Tag Archives: Exhibitionism

Modestly Pebbled #Boobday Friday

Whilst I’m away on holiday, I always like to set Hubby specific tasks . . . just to keep his mind from wandering!!!

For more Boobday tasks I recommend you visit today’s Boobday Friday. Because as Hyacinth says . . .

Boobday is a body-positive meme where women share images of their bodies in order to show that there is beauty in all of us.  With confidence comes power and with power comes confidence.

And you will be able to view more different and powerful boobs, this and every Friday, from clicking Hyacinth’s lovely cleavage below!


Xxx – K


Filed under #boobday, Boobday Friday

Modestly Extreme #sinfulsunday

“Do you think they know I am on my way?” I giggled to Hubby as we pulled over for a comfort-stop on our way to the beach.

“No, I’m sure they mean things like Water-Skiing and Para-Sailing” Hubby replied. “Not the sort of ‘water-sports’ you have in mind!”

“Oh, I’m sure mine would be much more fun!!!” I exclaimed as I got back into the car to continue our journey down towards the beach. “Let’s see what we can do when we get there!!!”*

I’m sure you will discover lots more “sporting fun” at this Sinful Sunday by . . .  carefully . . . para-glanding on the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

And I so loved the fun I had, that I think I will add this to the Signs category at my Exposé Vŭ pages.

*P.S. – As a special treat, my Balcony Members can see . . . some of . . .
what I got up to on the beach from >here<. Enjoy!!!

Xxx – K


Filed under Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vŭ, Scavenger Hunt, sexual empowerment for women, Sinful Sunday

Modestly Abandoned Furniture #wickedwednesday

“It must be rubbish-collection day.” Hubby said as we walked towards the town’s main street. “This is the second piece of furniture we’ve passed since
we parked the car”.
“Well don’t ask me to sit down on it like you did for the last one,” I replied.
“That vinyl is almost melting in this blazing-sun!!!”
“And I don’t even want to touch it, actually. We don’t know how long it’s been
left abandoned here!”

I got my way of course . . . as I always do . . . but as we walked on down the street, I did mention to Hubby that it looked like one of those chairs that one often has to sit on whilst waiting in reception at the doctor’s or dentist.

And that’s so appropriate, as this week’s Wicked Wednesday is all about dentist’s . . . as you will discover by tapping on the button below!!!


As Hubby mentioned, we did come across several instances of “Abandoned Furniture” during our recent holiday . . . so perhaps Jade may consider that as a new category at her wonderful and fun Scavenger Hunt pages!!!

And don’t forget, there are lots of my other Scavenger Hunt discoveries at
my Scavenger Listings page . . . and now over 100 different locations on
my Scavenger Slideshow page as well!!!   

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K



Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Uncategorized, Wicked Wednesday

Grecian Stairs Revisited #sinfulsunday

It’s become something of a personal pilgrimage over the past five summers
for me to climb back up my favourite Grecian Stairs.

So, when I learnt that this month’s Sinful Sunday prompt was . . .
“Stairs or Steps”
. . . well how could I possibly resist! Especially as these
steps hold such special and lovely memories!!!


See who else is climbing stairs this Sinful Sunday by stepping gently
on the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K


Filed under Modesty Ablaze Exposé Vŭ, Sinful Sunday, womens Erotica

Modest Cocktails #Boobday Friday

I usually find that the best thing one can do . . . whilst laying under the lovely Grecian sun . . . is to reach for a refreshing Cocktail.

And, of course, I insisted on doing just that very thing, quite often on my
magical holiday this summer.

I am sure there will be lots of other refreshing boobies on display at today’s Boobday Friday. Because as Hyacinth says . . .

Boobday is a body-positive meme where women share images of their bodies in order to show that there is beauty in all of us.  With confidence comes power and with power comes confidence.

And you will be able to view more different and powerful boobs, this and every Friday, from clicking Hyacinth’s lovely cleavage below!


Xxx – K


Filed under #boobday, Boobday Friday, womens Erotica

Modest Sunglasses #Boobday Friday

As I mentioned in last week’s Boobday Friday I was so looking forward to getting some Grecian sun on my boobies !!!

And so I did . . . and it felt so lovely that I just indulged for peaceful, calming and relaxing days and days on end. And judging from all the photos in his camera, Hubby was indulging himself as well. In fact, he is telling me that he has lots more to share for several Boobdays to come!!!

But for now I am sure there will be lots of other lovely summer boobies on display at today’s Boobday Friday.

Because as Hyacinth says . . .

Boobday is a body-positive meme where women share images of their bodies in order to show that there is beauty in all of us.  With confidence comes power and with power comes confidence.

And you will be able to view more different and powerful boobs, this and every Friday, from clicking Hyacinth’s lovely cleavage below!


Xxx – K

1 Comment

Filed under #boobday, Boobday Friday, sexual empowerment for women, womens Erotica

A Modest Bus Station #sinfulsunday

“Why don’t we travel on the buses today, instead of you having to drive?” I said to Hubby as we came upon the Central Bus Station in the island’s main town
in the first week of our summer holiday.

“Then you could have a glass of wine with me at each stop . . . instead of all those Iced Tea’s you’ve been having to drink”.

“There are people in the queue behind me getting ready for the next bus. Shall I pop back to the ticket office and enquire what time it leaves?”

“Look . . . they are all very big and have air-conditioning.” I said, finally managing to convince him.

“Well, that first bus driver did give me quite a funny look when I asked him if he offered a Hop-on Hop-off service!”

“Do you think I should go back and tell that family in the yellow shirts that the bus doesn’t stop at that corner . . . and that it will be arriving here shortly?”

Anyway, Hubby had to agree that we had a lovely day discovering lots of different little bus shelter’s at each stop . . . and, of course, some nice Taverna’s and lots of refreshing glasses of wine together along the way!

And I’m sure that you will discover more Sinful Travels this Sunday,
by pushing the lips below!

Sinful SundayAlthough I’ve often waited at London Bus Stops before . . . and, of course, travel on the bus almost every day . . . this was wonderfully different and lots of fun, which I’m hoping will qualify for the “Bus Station” section
in Jade’s Scavenger Hunt.

And don’t forget, there are lots of my other Scavenger Hunt travels at
my Scavenger Listings page . . . and now over 100 different locations on
my Scavenger Slideshow page as well!!!   

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K


Filed under Scavenger Hunt, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday

The Only Way #sinfulsunday

Our day-to-day life seems to impose all sorts of different directions and challenges doesn’t it?

But I always try to say . . . to myself and anyone else who might want to listen . . . the only way is the FUN way!!!

Fun . . . and ok I will admit . . . quite often sinful as well!!!

But sinful should really be fun too . . . which I’m sure you will discover if you gently tap on the Sinful Sunday lips below!

Sinful SundayXxx – K


Filed under Sinful Sunday, womens Erotica

Modestly Measuring Sizes

“They come in all shapes and sizes don’t they?” Hubby said as we set off
on our early evening stroll.
“I know . . . and that’s just how I like them!!!” I giggled, trying to cool and fan myself in the sticky humidity.
“No, I don’t mean last night!” he laughed. “I mean these bollards!”

“Well, you must admit, they are quite phallic” I teased, as I rubbed against the next one in the road.

“Oh and look” I cried out as we turned the next corner. “These ones are lovely. Tall and ridged, and nicely rounded on top!!!”

“No, I’m not so keen on these ones” I said as we walked on further. “They look a bit awkward, and I don’t like their flat heads”.

“No, I don’t think they will count as bollards” Hubby chastised, “they are more like cones”.
“Mmm, I know, but they would be much more comfortable than the last lot. Let’s stop here for a few minutes!” I purred.

“How about this one?” I called out. “This is a sort-of bollard isn’t it???”
“I don’t think so” he replied. “It’s just to help people stay on the right side.
So probably not much use for you!!!”.

“Well you never normally complain if I stray from the straight and narrow”
I shouted back, trying to make myself heard over the sound of the bus
racing by . . . and not really hearing what he was saying in reply!

“The beeping’s not from the bus” I eventually made out his words. “There’s a car indicating to turn in, so can you move out of the road!!!”

“He was a bit grumpy!” I scowled as I walked back up to Hubby. “He said this is a private turning and not a public thoroughfare!”

So I felt a bit like a scolded, naughty school-girl . . . not for the first-time as Hubby pointed out . . . but I’m hoping that at least some of my measuring different sizes, will qualify for the “Bollards” section
in Jade’s Scavenger Hunt.

But for more immediate naughtiness this Sunday, I suggest you kiss
the Sinful lips below!

Sinful SundayAnd don’t forget, there are lots of my other Scavenger Hunt travels at
my Scavenger Listings page . . . and now over 100 different locations on
my Scavenger Slideshow page as well!!!   

Scavenger Hunt Platinum Award

Xxx – K



Filed under Scavenger Hunt, Sinful Sunday

Modestly Into Temptation . . . #sinfulsunday

Eve said to Adam . . . “an apple a day???”

And, Adam replied . . . ???

For more tempting, tempestuousness this Sinful Sunday,
Eve would probably have suggested taking a bite from the lips below!

Sinful SundayXxx – K


Filed under sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sinful Sunday, womens Erotica