“Not very Sinful” you may well say!!! . . . Well, for me, being Sinful is mostly about having fun. Doing something a little-bit silly, a little-bit outrageous . . . a little bit naughty.
And . . . in 1982 . . . this was, for me at least, being a bit naughty. Quite a bit naughty actually! Posing naked, in the shower, for Hubby and his Polaroid Camera? Very naughty!!!
Of course, Hubby being-hubby . . . and me being-me, and losing more and more of my modesty . . . we took lots and lots. We probably accounted for a huge share of Polaroid’s UK sales.
Anyway, this past August Heaven posted a polaroid for her photograph-prompt at Marie Rebelle’s Wicked Wednesday. That photograph, and subsequent visitors comments, reminded me of all of our “private” Photo Albums hidden-away on the top shelf of our bedroom wardrobe.
Hidden-away out-of-reach from prying-eyes . . . but also inconvenient and difficult to lift down and browse through (and then have to hide-away again) . . . even during our occasional passionate moments of “remember when?”
But Heaven’s post prompted me to insist Hubby bring some of them down . . . and we spent the rest of the evening giggling and laughing, and exclaiming “oh no!!!” and “I wish my tummy was STILL like that!!!” . . . as we flicked through the pages, with frequent pauses for caresses and cuddles, lost in memories of Polaroids Past.
Of course one thing led to another . . . fuelled by happy and arousing memories!!! But when we awoke the next morning, with half-a-dozen albums still spread across the bedroom floor, I said to Hubby “I think you should scan all the good ones. You know, make digital copies, so we can look at them on the computer occasionally”.
“What? There are hundreds of them! When do you think I can possibly find the time to scan all of them???” he gasped.
“Well, you’ll just have to make the time, won’t you!!!” I replied. “And you know how I always get my way!!!”
And so he has started, patiently scanning . . . and I thought I would perhaps post (some) of them on my blog . . . and invite anybody else who wishes to join-in to post some of their own onto the Polaroids Past page as well.
Because!!! . . . I think that re-living some of our past memories, is not only fun, but also a way of celebrating our bodies and reminding ourselves that not only are we all different shapes and sizes, but we all change and grow into different shapes and sizes. That is just how we all naturally develop and change. And I think that far too often we are bombarded by the media, magazines, books, television, films . . . trying to tell us that there is some sort of “perfect-fit” to how we should all look (and behave). That we are in some way, abnormal, or subject to ridicule or shame, if we don’t conform to the mainstream view of what is considered “normal” or “desirable”.
Well . . . what I want to say to the mainstream is . . . “get real”. The only way of being “normal” is being happy in our own skin. Being happy in who we are, where we’ve come from, what we’ve achieved, what we’ve given to partners, friends and family around us . . . by just being who we are and having fun. “Laugh and those around you will laugh with you”!!!
So, I hope Molly won’t mind me indulging in this Sinful-rant . . . and I hope that after joining me in my shower . . . you may be smiling just a little as you dry yourself off . . . and tap the Sinful lips below for a little less-self-indulgent Sinful fun!

Oh, and p.s. special thanks to Heaven, Marie . . . and Hubby and his scanning-machine . . . for inspiring Polaroids Past.
Xxx – K