I have mentioned on many occasions in the past that Marie Rebelle’s wonderful Wicked Wednesday was one of the very first “lifestyle” blogs that I discovered, and subsequently subscribed to, on the internet.
Marie’s writings and photos were instrumental in inspiring and motivating me to first embark on my own blog-journey all those years ago. And whilst I had already begun my “Modesty Ablaze Diaries of a London Hotwife” project, I am certain that without Wicked Wednesday there would be no modestyablaze dot com blog.
So, how could I possibly not join-in to celebrate Marie’s wonderful achievement of 500 Wicked Wednesdays!!!
And for this amazing 500th edition, Marie’s prompt is “to share the ten best posts from the beginning of your own blog”.
But despite having lots of fun … and some lovely memories … in scrolling back through my modest archives, I couldn’t really choose any specific bests or favourites. So instead, I thought that I would list five particular posts that marked quite special, or important, moments at the time I first posted them.
So …
Past, present & why I blog #wickedwednesday – July 2014
Because although I started my Modesty Ablaze Diaries really just on a whim . . . as a bit of a joke, almost a sort-of “I could do that” dare in a way . . . the website quickly became something much more important than a joke or a dare.
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Modestly Why ? @F4TFriday – August 2019
So . . . being a more “visual” person, rather than being able to easily communicate my thoughts in words . . . I hope that my occasional photo-posts here express my core belief that above all else, we should always be true to ourselves . . . and always be just who we want to be !!!
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Modesty Ablaze and the #realworldsex videos @MakeLoveNotPorn.tv – April 2014
That is the thing about MakeLoveNotPorn . . . Real People doing different things and enjoying it so much that they want to share their fun and inspire others to do the same!!!
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Je vous remercie La Bauge littéraire – April 2016
It’s always very nice when someone says flattering things about you, especially so when those words come from someone with similar interests . . . in this case erotic literature . . . and even more so from someone for whom English is not their native language.
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Modesty Flying the Flag . . . Two for One #sinfulsunday & #scavengerhunt 11 – March 2014
Absolutely delighted to meet up with the wonderful, deliciously exciting Curvaceous Dee (first curator of my beloved Scavenger Hunt) for a naughty . . . and wickedly fun . . . Two-For-One flagpole #scavengerhunt flash.
I hope it brings as much of a smile to your face viewing it, as it did for Hubby and I to be actually meeting and sharing Dee’s company.
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For next week’s Wicked Wednesday I hope to add five more recent posts that, for one reason or another, marked special fun moments for me here at modestyablaze.com … but, in the meantime, I do recommend clicking on Marie’s rainbow below for lots more celebrations of over Nine Years of Wicked Wednesday!!!
NB: My masked chair image above taken by the wonderful John Tisbury.
Xxx- K