Category Archives: Sexy Lingerie

Boobs in Black #Boobday Friday

Mistress Modesty Boobday Friday Dress

I received a new dress from one of my Wishlists last week . . . and it does feel rather lovely against my nipples when I first zip it on.
And, when I move about in it !!!

It also seems perfect for a Boobday Friday photo as well, don’t you think?

Boobday is a body-positive meme where women share images of their bodies in order to show that there is beauty in all of us.  With confidence comes power and with power comes confidence.

Be sure to visit . . . and why not join-in . . .  Boobday sharing, this and
every Friday, by clicking on Hyacinth’s lovely cleavage below!


Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #boobday, Boobday Friday, Fetish Fashion, Honour Clothing, Latex & Lace, Mistress Modesty Ablaze, Mistress Modesty Co Dot UK, Modesty Ablaze Wishlist, Sexy Lingerie

Modestly Matching #wickedwednesday

Modesty Ablaze Red Knickers

Favourite colour? Well that’s easy . . . Red of course!

But here’s something that lots of people won’t know. If I do actually have to wear any at all, I always make sure my knickers match my shoes.

I mean . . . one wouldn’t want to ever be found to be . . . un-coordinated !!!

For more “Shades of Red” this Wicked Wednesday, gently push
the rainbow-coloured button below.


Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #bodypositivity, #wickedwednesday, Body Positivity, Sexy Lingerie, Wicked Wednesday

Modest Holiday Panty Rituals

I don’t actually wear Panties on holiday . . . in fact for most of my vacation,
as you may have noticed . . . I don’t wear very much at all !!!

But there is, quite surprisingly, a wonderful shop in the main town which always seems to have an amazing collection of, very very cheap, sexy Panties.
I’m not sure how “authentic” some of the brand-labelling is, but they always seem nicely made, and fun to wear!

So, it has become a holiday ritual every year to journey into town to browse through the new range, and stock-up on supplies.

I immediately wash them, of course, before packing them away in my suitcase to bring home, because . . . one must always wash, and dry, new knickers before wearing for the first time, don’t you agree?

This weeks theme at Wicked Wednesday is “Authentic” . . . whilst over at Food For Thought Friday it is “Rituals” . . . and you can read more on both topics by clicking on the buttons below.


Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #FoodForThoughtFriday, #wickedwednesday, Food For Thought, sexual empowerment for women, Sexy Lingerie, Wicked Wednesday

Modesty Ablaze “Pink Panty Playtime” #realworldsex film @makelovenotporn

Modesty Ablaze introduces Pink Panty Playtime

You probably won’t be surprised to learn that I receive quite a lot of “custom video” requests from my pages here at Modesty Ablaze dot com.

You also won’t be surprised that they are often quite naughty requests . . . occasionally too naughty even for me to contemplate.

But sometimes they stir my imagination . . . not always straight away on first reading . . . but perhaps weeks later a particular “request” will come to mind . . . usually on a Sunday afternoon when I am lounging in bed and suddenly feeling a little horny and in need of some quick “Me-Time”.

Well actually . . . it normally isn’t quick . . . because when I feel in the mood for some play-time fun I like to make it last as long as I can.

And it’s during those moments, that memories of those “request emails” pop back into my head . . . and as I lay back and start indulging . . . I usually find myself getting more and more excited . . . and more and more carried away with my thoughts and fantasies.

So on one such Sunday recently . . . I called Hubby upstairs and told him to get his camera ready.

I quickly searched in my drawer for a pair of Pink Panties . . . as “requested”
and popped down the hallway for a quick widdle, also as “requested” . . . telling him to have my favourite toys ready for when I returned.

Well, those pink panties didn’t stay on for very long . . . but this video certainly does . . . and you will just have to watch it to see what I mean!

You can view my introduction to “Pink Panty Playtime” by clicking the preview screen at the top of this post . . . or from >here< . . . BUT, as always, if you register (it’s FREE) and watch the intro video directly from my MakeLoveNotPorn profile page there are some short Free Peek clips from the actual video itself at the end of my introduction. AND, no, it’s not like all those other video-sites! There are none of those horrid pop-up adverts and unwelcome invitations. is simply about other #realworld people just like you and me, celebrating-in, and sharing their sexuality, fun and love.

Modesty Ablaze Pink Panty Playtime

There are lots more screen shots and Free Peek links to all of my #realworldsex videos, at my Make Love Not Porn page >here<.

“Pink Panty Playtime”  is my 59th video released on Make Love Not Porn with more to cum soon, and you can rent it from my Modesty Ablaze Profile page at MakeLoveNotPorn >here<.

The lovely people at MakeLoveNotPorn have labelled “Pink Panty Playtime” with tags such as:


So . . . I urge you to view, and see for yourself, exactly what they mean.

It’s completely FREE to register at MLNP and I’m sure you will enjoy not just my fifty-nine #realworldsex videos, but lots of other fun and amazing contributions from the growing MLNP community as well!!!

Make Love Not Porn

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine

P.s. If you’ve read my “Modestly Returning” post at the beginning of April 2024, you will know that most of my content here was lost, or corrupted, at the beginning of 2022. We are slowly working on re-instating that lost content, and repairing the broken links, so please bear with us. I hope this won’t dampen your enjoyment here.

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Filed under #realworldsex at, Body Positivity, Make Love Not Porn, Sexual liberation, Sexy Lingerie

Eastern Promise #Boobday Friday

Modesty Ablaze Eastern Promise Lingerie

I’m really loving some of the wonderful gifts that have arrived recently . . . and this beautiful sequin and lace gown is one of my favourites.

It makes me feel quite sophisticated and mysterious . . . “full of Eastern Promise” Hubby told me when I first pulled it on during the week.

And it seems to fit perfectly with Hy’s wonderful Boobday Friday, because:

Boobday is a body-positive meme where women share images of their bodies in order to show that there is beauty in all of us.  With confidence comes power and with power comes confidence.

Be sure to visit . . . and why not join-in . . .  Boobday sharing, this and
every Friday, by clicking on Hyacinth’s lovely cleavage below!


Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under #boobday, Body Positivity, Boobday Friday, sexual empowerment for women, Sexy Lingerie

Modest Symmetry #sinfulsunday

Modesty Ablaze Black Net TightsI do like things to be symmetrical . . . and for one to maintain a sense of balance in everything one does, don’t you think?

So . . . for more views on balance and symmetry this Sinful Sunday
just tap the lips below!Sinful SundayXxx- K


Filed under #sinfulsunday, Modesty’s Shoe Fetish, sexual empowerment for women, Sexy Lingerie, Sinful Sunday

Modest Lavender #Boobday Friday

Modesty Ablaze Lavender BoobsAfter a slow-start out in the fields last weekend, we did eventually manage to pick lots and lots of lavender.

And it smells so lovely that I have it displayed in several vases around the house
and I thought I would display it here at this week’s Boobday Friday too.

Boobday is a body-positive meme where women share images of their bodies in order to show that there is beauty in all of us.  With confidence comes power and with power comes confidence.

Be sure to visit . . . and why not join-in . . .  Boobday sharing, this and every Friday, by clicking on Hyacinth’s lovely cleavage below!


Xxx – K


Filed under #boobday, Body Positivity, Boobday Friday, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sexy Lingerie

Modestly Nude #Boobday Friday

Modesty Ablaze Nude BraAs I mentioned here at Boobday Friday recently, I don’t often wear a bra into the office. But occasionally, it is necessary . . . to preserve my modesty of course . . . and this is one of my favourites.

The colour was described as “Nude” on the label when I bought it . . . which rather confused Hubby . . . as he was expecting it to be “see-through”.

But, despite his disappointment, it does make me feel rather sophisticated and lady-like when I clip it on. So quite appropriate for  Boobday Friday don’t you think?

Boobday is a body-positive meme where women share images of their bodies in order to show that there is beauty in all of us.  With confidence comes power and with power comes confidence.

Be sure to visit . . . and why not join-in . . .  Boobday sharing, this and every Friday, by clicking on Hyacinth’s lovely cleavage below!


Xxx – K

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Filed under #boobday, Boobday Friday, Latex & Lace, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sexy Lingerie

Modest in Black #Boobday Friday

At last week’s Boobday Friday I mentioned how wearing my “Nights-in White Satin and Lace” always made me feel special.
Well . . . of course . . . I LOVE my Black Lace as well.

Especially as black-lace always makes me feel slightly more naughty!!!

And, as I’m feeling “slightly naughty” this morning, I thought I would share it here at Boobday Friday . . . because:

Boobday is a body-positive meme where women share images of their bodies in order to show that there is beauty in all of us.  With confidence comes power and with power comes confidence.

Be sure to visit . . . and why not join-in . . .  Boobday sharing, this and every Friday, by clicking on Hyacinth’s lovely cleavage below!


Xxx – K


Filed under #boobday, Body Positivity, Boobday Friday, Latex & Lace, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sexy Lingerie

Modestly Minimalist #sinfulsunday

“Oooh – it’s a bit like spin-the-bottle isn’t it?” I said to Hubby as I read the prompt for this week’s Sinful Sunday.

“What? You haven’t told me about your ‘spin-the-bottle’ days!” he exclaimed!

“Later!” I replied. “You spin first. – Oh look, you’ve landed on ‘Minimalist’ . . . very apt!!! . . . Now it’s my turn.”

“Toys” he laughed (a little grumpily). “That’s a rather appropriate one
for you then, isn’t it! Anyway – ‘Minimalist Toys’ – what are you going
to do for that?” he asked.

“Well,” I giggled, “I’ve got just the thing in my drawer! . . .
Don’t you remember that toy you bought me all those years ago?
The one I used to call ‘The Very Minimum’ !!!”

Modesty Ablaze – 1986

“Surely that would fit the prompt” I told him. “Why don’t we give it a . . . whirl?”

Modesty Ablaze – 2018

Now . . . let’s see how other people have made their own prompt fit
by pushing on the Sinful Sunday lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Modesty Ablaze in Polaroids Past
e Proud of Who You Were . . . and Be Proud of Who
You Have Become!

Join me at #polaroidspast .

Xxx – K



Filed under Polaroids Past, Sex Toys, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sexy Lingerie, Sinful Sunday, Uberkinky Fetish Toys