I’ve never been very good with photography . . . so this week’s Sinful Sunday theme of “Over Exposed” has left me at a complete loss! Especially as I had an important function . . . a Friday Fun Function actually . . . in a lovely hotel directly overlooking Waterloo station last night, which meant I just haven’t had the time to give photography much thought this weekend.
Though, of course, I did indulge in Over Exposure of a different sort!!!
Now we often hear of complaints about train delays and cancellations don’t we? But although I was quite busy and not really paying too much attention, I must say I was very impressed! It seemed that every time I glanced down, another train was arriving or departing. “Just like cock-work” I said at one point.
“Oh, I meant clock-work, I shouldn’t be speaking with my mouthful.” I quickly corrected myself.
And I could quite clearly see a sense of satisfaction . . . and appreciation . . . on the faces of some of the passengers in their seats as they reached the climax of their journey.
Even through our sound-proofed windows (just as well!!!) . . . I’m sure I heard the Station Master announcing “The 19.45 Express from Waterloo is about to . . . depart from Platform 14. Calling at . . . ”
But anyway . . . to bring things back on track . . . if we click on the lips below we are sure to find the sort of Over Exposed that Molly really had in mind for this week’s theme!
Xxx – K