Tag Archives: Erotic Books

In no doubt at #WickedWednesday

Doubt and uncertainty?
Apprehension? Expectation?
Adrenalin? Excitement? . . .
Of course!

Fear? Distrust? Dread? . . . or worse?

No never . . . Because???

Those whispering words in my ear,
those teasing touches across my breasts and thigh,
that soft kiss and flicking tongue across my lips,
the swish of the whip through the air,
. . . and that devilish smile
enchant and excite  all the while!

I tingle and twist . . . both inside and out!
Wanting that pleasure and pain that I’m certain to enjoy!
And of that . . . I’m in no doubt!!!

Modesty Ablaze at Hoxton DungeonRead about all the other Doubts expressed and dispelled from the Wicked Wednesday button below!

rainbowcircle1-200Xxx – K

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Filed under Wicked Wednesday

Past, present & why I blog

I was recently asked what I “get out of blogging” . . . and “what I hope anyone reading me might get from my posts”.

And in a way that ties-in with today’s theme at Wicked Wednesday, of what we’ve learned from our past and how we apply that to our future . . .

Because although I started my Modesty Ablaze Diaries really just on a whim . . . as a bit of a joke, almost a sort-of “I could do that” dare in a way . . . the website quickly became something much more important than a joke or a dare.

Yes, of course at first I was flattered (and very surprised) to suddenly start receiving emails and comments from all over the world. We all have an ego and like being told nice things about ourselves don’t we! But actually hearing from other people about how my diaries and experiences were actually helping people in their own relationships . . . or at least motivating or encouraging them to want to change things or perhaps communicate more with their own partners . . . was wonderfully fulfilling and rewarding in a way I’d never imagined.

It made ME feel good to know that I was, if only in some small way, making other people feel good. Other people whom I would probably never ever meet in normal, everyday, life. Knowing that sharing some of the enjoyment and satisfaction from my own lifestyle could possibly help others experience something similar . . . or at least make it just a little easier to express their own desires, their own needs and wants.

Because sharing in any sense of the word . . . whether it be with our own loved ones, family and friends or with perfect strangers whom we may meet once and never again (or perhaps in today’s internet-world with people we may never meet at all) . . . can be such a wonderful and fulfilling emotion.

Through Modesty Ablaze I have now met, both physically-in-person, and just across the ether, some wonderful and inspiring people within what I suppose would be described as the “erotic community”. People such as Marie here at Wicked Wednesday, Kay Jaybee, Molly at Sinful, Curvaceous Dee, John Tisbury (who took my picture below), the Sh! Girls, MsQuote, Sarah at MLNP, and so, so many others. People who have inspired me, whose company or thoughts and expressions and experiences I enjoy and take motivation and inspiration from.

But I am sure none of them would mind me saying that it is those occasional emails or messages from people whom I have never met, and never will, who tell me that my sharing has helped, or made an impression, on their lives.

For me the most important, fulfilling, satisfying thing about life is making it enjoyable and fun . . . and sharing that with others in the hope that some of that fun and enjoyment may rub-off.

That is what I have learned from my past . . . and that is the most over-riding feeling that I get from my occasional Modesty posts. And, of course, I hope that sense of fun will be what others get from reading my posts or watching my videos.

If I can make people smile, laugh out loud occasionally and feel good about themselves (and hopefully feel good and more understanding of others) then I will feel happy both about my past and for my future.

Read about all the other Past and Future thoughts at this week’s  Wicked Wednesday from the link below!

Wicked Wednesday

Xxx – K

P.s. – With thanks to John Tisbury (see my sidebar) for my photograph above.

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Stumped at #WickedWednesday

As I mentioned in a recent post I’m finding it so difficult to balance all my time and motion at present. Motion in the sense that I’m loving life so much I just can’t seem to find enough Time to type all my thoughts out on my keyboard.

So I am completely Stumped trying to come-up with some words for this week’s Wicked Wednesday prompt on being the “last tree standing”.

But I do love trees, so I’m hoping that this picture . . . taken in the wickedly entangling roots of one of my favourite trees . . . will suffice.

ModestyTreeGreyBut there will be lots of enchanting, and entangling, tree stories available at Wicked Wednesday from the button below!

rainbowcircle1-200Xxx – K

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Filed under Wicked Wednesday

Modesty’s Toy Review Round-Up: HedoVibes#51

Uberkinky-Stainless-Steel-Chastity-Cage-1Photo courtesy of Gritty Woman

Welcome to HedoVibes, a collection of reviews and giveaways that were posted in the past week or so from around the web. This is a collection of adult product reviews & contests from real reviewers. If you want to be included in the next edition start with the guidelines, then use the submission form.

Want to read more reviews? Check out HedoVibes for a list of the latest reviews and stellar reviewers. You can also follow on twitter for the latest round ups. HedoVibes is also accepting photo submissions for each edition.












Visit my Sex Toys page for some of my new favourites!

Visit my Swingers Clubs page for clubs personally recommended by my readers  . . .

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Filed under HedoVibes Reviews

Modesty’s Toy Review Round-Up: HedoVibes#46

rose-and-glass-8Photo courtesy of Cara Sutra

Welcome to HedoVibes, a collection of reviews and giveaways that were posted in the past week or so from around the web. This is a collection of adult product reviews & contests from real reviewers. If you want to be included in the next edition start with the guidelines, then use the submission form.

Want to read more reviews? Check out HedoVibes for a list of the latest reviews and stellar reviewers. You can also follow on twitter for the latest round ups. HedoVibes is also accepting photo submissions for each edition.















Visit my Sex Toys page for some of my new favourites!

Visit my Swingers Clubs page for clubs personally recommended by my readers  . . .

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Filed under HedoVibes Reviews

Modesty’s Toy Review Round-Up: HedoVibes#43

fb_cover2Photo courtesy of Cara Sutra


Welcome to HedoVibes, a collection of reviews and giveaways that were posted in the past week or so from around the web. This is a collection of adult product reviews & contests from real reviewers. If you want to be included in the next edition start with the guidelines, then use the submission form.

Want to read more reviews? Check out HedoVibes for a list of the latest reviews and stellar reviewers. You can also follow on twitter for the latest round ups. HedoVibes is also accepting photo submissions for each edition.











Visit my Sex Toys page for some of my new favourites!

Visit my Swingers Clubs page for clubs personally recommended by my readers  . . .

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Filed under HedoVibes Reviews

“Knowing Her Place ” by Kay Jaybee . . . the THRILL is in the Detail !!!

You must know the feeling . . . quite by some unexpected twist of fate you’ve discovered a wonderful album by a completely new (to you) musician. Or perhaps a debut movie by an unheard of actor (or actress). Or maybe a book by an author you’ve never come across before. And the surprise and enjoyment of your discovery leaves you craving for more . . . that next album, that next movie, that next book . . .

. . . only to find when it arrives in your excitedly expectant hands that your sense of anticipation as you begin to listen, watch or read, is replaced instead by a flat feeling of disappointment and let-down.

Such was my worry as I shakingly began to renew my acquaintance with Jess Sanders in “Knowing Her Place” the third book in Kay Jaybee’s “The Perfect Submissive” trilogy***.

"Knowing Her Place"

“The Perfect Submissive” had not only been my introduction to Ms Jaybee’s writing, but had quite simply been the first book I’d ever read that I just didn’t want to put down until I’d finished.

Of course I physically had to stop reading from time-to-time (from excited exhaustion!), but just couldn’t wait to resume at the earliest possible moment.

The words just jumped from the page with almost electrical emotion and arousal, perfectly expressing all those enthralling and erotically exciting scenarios that I’m sure we all desire in our moments of passion.

For me that is the beauty and power of words, more than any other medium, that they inspire and stimulate your imagination and bring them into your world . . . and yours into theirs.

That was the effect of “The Perfect Submissive” and Jess’s story. I shared her journey, her emotions and her discoveries . . . and I am thrilled (in so many ways!!!) to be able to say that far from a disappointment or let-down, “Knowing Her Place” builds on the excitement and the anticipation of The Fables of “The Perfect Submissive” and the Fairtasia of “The Retreat” to a tumultuously tingling and erotically explosive Finale.

Jess’s journey in “Knowing Her Place” begins with her departure in Scotland from “The Retreat” and continues with five erotically-charged stopovers throughout England towards her final destination. And though the different situations, and different company, she finds herself in all have that (often unstated) reference back to her previous adventures, such is the descriptive beauty and power of “Knowing Her Place” that it stands as a wonderfully exciting and erotic journey in its own right (or write, so-to-speak!)

And that beauty and power is due to the way every sentence seems to balance, so wonderfully, the ability to describe and yet ask one to imagine the story unfolding before you.

For me the thrill is in the detail . . . the detail of the surroundings, the very being (the scent, the smell) of the people my heroine encounters. The feel of the fabric of every piece of clothing. The touch, weight and proportion of the props and implements Jess is asked to endure.

And just like any adventurous journey there are many unexpected and surprising twists and turns, acts of treachery and betrayal, denial and fulfilment.

Yes, the thrill is in the detail . . . but the detail is not gratuitous not forced, it begs to be imagined, to be drawn and touched and felt by all of ones senses.

That is what sets “Knowing Her Place” and the previous two books apart from any other erotica I have read. It is that wonderful ability that Ms Jaybee seems to find so natural.

Every page seems to flow, to inspire, to stimulate . . . and excite.

So, if you’ve felt disappointment, or let-down . . . or unsatisfied . . . by any other erotica you have read, I challenge you to take Jess Sanders journey. I am sure your imagination will take a new and exciting journey of it’s own.

Buy links for “Knowing Her Place”

***As I said . . . “Knowing Her Place” is a wonderfully exciting and erotic journey in its own right . . . but perhaps to get the most fulfillment and satisfaction from following Jess’s adventures, you could first indulge yourself in even more excitement by devouring the first two instalments in the Trilogy. After all, we all enjoy foreplay don’t we???

Needless to say I loved both of them . . . you can see my 5-star post on Goodreads from last year on “The Perfect Submissive” >here< and my review of “The Retreat” in March of this year >here<. So “Knowing Her Place” just couldn’t come quickly enough for me . . . because of course you just know how much I enjoy a three-some . . . sorry I mean, a trilogy!!!

So, go on, treat yourself . . . or tantalise and tease your nearest and dearest . . . to “The Perfect Submissive” and “The Retreat” by clicking on the respective covers below.


"The Retreat"










P.S. –  I just HAVE to mention the cover designs for all three of these books in “The Perfect Submissive Trilogy” series . . . and I’m knot saying this just because I have a thing about rope . . . I’m saying so because the lovely and subtle graphic binds (sorry!) each book to the other in a sort of simple, but powerful theme of submission and devotion. A theme so perfectly brought to life by the magical and enchanting stories within!!!

And, once you’ve regained your composure but left desperate for more . . . as I’m confident you surely will . . . visit Kay Jaybee on-line to discover more of the most arousing erotica I think you will ever find!!!

Xxx – K


Filed under erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Sex Toys, Sex Toys Reviews, sexual empowerment for women, womens Erotica

Modesty’s Toy Review Round-Up: HedoVibes#42

IMG_6937Photo courtesy of Bex

Welcome to HedoVibes, a collection of reviews and giveaways that were posted in the past week or so from around the web. This is a collection of adult product reviews & contests from real reviewers. If you want to be included in the next edition start with the guidelines, then use the submission form.

Want to read more reviews? Check out HedoVibes for a list of the latest reviews and stellar reviewers. You can also follow on twitter for the latest round ups. HedoVibes is also accepting photo submissions for each edition.












Visit my Sex Toys page for some of my new favourites!

Visit my Swingers Clubs page for clubs personally recommended by my readers  . . .

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Filed under HedoVibes Reviews

Modesty’s Toy Review Round-Up: HedoVibes#40

Bk5Emv-CMAAhbeI.jpg largePhoto courtesy of Property Of Potter


Welcome to HedoVibes, a collection of reviews and giveaways that were posted in the past week or so from around the web. This is a collection of adult product reviews & contests from real reviewers. If you want to be included in the next edition start with the guidelines, then use the submission form.

Want to read more reviews? Check out HedoVibes for a list of the latest reviews and stellar reviewers. You can also follow on twitter for the latest round ups. HedoVibes is also accepting photo submissions for each edition.











Visit my Sex Toys page for some of my new favourites!

Visit my Erotic Classes page . . .

Visit my Swingers Clubs page . . .

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Filed under HedoVibes Reviews

Modesty’s Toy Review Round-Up: HedoVibes#38


Photo courtesy of Cara Sutra

Welcome to HedoVibes, a collection of reviews and giveaways that were posted in the past week or so from around the web. This is a collection of adult product reviews & contests from real reviewers. If you want to be included in the next edition start with the guidelines, then use the submission form.

Want to read more reviews? Check out HedoVibes for a list of the latest reviews and stellar reviewers. You can also follow on twitter for the latest round ups. HedoVibes is also accepting photo submissions for each edition.











Visit my Sex Toys page for some of my new favourites!

Visit my Erotic Classes page . . .

Visit my Swingers Clubs page . . .

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Filed under HedoVibes Reviews