Tag Archives: Exhibitionism

The Delicious Torment #sinfulsunday

This week’s Sinful Sunday is all about selecting a favourite image to match the title of one of the very erotic, very prolific, Alison Tyler’s many erotic books. And, as the feeling of anything wet and slippery on my clit is always deliciously tormenting . . . I just had to choose a recent strawberry moment!!

Modesty Ablaze Delicious TormentYou will find lots more deliciously naughty images . . . and an amazingly long list of Alison’s titles by licking the lips. (The lips below silly!!!)

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under erotic stories online, Sinful Sunday

From Modesty 2 Infiniti #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze and The Infiniti Dual Stimulation VibratorIt’s been such a busy . . . and very, very Sinful week. So busy in fact, that I had a little lie-in this Sunday morning . . . but still managed yet more sinfulness with my newest toy The Infiniti !!!

And I’m positive you’ll find lots more sinfulness from a little peck on the lips below. Enjoy – (I’m just off for a soothing bath . . . with my Infiniti of course!!!)

Sinful Sunday

P.s. For those who have asked about my new toy since I posted the picture above, more on The Infiniti !!!

Xxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

Cliff Top Defences #ScavengerHunt 44

Cliff tops . . . for centuries they’ve been used as observation points and defensive positions guarding against foreign invaders!

Modesty Ablaze Naval Defences 1But they are often just SO, So, so . . . windy!!! And on this occasion, with a tropical cyclone on the way, I had to hold on to something, anything, to avoid being blown over the edge!

Modesty Ablaze Naval Defences 2I was certainly happy that several of the big guns were still left in position, as they did offer safety and comfort . . . from the buffeting gusts!

Modesty Ablaze Naval Defences 3They call this place “North Head” and I did have to admit as we wandered . . . carefully . . . along the cliff-tops, that the views down to the harbour below were simply stunning!

Modesty Ablaze Naval Defences 4But I did feel so much better when we were able to find our way down to the sea-front and find some shelter from the wind.

It is such an impressive place though that . . . despite the mess the wind had made of my hair . . . I thought I would share the views on Curvaceous Dee’s Scavenger Hunt page.

There are lots more of my other views at my SH Listings Page  . . . and may I suggest you join in the fun with some sharing of your own??? ESPECIALLY, as this is September Scavenger Hunt Month. Come on – Dare to Bare !!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award


Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt

Polaroids Past @ #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze takes a shower!!!Not very Sinful” you may well say!!! . . . Well, for me, being Sinful is mostly about having fun. Doing something a little-bit silly, a little-bit outrageous . . . a little bit naughty.

And . . . in 1982 . . . this was, for me at least, being a bit naughty. Quite a bit naughty actually! Posing naked, in the shower, for Hubby and his Polaroid Camera? Very naughty!!!

Of course, Hubby being-hubby . . . and me being-me, and losing more and more of my modesty . . . we took lots and lots. We probably accounted for a huge share of Polaroid’s UK sales.

Anyway, this past August Heaven posted a polaroid for her photograph-prompt at Marie Rebelle’s Wicked Wednesday. That photograph, and subsequent visitors comments, reminded me of all of our “private” Photo Albums hidden-away on the top shelf of our bedroom wardrobe.

Hidden-away out-of-reach from prying-eyes . . . but also inconvenient and difficult to lift down and browse through (and then have to hide-away again) . . . even during our occasional passionate moments of “remember when?”

But Heaven’s post prompted me to insist Hubby bring some of them down . . . and we spent the rest of the evening giggling and laughing, and exclaiming “oh no!!!” and “I wish my tummy was STILL like that!!!” . . . as we flicked through the pages, with frequent pauses for caresses and cuddles, lost in memories of Polaroids Past.

Of course one thing led to another . . . fuelled by happy and arousing memories!!! But when we awoke the next morning, with half-a-dozen albums still spread across the bedroom floor, I said to Hubby “I think you should scan all the good ones. You know, make digital copies, so we can look at them on the computer occasionally”.

“What? There are hundreds of them! When do you think I can possibly find the time to scan all of them???” he gasped.

“Well, you’ll just have to make the time, won’t you!!!” I replied. “And you know how I always get my way!!!”

And so he has started, patiently scanning . . . and I thought I would perhaps post (some) of them on my blog . . . and invite anybody else who wishes to join-in to post some of their own onto the Polaroids Past page as well.

Because!!! . . . I think that re-living some of our past memories, is not only fun, but also a way of celebrating our bodies and reminding ourselves that not only are we all different shapes and sizes, but we all change and grow into different shapes and sizes. That is just how we all naturally develop and change. And I think that far too often we are bombarded by the media, magazines, books, television, films . . . trying to tell us that there is some sort of “perfect-fit” to how we should all look (and behave). That we are in some way, abnormal, or subject to ridicule or shame, if we don’t conform to the mainstream view of what is considered “normal” or “desirable”.

Well . . . what I want to say to the mainstream is . . . “get real”. The only way of being “normal” is being happy in our own skin. Being happy in who we are, where we’ve come from, what we’ve achieved, what we’ve given to partners, friends and family around us . . . by just being who we are and having fun. “Laugh and those around you will laugh with you”!!!

So, I hope Molly won’t mind me indulging in this Sinful-rant . . . and I hope that after joining me in my shower . . . you may be smiling just a little as you dry yourself off . . . and tap the Sinful lips below for a little less-self-indulgent Sinful fun!

Sinful Sunday

Oh, and p.s. special thanks to Heaven, Marie . . . and Hubby and his scanning-machine . . . for inspiring Polaroids Past.

Xxx – K


Filed under Polaroids Past, Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday

One small step for #ScavengerHunt 43

Continuing the celebration of Scavenger Hunt September . . . and re-living wonderful memories on viewing Curvaceous Dee’s Observing Carefully scavenger post yesterday . . .

I thought I’d add one of my own celestial memories of that astronomically exciting day. We wandered around the exhibits at the Stardome Observatory and Dee was in great form posing with her Planets of the Sun, flashing Astronauts and Rockets ready for lift-off!!!

Modesty Ablaze SpacemanAnd, of course, I love an adventure as well . . . particularly discovering and exploring new frontiers!!!

Modesty Ablaze SpacesuitPossibly space travel might experience a renewed boost in popularity with such astronautically naughty hostesses as Dee and my space-suit above!!!

I’m not sure if this will qualify as a Scavenger Location (Spaceman???) . . . but it was such a fun and adventurous day, that I wanted to share it here.

But there are certainly many, many more adventurous explorers on view at Dee’s Scavenger Hunt page.

And also lots of my own, at my SH Listings  . . . and may I suggest you join in the fun with some sharing of your own??? ESPECIALLY, as this is September Scavenger Hunt Month. Come on – Dare to Bare !!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award


Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt

The Bus Stop @ #sinfulsunday

You know what it’s like waiting for a bus . . . even on a very busy Friday evening in London . . . Shoreditch High Street actually . . . sometimes you just seem to be waiting so long that you become distracted!!!

Modesty Ablaze Bus Stop OneSo much so, that you cross the road looking for a little more privacy (very, very difficult on a busy Friday evening in Shoreditch!!!) . . .

Modesty Ablaze Bus Stop TwoOnly to see your Bus suddenly arrive and then drive off without you. “See we’ve missed it now!” I’m complaining (well, not really complaining)!
“Don’t worry darlin’ there’ll be three more along in a while!” my friend replied.

And, he was right, after we’d all calmed down and re-arranged ourselves, another bus did appear . . . in just enough time to get us here to Sinful Sunday . . . and to make my 42nd Scavenger Hunt Location.
(With thanks to my special friend No.37)!!!

To discover lots more Sinful Sunday Fun simply hop-aboard by clicking on the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Oh, and to find out MORE about why I love Scavenger Hunts so, so much click >here< for Scavenger Hunt September.


Xxx – K

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Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday

#scavengerhunt September – Join me and Dare to Bare!

September is Scavenger Hunt month at the wonderfully fun Curvaceous Dee’s Meme ! And, as we are now almost half-way through a month of some lovely new images there, I thought it would Scavengerly Sexciting to celebrate the fact by spreading the news and hoping to encourage even more of you to join in the fun.

Because, from my point-of-view, Scavenger Hunt is not just about flashing one’s private bits in public, it is ALSO a Sex-Positive, Body-Positive, means of spreading dialogue and discussion, understanding, recognition and . . . hopefully . . . acceptance of the importance of talking more openly about one of the most basic of emotions (possibly the most basic) that we all share.

Far too many of us still feel repressed or shameful or embarrassed to talk openly about our sexuality, our bodies, and our feelings. Dee’s Scavenger Hunt is a wonderful example of how we can help to dispel and overcome that repression and shame. I challenge you to scroll through the long, and growing, lists of Scavenger Participants and Scavenger Locations, and not smile, giggle and gasp. I am positive (Sex Positive) you will feel happier and better about the world around you after clicking through those links . . . and that you may possibly, hopefully, be inspired . . . as I was . . . to join in the fun.

You can see some of my own submissions to this most wonderful of Meme’s from the Gallery below, BUT I really to urge you to follow those other Participants and Locations links above for much more inspiration and fun!!!

Come onDare to Bare !!!

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 (More about the locations of the above photographs, and other pictures from those adventures are available at my Scavenger Hunt Listings page!)


Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award


Xxx – K

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Grecian Stairs #ScavengerHunt 41

“You must try the Restaurant on the Hill,” they’d told us on the first day of our Greek Island holiday. “The view is beautiful from up there”.

“But how do we get all the way up there?” we asked, remembering that the bus journey down to the beach had been very steep. We weren’t sure we’d have the energy to walk all the way up the hill as it was so hot . . . even in the evening.

“It’s ok, there’s a public stairway, from the sign on the beachfront” we were told.

Modesty Ablaze Scavenger Hunt Restaurant“That must be it” Hubby said. “Look the path behind you leads back to those stairs winding up the hillside”.

Modesty Ablaze Scavenger Stairs Climb“Well . . . it’s still a bloody hot, long climb” I moaned. “But I suppose we’re almost there now. That’s it at the top, I can hear people chattering”.

Modesty Ablaze ScavengerMiddle Stairs“Oh . . . I need a bit of a rest . . .  just to cool-off for a minute!”

Modesty Ablaze Scavenger Naked Stairs“That’s a bit better . . . I’m still hot though! . . . Anyway, pass me my dress now before anyone comes down. I can’t go to dinner like this!!!”

Modesty Ablaze Scavenger Stairs at Top“Well, it IS a beautiful view . . . but I so, SO need a glass of wine to cool down!!!” . . . and I hope after that climb that this will qualify for the “Public Stairs” category at Curvaceous Dee’s Scavenger Hunt ?

There are lots of my other Scavengers, at my Scavenger Hunt Listing page . . . and can I suggest you join in the fun with some sharing of your own??? ESPECIALLY, as this is September Scavenger Hunt Month. Come on – Dare to Bare !!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award


Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt

Count down!!! #WickedWednesday

She recognised him the moment he stepped through the door. He didn’t have that same arrogant look, the jutting jaw, the assured swagger of the last occasion she’d seen him in the flesh as he’d strode past her desk towards the Executive Suite. But she knew from his eyes and those silvery streaks in his fringe. It was definitely him, definitely Nigel.

His profile, and the face pictures she’d requested when he’d contacted her from her Fetlife account, hadn’t given her any clues. They were just as all the other profiles, friendship requests . . . and bookings for her services . . . that she would always receive. Darkened, out-of-focus, selfie-mobile phone pictures either taken too close-up and out-of-proportion, or too distant and blurry to give an exact indication of the individuals “normal” identity.

Even when she’d asked him to call, as she always insisted, and they’d spoken for a few minutes on her mobile, she hadn’t recognised his voice. Nervous and slightly echoey . . . as these first calls so often were . . . their short conversation hadn’t triggered any alarms, any memories.

But it was definitely him, definitely Nigel.

He didn’t recognise her of course . . . after all, in her five years at the company, they’d never spoken in person. She was just another PA to one of his junior-managers in marketing, another faceless emailer from the third floor. Just a name, a convenient scapegoat, along with her department manager, who would “just have to be let go” when that contract had been approved and signed with one zero, one apparently very important zero . . . before the decimal point . . . had been left off the final paperwork.

“How could it happen?”
“Weren’t these things checked and re-checked?”
“Weren’t the minutes cross-referenced and listened to again and again?”
“They’ll have to be let-go. Replaced! All of them! The whole department!”

It had been a huge shock at the time. Unexpected and cruel. But in one of those wonderful twists of fate . . . one of those life-changing turns in the road . . . she’d risen to the challenge of one of her, very drunken, colleagues at their unofficial, enforced, post-redundancy drinks sessions.

“Why don’t you become a Mistress? You know how you hear about all those suits and execs that like to be dominated and whipped and spanked before they go home to shout at their poor wives and kids?”

And now . . . 18 months on . . . now, in one of those wonderful twists of fate, here was Nigel . . . sorry, “SubNeil71” . . . stepping over the threshold of her dungeon door.

Now, SubNeil71, I want you to count down . . . one nip, one bite, one swipe, one pull-of-the-chain at-a-time . . . One Hundred Thousand and Ten . . . One Hundred Thousand and Nine . . . !!!!”
Why am I telling you this story? Well, because this week’s theme at Wicked Wednesday is all about other women who have been fired from their job for getting a number wrong. But, take it from me ladies, all is not lost . . . a change can often be good news . . . For Some !!!

And I think you might find more counting and re-counting, from tap-tap-tapping on Marie’s button below!

rainbowcircle1-200Xxx – K

P.S. Any resemblance to real-life instances of Nigel’s or Neil’s, is purely co-incidental, unexpected . . . and unintentional!!!

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Filed under Wicked Wednesday

Curves & Lines @ #sinfulsunday

Sorting through our cameras after our holiday recently, saving the photographs into “family friendly” and “private” folders (LOL!!!), Hubby mentioned this picture as being one of his favourites.

It was from the first morning of our vacation, trying to start a tan on the balcony of our apartment . . . assuming that I was out of view from the pool below.

Modesty Ablaze Curves and Lines

It wasn’t until I turned over onto my tummy and looked over to the beach across the road, that I could see the life-guard just climbing into his tower and waving a “hello”. Hubby assured me that he wouldn’t be able to tell I was sans-bikini, but in the interests of beach safety I decided to ALWAYS keep my bikini on for the rest of my sunbathing! (Well almost always . . . but that’s for another time!!!)

Anyway, as the theme for this week’s Sinful Sunday is all about “Women, female, feminine”, Hubby begged that I submit the above as he felt that the Curves and Lines are “quite feminine and shapely”.

I’m sure there will be lots more feminity available by kissing the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

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