Bebe subsequently sent me a long list of questions she wanted to ask me . . . and I am delighted to say she has just posted all of my answers on her own site at
Oooh, I’m so excited ~ none other than Katie, aka Modesty Ablaze, is here today for an interview. The Modesty Ablaze diaries are full of Katie’s real-life exploits, and they’ll have you hanging on every word, I promise. Katie graciously agreed to answer a few questions so that we could learn a little more about her. Welcome Katie!
For those who are unfamiliar with what you do, please give readers a brief description of your work.
“The Modesty Diaries – The Journey” are exclusive excerpts from my real-life diaries . . . enjoying the love and freedom of living in an open relationship with my Husband of almost 30 years.
These extracts are not fiction, but real life accounts of my occasional affairs, swinging adventures and, still on-going, encounters over the past decade. The book is narrated completely in the first person, and is not published in the expectation of comparison to fantasy-erotic novels.
The Cover picture of this, and of each of “The Modesty Diaries Collection” are of me and not from a model or image library.
Is the process of writing part of the thrill of your lifestyle?
I suppose the answer is yes, I do get a feeling of excitement when I am recounting my recent “encounters” in my diary, or on my website, knowing that other people may be reading about it. But actually . . . as time has gone on . . . I have also come to feel a sense of comfort (and perhaps, flattery really) to receive so many messages from readers telling me how much they enjoy reading my stories or website and how in many cases it has helped confront, or talk-about, their desires or expectations with their own partners and has helped them in their own relationships. Those sort of messages and reactions has made me feel even happier and more fulfilled . . . and knowing that sharing my own experiences can help and inspire others, is just such a wonderful feeling and emotion.
Do you think about writing when you’re having sexual experiences? For example, do you think about how you’ll describe events and whether readers will be interested in what you’re doing?
No, NEVER. When I’m with someone, whether it be just Hubby on our own, or with one of my lovers, or even on the occasions in our Swingers Club, I never, ever, think about ANYTHING other than what I’m actually doing at the time. If I’m in the right frame-of-mind (and I have to be to really let myself go and enjoy myself), them I’m not thinking anything else other than just enjoying that special situation . . . and trying to make sure my partner (or partners!!!) are enjoying themselves as well. I always describe it to Hubby as “I go into my own little cocoon” where everything is warm and fuzzy and wonderfully passionate and exciting.
So the answer to this question is most definitely an emphatic “no”. !!!
(This just delights me to read, Katie, and makes me grateful once more that you choose to share what you do with the world ~ Bebe)
What does your family think of your diaries?
None of my family . . . nor any of my normal friends or work colleagues . . . know about either our lifestyle, nor my diaries or website. It’s not because I am ashamed of what we do, or how we share our emotions, it’s just because I don’t think our nearest or dearest need to know about our personal lives. We know our lifestyle is not for everyone . . . and we also realize that, unfortunately, many people would possibly make the wrong judgements about us without knowing all the facts . . . and all the benefits (LOL!!!)
In your diaries, how much, if at all, do you embellish what actually happened? If you don’t embellish, are you ever tempted to?
I really don’t change, or embellish, very much at all. Obviously, I change the names, and places, but really nothing else. The diaries started out as just personal “notes” for Hubby to read (this was when I was indulging in my first affair, before I became adventurous enough to have him with us). So the diaries just evolved onto the computer . . . and then into my books . . . in the same format really.
Do you have a favorite encounter in your diaries? What made it your favorite?
I don’t have a favourite actually (is that the wrong answer?). All of my adventures seem to be my favourite at the time really. Some times I look back on an entry and get “tingles” when I remember how much fun it was, or how exciting it was doing something really daring or adventurous that I never ever imagined I would. But, no I don’t think there is one particular event that I could say was better or more special . . .
Do you have your husband read your diary entries before you publish them? Does he offer input on what you write?
LOL !!! Yes, since starting the website, and publishing my diaries as E-books, I have to get him to edit them . . . add punctuation, AND correct all the spellings !!! AND make sure I don’t forget to change someone’s name!! (I tend to type as I speak, so lots and lots of long paragraphs, and not enough full stops or commas he always says!!)
And here are some quickies, just for fun:
What’s your favorite beverage?
Most definitely Wine (preferably white, not too sweet, a good Pinot is my favourite . . . and yes I’d love a glass please!
Favorite snack?
Oohh . . . I try so hard NOT to snack at all !!!
Fave animal, real or imaginary?
Our cat.
Hottest man alive?
LOL !!! Whom ever I am with at that particular moment in time!!
And most gorgeous woman?
Ha ha!! Same answer as above . . . OR . . . ME at that particular moment in time (LOL!!!)
Favorite movie?
Naughty times? Any of Nina Hartley’s because I love her cheeky grin and natural aura.
Family times? I like romantic comedies. “Love Actually” still makes me giggle whenever I get to see it again.
Favorite song?
Oh, too many questions!! It depends on my mood . . . and the situation I’m in at the time.
In three words, describe your personal style in high school:
Shy and quiet !! (oh, how things have changed !!!)
And your personal style today:
??? Actually, I do seriously think I am a better, nicer . . . and more confident person . . . since we started our “special lifestyle”.
And finally, because I do love a good giggle, have you got a joke – silly, raunchy, or groan-inducing – to share?
I love a good giggle too !! And lots of things, and situations, make me giggle
. . . but I’m just hopeless at remembering jokes.
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