sure you will find lots of other floral tributes from Marie’s button below!

rainbowcircle1-200Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Wicked Wednesday

My Sub My Way @ #sinfulsunday

Oh I do so love being in control sometimes . . . one slow step at a time of course!

ModestySubMyWaySandwiching my sub . . . my way!!!

You are sure to find lots of other Sinful moments from stepping (gently please) on the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

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On Lifeguard Duty #ScavengerHunt 37

We’ve just returned from a glorious . . . much too-short . . . get-away-break to our most favourite Greek Island.

LifeguardApproachTopNot every day started out brilliantly sunny, but even though the water was still as calm as a mill-pond . . .

LifeguardLadderI felt I should really help out with the beach safety-watch whilst the Lifeguard took a short break . . .

LifeguardClimbingI wasn’t too sure about my proficiency on the surfboard . . .

LifeguardSitting. . . but thought that, at the very least, if I kept an eye out on the waterfront it would be helpful.

LifeguardFinalOh . . . I can see him returning along the beach, so a normal (and more professional) service can be resumed.

My short-time on Lifeguard Duty was such fun I thought I would share it here and at Curvaceous Dee’s Scavenger Hunt. I’m not sure if there is a “Lifeguard Chair”, or perhaps a “Public Service”, category yet . . . but am hoping Dee will allow one or the other?

If you are interested in my other, earlier “Qualifying Attempts”, they can be found at my Scavenger Hunt Listing page.

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

And come-on, why not Dare to Bare and join in the fun with some sharing of your own???

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt

Pegged at #WickedWednesday

Being away on holiday means it is sometimes necessary to improvise . . . and experiment . . . at playtime!

Modesty Ablaze and Hubbys PegsAnd as this week’s theme at Wicked Wednesday is all about Photographs, I thought I would let the picture tell the story.

I’m sure you will be able to see lots of other interesting photographs from Marie’s button below!

rainbowcircle1-200Xxx – K

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Filed under Wicked Wednesday

A Holiday Cocktale @ #sinfulsunday

One of the joys of being away on holiday is indulging in a late night cocktail . . . or two or three!!!

ModestyCocktaleOneI like mine shaken AND stirred . . . and, as I’m sure you can imagine, I always enjoy savouring every last drop.


You are sure to find lots of other Sinful indulgences from sipping the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

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Filed under Sinful Sunday

Modesty at The Priory #ScavengerHunt 36

On a recent weekend away to the coast, the guide books recommended visiting the local Priory as a peaceful place to stop for a stroll.

That’s Priory as in Church silly . . . NOT the Priory Clinic!!!

Modesty Priory Car ParkAnd how could we possibly resist when the car park was displaying my favourite number!!!

Modesty Priory WalkWalking through the surrounding grounds was certainly calming and tranquil . . . especially this lovely pathway.

Modesty The Priory VistaAnd it felt wonderful to be spending a Sunday morning in such grand surroundings.

Modesty Priory ViewBut as the bells began to chime announcing the end of Sunday Mass, there was only time for one last photograph before people began appearing from the doorway behind.

Nevertheless, although this may not qualify for the Church location at Curvaceous Dee’s Scavenger Hunt, I’m hoping it will make the Cemetery listing?

If you are not getting too bored at looking at my photographs by now, you can visit lots and lots of my other “Qualifying Attempts” at my Scavenger Hunt Listing page.

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

How about joining in the fun with some sharing of your own???

Xxx – K

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Modesty spending a penny #ScavengerHunt 35

I’m in holiday-mode at present and whenever I’m on my way to a new destination I always think back to previous vacations and the fun times I’ve had.

After all being away from home is all about having lots of fun isn’t it? Even . . . as on this occasion . . .  when one gets caught short occasionally!

ModestyCornwallToilets1It’s always such a relief when you are in a strange location and need to spend a penny . . . to find a clean and comfortable convenience.

ModestyCornwallToilets2Even if one does have to wait . . . patiently . . . in the queue.

ModestyCornwallToilets3But it was certainly well worth the wait. And I just  have to thank the lovely Curvaceous Dee  for not only finding me such spotless public-toilets . . .

ModestyCornwallToilets4But for also taking these photographs . . . well, I could hardly have taken Hubby inside with me, now could I ???.

If you feel inclined to sit and ponder for a little while, there is a growing collection of my other Scavenger Holiday Pictures on my Scavenger Hunt Listing page.

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

How about joining in the fun with some sharing of your own???

Xxx – K

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