Oh dear, all our Festive Fun is definitely well and truly over! Back in the office and back to the stresses and strains of “normal” office life.
But have you ever found yourself tempted at the office . . . into an office affair? That is just what Marie is asking at this week’s Wicked Wednesday!!!
“Office Affair. Did you ever have one. Or wished you had one with the hunk of the office or the sexy secretary? Do you have a fantasy about someone at the office? If you have or had an office affair, how did it start? And how did it end? Why did it end?”
Well, I have to honestly answer Marie’s question that . . . Yes I did. A long time ago . . . 1988 actually. So Marie’s prompt brought back (nice for me) memories. I’m not going to share all the details here, but just couldn’t resist including one of my “Polaroids Past” photographs from that very year which seems to perfectly fit the Office-Affair theme.
What I can tell you is that the affair had an amazing impact on my marriage . . . and life since (see “The More I Have”).
BUT, But, but . . . I was very, very lucky and I would never suggest that one’s work-place is really the right environment for indulging in extra-curricular activities. But I’m sure there will be quite a wide variety of different answers, anecdotes and memories . . . to be found by tapping on the Wicked Wednesday button below.
Xxx – K