Tag Archives: Exhibitionism

A #sinfulsunday visit to the Library


It’s just been so busy this week that I haven’t had the time to update my pages here. And with our summer vacation fast approaching, I had to make a difficult decision. Spend the morning at home looking through photographs for today’s Sinful Sunday . . . 


Or . . . spend an hour at the library to stock-up on suitable books for reading whilst lounging around the pool???
So here I am, making a quick visit to my local Library . . .


And, quite by coincidence, the first shelf I find myself in front of is “Erotic Fiction”. And just reading some of the titles is making me feel quite hot!


Now, I wonder if they have “The Perfect Submissive” here on the shelf?


Well, I’m quite disappointed, it seems that they don’t. Perhaps I’ll have to go round to the front desk and suggest they order it in!!!

But whilst you’re waiting for me to return, you can read all about lots of other Sinful Sundays by kissing the lovely pink lips . . . the ones below silly!!!

Sinful Sunday

P.S.  I’m hoping that my own Sinful visit will qualify for the “Library” section at Curvaceous Dee’s Scavenger Hunt site.

You can see lots of my other Scavenger Hunt visits at my
Scavenger Hunt Listings Page ! or view some of my previous Scavenger Hunts at my Scavenger Slideshow >here<!!!

Why not join in yourself? – Come on, it’s such fun
Let’s all Dare to Bare !!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday

Modesty ducking down the alley #scavengerhunt

“If you are interested in medieval forms of punishment you must visit
The Ducking Stool”
said the Tourist Information Leaflet . . . now how
could I possibly resist a description like that!!!  ModestyDuckingStool1

So, intrigued and excited, I followed the sign down the little alley . . .


. . . round the corner and out onto the walkway by the river. The Ducking Stool itself, a little wooden stool suspended over the river bank, was surrounded by other interested tourists.


So I had to content myself with reading the Plaque which explained that the stool was used for public punishment for women found guilty of verbal abuse, brawling or other anti-social behaviour.


Well !!! . . . that made me feel all flushed just thinking about it as I strode back up Ducking Stool Walk . . . hoping that my occasional flashes of fun will never be considered as anti-social.

After all, I just want to make people smile and have a little distraction and fun from the everyday norm. And I hope my stroll down Ducking Stool Walk will do that, and qualify for the Alley category at Curvaceous Dee’s Scavenger Hunt.

Perhaps you would like to join in the fun with adding some stolls of your own at Dee’s site by clicking on the button below!
Come on, it is such funLet’s all Dare to Bare !!!

You can see lots of my other Scavenger Hunt strolls at my
Scavenger Hunt Listings Page !

P.S. You can also view some of my previous Scavenger Hunts at my
Scavenger Slideshow >here<!!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt

Modesty Ablaze at the Hardware Store #scavengerhunt

A cloudy start to our May Bank Holiday . . . so it was off to the Hardware Store!

ModestyHardwareStore3You know me . . . I do like some “hardware” . . . and look, there are so many knobs and knockers on display!!!

ModestyHardwareStore1“I think they’re at the other end of the aisle” I’d blushingly answered when the gentleman behind me had asked if they had any towel-racks. “I don’t work here” I’d added as he walked on past, continuing his search.

ModestyHardwareStore2Anyway . . . in the hope the weather will improve . . . I thought I would browse the garden section as well.

ModestyHardwareStore4But in the meantime I’m hoping that our shopping trip will qualify for the Hardware Store category at Curvaceous Dee’s Scavenger Hunt . . . and that perhaps you would like to join in the fun with adding some trips of your own at Dee’s site by clicking on the button below!
Come on, it is such funLet’s all Dare to Bare !!!

You can see lots of my other Scavenger Hunt trips at my
Scavenger Hunt Listings Page !

P.S. You can also view some of my previous Scavenger Hunts at my
Scavenger Slideshow >here<!!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt

Modesty on the Bridge #scavengerhunt

There are bridges . . . some famous and some infamous. And this bridge, near us in North London, probably falls into the latter category.


Because, unfortunately, some people have jumped off it in the past.

ModestyBridge2Actually there is a runner coming up the pavement . . . so I think I should cross over to the other side of the road.

ModestyBridge3That’s better . . . he’s just passing by now. But, where was I, oh yes I was about to say that this bridge is quite high above the road below . . . perhaps we should go down to give you a better idea of it’s size.

ModestyBridge5Being a main road out of the city, it is always very busy . . . so I’ll just wait until this Bus has passed by.

ModestyBridge4So now you can see the bridge up there behind me . . . it is very high above the road isn’t it !!!

But I’m hoping that my occasional strolls across it may cheer-up any passers by, and convince them to keep on walking across to the other side. Perhaps even to consider joining me down here . . . or . . . maybe even joining in the fun at Curvaceous Dee’s Scavenger Hunt !!!

You can see lots of my other Scavenger Hunt strolls at my
Scavenger Hunt Listings Page  . . . and may I suggest you share some strolls of your own at Dee’s site by clicking on the button below!

P.S. You can also view some of my previous Scavenger Hunts at my
Scavenger Slideshow >here<!!!

Come on, it is such funLet’s all Dare to Bare !!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sexual liberation, womens Erotica

Modesty On-The-Rocks #scavengerhunt

OnTheRocksOneThe weather has been almost summery in London over the past few days, and it’s been making me think of summer holidays!

OnTheRocksTwoAnd remembering the lovely little cove we discovered . . . just around the corner from the main tourist beach on our Greek Island holiday last year. It was more rocky, with less sand, than the most popular beach . . . but I actually preferred it.

OnTheRocksDuoEspecially as we found this wonderful rocky outcrop which I just HAD to christen as a  “Rocks (big ones!)” notch on my Scavenger Hunt list.
My normally shy Lover No.1 was so excited by our discovery that he set-up the self-timer on his new camera to capture what was supposed to be a “private just for us” picture together. But after posting it for Wicked Wednesday I insisted that we add it here as well.

OnTheRocksExitAs I said, he did get quite “excited” at our discovery. So excited that I had to tell him “it’s far too hot for THAT . . . just go and take a dip to cool off, and if you’re good I’ll think about it when we get back to the apartment!” (You can actually find out what happened back at the apartment >here< if you wish!!!)

Oh and yes, we did put our bathing costumes back on when that boat in the background suddenly decided to turn in to come ashore!!!

You can see lots of my other Scavenger Hunt discoveries on my
Scavenger Hunt Listings Page  . . . and may I suggest you join in the fun with some sharing of your own at Dee’s site by clicking on the button below!

P.S. You can also view some of my previous Scavenger Hunts at my
Scavenger Slideshow >here<!!!

Come on, it is such funLet’s all Dare to Bare !!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sexual liberation

River Cam #sinfulsunday

ModestyCamRiverHaving just returned from a very Sinful, and very exhausting, NWA . . . most of the pictures from which are far too sinful even for Sinful Sunday . . . I haven’t had the opportunity to prepare a proper post for this week.

So I thought I would simply re-post one of the pictures from our stroll around the lovely town of Cambridge this afternoon.

Having woken early but sinfully delaying our hotel checkout until the last possible moment . . . we enjoyed our afternoon unwinding with a late lunch by the river, strolling around the colleges, and indulging in a Scavenger Hunt picture or two >here<.

But you’ll find many more Sinful photos, and Sinful posts, from kissing the lovely lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday

Sunday on the River #scavengerhunt

We’ve just returned from a wonderful birthday-NWA in the lovely town of Cambridge . . . where one of our first stops was, of course, a local wine merchants . . . conveniently located right in the centre of town.


Followed by a leisurely stroll along the River Cam, where I just couldn’t resist a Scavenger Hunt pose . . .


or two . . . despite there being lots of other people out enjoying a walk across the bridge and along the river in the late Sunday afternoon sunshine.

ModestyCamRiverBut a visit to Cambridge just wouldn’t be complete without stopping by one of the colleges now would it?


This college was founded in 1511 by the mother of King Henry VII . . . goodness, that’s seems like such a long, long time ago!!!


But just standing in this Honoris arch I was imagining what sort of degree I would have graduated in!!!

You can see lots of my other Scavenger Hunt visitations on my
Scavenger Hunt Listings Page  . . . and may I suggest you join in the fun with some sharing of your own at Dee’s site by clicking on the button below!

P.S. You can also view some of my previous Scavenger Hunts at my
Scavenger Slideshow >here<!!!

Come on, it is such funLet’s all Dare to Bare !!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt

Beginning my Scavenger Hunts #wickedwednesday

The Phone Box #1

One of my favourite meme’s . . . apart from Wicked Wednesday of course . . . is the lovely Curvaceous Dee’s Scavenger Hunt.

In fact, not only is it one of my favourite meme’s, it has also become one of my favourite pastimes . . . LOL!!!

I first heard about Dee’s meme after posting the above picture at Sinful Sunday in the summer of 2013, and receiving several comments that it would make a nice Scavenger Hunt photograph. I immediately fell in love with Dee’s site . . . and have continued adding Scavenger pictures ever since!

I was also very lucky to meet Dee on a subsequent southern hemisphere vacation early in 2014 . . . and share several Two-for-One Scavengers during a fun filled day out with her in her home town.

So I am so glad that I made this simple (sinful) phone call that was the “Beginning” of my Scavenger journey and many fun adventures since! It has been such a lot of fun . . . and I really do urge you to investigate. Come on! Dare to Bare!

You can see and read about lots more “Beginnings” at this week’s Wicked Wednesday from dialling the button below!!!


 Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Wicked Wednesday

Modesty’s Power Lines #scavengerhunt

ModestyPower1If you’ve visited my Mistress pages you will already know that sometimes I do enjoy the “power” of feeling in control.

But that power still has to be fun . . . so how do you turn what may seem like an ugly looking Power Lines Transmitter into something fun?

ModestyPower2By adding it to my Scavenger Hunt pages of course!!!

You can see lots of my other Scavenger Hunt transmissions at my
Scavenger Hunt Listings Page  . . . and may I suggest you join in the fun with some sharing of your own at Dee’s site by clicking on the button below!

P.S. You can also view some of my previous Scavenger Hunts at my
Scavenger Slideshow >here<!!!

Come on, it is such funLet’s all Dare to Bare !!!

Modesty Ablaze at Scavenger Hunt

Xxx – K


Filed under Mistress Modesty Ablaze, Scavenger Hunt

Modesty takes the Fort #scavengerhunt


Forts . . . I’ve always been fascinated by them. And not just because they make me think of lots of men in uniform parading back and forth.


And not just because of the 7-inch loaders and those long barrels and muzzles!!!


It’s possibly something to do with them always being so strong and solid . . .


Built to last and built to withstand invasion and . . . naked . . . aggression.


This famous fortification in the Southern Hemisphere was built in the 1880’s to protect against the threat of Russian expansion . . .


and it is such a wonderfully exciting collection of connecting storerooms, barracks and armouries . . .


. . . and, of course, gun turrets and observation posts overlooking the harbour below! Although armed and ready throughout both World Wars, the guns here were never fired in anger, so in the 1950’s these fortifications became a public reserve and a popular exploration and tourist point.

So popular that it was quite difficult to pause between fellow tourists to claim this particular Fort as a Scavenger Hunt because . . . you know me . . . I would never wish to upset any passers by with an unexpected or unwelcome confrontation, especially in such a historical location.

You can see lots of my other Scavenger Hunt explorations at my
Scavenger Hunt Listings Page  . . . and may I suggest you join in the fun with some sharing of your own at Dee’s site by clicking on the button below!

P.S. You can also view some of my previous Scavenger Hunts at my
Scavenger Slideshow >here<!!!

Come on, it is such funLet’s all Dare to Bare !!!

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt