Tag Archives: 3 somes and more-somes

Modestly Bathed #Boobday Friday

Isn’t there something just so relaxing and indulgent . . . and slightly decadent . . . about lounging in a warm, bubbly bath!

Especially when it’s such a lovely brass tub as this . . . and especially after hours and hours of lovely, decadent and indulgent fun!!!

It’s the last Boobday Friday of 2017 and the perfect opportunity
to raise a glass for much more indulgence and fun to come . . .
for everyone I hope . . . for 2018!!!

Boobday is a body-positive meme where women share images of their bodies in order to show that there is beauty in all of us.  With confidence comes power and with power comes confidence.

Be sure to visit . . . and why not join-in . . .  Boobday sharing, this and every Friday, by clicking on Hyacinth’s lovely cleavage below!


P.S. The bathtime photos above are actually from the same wonderful weekend away in Buckinghamshire as mentioned in a previous Sinful Sunday posting. 

Xxx – K

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Filed under #boobday, Boobday Friday, Multiple Orgasms, sexual empowerment for women

Modesty Ablaze “Modest Exposure Pt.2” #realworldsex film @makelovenotporn

If you have viewed my recent “A Modest Exposure” real world sex video at Make Love Not Porn, you will have gathered that there was more fun to come. Lots and lots more fun actually . . .

Well I’m thrilled to tell you that I have just uploaded Part 2 of that amazing evening to my pages at Make Love Not Porn Dot TV.

And it continues on from where we all left off in Part One . . . with more champagne and more loving kisses . . . I’m sure you can guess just where . . . and with all three of us celebrating our own special Love-In !!!

Things start out with some more “Exposure” by the windows . . . before moving back to the sofa where we become entangled in a loving . . . threesome circle . . . of fun and indulgence.

Lover No.14 always inspires that sense of naughtiness in us . . . and with lots of fingers and thumbs and kisses and tongues . . . I’m soon engulfed in lovely, if somewhat muffled, orgasmic pleasure. And face-timing certainly takes on a whole new meaning!!!

We do eventually take a short break to re-energise ourselves with more champagne and snacks . . . but as you can probably imagine, it’s not too long before our fun play time begins again . . . though I think we shall probably save that for a Part 3 of “A Modest Exposure”.

You can view my introduction to “A Modest Exposure Part Two” by clicking the preview screen at the top of this post . . . or from >here< . . . BUT, as always, if you register (it’s FREE) and watch the intro video directly from my MakeLoveNotPorn profile page there are some short Free Peek clips from the actual video itself at the end of my introduction. AND, no it’s not like all those other video-sites! There are none of those horrid pop-up adverts and unwelcome invitations. MakeLoveNotPorn.tv is simply about other #realworld people just like you and me, celebrating-in, and sharing their sexuality, fun and love.

I urge you to view, and see for yourself, exactly what I mean).

There are lots more screen shots and Free Peek links to all of my #realworldsex videos, at my Make Love Not Porn page >here<. And much more on just why I love the whole concept of MLNP . . . and all of the other Real World People enjoying their own Real World Sex . . . from my “Why I Love Make Love Not Porn” introductory video (from March 2014) >here<.

“A Modest Exposure Pt.2”  is my 44th video released on Make Love Not Porn with more (much more) to come soon, and you can rent it from my Modesty Ablaze Profile page at MakeLoveNotPorn >here<.

It’s completely FREE to register at MLNP and I’m sure you will enjoy not just my forty-four #realworldsex videos, but lots of other fun and amazing contributions from the growing MLNP community as well!!!

Make Love Not Porn

Xxx – K


Filed under #realworldsex at MLNP.tv, Make Love Not Porn, Multiple Orgasms, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Swinging

Modesty Ablaze “A Modest Exposure” #realworldsex film @makelovenotporn

When Lover No.14 joked that I should arrive at his plush hotel dressed in “as little as possible” . . . I took that as I challenge that I couldn’t possibly refuse.

The hotel was right in the middle of central London . . . so about a 30 minute Taxi journey from our home . . . and, as it was just a couple of weeks ago and the start of some really cold weather here, I had to wear a coat . . . the coat I’m wearing in my video intro above actually . . . but that was all I wore, just my coat
. . . oh, and my black-net hold-ups of course.

I don’t know who was more excited, Hubby or I, as we sat together in the Black Cab, knowing I was completely naked beneath my coat as we travelled slowly through the West End traffic, chatting away to the driver . . . London’s Black Cab drivers are always chatty and friendly.

And, as I’m sure you can imagine, there was lots more excitement to follow after we arrived and joined No.14 in his room . . . with champagne on ice and lots of fun and abandonment ahead of us.

And lots . . . and lots . . . of that fun is featured in my newest Real World Sex video at Make Love Not Porn.

I’ve called it “A Modest Exposure” . . . and you will see just why I’ve given it that title as you watch the movie unfold.

But, first things first . . . I start out with a little mini-tour of the very fancy hotel room . . . before teasingly opening the shoulder bag I’d brought along and showing No.14 the array of toys I’d packed before leaving home.

No.14’s room directly overlooked one of the busiest mainline train stations into London . . . so once we’d popped-open and poured the champagne . . . we began to admire the view and indulge ourselves in some of that fun exposure, that I mentioned earlier.

Watching the trains arrive and depart in such close-proximity outside our window, just seemed to heighten our playtime fun and excitement even more, as I’m sure you will be able to tell when you watch my “Modest Exposure”.

As you can probably guess . . . this video is just the first of several that we recorded over the course of the evening . . . and if you watch this introductory video directly from my profile page at Make Love Not Porn . . . you will see some “Free Peek Clips” from the movie itself included at the end of the intro.

You can view my introduction to “A Modest Exposure” by clicking the preview screen at the top of this post . . . or from >here< . . . BUT, as always, if you register (it’s FREE) and watch the intro video directly from my MakeLoveNotPorn profile page there are some short Free Peek clips from the actual video itself at the end of my introduction. AND, no it’s not like all those other video-sites! There are none of those horrid pop-up adverts and unwelcome invitations. MakeLoveNotPorn.tv is simply about other #realworld people just like you and me, celebrating-in, and sharing their sexuality, fun and love.

I urge you to view, and see for yourself, exactly what I mean).

There are lots more screen shots and Free Peek links to all of my #realworldsex videos, at my Make Love Not Porn page >here<. And much more on just why I love the whole concept of MLNP . . . and all of the other Real World People enjoying their own Real World Sex . . . from my “Why I Love Make Love Not Porn” introductory video (from March 2014) >here<.

“A Modest Exposure”  is my 43rd video released on Make Love Not Porn with more (much more) to come soon, and you can rent it from my Modesty Ablaze Profile page at MakeLoveNotPorn >here<.

It’s completely FREE to register at MLNP and I’m sure you will enjoy not just my forty-three #realworldsex videos, but lots of other fun and amazing contributions from the growing MLNP community as well!!!

Make Love Not Porn

Xxx – K


Filed under #realworldsex at MLNP.tv, Make Love Not Porn, Multiple Orgasms, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Swinging

A Modest Whisper #wickedwednesday

Sometimes those spur-of-the-moment . . . moments . . . are the most exhilarating and most exhausting!!!

Loud, twisting and thrashing gasps and screams and then . . . at that moment of orgasm . . . just rolling over onto one’s side, shuddering and collapsing onto the sheets with quiet groans and whispers!!!

For more quiet whispers at this week’s Wicked Wednesday simply tap
on the button below!!!


Xxx – K


Filed under Hotwives, Latex & Lace, Multiple Orgasms, Sexy Lingerie, Wicked Wednesday

More Than Just the Sex: 5 Reasons Why Younger Men & Older Women Are the Perfect Match

If you have visited me here occasionally before, you will know how much fun I have in my regular evenings with one of my younger lovers.

So my curiousity . . .  and attention . . . was immediately drawn by the “More Than Just the Sex: 5 Reasons Why Younger Men & Older Women Are the Perfect Match” article I was recently sent (see below), and which I find myself nodding along in agreement to, as I read. Not to mention becoming aroused all over again at so many pleasant memories!

Well, okay, it is partially about the sex.

Times, are changing. LGBTQ rights are making progress and younger women are dating men on television. Consider Alicia Florrick’s one-night stand with her campaign manager (gasp, a double-whammy) from the ever popular legal drama, “The Good Wife”.

For the rest of us mid-life mortals still biting our lips every time a pretty young (male) thing walks by, you hereby have scientific and actual permission to go after what you want.

Or, at least, 5 reasons worth considering, if satisfaction and happiness are something you’ve been taught to just deny, deny, deny.

But, everyone needs to start somewhere.

  1. Lasting Longer
    For all you newbies and monogamy converts, there’s something in it for you: those dates and encounters that start casually between an older women and younger man are much more likely to end up turning into a lasting relationship. While “4ever” may not be quite forever, there’s a greater chance, according to studies for the symbiotic affinity younger men have for older women to transform the connection into a long-term relationship.
  2. Millennial Men Are Setting a New Standard
    It’s not just women’s social status, attitudes and expectations that are changing alongside their newfound power and professionalism. It’s also the status of younger guys. There is a lot more flexibility and younger men are more likely to be “open-minded” – and this doesn’t only have to do with their youth. It’s also because millennials, as a group, tend to be more self-reliant, highly educated and entrepreneurial. So if she’s dating a millennial man, he’s more like “young money”.
  3. The Tables Have Turned
    Usually, older women who date younger men are painted as desperate to cling on to a notion of youth that’s long passed them. Or else, they’re just closet-dominatrixes. After all, popular culture has a Maddona-Whore complex in the age of the 2010s for a reason, okay? But, now, it’s younger men who are actively attracted to older women, specifically singling them out as potential dating material – and are more than willing to take commitment to the next level with them. And it’s not because they have mommy issues, either. It’s because older women in this day and age tend to be financially and emotionally stable.
  4. Baggage Check – It’s no secret: older men tend to have baggage – and masks for hiding the baggage. The baggage is usually a couple of (failed) marriages, losses in life, emotional stagnation, teenagers and alimony. And their masks have been perfected over a century. Younger guys are not only less likely to have accumulated these fodder-for-a-therapist issues, they’re also less likely to internalize them so deeply or have it affect them as intensely as older men. Seriously though, younger guys have a greater tendency to roll with the punches – for now. So make hay while the sunshines.
  1. Older Women Make Younger Men Feel…Sexy! Another myth we’re turning inside out, folks: it’s actually younger men who end up feeling way sexier in a relationship with older women. See, older women who are confident enough are confident enough to go for younger guys. They don’t need a man, they want a man. They’ve lived with their beautiful bodies for long enough to know what they’re capable of, what their best features are and why they should respect themselves. Which means they’re more willing and able to tell their younger male counterparts how sexy they find their bodies, or their minds, or their voices. It’s often the younger man that will blush and feel shy and yet delighted at the genuine attention and care an older woman showers him with.

What’s the Big Deal, Anyway?

As an older woman, you’re likely to encounter many “boy toy” comments. And they’ll mostly come from other older men or (particularly judgemental) younger women. This happens because these groups feel threatened.

So consider this spin: you’re so in charge of your own desires, it actually threatens others who secretly want what you want but are “too afraid”  to go and get it.

Let that really sit for a moment. Now, if you’re feeling more mischievous and inspired than ever before, head online to Milf Area, gather a few close girlfriends and head to a local clubbing event dressed to the nines or chat up that cutie in the gym.

After all, what is that all those younger guys are saying?
“YOLO”: You only live once, right?

I am so happy to enter into such a fun collaboration with Milf Area because . . . as I mentioned in my opening paragraph . . .  I find myself nodding along in agreement with much of the above. With the rider of course that, as with ANY relationship, the key factor should always be open and honest communication between both (or in my case, all) parties involved. For as long as one’s desires, intentions and expectations are clear good, and fun things, normally happen!!!

Xxx – K   


Filed under Erotica On-line, Hotwives, MILF Area, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Swinging, womens Erotica

Modesty Ablaze “Friday Fun Pt.2” #realworldsex film @makelovenotporn

As you can probably imagine, I don’t get much opportunity for early nights!
But when I do I often make myself snug and comfy and I re-watch one of my #realworldsex videos at MakeLoveNotPorn.

And recently Hubby and I were looking back through our archives and reminding ourselves of an absolutely fabulous evening with Lover No.50 which resulted in my “Friday Fun Video” some months ago. Well we discovered that we had a “Part Two” of that Friday Fun that we had never uploaded!!!

So feeling quite annoyed with ourselves that we’d obviously been so busy to have overlooked it, we knew we just had to share it on my MakeLoveNotPorn  pages as soon as we could. But as we were leaving for our summer vacation the very next day . . . and plus the fact that we got carried away with the excitement of watching it . . . it’s only now some weeks later, that we have returned home, that we are finally able to share it.

But I think it will be well worth the wait . . . as we had just as much loving fun as we had in Part One.

In fact this Part Two was just a little while after we’d recovered from our orgasmic frolics . . . me from an amazing, pounding fucking and No. 50 from that amazing explosion he’d had from me administering a “special massage” with my lips and hands.

I’m always amazed just how quickly No.50 can recover from his first spurting orgasm to soon be hard again and ready for a repeating burst. I mean, I was still lying on my back slowly recovering all my senses and feelings when he began giving me those wonderful deep passionate kisses again . . . you know just where I mean. And I so loved how quickly wet and juicy he made me . . . that I just had to taste it myself!!!

Now, as I said, it takes me longer to recover, especially after my second cumming of the evening, but because I just love giving him those passionate kisses of my own, I leant over to make sure he had a second cumming as well.

MakeLoveNotPorn.tv previewed “Friday Festive Fun Part One” in their special Make Holiday Love Not Porn edition as:

Modesty Ablaze knows that the holidays are a time of goodwill and generosity, so it’s only natural that she should give lover no. 50 a gift during their pre-xmas rendez-vous. And, lucky for him, she’s the present! First taking their time to ‘unwrap’ each other, Modesty, hubby, and lover no. 50 are soon having such a good time that nothing can get in the way — not even someone’s phone alarm going off at a most inopportune moment! Filled with laughter, chatter, and lots of #realworldpleasure, this brand new video is the perfect gift.

And, as I say, “Friday Fun Part Two” just carries on from where we left off in Part One . . . with an even more explosive finale!!!

You can view my introduction to “Friday Fun Part Two” by clicking the preview screen at the top of this post . . . or from >here< . . . BUT, as always, if you register (it’s FREE) and watch the intro video directly from my MakeLoveNotPorn profile page there are some short Free Peek clips from the actual video itself at the end of my introduction. AND, no it’s not like all those other video-sites! There are none of those horrid pop-up adverts and unwelcome invitations. MakeLoveNotPorn.tv is simply about other #realworld people just like you and me, celebrating-in, and sharing their sexuality, fun and love.

I urge you to view, and see for yourself, exactly what I mean).

There are lots more screen shots and Free Peek links to all of my #realworldsex videos, at my Make Love Not Porn page >here<. And much more on just why I love the whole concept of MLNP . . . and all of the other Real World People enjoying their own Real World Sex . . . from my “Why I Love Make Love Not Porn” introductory video (from March 2014) >here<.

“Friday Fun Part Two”  is my 38th video released on Make Love Not Porn with more to come soon, and you can rent it from my Modesty Ablaze Profile page at MakeLoveNotPorn >here<.

It’s completely FREE to register at MLNP and I’m sure you will enjoy not just my thirty-eight #realworldsex videos, but lots of other fun and amazing contributions from the growing MLNP community as well!!!

Make Love Not Porn

Xxx – K

1 Comment

Filed under #realworldsex at MLNP.tv, Hotwives, Make Love Not Porn, Multiple Orgasms, sexual empowerment for women, Swinging, womens Erotica

Eyes Closed Shut #wickedwednesday

Last week at Wicked Wednesday I included an excerpt from one of my Diaries entries from my still-to-be-completed E-book, “More Adventures”, from two years or so ago. That was “Part One” of a wonderfully fun, and adventurous evening, which I thought it only fair (after several special requests) to complete at this week’s edition with “Part Two”.

So . . . continued from last week . . .  

As the men followed us into the room I could tell they were both obviously aroused by the fact that D was gently pushing me back onto the bed . . .

I have kissed another woman before . . . playing at the club. But this was something different, completely different.

Her mouth was warm and wet, and her tongue hard yet gentle, in a way that I just couldn’t compare with the kisses I would normally receive from Hubby, or one of my lovers. Not really physically different, I suppose, but different in sensation and emotion. The taste seemed somehow sweeter, warmer, softer. I felt her hands squeezing gently over my nipples again, and then felt her pulling my hand down to her pussy. “I don’t really know what to do” I told her. “Play with me as though you are playing with yourself” she whispered into my ear. Her warm breath tickled my senses, and her words made me tingle and arch my back as her own fingers ran a trail down over my tummy, sliding in between my lips and instantly finding my button. Her lips slid away from my kisses and ran down in little pecks over my neck, down over my breasts, kissing at them each, gently on top, and to the sides, and then, pausing above me for a moment, sucking suddenly down onto my right nipple. Sucking and pinching, and stretching it away from my chest with her lips, before releasing it with a wonderful nip of her teeth, before performing the same task on my left nipple.

I had had my eyes closed tightly shut for several minutes, but could now sense her lifting away . . . and then felt her fingers being replaced with larger and thicker hands. I opened my eyes again to see M leaning over me, spreading my legs wider for a moment before running his fingers up my inner thigh and finding the exact spot that just a moment before was being caressed by his wife.

I lay back, groaning again but heard Hubby’s voice saying something unclear and unintelligible to D. I opened my eyes once more and gasped as I saw D kneeling back onto the bed with a large, very large, dildo in her hands. “Have you ever fucked another woman?” she asked. I suddenly knew that these were the words I had just heard her asking Hubby. “Oh my god” I said. Half giggling, half tingling, as I watched her kneeling between my legs and sliding one end of the long pink shape into herself. “I don’t know, I don’t think I could” I stammered. But a moment later I heard myself gasping louder as M’s fingers slid over me to hold me open and D pushed herself forward. “Ohh, ohh” I knew I was gurgling. I felt her sliding forward into me, the softness of her leg rubbing over mine, and then gasping loudly again as, with a little help from M, she lifted my other leg over the top of hers. She started pushing and groaning and gasping louder with every stroke. I pushed myself back against her and groaned again as M’s fingers twirled between us as I felt us slapping together, each with half of her dildo engulfed within us.

Pushing against her I could feel her pussy, and legs, and bottom slapping against mine and feel the thickness of the silicon pushing into me, then relaxing again, then pushing back. And M’s fingers working over me, working over the both of us, was making my groans more breathless, and louder and louder. I opened my eyes again to see Hubby standing next to the bed to my right. His cock was standing vertical against his tummy, and kneeling next to me on the bed to my left, M’s cock was swaying back and forth and tapping against my shoulder. I reached out to grasp Hubby’s cock and pull him onto the bed next to me. He eagerly obliged by kneeling right over me and guiding his cock towards my mouth. I sucked him up and down, cupping his balls in right hand whilst reaching out and stroking M up and down his shaft with my left. I felt him turning and shuffling his own knees up the bed closer towards me. I pulled away from Hubby’s cock, loving the plopping sound as his hardness slipped out of my mouth, and turned to my left to immediately guide M’s cock between my lips.

I could hear D groaning as she pushed and I thrust back against her, feeling the thickness and hardness of the dildo straining inside me. And, directly above me, both men were now grunting and groaning as I sucked and swung my mouth back from my left to my right and then back again. Sucking to the left whilst stroking with my hand to the right, and then turning to suck from the right and stroke to my left. My own muffled gasps were getting louder as M was still leaning forward stretching his hands down over my tummy to twist and twirl his fingers over both of our thrusting pussies. Hubby was squeezing and pinching at my nipples and I managed to gasp out “harder, pinch them harder” as I swivelled my mouth from left to right.

I heard D gasping out that she was going to come and felt her shuddering against me with convulsions as her legs squeezed together against mine. She suddenly pulled away and I felt the thickness slide out of me, making me cry out with my own orgasm as M’s fingers slid deliciously inside me for a moment before my own twists and shudders pushed them away.

I heard Hubby’s voice gasping out above me and then felt sudden warm splashes splatter across my breasts and stomach. I opened my eyes as M pulled his cock from my mouth and clasped both his hands around himself as he cried out as well. I saw the first burst of white from the eye of his knob as it shot past my forehead, and then felt the rest spurting onto my cheek and chin and then dribbling down onto my neck.

“I’m so sorry” he gasped, “I couldn’t stop it. I’ll get tissues” he continued as he swivelled off the side of the bed and stood up next to us. His cock was still erect and looked lovely bobbling around, still dripping, as he leant forward to pull some tissues from a drawer at the side of the bed. “You should apologise, you’re such a messy bugger” D said as she sat up at the other end of the bed.

I lifted myself up as well, “No, no, it was lovely. You don’t have to apologise” I told him as I accepted his handful of tissues. Hubby was sitting up on the other side of me, and accepted more tissues from M, so that he could wipe up his own “mess” from my tummy.

D lay down beside me reaching over to pull me closer against her, kissing me first on the cheek and saying “you are just beautiful”, before kissing me full on the lips again, just as she had earlier. “Thank you” I replied. “You are both beautiful too.” She sat up on one elbow and said “Have you ever done that before? Did you enjoy?”

I giggled “No, and Yes” as my reply. “I feel very greedy, it’s all been about me” I said. M sat back down on the bed and said “Well it’s still early yet . . . !”

As I say, there are more of my Diary entries still waiting for me to find the spare-time to finish, and publish, “More Adventures” . . . but finding that time is so difficult! . . . after all, my “spare-time” is my “fun-time”!!!

And just in case you prefer pictures instead of words, I thought I would include another occasion when I was blinded by the light . . . this time the light from the flash of Hubby’s camera as I stood on my favourite Grecian Steps around this time last year.

For more blindingly hot stories, you simply must visit this week’s Wicked Wednesday from lapping at the button below!

rainbowcircle1-200Xxx – K


Filed under erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Hotwives, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Swinging, Wicked Wednesday

Modesty Ablaze “Festive Friday Fun” new video @makelovenotporn.tv

We all know that Christmas is a time for goodwill, festive fun and laugher . . . and, of course, . . . sharing gifts and presents. And my newest video for MakeLoveNotPorn.tv is certainly all of those things!!!

I’ve called it “Friday Fun” . . . because it is from a Friday evening, just a couple of weeks ago, with Lover No.50 and is full of ALL of that fun and laughter . . . and much, much more!!!

It started with me gifting myself as a present for No.50 . . . wrapped in a festive bow of course . . . followed by lots of passionate kisses and cuddles. And if you’ve seen any of my previous MakeLoveNotPorn . . . #realworldsex videos with Lover No.50 . . . you will already know just how those kisses and cuddles can soon turn into a wonderfully loving . . . and pounding . . . session of orgasms and climaxes for each of us (although, on this occasion, I was spent and exhausted long before No.50 was).

But after a short relaxing rest to recover my composure and following some more gentle, spooning cuddles . . . I turned over to give No.50 some special attention of my own.

I absolutely love giving my lovers “special attention” of course . . . and I was soon lost in the moment, concentrating on his . . . very obvious . . . enjoyment of my caresses, and knowing that we were very close to that special moment that I love so much . . . when all of a sudden we were interrupted by the loud ringing of his phone alarm.

You will see, and probably laugh along with us, at the rather “inconvenient timing” of this interruption. But Hubby came to the rescue, managing to turn-off the ring-tone of the unfamiliar phone without No.50, or myself, having to move from our position. And, as I’m sure you can imagine, it didn’t take me too long to resume my special caresses and give No.50 that loving reward he so definitely deserved.

And that is what #realworldsex at MakeLoveNotPorn is all about . . . real fun, between real people, in real situations . . . just completely enjoying the moments and making the most of that loving and sensual time together.

MakeLoveNotPorn.tv previewed “Friday Festive Fun” in their special Make Holiday Love Not Porn edition as:

Modesty Ablaze knows that the holidays are a time of goodwill and generosity, so it’s only natural that she should give lover no. 50 a gift during their pre-xmas rendez-vous. And, lucky for him, she’s the present! First taking their time to ‘unwrap’ each other, Modesty, hubby, and lover no. 50 are soon having such a good time that nothing can get in the way — not even someone’s phone alarm going off at a most inopportune moment! Filled with laughter, chatter, and lots of #realworldpleasure, this brand new video is the perfect gift.

So I hope you will find unwrapping, watching . . . and sharing our fun with us . . . just as rewarding and enjoyable as we did!!!

You can view my introduction to “Friday Festive Fun” by clicking the preview screen at the top of this post . . . or from >here< . . . BUT, as I mention at the end of my introduction, if you register (it’s FREE) and watch the intro video directly from my MakeLoveNotPorn profile page there are some short Free Peek clips from the actual video itself at the end of my introduction. AND, no it’s not like all those other video-sites! There are none of those horrid pop-up adverts and unwelcome invitations. MakeLoveNotPorn.tv is simply about other #realworld people just like you and me, celebrating-in, and sharing their sexuality, fun and love.

I urge you to view, and see for yourself, exactly what I mean).

There are lots more screen shots and Free Peek links to all of my #realworldsex videos, at my Make Love Not Porn page >here<. And much more on just why I love the whole concept of MLNP . . . and all of the other Real World People enjoying their own Real World Sex . . . from my “Why I Love Make Love Not Porn” introductory video (from March 2014) >here<.

“Friday F, f, fun” is my 34th video released on Make Love Not Porn and you can rent it from my Modesty Ablaze Profile page at MakeLoveNotPorn >here<.

It’s completely FREE to register at MLNP and I’m sure you will enjoy not just my thirty-four #realworldsex videos, but lots of other fun and amazing contributions from the growing MLNP community as well!!!

Make Love Not Porn

Xxx – K

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Filed under #realworldsex at MLNP.tv, Make Love Not Porn, Sexual liberation, womens Erotica

Modesty Ablaze “Forbidden Pleasures Part 2” video @makelovenotporn.tv


When I introduced my “Forbidden Pleasures – Part 1” #realworldsex video at MakeLoveNotPorn last month, I mentioned that there was more, much more . . . from that amazing evening Hubby and I shared with the wonnderful Lover No.14 . . . still to come.

Well I am so thrilled to say that “Forbidden Pleasures – Part TWO” is now available from my profile page at MakeLoveNotPorn, and it continues on from just where Part 1 left off, with even more sharing and passionate sexy fun.

And I say “sharing”  because as you will see, all three of us take turns at filming our naughtiness, with the boys especially enjoying themselves with some sensual massaging play of their own . . . mostly with their mouths, if you know what I mean. And you will also see how I loved the opportunity to use my new anal vibrating P-spot massager with No.14, which he clearly enjoys.


But most of all, “Forbidden Pleasures – Part TWO” shows how our evening together continued with just hours of different pleasures, different positions and different #realworldsex fun!!!

MakeLoveNotPorn.tv previewed “Forbidden Pleasures Part 1” as:

When Modesty Ablaze, hubby, and lover no. 14 get together, you know it’s just going to be a simply amazing time. Quickly melting into a puddle of pleasure (both literally and figuratively), Modesty allows lover no. 14’s skillful hands do all the “work” while she enjoys waves of #realworldpleasure. Featuring a rope-a-licious “bikini top” and some slippery toytime, nothing beats Modesty’s laughing #realworldorgasms!!

And I can happily tell you that “Forbidden Pleasures Part TWO”  has even more “waves of #realworldpleasure” . . . not to mention lots more “#realworldorgasms” . . . for all three of us!!!

You can view my introduction to “Forbidden Pleasures Part TWO” by clicking the preview screen at the top of this post . . . . . . and, as I mention, if you register (it’s FREE) and watch the intro video directly from my MakeLoveNotPorn profile page there are some short Free Peek clips from the actual video itself at the end of my introduction.


There are lots more screen shots and Free Peek links to all of my #realworldsex videos, at my Make Love Not Porn page >here<. And much more on just why I love the whole concept of MLNP . . . and all of the other Real World People enjoying their own Real World Sex . . . from my “Why I Love Make Love Not Porn” introductory video (from March 2014) >here<.

“Forbidden Pleasures Part TWO” is my 31st video released on Make Love Not Porn and you can rent it from my Modesty Ablaze Profile page at MakeLoveNotPorn >here<.

It’s completely FREE to register at MLNP and I’m sure you will enjoy not just my thirty-one #realworldsex videos, but lots of other fun and amazing contributions from the growing MLNP community as well!!!

Make Love Not Porn

I really do hope you get as much fun . . . and arousal . . . from viewing “Forbidden Pleasures Part TWO” as all three of us, obviously, had making it!!!

Xxx – K


Filed under #realworldsex at MLNP.tv, Make Love Not Porn

Modesty Ablaze “Passionate Cocktails” #realworldsex @makelovenotporn.tv


“Passionate  Cocktails” is my newest #realworldsex video at MakeLoveNotPorn.tv with the wonderfully sexy and fun Lover No.50.

Now, if you have ever rented one of my previous #realworldsex videos with Lover No. 50, you will know how much I LOVE receiving his passionate kisses!!! Well in “Passionate Cocktails” you will see how much I also LOVE giving him passionate-kisses of my own.

And, yes, I do mean “down below”, because No.50 really has a gorgeous cock which, once I start sucking, I just never want to stop. Until, of course, he simply explodes in excitement. But Lover 50 never needs to rest for long, and as you would expect . . . our video soon continues with a wonderful pounding fucking ending in a glorious climax for all of us . . . all three of us that is!!!


The MakeLoveNotPorn.tv Make Lingerie Love Not Porn post earlier this year previewed my last #realworldsex video with Lover No.50,  Valentines Kisses Part 2 as:

In part two of Valentine’s Kisses, Modesty and her lover(s) are totally euphoric! Full of extremely deep, passionate kisses, and some very impressive #downtown action, this video proves that more really is the merrier! Especially when you’re queen Modesty and it’s Valentine’s Day!!!

And I can promise you that this newest video is full of even more “passionate kisses and #downtown action”. You can view my short introduction to “Passionate Cocktails” by clicking the preview screen at the top of this post . . . . . . and, as I mention in that video, if you register (it’s FREE) and watch the intro video directly from my MakeLoveNotPorn profile page there are some short Free Peek clips from the actual video itself at the end of my introduction.


There lots more screen shots and Free Peek links to all of my #realworldsex videos, at my Make Love Not Porn page >here<. And much more on just why I love the whole concept of MLNP . . . and all of the other Real World People enjoying their own Real World Sex . . . from my “Why I Love Make Love Not Porn” introductory video (from March 2014) >here<.

“Passionate Cocktails” is my 30th video released on Make Love Not Porn and you can rent it from my Modesty Ablaze Profile page at MakeLoveNotPorn >here<.

It’s completely FREE to register at MLNP and I’m sure you will enjoy not just my thirty #realworldsex videos, but lots of other fun and amazing contributions from the growing MLNP community as well!!!

Make Love Not Porn

I really do hope you get as much fun . . . and arousal . . . from viewing “Passionate Cocktails” as I . . . obviously . . . had making it!!!

Xxx – K


Filed under #realworldsex at MLNP.tv, Make Love Not Porn