Tag Archives: Bondage and BDSM

Modesty & The Secondary Squeeze #realworldsex @MakeLoveNotPorn.tv

My #realworldsex video The Main Squeeze has been one of my most popular films at MakeLoveNotPorn.tv  . . . and I am delighted to say that a completely new video with Lover No.36 has just been published at MLNP.

I’ve called it The Secondary Squeeze and I think you will probably be able to hear the excitement in my voice remembering that wonderful evening from my intro video below.


Lover No.36‘s energy always seems endless . . . and my pauses for breath, to try to regain my composure, always seem (wonderfully) short . . . and I’m sure you’ll see why from the full video!!!

You can rent “The Secondary Squeeze” from my Modesty Ablaze MakeLoveNotPorn page >here<. It’s completely FREE to register at MLNP and I’m sure you will enjoy not just my 11 #realworldsex videos, but lots of other fun and amazing contributions from the growing MLNP community as well!!!

There are some screen shots and Free Peek links to this, and all of my #realworldsex videos, at my Make Love Not Porn page. And much more on just why I love the whole concept of MLNP and all of the other Real World People enjoying their own Real World Sex.

So . . . I hope you will enjoy not just my (exhausting) fun with Lover No.36, but lots more of the #realworld sex at MakeLoveNotPorn.tv !!!

And don’t forget, you can ask me ANY questions you like about any of my videos, or anything about  MakeLoveNotPorn in the form below.

NB: Submissions from this form are emailed directly to my In-box and are NOT displayed publicly. (Alternatively, you can make public comments, in the normal way, from the “Comment” panel at the very foot of this post).

Make Love Not Porn


Xxx – K

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Filed under #realworldsex at MLNP.tv, Make Love Not Porn

First Times? . . . Keep having them!!! #wickedwednesday

MistressModestyRedWheelThis week’s Wicked Wednesday theme is “First Times” . . . remembering one’s first-time experiences in love, lust and sexual adventures.

But . . . when you get to my age . . . remembering “first-times” can often be a bit of a blur. Especially as there have been so many first times! LOL!!!

So . . . my advice . . . is to keep having First Times! Try new things, new experiences, new adventures!

I did just that this past weekend! Having a new submissive hire a dungeon, just for me, to worship (and lovingly massage) my feet, to feel my crop, to have me strap them to the Bondage Wheel (wow!!!), and to beg . . .

MistressModestyWheel1. . . for my strap-on!!!

So, as I say, my advice is to Keep Having First Times . . . it’s so much more fun that way!

And I’m sure you’ll find lots more about First Times by slapping on Marie’s button below!


Xxx – K



Filed under sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Swinging, Wicked Wednesday, womens Erotica

#afterrealworldsexselfies No.3

Not exactly a selfie . . . Hubby was too exhausted to move, let alone lift a camera . . . but still an #afterrealwordsex moment. Which I think I captured quite well, don’t you think?

HubbyBackPrelimAnd I think my handiwork is quite appropriate for my favourite website, MLNP#afterrealworldsexselfies theme showing, as it does, those immediate moments after some lovely . . . and loving . . . fun. (**See my P.S.).

Because . . . to quote Madam Curator Sarah from MLNP . . . #afterrealworldsexselfies are:

“a great way to spark a healthy dialogue around sex and to celebrate the fact that #realworldsex isn’t exactly over as soon as everyone’s had their orgasm. We truly believe that the cuddling, eating, showering, or whatever it is that you do after #realworldsex is also part of the fun!”

So why not join in with some #afterrealworldsexselfies of your own. You can find out more at MakeLoveNotPorn.tv

It will make me smile (and tingle) if you do !!! – Xxx – K

Make Love Not Porn

**P.S. In case you’re wondering about the “pegs & brushes”, we were on holiday and travelling light (so no room for my canes, floggers & paddles, so I just had to improvise!!!)
Oh . . . and I hope more will be revealed soon in a future MLNP-video!!!

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Filed under #realworldsex at MLNP.tv, Make Love Not Porn

A sense of touch #wickedwednesday

Twisted BallsA sense of touch . . . a twist of passion . . . a shock of pain . . . a rush of blood
. . .  a blur of emotions . . . a shout of excitement . . .
the joy of success . . . the sweet smell of release.

All our senses shared . . . all our senses spent.

This week’s Wicked Wednesday prompt is “Senses” . . . and you are are bound to find more senses-shared by clicking on Marie’s button below!


Xxx – K



Filed under sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Swinging, Wicked Wednesday, womens Erotica

#afterrealworldsexselfies No.2 @#sextalktuesday

I’ve previously mentioned that my favourite website, MLNP, have started their own Instagram and Twitter tags for #afterrealworldsexselfies . . . for just after #afterrealworldsexselfie pics.

And, after posting my own first contribution, I received several emails asking if I would post some more.

So, never one to turn down a challenge, today’s submission is a very recent (very, very LOL!!!) “selfie”. Taken (as was that first photograph btw!) by Hubby’s, still-shaking-hand reaching his phone up above us, just a minute or two . . . #afterrealworldsex!!!

ModestyRealWorldTwoNow I hope you will all join-in and post some of your own, because . . . to quote Madam Curator Sarah from MLNP . . . #afterrealworldsexselfies are:

“a great way to spark a healthy dialogue around sex and to celebrate the fact that #realworldsex isn’t exactly over as soon as everyone’s had their orgasm. We truly believe that the cuddling, eating, showering, or whatever it is that you do after #realworldsex is also part of the fun!”

And today is the perfect opportunity to join-in and be part of the fun because today (Tuesday, September 16th) the lovely Madam Curator is leading a #sextalktuesday discussion about what makes great #realworldsex at Sssh.com’s SexTalkTuesday.  For my North American readers you can follow the discussion live-online at 3 p.m. EST or for those of us in the UK I think that is 8 p.m. GMT. The show is usually available for streaming afterwards, should you not be live on-line at the time of the broadcast.

Madam Sarah explains more >here< about some of the points being discussed . . . and to actually participate in the discussions with your own questions or points-of-view, you can log on to Twitter and use the #SexTalkTuesday hash tag during the hour-long show.

But even if you can’t make it on-line for #sextalktuesday you can still be part of the fun by sharing your own #afterrealworldsexselfies at MakeLoveNotPorn.tv

It will make me smile (and tingle) if you do !!! – Xxx – K

Make Love Not Porn

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Filed under #realworldsex at MLNP.tv, Make Love Not Porn

Count down!!! #WickedWednesday

She recognised him the moment he stepped through the door. He didn’t have that same arrogant look, the jutting jaw, the assured swagger of the last occasion she’d seen him in the flesh as he’d strode past her desk towards the Executive Suite. But she knew from his eyes and those silvery streaks in his fringe. It was definitely him, definitely Nigel.

His profile, and the face pictures she’d requested when he’d contacted her from her Fetlife account, hadn’t given her any clues. They were just as all the other profiles, friendship requests . . . and bookings for her services . . . that she would always receive. Darkened, out-of-focus, selfie-mobile phone pictures either taken too close-up and out-of-proportion, or too distant and blurry to give an exact indication of the individuals “normal” identity.

Even when she’d asked him to call, as she always insisted, and they’d spoken for a few minutes on her mobile, she hadn’t recognised his voice. Nervous and slightly echoey . . . as these first calls so often were . . . their short conversation hadn’t triggered any alarms, any memories.

But it was definitely him, definitely Nigel.

He didn’t recognise her of course . . . after all, in her five years at the company, they’d never spoken in person. She was just another PA to one of his junior-managers in marketing, another faceless emailer from the third floor. Just a name, a convenient scapegoat, along with her department manager, who would “just have to be let go” when that contract had been approved and signed with one zero, one apparently very important zero . . . before the decimal point . . . had been left off the final paperwork.

“How could it happen?”
“Weren’t these things checked and re-checked?”
“Weren’t the minutes cross-referenced and listened to again and again?”
“They’ll have to be let-go. Replaced! All of them! The whole department!”

It had been a huge shock at the time. Unexpected and cruel. But in one of those wonderful twists of fate . . . one of those life-changing turns in the road . . . she’d risen to the challenge of one of her, very drunken, colleagues at their unofficial, enforced, post-redundancy drinks sessions.

“Why don’t you become a Mistress? You know how you hear about all those suits and execs that like to be dominated and whipped and spanked before they go home to shout at their poor wives and kids?”

And now . . . 18 months on . . . now, in one of those wonderful twists of fate, here was Nigel . . . sorry, “SubNeil71” . . . stepping over the threshold of her dungeon door.

Now, SubNeil71, I want you to count down . . . one nip, one bite, one swipe, one pull-of-the-chain at-a-time . . . One Hundred Thousand and Ten . . . One Hundred Thousand and Nine . . . !!!!”
Why am I telling you this story? Well, because this week’s theme at Wicked Wednesday is all about other women who have been fired from their job for getting a number wrong. But, take it from me ladies, all is not lost . . . a change can often be good news . . . For Some !!!

And I think you might find more counting and re-counting, from tap-tap-tapping on Marie’s button below!

rainbowcircle1-200Xxx – K

P.S. Any resemblance to real-life instances of Nigel’s or Neil’s, is purely co-incidental, unexpected . . . and unintentional!!!

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Filed under Wicked Wednesday

Modesty’s #afterrealworldsexselfies @MakeLoveNotPorn.tv

Whilst I’ve never been a great fan of the “selfies” craze . . . and for some of you it may already be a little passé by now . . . I have just returned from holiday to discover that my favourite website, MLNP, have started their own Instagram and Twitter tags for #afterrealworldsexselfies !!! So, of course, I just can’t resist in joining in . . . by posting my own, just after, #afterrealworldsexselfie

Modesty Ablaze #afterrealworldsexselfies. . . after all, not only is it yet another way of expressing just how real sex should be FUN . . . it is ALSO (to quote the lovely Sarah from MLNP)

“a great way to spark a healthy dialogue around sex and to celebrate the fact that #realworldsex isn’t exactly over as soon as everyone’s had their orgasm. We truly believe that the cuddling, eating, showering, or whatever it is that you do after #realworldsex is also part of the fun!”

I couldn’t agree more . . . and I urge you to join in and post your own fun, loving, cuddling and sharing “aftermath” moments of what I think you will ALL agree is the best fun we are all capable of having.

Whether together with partners, lovers, friends . . . or even (come-on don’t be afraid to admit it!!!) . . . alone on our own . . . it is the most wonderful form of release and relief.

Why not share your happiness and make others feel happy, and warm and tingly, at the same time. You know we all do it, we all have those moments, but too many of us don’t talk about it enough . . . just think how much happier, and calmer, and more fun . . . and more sharing . . . the world would be!!!

See how you can share your own #afterrealworldsexselfies from MakeLoveNotPorn.tv

It will make me smile (and tingle) if you do !!! – Xxx – K

Make Love Not Porn

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Filed under #realworldsex at MLNP.tv, Make Love Not Porn

Pegged at #WickedWednesday

Being away on holiday means it is sometimes necessary to improvise . . . and experiment . . . at playtime!

Modesty Ablaze and Hubbys PegsAnd as this week’s theme at Wicked Wednesday is all about Photographs, I thought I would let the picture tell the story.

I’m sure you will be able to see lots of other interesting photographs from Marie’s button below!

rainbowcircle1-200Xxx – K

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Filed under Wicked Wednesday

In no doubt at #WickedWednesday

Doubt and uncertainty?
Apprehension? Expectation?
Adrenalin? Excitement? . . .
Of course!

Fear? Distrust? Dread? . . . or worse?

No never . . . Because???

Those whispering words in my ear,
those teasing touches across my breasts and thigh,
that soft kiss and flicking tongue across my lips,
the swish of the whip through the air,
. . . and that devilish smile
enchant and excite  all the while!

I tingle and twist . . . both inside and out!
Wanting that pleasure and pain that I’m certain to enjoy!
And of that . . . I’m in no doubt!!!

Modesty Ablaze at Hoxton DungeonRead about all the other Doubts expressed and dispelled from the Wicked Wednesday button below!

rainbowcircle1-200Xxx – K

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Filed under Wicked Wednesday

Howling at the Moon @ #sinfulsunday

I know that Sinful Sunday is all about the image, but sometimes . . . for me . . . it’s also about the moment.

Modesty Ablaze Strap-on Sinful SundayAnd I always enjoy Sinful moments when I’m wearing my strap-on!!!

But the story of this sinful moment is for another time to tell.  In the meantime though, I’m sure you’ll find lots of other Sinful people this Sunday by slapping the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

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