Tag Archives: Exhibitionism

Red Jacket 1984 @ #sinfulsunday

It has been so, so busy recently that I have missed several Sinful Sundays . . . though, of course, that doesn’t mean I haven’t been Sinful! In the meantime Hubby has been slowly working through our old Photo Albums, scanning away and adding digital copies to our Polaroids Past collection.

RedJacketAndShoes84So, as he has been neglecting having any of our new photographs ready . . . for which he has been regularly punished! . . . I thought I would share a picture of my Sinfully Red jacket which, as you can see, I just loved wearing in 1984.

But . . . if the nineteen eighties seem far, far too long ago for you . . . I simply know that you will find more current and contemporary pictures from lots of other Sinful Sunday people from kissing the lips below!

Sinful Sunday


Xxx – K


Filed under Polaroids Past, Sinful Sunday

Fire Alert #scavengerhunt 51

It was so hot in Greece in August. Particularly on the steep walk up the hill from our apartment to the village shops . . . for our afternoon wine!!!

ModestyFire1So hot and dry as we walked past the olive groves that I could see why there is often a Fire Hydrant installed on many of the roadsides.

ModestyFire3And . . . as well as giving me a convenient rest-stop to hold on to and catch my breath halfway up that hill . . .

ModestyFire2 . . . I remembered, of course, that Fire Hydrant was a category  at the lovely Curvaceous Dee’s Scavenger Hunt !!!

Oh, and p.s. It wasn’t just me who had to keep stopping to pause for breath in the afternoon heat. That gentleman walking up the hill behind me seemed to be stopping frequently and looking back over his shoulder!

You can view lots of my other Scavenger Hunt pauses-for-breath at my Scavenger Hunt Listings Page  . . . and may I suggest you join in the fun with some sharing of your own at Dee’s site by clicking on the button below!

P.S. You can also view some of my previous adventures from my
Scavenger Slideshow >here<!!!

Come on, it is such funLet’s all Dare to Bare !!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt

Modesty’s Bikes #scavengerhunt 50

I’ve previously mentioned how frustrating it can be >Waiting for a Bus< on a busy Friday evening out in London.

ModestyBikeRack1But, of course, there are other options available in journeying to the next bar . . . such as one of the many bike-hire racks located around the central city streets.

ModestyBikeRack2Sometimes there may not be many bikes available . . . so one may have to use a little personal charm to get the last available bicycle.

ModestyBikeRack3And, although I “ride” often . . . I’m not the most proficient of cyclists, so a little help in mounting the saddle is always welcome.

ModestyBikeRack4“Ooohh, that’s very distracting! I might lose my balance!” . . .

ModestyBikeRack5“Now you are just being very naughty . . . and you’ve even got me facing in the wrong direction!!!”ModestyBikeRack6“You know what? I’ve just cycled to the next rack and I realise I didn’t have a helmet . . . that’s not very safe at all is it!”

“You must always have a helmet and I’m not getting on again until you give me one . . . a proper cycling-helmet, I mean!!!”

I now realise this was a very naughty evening because one should never mount two-on-a-bike like this and I would always recommend having a helmet. But I couldn’t resist sharing my naughtiness for the Bicycle Rack Category at Curvaceous Dee’s Scavenger Hunt.

You can explore lots of my other Scavenger Hunt journeys at my Scavenger Hunt Listings Page  . . . and may I suggest you join in the fun with some sharing of your own at Dee’s site by clicking on the button below!

Come on, it is such funLet’s all Dare to Bare !!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt

Balancing Act @ #sinfulsunday

ModestyBikeRack4I think that life is all about Balance and Compromise . . . don’t you agree?

Achieving a sense of balance in one’s relationships and interactions with others.
Balancing one’s thoughts and deeds . . . balancing fun and common-sense!!!
And, of  course, keeping one’s balance-on-a-bike . . . in the face of extremely distracting conditions such as these!

You can follow more of this evening’s wobbly, Modesty’s Bikes, journey at my 50th Scavenger Hunt post >here< . . . and lot’s of other wonderfully fun and erotic balancing-acts between pictures and words at this week’s
Sinful Sunday by mounting the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

Modesty Sculptures #ScavengerHunt 49

Modesty Ablaze Valencia 1We’ve just returned from a wonderful week away in Valencia and during one of our early evening strolls we came across these modern Spanish sculptures.

Modesty Ablaze Valencia 2Although we are in the middle of October it was still remarkably mild as dusk approached.

Modesty Ablaze Valencia 3And, of course, I just couldn’t resist wanting to feel a little of that warming autumnal breeze.

Modesty Ablaze Valencia 4I was trying to keep my eye out so as not to offend any other people out for an evening walk.

Modesty Ablaze Valencia 5But as is often the case, Hubby was too busy taking a picture to notice the gentleman walking along the pavement behind me. “I haven’t got eyes in the back of my head!” I  hissed at him as I suddenly heard the footsteps!

Modesty Ablaze Valencia 6“One more then” I agreed for Hubby as the gentleman continued on his way. “But quickly because I can see more walkers coming along the path”.

But I did feel rather attached to these sculptures . . . particularly the one above staring out to sea . . . and I thought they would be an ideal addition to the Sculptures Category at Curvaceous Dee’s Scavenger Hunt.

You can explore lots of my other Scavenger Hunts at my Scavenger Hunt Listings Page  . . . and may I suggest you join in the fun with some sharing of your own at Dee’s site by clicking on the button below!

Come on, it is such funLet’s all Dare to Bare !!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt

Two For One @ #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze Greedy GirlNo, not another Two-For-One Scavenger Hunt post . . . but a little TwoForOne fun from earlier this year!

Well not so “little” actually . . . I remember it being rather a large mouthful at the time . . . and this image brings back some lovely memories!!!

And as Sinful Sunday is always all about the image I thought it would be fun to share it here.
You can see who else is sharing their Sinful images by kissing the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday

Public Warning Signs #ScavengerHunt 48

I do realise that the “Signs” category at Curvaceous Dee’s  Scavenger Hunt is meant to be for Road Signs. (In fact the sign immediately below is a roadside sign leading to the wonderful Apartment Complex we stayed at during our recent island holiday in Greece).

ModestyPrivatePropertyBut it was the sign at the top of the stairs of the Apartments that I immediately fell in love with!!!
Follow me, it’s just at the top, after you turn the corner to the next level.

ModestyPublicStairsLook, here it is! The top line in red letters . . . “Warning” . . . has faded in the sun and is difficult to read from the bottom of the stairs.

ModestySlipperyOneBut . . . there, if you come a little closer . . . can you read it now?
“Warning. Take Care Slippery When Wet” it says!!!


Hubby and I burst out laughing . . . in unison . . . when we first saw it. “They must have heard you were coming!” he said.

And so, of course, I knew I just had to get a picture for Dee’s site. I mean you all would, wouldn’t you???

You can slip and slide around lots of my other Scavenger Hunts at my SH Listings Page  . . . and may I suggest you join in the fun with some sharing of your own at Dee’s site by clicking on the button below!

Come on, it is such funLet’s all Dare to Bare !!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt

Flamenco @ #polaroidspast No.3


A Modesty “Flamenco Moment” from 1989

I’ve not yet had anyone else join me in my Polaroids Past celebration of the natural changes all of our bodies make . . . but I thought I would continue on anyway . . .

. . . because I think that re-living some of our past memories, is not only fun, but also a way of celebrating our bodies and reminding ourselves that not only are we all different shapes and sizes, but we all change and grow into different shapes and sizes. That is just how we all naturally develop and change.

***You can join-in by completing the (confidential) submission form below:

Or, if you prefer, simply grab the Polaroids Past logo below and publish a post on your own blog with #polaroidspast as part of the title, and a link from the logo back to my Polaroids Past page >here<. You can submit your Blog Post URL (if you have one) by completing the form, or enter your contact details in the form and I will reply with further details asap.
NB: The form is completely confidential and your details / comments are not displayed.

Or, perhaps we could have a rolling slide-show Gallery . . . what do you think? Come-on, it may be a wee-bit embarrassing . . . but it really is just a bit of fun . . . and I think fun is what life should be all about!!!

Come-on . . . Dare to Bare . . . !!!

Modesty Ablaze in Polaroids Past

Xxx – K

1 Comment

Filed under Polaroids Past

Modesty Roundabout #ScavengerHunt 47

During our vacation earlier this year we had the pleasure of meeting the lovely Curvaceous Dee for a fun lunch and an afternoon of Two-For-One Scavenger Hunts (many of which you can view from my SH Listings Page  . . .).  For my first solo SH, Dee led me down the hill to this roundabout!

ModestyRoundabout1The flower bed in the middle did look rather nice and well-tended . . . even if the sound of the circling cars was a little distracting!

ModestyRoundabout2The flowers certainly did smell nice though!

ModestyRoundabout3It was lovely and sunny and quite warm, so I was grateful of Dee’s parasol . . .

ModestyRoundaboutFinal. . . for a little bid of shade, and a little bit of anonymity from any motorists not keeping their eyes on the road!!!

Quite thrilling!!! And I think this makes my 47th location on Dee’s Scavenger Hunt page. You can wander round(about) lots of my other Scavengers at my SH Listings Page  . . . and search out those “Two-For-One” posts with Dee that I mentioned earlier.

And . . . before you drive off . . . may I suggest you join in the fun with some sharing of your own???

Come on, it is such funLet’s all Dare to Bare !!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt

Modesty on the Quay #ScavengerHunt 46

Modesty Ablaze Quay1I do like to be beside the seaside! The peaceful lapping of the water against the quayside  . . . the smell of breakfast-bacon from the yachts at their moorings.

Modesty Ablaze Quay2The gentle slapping of oars into the water from a lone rower . . . unnoticed until his dinghy-thingy glided past behind us!

Modesty Ablaze Quay3The swans paddling up to us . . . obviously expecting bread for their own morning breakfast!

Modesty Ablaze Quay4Yes, I do so love to be beside the quayside . . . especially when it’s such a beautiful location as this lovely little town in Dorset on the south coast of England.

It is certainly worthy of it’s World Heritage Coastline status . . . and, I think at least, certainly worthy of inclusion on Curvaceous Dee’s Scavenger Hunt page as my 46th Scavenger Post.

There are lots more of my other Scavengers at my SH Listings Page  . . . and may I suggest you join in the fun with some sharing of your own???
Come on, it is such fun – Let’s all Dare to Bare !!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt