Tag Archives: Erotic Ebooks

The Modesty Ablaze Diaries Collection Non-Fiction #BookMatters

The Modesty Ablaze Diaries of a London Housewife

As I said in my Modesty Recommends post recently, I don’t get as much time for reading as I would like to. It’s really only when I’m away on holiday that I have the time to fully enjoy my passion for Erotica and the enthralling words and worlds of my favourite authors. I marvel at the imagination and artistry of their words . . . and the skill and excitement of their story-telling.

So I’m a reader . . . and definitely not a writer.

But as I’ve mentioned on many occasions here before, Modesty Ablaze actually began as a celebration of the open-lifestyle I have been so fortunate to enjoy over the past 38 wonderful years. And publishing extracts from the personal diaries I have always kept, formed the first few months of postings here on my blog pages at the end of 2011 and the beginning of 2012.

And to my complete surprise, I soon began receiving emails suggesting that I should publish those diary extracts as actual booklets.

Now as I said, I am not a writer, but it seemed reasonably easy to “cut-and-paste” some of those diary entries that I had hastily typed into our computer a few days after the event, into one of those online templates.

And so . . . “The Modesty Ablaze Diaries – Pt. 1 The Journey” became my first Kindle Ebook. I thought it would be my first and my last.

But amazingly, I soon began receiving yet more flattering emails and lots and lots of requests for more.

So, over the past few years I have . . . rather slowly I must admit . . . added several more Modesty Ablaze Diaries to my Katie Ellison pages at Amazon and Gumroad.

Rather slowly, because although having years and years of diaries to “cut-and-paste” from, real-life . . . and fun-life . . . just continues to get in the way, despite all the requests that still continue to arrive in my in-box. And the rather lovely encouragement from the likes of La Bauge littéraire in his review several years ago at: https://www.modestyablaze.com/2016/04/02/je-vous-remercie-la-bauge-litteraire/

But as this week’s theme at May More’s Book Matters is for Non-Fiction books, it has reminded me that perhaps it is time for some more “cut-and-pasting” to add another edition to my The Modesty Ablaze Diaries collection.

You can find my current Kindle bookshelf at Amazon at: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Katie-Ellison/e/B008FRJ966/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1

Or as downloadable PDFs at my Gumroad pages at: https://gumroad.com/modestyablaze#VlObb

BOOK MATTERS – Runs 24th March to 20th April

Books are amazing. We can learn from them. Be entertained by them. Reading books sparks the brain synapses which in turn improves many other things. Including active vocabulary, thinking skills, and concentration. Many also believe books help us grow emotionally which has a knock on effect to how we treat people.

Let’s get reading by clicking May More’s Book Matters Logo below!

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #BookMatters, Erotic Authoress Spotlight, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women, The Modesty Ablaze Diaries, womens Erotica

Modesty Recommends #BookMatters

Modesty Ablaze & The Retreat

I do enjoy a good book, though of course I just don’t get as much time to lie back and indulge . . . in reading silly !!! . . . as I would like to.

Ahh but when I’m away on vacation, well that is a different story. Then I can spend hours and hours on the beach, or around the pool, losing myself completely in the wonderful words . . . and wonderful worlds . . . of my latest purchases.

Do I have a favourite genre ??? Well YES I do actually. And no it’s not romantic novels, not murder mysteries, nor biographies, or political conspiracies, or fancifully magical dragons and wizards . . .

No, what I really, really enjoy is . . . EROTICA !!!

I bet you’re surprised by that aren’t you ???

But I just can’t help it . . . for as long as I can remember I’ve always been excited and thrilled by that special, sexual chemistry, that drives all of us from within. (Despite the fact that very often we are so reluctant to let it out . . . to let it explode as it really, really should).

So imagine my delight . . . my tingling, buzzing, vibrating delight . . . when I first discovered the indescribably EROTIC words of Kay Jaybee in her “The Perfect Submissive” all those years ago. A delight that I just had to share back then >here< and >here< when she published follow-on books in that series.

I was thrilled, throbbed . . . exhausted and left desperately wanting more. And thankfully, Kay Jaybee had many more. The Voyeur, The Collector, Take Control, Not Her Type, The Retreat, The New Room . . . and more !!!

And then . . . through Kay’s own recommendations . . . I discovered the imaginatively sexciting world of K.D. Grace whose kinky tale of an all-night shoe shop had me longing for my high-heel boots . . . even though I was prone on a beach mat as I was reading it !!!

And then that sexy Celtic Angel that is Tabitha Rayne, whose sweet lilting tones and beautifully soft and welcoming smile belies an amazingly naughtily filthy imagination that weaves erotic tales from the most unlikely of beginnings.

So . . . not three books I could not do without, but rather three amazing authors who I could just not holiday without.

If you know of them already you will know exactly what I mean. But if you do not, then I recommend you start reading them from the links above right now!!!

BOOK MATTERS – Runs 24th March to 20th April

Books are amazing. We can learn from them. Be entertained by them. Reading books sparks the brain synapses which in turn improves many other things. Including active vocabulary, thinking skills, and concentration. Many also believe books help us grow emotionally which has a knock on effect to how we treat people.

Let’s get reading by clicking May More’s Book Matters Logo below!

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #BookMatters, Erotic Authoress Spotlight, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Sex and Relationship, sexual empowerment for women, womens Erotica

Modest Adventures #wickedwednesday

My postings here, over the last few years especially, have grown more and more to be visual accounts of my fun adventures . . . rather than as excerpts from my personal diaries which I first started my blog with at the end of 2011.

So as Modesty approaches her eighth anniversary . . . I thought it might be fun to publish a few pages of a chapter from my Further Adventures – Part 6 of The Modesty Ablaze Diaries, particularly as it has a slightly seasonal theme.

I am continually being asked for more of my Diaries and yes, I do have (years and years) more . . . but, when one is just so busy . . . !!!

So, in the meantime, I hope you will enjoy . . .

Seasonal Sunday with S . . .

Despite him asking on numerous occasions, S and I had been unable to arrange a convenient evening to meet in the last few weeks before Christmas. We’d had to make do with texting our Christmas “wishes” back and forth to each other from our respective family gatherings (he away at his wife’s family, and Hubby and the children and I away for Christmas day and evening).

Whilst entertaining parents on Saturday evening, I received a text from S to say he was returning to London by himself late on Sunday as he had to go back to work on Monday (today as I write this), and would I like to “pop-round” as he still had a present to give me. In between topping-up drinks, cleaning off the plates and loading-up the dishwasher, I whispered S’s invitation to Hubby and asked if he’d mind. (He was also starting back at work this morning, but I have the luxury of not having to return to the office until next Monday. The first time I can remember in ages having such a long break over the Christmas / New Year period). Hubby’s immediate response of a wicked grin and nodding his head, and then a passionate kiss, meant I had little tingles of excitement as I texted back to S to “I’d like that, let me know what time”.

It wasn’t until mid-morning on Sunday (after Hubby and I had enjoyed a passionate evening after the in-laws had left) that I had a further text from S to say he wouldn’t be home until after 8, but would text to let me know. Hubby and I spent the rest of the day cuddling and kissing, with him constantly making suggestions (mostly outrageous ones) as to what I should wear and what I should “do”.

Both the children had a friend round for our Sunday meal and each would be sleeping over, and, I knew, would be staying up late, so I was concerned about how I was going to explain about going out “without Dad” late on a Sunday evening. As I lay in the bath soaking though, I did begin feeling quite naughty and excited . . . here I was on a Sunday evening, preparing to meet with my lover (whom I hadn’t seen for over a month), not at a hotel, but at his own home, and just for an hour or so!

Hubby was constantly coming back and forth into the bathroom, and then following me into the bedroom, continuing his suggestions from the night before, about what I should wear and what I should say. I told him that he was “more excited than I was” and that I didn’t want to “plan” things and just to let me to get ready in peace. I sent him back downstairs to join the kids with their DVD movies and keep them occupied.

I ignored his suggestions of wearing just my “boots and stockings” under my coat, and instead chose a new-ish grey woollen dress that I’d treated myself to before Christmas. With earrings and a necklace (both of which S had given me as separate gifts before), and my black heels, I told Hubby (when I saw the slight look of disappointment on his face), that I wanted to feel “comfortable and casual” and not “tarty” this evening.

It was gone 9 before the text came through to say he was home. I replied that I would leave shortly and then called Hubby back to the bedroom, as I finished my make-up, to get him to make sure he kept all the children occupied whilst I left, but to try and get them to go up to their rooms as early as he could. He was nodding excitedly, saying he’d be reminding them that he had work early the next morning, whilst trying to cuddle and caress me. I told him he could only kiss my neck and shoulders so as to not “spoil my lipstick”. He was stroking my bottom and asking if I had any knickers on. “Of course not” I replied. I patted him on his crotch and told him “I expect you to be waiting up for me. Get those kids in bed !!”.

It is only a few minutes walk to his house, and he greeted me at the door with a glass of champagne and a welcoming kiss on the cheek. He hung my coat over the banister and led me into the kitchen for my “present”. I protested that he shouldn’t keep buying me presents but he replied “it’s a tradition”.
He was playing with my necklace, “I remember this night”, and telling me how “gorgeous” I looked, as I unwrapped the small parcel. It was another necklace, and I knew, another expensive one. I protested again, but kissed him my thanks as he reached around me to try to fix the clasp around my neck. Once he’d managed to fix it on, we began kissing again, just warmly at first, but then as though we were both releasing weeks and weeks of expectation, it became a gasping passionate squeezing of our lips and tongues.

We hardly ever kiss, not really like this, not the way I kiss Hubby for instance, but the moment just seemed to carry us away and we were both embracing and squeezing into one another in a way I can’t remember us ever having done before. He was rubbing his hands around my hips and bum, and I was sliding mine up and down his back. He reached around and having not even caressed my boobs yet as he normally would, he just suddenly pulled my dress downwards off my shoulders. My nipples were both suddenly exposed and as he leant down to suck at them, I struggled my arms out of each sleeve to cradle his head into them as he sucked and nibbled from one to the other.

The weight of our embrace had pushed me backwards into the fridge and I could feel the cold of the door on my back as he pulled the rest of my dress down over my hips and then down to my ankles. He’d already slid down to his knees as I stepped each foot out of the dress at my feet, and as I felt him licking at me I was reaching out with each arm backwards against the fridge and cabinets trying to keep my balance. He is normally so calm and slow that his sudden reactions now had rather taken me by surprise . . . but at the same time had made me incredibly aroused. I was giggling and gasping as I heard some of their magnet-ornaments falling off the fridge door as I was trying to keep my balance whilst at the same time thrusting my hips forward into his mouth and tongue.

I was really wet and really excited and wanted to pull him up for more kisses, but he was resisting my attempts to lift him up, flicking his tongue around me more and then sucking hard at my lips and clit. I had to gasp out to him “I want to taste it, kiss my juices on me please!” before he lifted away and allowed me to pull him up to kiss me again. I sucked his tongue into me and could feel myself rubbing against him with my boobs and legs and pulling him against me. He pulled away for air and said “Lets go upstairs”. But I protested that “I’m the only one who’s naked. I’m not going anywhere until you undress!” I helped him unbutton his shirt and belt and then as he extracted himself from his shirt, I pulled his pants down and dropped down onto my knees as his erection slapped out of his pants against my face. I sucked him straight in, all the way in one motion, as I held him by his bum cheeks and pulled him into me. I slid my mouth back and forth on him as quickly as he’d been tonguing me, and squeezed his cheeks with my nails as hard as I could. He was gasping as much as I had been, and just let me stroke back and forth on him for a few moments more before I stopped and stood back up against him telling him “your tiles are cold”. He laughed and asked if he could take me upstairs now then. I squeezed him and nodded my approval, kissing him again as we had been a few minutes before. I don’t know why, possibly because I was so aroused, but I suddenly just wanted to kiss him and feel his tongue pushing into my mouth.

As we stepped over our clothes, he handed me my glass and then picked up his, and the huge bottle of champagne, and led me round to the stairs. As I followed him up to the bedroom I could see the scratch marks my nails had left on his bum cheeks . . . I could feel a tingly excitement, but also a slight “god what have I done” feeling as we walked. I wanted to tell him so that he could “hide” the scratches, but felt guilty and stupid at the same time. As he sat back on the bed and extended the bottle towards my glass I blurted out “I’ve scratched you”. He looked quizzically at me for a moment whilst I explained myself, but then just laughed pulling me down onto the bed telling me they “never see each other naked anyway”.

It only took a few minutes of kisses and caresses before I’d forgotten about my indiscretion and I became as worked-up and aroused as I had been in the kitchen. S was much more himself now, and was stroking and probing slowly with his fingers and tongue. He does do lovely things with his fingers . . . I just lay on my side with one leg lifted over his hip whilst he sucked and licked my nipples and slid his free hand slowly around my pussy.

Sometimes my nipples get too sensitive too quickly and I have to stop them being sucked after just a few minutes, but now I was really enjoying and encouraging him “harder” and loved hearing him say how erect they were. His fingers were already pushing into me at the same time and I just lay my head back and enjoyed being able to groan and tell him how lovely it was feeling without having to worry about being in a hotel room somewhere and not being able “to let myself go”. He was telling me how he loved to hear me “talking like that” and I started to groan louder as I felt myself becoming more and more aroused.

I pushed his head away from my chest and down to my pussy, turning over more onto my back and lifting my hips up so he could slide both hands down around me now. I looked down and my nipples were really hard and standing up, I reached around with each hand pinching at them myself and saying “look at me, I want to see you looking up at me from there”. I groaned as he gasped that he loved seeing me playing with myself. I slid one hand down in front of his tongue and tried to spread my lips wider with my fingers. I felt his tongue on my clit and fingers inside me. And then as he turned me slightly over to one side and opened my legs wider, I could hear myself gasping more and groaning as his tongue slid round to my bottom. I was rubbing my fingers quickly over my clit as I felt his tongue pushing at my bottom. “I fucking love that tongue there. Fuck me with it, push it, push . . . “ I came really loudly, I could hear myself and I knew I wanted to be loud as well, as though I was letting him know what he was doing to me, how much it meant to me, how wildly intoxicating and arousing it made me feel.

I rolled over onto my side, shaking and still gasping. I pulled him up “cuddle please”, wrapping myself around him, muzzling my face into his shoulder and kissing him there and asking him to “just squeeze”. We lay tightly together for some minutes before I could relax enough to let him go and roll over onto my back. He snuggled up beside me and we exchanged kisses. Normal ones now. The pecking, friendly kind, that we would normally do. Not the feverish passionate swallows of the kitchen earlier. As we lay together we began talking about our Christmas’s . . . giggling that we hadn’t even exchanged such pleasantries, when I’d arrived. We chatted about the family gatherings we’d both had. The gifts, the food, the waste . . . and the misbehaving by various members of each of our extended families.

We must have talked for over an hour. Each occasionally sitting-up to top-up our glasses until the bottle was empty. I asked him how his scratches were, and he rolled over onto his tummy to let me “inspect the damage”. I kissed his cheeks and then the small of his back, rubbing my nipples over his bum and then turned him back over . . . to find he was now erect again, his willy standing up to meet me, almost begging me to . . . lean forward and slide him into my mouth. I do love that feeling. The warmth and hardness, and smoothness as I slide my mouth up and down. With Hubby I can enjoy scraping my teeth on him and biting at his head, but S doesn’t enjoy that, saying he is too tender, so I make do with sucking upwards until the suction makes a “pop” as I pull my mouth away, and then push forward, sucking it in again and sliding my face down to his tummy. I pull away and lick around him. S is really smooth at the base of his cock above his testicles, much more so than Hubby, and I love licking him there even though he says it doesn’t give him any increase of sensation. He doesn’t like me sucking on his balls, but I cup them with my fingers as I slide my mouth down on his willy again. I then lifted away and slide each nipple over his head before sliding further up his chest to kiss him again and start to lift myself onto him. He grasped me by my hips and wanted to turn me over, but I manage to stop him, telling him “I want to do this”, illustrating my point by rubbing my pussy over the head of his cock and then pushing down on him to slide him into me. I gasp with the feeling and lift forward looking down between both our chests so that I can see myself lifting up off him and pushing back down on him again, watching him disappear inside me.

I was really aroused again now, and continuing to slide up and down on him, I leant forward to kiss his neck and nibble and tongue his ear, telling him “I love feeling you inside me like this”. I can feel him returning my thrusts and we continue like this for several minutes as I sit up more on him and he reaches up to scrape the palms of his hands over my nipples. I can feel myself increasing my bouncing and my groans, leaning my head forwards again to kiss at his chest and shoulders . . .

Let me know if you would like me to post the rest of my “Seasonal Sunday with S” excerpt here as a future posting. Or, if you can’t wait, you can read the climax of this, and lots more of my “Further Adventures” in Kindle or PDF format from the links on my Ebooks Page.

For lots more thoughts and memories of other Advent-ures just tap on this week’s Wicked Wednesday button below.


Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #wickedwednesday, Erotica On-line, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, The Modesty Ablaze Diaries, Wicked Wednesday

“My Cougar Moment” Part 5 of my Modesty Diaries still just $1 at Gumroad

Part 5 of my personal diaries, “My Cougar Moment”, along with my earlier
“A Naughty Surprise” (Part 4) . . . are both still available for a limited time, to download from my Gumroad profile at the amazingly “modest” cost of just $1.

My Cougar Moment Modesty Ablaze Diaries

Modesty Ablaze A Naughty Surprise

Simply click here to visit my Gumroad profile page to view these, and my other available Diary stories.

An extract from “My Cougar Moment” . . .
Normally when Hubby and I have a night out at our Swingers Club we will spend the first hour or so sitting at the Bar chatting to staff or to other couples, or singles, that we have met previously.

The atmosphere is always very friendly and relaxed and it is really just very nice to unwind in a different, and far more exciting environment, than we would on a normal evening out with normal friends.

And, of course, I love being able to wear something sexy and naughty. And Hubby enjoys me dressing like that and watching me take an occasional stroll away from the bar to investigate what may be happening in the play areas, or viewing rooms . . . and then walking slowly back . . . “strutting my stuff” as he calls it.

There have been occasions when we’ve not met or played with anyone at all during the evening. Or perhaps we may have just chatted and exchanged numbers with a couple, or interesting single guy . . . but for one reason or another, we’d not indulged with further.

But on one of our recent visits, I did something I’d never, ever done before . . . and it turned into one of the most exciting evenings we’ve ever enjoyed there.

We’d arrived early and had been sitting at the bar on our own sipping our drinks chatting to one of the lovely barmaids. A simply gorgeous young man entered from reception and came up to the bar to order a drink. He wasn’t close enough for us to hear him ordering his drink, but our eyes met briefly as he glanced around the bar whilst he waited for his glass. As he walked off towards the main room I saw him glance briefly back in our direction, before he disappeared around the corner. Our barmaid came back to roll her eyes and tell me “Wow. He’s hot!” I nodded my agreement and asked her where she thought he was from and if she’d seen him here before. She told me he was definitely a newbie . . . and possibly Spanish or Italian.

A few minutes later he returned to the main room and was standing by the wall on the opposite side of the bar to us. “God he is gorgeous isn’t he” I giggled to our barmaid. Hubby put his arm around my shoulder to pull me closer and whispered into my ear “why don’t you go and introduce yourself and offer to show him around.” I giggled with nervous excitement at his suggestion and replied, “I can’t, I wouldn’t know what to say.”

Usually, couples or singles would approach us first and we’d chat (sometimes for quite awhile) before I would nod to Hubby that I was “interested.” And then it would be him that might make the suggestion to our new friends . . . if they hadn’t asked us first.

But now not only was Hubby suggesting that I make the first move, he was suggesting that I do it on my own.

My heart was racing and I felt my excitement levels rising by the second. “Go on, you’ve got nothing to lose. Talk to him before someone else gets in first,” Hubby was urging in my ear.

I got down off my stool and started to walk slowly over towards him. I felt like I was shaking so much with nerves that it must look as though I was about to fall off my high-heels. He wasn’t even looking in my direction as I stopped beside him and managed to stammer out something like “Hi, are you new here?” (Yes, really original, I know!)

“Yes it is my first time in London,” he replied in a wonderful deep and rich accent. I can’t remember anything of exactly what I said next. Just that conversation seemed to flow quite easily and naturally for the next few minutes . . . and that he was becoming ever more gorgeous with every word!

Just as I found myself struggling to think of what to say next, he asked if I was alone. “Oh, no. I’m with my husband. Please come and meet him,” I managed to reply with a huge sense of relief. And excitement!

I took him by his hand, not sure if I was trying to steady myself and keep my balance to counteract my excitement . . . or to parade him to the other ladies in the room! “This is J. He’s from Spain,” I gushed to Hubby. They shook hands and Hubby asked me “Shall we see if the Private Room is free?” “Oh yes . . . LETS,” I nodded excitedly.

Click here to download, and read the rest of “My Cougar Moment” . . .
or here for “A Naughty Surprise”.

The other editions of my “personal diaries” are available from my Ebooks page, along with links to several short audio readings as well.

Xxx – K

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Filed under 3 somes, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Hotwives, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Swinging, The Modesty Ablaze Diaries, womens Erotica

Modesty Ablaze “Unmasked” – Part 7 of The Modesty Ablaze Diaries

As I’ve mentioned on several occasions previously, my pages here at Modesty Ablaze started almost as a form of therapeutic release.

Celebration and release actually, because I can’t deny that it was a thrill to satisfy that exhibitionist streak within that we all have, and to be able to share . . . “anonymously” . . . some of the personal diaries that I’d been writing for years and years.

Because I often wanted to shout-out to many of my “normal” friends, that one shouldn’t be ashamed of, our sexual feelings or desires. And that if we all talked about, and expressed those more openly with our partners, it just may lead their relationships to places they’d never imagined . . . as it had for myself.

Because for years I had been meeting several different lovers . . . with the complete knowledge and acceptance of Hubby . . . and had been keeping a record of every meeting in my diaries. So sharing some of those diary entries in the early pages of my blog, made me feel as though I was sharing the joy . . . and love . . . that such wonderful relationships can bring.

And to my absolute surprise, within the first month of those initial postings,
I began receiving emails asking for more . . . and then several suggestions
that I should publish them as Ebooks.

So . . . slowly at first . . . “The Modesty Ablaze Diaries” were born.

And, as I still often receive requests for more, I am happy to say that “Modesty Ablaze Unmasked – Part 7 of The Modesty Ablaze Diaries” has recently been published at both my Amazon, and Gumroad pages.

Modesty Unmasked” follows on directly from “Further Adventures”, with more diary entries of my personal meetings and . . . in the latter chapters . . . how those  “meetings” just seemed to naturally evolve into amazing three-some fun with Hubby as well. And then from there, into our first wonderfully sex-citing Swinging Adventures.

And . . . if you are sitting comfortably . . . you can listen to a reading from the beginning of Chapter 19 – “New Club Couple” from the audio link below.

Modesty Ablaze Unmasked” is now available in Ebook format from my Amazon US, and Amazon UK pages . . . or in downloadable and printable PDF format at my Gumroad pages.

Visit my Ebooks page >here< for information, and links, to all six
of my previous editions of “The Modesty Ablaze Diaries”.
I hope they may bring you fun and enjoyment!!!

Xxx – K


Filed under Erotic Authoress Spotlight, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Swinging, The Modesty Ablaze Diaries, womens Erotica

“Further Adventures” – The Modesty Ablaze Diairies @Gumroad

The Modesty Ablaze DiariesWhen I first began posting pages here at the end of 2011, the purpose of my Modesty Ablaze blog was almost as a form of therapeutic release.

Well . . . release AND celebration.

Release, because I can’t deny that it was a thrill to satisfy that exhibitionist streak within that we all have, and finally be able to share “anonymously” some of the personal diaries that I’d been writing for years and years.

But also a celebration, because I so often wanted to shout-out to many of my “normal” friends, that one shouldn’t be ashamed of, our sexual feelings or desires. And that if we all talked about, and expressed those more openly with our partners, it just may lead their relationships to places they’d never imagined
. . . as it had for myself.

At that time I didn’t actually have the courage to tell any of my friends that for years I had been meeting several different lovers, all over the same period of time, and with the complete knowledge and acceptance of my Hubby. And that I had been keeping a record of every meeting in my diaries . . . but sharing some of those diary entries on my blog, made me at least feel as though I had told them.

And to my absolute surprise, within the first month of those initial postings, I began receiving emails asking for more . . . and then several suggestions that I should self-publish them as Ebooks. I originally replied that my posts were just journal entries that probably wouldn’t best suit the format of a proper book, but after being assured that they surely would . . . I decided to “at least give it a try”.

It took me a little while of course . . . but eventually I had three short diary compilations on Amazon, and was amazed to start receiving regular requests to publish more.

I kept promising myself . . . and all those responders who kept asking over the following (three !!!) years . . . that I would publish more from my “archives” just as soon as I could find the time.

I did manage to publish several, short, diary excerpts on Gumroad. But despite several “starts” at compiling a longer, more complete book from my diaries, I just couldn’t get one finished. Life seemed to get busier and busier . . . not just with the normal everyday routines of work and family . . . but with new adventures and fun experiences to explore!

However last year I received a lovely series of emails, and subsequently a wonderfully flattering review on a French literature website La Bauge littéraire, that made me determined to publish another compilation of my diary entries “before the year was out”.

I failed of course! But . . . eventually and finally . . . “Further Adventures – Part 6 of The Modesty Ablaze Diaries” . . . has made it up into the ether-world of Amazon and Gumroad.

And, unlike my previous compilations which were random excerpts, “Further Adventures” is a chronological, virtually “cut and pasted”, sequence of diary entries from the same period as “Part 1 – The Journey”.

It features several of my earliest “acquaintances” . . . and how our relationships developed and “blossomed” . . . and how I shared those experiences so openly with Hubby, every evening on my return.

“Further Adventures” is still just £1.75 from my Gumroad page . . . and as well as being downloadable from there as a printable PDF file, that PDF format can also be read on your Kindle and other Ebook Readers.

I hope you will enjoy . . . and discover how these Further Adventures helped shape and define what has been, (and still is), a wonderfully fulfilling and loving open way of life for Hubby and myself!!!

Enjoy – Xxx – K


Filed under Body Positivity, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, sexual empowerment for women, Swinging, The Modesty Ablaze Diaries

The Modesty Ablaze Diaries at Gumroad

To celebrate the publication of my new book Further Adventures, Part 6 in my The Modesty Ablaze Diaries series , two of my previous short-story excerpts “My Cougar Moment” and “A Naughty Surprise” are on sale for just $1 each at my Modesty Ablaze Gumroad profile page.

They are both short extracts from different years in my Personal Diaries Collection . . . and from very different meetings with different lovers.

“My Cougar Moment” – Normally when Hubby and I have a night out at our Swingers Club we will spend the first hour or so sitting at the Bar chatting to staff or to other couples, or singles, that we have met previously.

But on our most recent visit, I did something I’d never, ever done before.

And it turned into one of the most exciting evenings we’ve ever enjoyed there.


“My Cougar Moment” – $1 at Gumroad


“A Naughty Surprise” – I knew one shouldn’t play too close to home, but Scot was only my second lover. I’d met him on the morning school run and with my new-found ‘freedom’ I just couldn’t resist his flirting. I knew it was dangerous and risky. What if the other Mums noticed our playground glances and private jokes? What if they put two and two together?

But we just couldn’t control ourselves. Our affair exploded into almost weekly meetings of passion and excitement.

“A Naughty Surprise” – $1 at Gumroad

“Further Adventues” . . . 233 pages from one year of my Diary entries . . . is also available in downloadable PDF format at my Gumroad page, as well as in Kindle format from both my Amazon UK and Amazon US pages.

You can listen to me reading a short extract from “Further Adventures” from the audio link below.

“Further Adventures – Part 6 of The Modesty Ablaze Diaries”

Enjoy – Xxx – K


Filed under Body Positivity, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, sexual empowerment for women, Swinging, The Modesty Ablaze Diaries, womens Erotica

Modesty’s “Further Adventures” #wickedwednesday

When I first began posting pages here at the end of 2011, the purpose of my Modesty Ablaze blog was almost as a form of therapeutic release.

Well . . . release AND celebration.

Release, because I can’t deny that it was a thrill to satisfy that exhibitionist streak within that we all have, and finally be able to share “anonymously” some of the personal diaries that I’d been writing for years and years.

But also a celebration, because I so often wanted to shout-out to many of my “normal” friends, that one shouldn’t be ashamed of, our sexual feelings or desires. And that if we all talked about, and expressed those more openly with our partners, it just may lead their relationships to places they’d never imagined
. . . as it had for myself.

At that time I didn’t actually have the courage to tell any of my friends that for years I had been meeting several different lovers, all over the same period of time, and with the complete knowledge and acceptance of my Hubby. And that I had been keeping a record of every meeting in my diaries . . . but sharing some of those diary entries on my blog, made me at least feel as though I had told them.

And to my absolute surprise, within the first month of those initial postings, I began receiving emails asking for more . . . and then several suggestions that I should self-publish them as Ebooks. I originally replied that my posts were just journal entries that probably wouldn’t best suit the format of a proper book, but after being assured that they surely would . . . I decided to “at least give it a try”.

It took me a little while of course . . . but eventually I had three short diary compilations on Amazon, and was amazed to start receiving regular requests to publish more.

I kept promising myself . . . and all those responders who kept asking over the following (three !!!) years . . . that I would publish more from my “archives” just as soon as I could find the time.

I did manage to publish several, short, diary excerpts on Gumroad. But despite several “starts” at compiling a longer, more complete book from my diaries, I just couldn’t get one finished. Life seemed to get busier and busier . . . not just with the normal everyday routines of work and family . . . but with new adventures and fun experiences to explore!

However last year I received a lovely series of emails, and subsequently a wonderfully flattering review on a French literature website La Bauge littéraire, that made me determined to publish another compilation of my diary entries “before the year was out”.

I failed of course! But . . . eventually and finally . . . “Further Adventures – Part 6 of The Modesty Ablaze Diaries” . . . has made it up into the ether-world of Amazon and Gumroad.

And, unlike my previous compilations which were random excerpts, “Further Adventures” is a chronological, virtually “cut and pasted”, sequence of diary entries from the same period as “Part 1 – The Journey”.

And, featuring as it does, several of my earliest “acquaintances” . . . it fits perfectly with today’s theme at Wicked Wednesday of “Ex-Lovers” (although one of the gentlemen mentioned remains a close friend to this day).

But . . . for much more recent thoughts on “Ex-Lovers” than mine . . . simply tap on the rainbow button below!!!


Xxx – K


Filed under erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Wicked Wednesday

Modestly Red #Boobday Friday

Yes getting red . . . and hot and flushed . . . in more ways than one! But they were nicely tanned . . . all over . . . by the end of the week.

And I’m sure you will find lots more relaxing boobs at today’s Boobday Friday, because as Hyacinth says . . .

Boobday is a body-positive meme where women share images of their bodies in order to show that there is beauty in all of us.  With confidence comes power and with power comes confidence.

And I am sure that you will be able to view more lovely mamories, this and every Friday, from clicking Hyacinth’s lovely cleavage below!


Xxx – K

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Filed under #boobday, Boobday Friday

Eyes Closed Shut #wickedwednesday

Last week at Wicked Wednesday I included an excerpt from one of my Diaries entries from my still-to-be-completed E-book, “More Adventures”, from two years or so ago. That was “Part One” of a wonderfully fun, and adventurous evening, which I thought it only fair (after several special requests) to complete at this week’s edition with “Part Two”.

So . . . continued from last week . . .  

As the men followed us into the room I could tell they were both obviously aroused by the fact that D was gently pushing me back onto the bed . . .

I have kissed another woman before . . . playing at the club. But this was something different, completely different.

Her mouth was warm and wet, and her tongue hard yet gentle, in a way that I just couldn’t compare with the kisses I would normally receive from Hubby, or one of my lovers. Not really physically different, I suppose, but different in sensation and emotion. The taste seemed somehow sweeter, warmer, softer. I felt her hands squeezing gently over my nipples again, and then felt her pulling my hand down to her pussy. “I don’t really know what to do” I told her. “Play with me as though you are playing with yourself” she whispered into my ear. Her warm breath tickled my senses, and her words made me tingle and arch my back as her own fingers ran a trail down over my tummy, sliding in between my lips and instantly finding my button. Her lips slid away from my kisses and ran down in little pecks over my neck, down over my breasts, kissing at them each, gently on top, and to the sides, and then, pausing above me for a moment, sucking suddenly down onto my right nipple. Sucking and pinching, and stretching it away from my chest with her lips, before releasing it with a wonderful nip of her teeth, before performing the same task on my left nipple.

I had had my eyes closed tightly shut for several minutes, but could now sense her lifting away . . . and then felt her fingers being replaced with larger and thicker hands. I opened my eyes again to see M leaning over me, spreading my legs wider for a moment before running his fingers up my inner thigh and finding the exact spot that just a moment before was being caressed by his wife.

I lay back, groaning again but heard Hubby’s voice saying something unclear and unintelligible to D. I opened my eyes once more and gasped as I saw D kneeling back onto the bed with a large, very large, dildo in her hands. “Have you ever fucked another woman?” she asked. I suddenly knew that these were the words I had just heard her asking Hubby. “Oh my god” I said. Half giggling, half tingling, as I watched her kneeling between my legs and sliding one end of the long pink shape into herself. “I don’t know, I don’t think I could” I stammered. But a moment later I heard myself gasping louder as M’s fingers slid over me to hold me open and D pushed herself forward. “Ohh, ohh” I knew I was gurgling. I felt her sliding forward into me, the softness of her leg rubbing over mine, and then gasping loudly again as, with a little help from M, she lifted my other leg over the top of hers. She started pushing and groaning and gasping louder with every stroke. I pushed myself back against her and groaned again as M’s fingers twirled between us as I felt us slapping together, each with half of her dildo engulfed within us.

Pushing against her I could feel her pussy, and legs, and bottom slapping against mine and feel the thickness of the silicon pushing into me, then relaxing again, then pushing back. And M’s fingers working over me, working over the both of us, was making my groans more breathless, and louder and louder. I opened my eyes again to see Hubby standing next to the bed to my right. His cock was standing vertical against his tummy, and kneeling next to me on the bed to my left, M’s cock was swaying back and forth and tapping against my shoulder. I reached out to grasp Hubby’s cock and pull him onto the bed next to me. He eagerly obliged by kneeling right over me and guiding his cock towards my mouth. I sucked him up and down, cupping his balls in right hand whilst reaching out and stroking M up and down his shaft with my left. I felt him turning and shuffling his own knees up the bed closer towards me. I pulled away from Hubby’s cock, loving the plopping sound as his hardness slipped out of my mouth, and turned to my left to immediately guide M’s cock between my lips.

I could hear D groaning as she pushed and I thrust back against her, feeling the thickness and hardness of the dildo straining inside me. And, directly above me, both men were now grunting and groaning as I sucked and swung my mouth back from my left to my right and then back again. Sucking to the left whilst stroking with my hand to the right, and then turning to suck from the right and stroke to my left. My own muffled gasps were getting louder as M was still leaning forward stretching his hands down over my tummy to twist and twirl his fingers over both of our thrusting pussies. Hubby was squeezing and pinching at my nipples and I managed to gasp out “harder, pinch them harder” as I swivelled my mouth from left to right.

I heard D gasping out that she was going to come and felt her shuddering against me with convulsions as her legs squeezed together against mine. She suddenly pulled away and I felt the thickness slide out of me, making me cry out with my own orgasm as M’s fingers slid deliciously inside me for a moment before my own twists and shudders pushed them away.

I heard Hubby’s voice gasping out above me and then felt sudden warm splashes splatter across my breasts and stomach. I opened my eyes as M pulled his cock from my mouth and clasped both his hands around himself as he cried out as well. I saw the first burst of white from the eye of his knob as it shot past my forehead, and then felt the rest spurting onto my cheek and chin and then dribbling down onto my neck.

“I’m so sorry” he gasped, “I couldn’t stop it. I’ll get tissues” he continued as he swivelled off the side of the bed and stood up next to us. His cock was still erect and looked lovely bobbling around, still dripping, as he leant forward to pull some tissues from a drawer at the side of the bed. “You should apologise, you’re such a messy bugger” D said as she sat up at the other end of the bed.

I lifted myself up as well, “No, no, it was lovely. You don’t have to apologise” I told him as I accepted his handful of tissues. Hubby was sitting up on the other side of me, and accepted more tissues from M, so that he could wipe up his own “mess” from my tummy.

D lay down beside me reaching over to pull me closer against her, kissing me first on the cheek and saying “you are just beautiful”, before kissing me full on the lips again, just as she had earlier. “Thank you” I replied. “You are both beautiful too.” She sat up on one elbow and said “Have you ever done that before? Did you enjoy?”

I giggled “No, and Yes” as my reply. “I feel very greedy, it’s all been about me” I said. M sat back down on the bed and said “Well it’s still early yet . . . !”

As I say, there are more of my Diary entries still waiting for me to find the spare-time to finish, and publish, “More Adventures” . . . but finding that time is so difficult! . . . after all, my “spare-time” is my “fun-time”!!!

And just in case you prefer pictures instead of words, I thought I would include another occasion when I was blinded by the light . . . this time the light from the flash of Hubby’s camera as I stood on my favourite Grecian Steps around this time last year.

For more blindingly hot stories, you simply must visit this week’s Wicked Wednesday from lapping at the button below!

rainbowcircle1-200Xxx – K


Filed under erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Hotwives, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Swinging, Wicked Wednesday