This week’s theme at Wicked Wednesday is “If you had to start a porn site, to what would it be devoted?”
Well . . . you just knew that I couldn’t resist, didn’t you???
Because, if you have visited me here at my Modesty Ablaze pages before, you will probably know that although I don’t specifically have a porn-site of my own, I am a huge supporter of the wonderful #realworldsex website
We’ve all probably watched porn at some time in our lives. In fact my first viewing experiences were from the days when one had to watch from those big video-cassette tape thingys and the content mostly seemed to be in Dutch or German . . . and the men all kept their socks on.
Things have obviously moved on, and the internet has completely changed the way videos are viewed nowadays. But for me, I quickly began to find the “new generation” porn videos actually quite annoying . . . and quite worrying.
Back in the days of those awkward cassette tapes, the videos at least seemed to have a hint of a story-line, socks or not! And the likes of Nina Hartley and Jeannie Pepper were, in my eyes, wonderfully strong-willed and empowered ladies who certainly seemed to enjoy themselves.
By contrast, the new on-line porn, X-streaming videos, seem to be not only just wham-bam, straight into a mass of impossibly writhing contortions or robotics, but more disappointingly to my eyes . . . derogatory or in fact even insulting . . . in the way that most of the participating women are portrayed.
False and overly exaggerated in every way, like plastic doll-like Stepford Wives, body-part extras with no input and no real enthusiasm . . . and certainly no respect for their involvement. And for me, that is a turn-off not a turn-on.
Now, I realise that many people want the pure fantasy, the pure wham-bam straight-to-the action sort of porn like that. But that is not the sort of “porn” that I want to see. I enjoy fantasies and role-play as much as anyone, but even in my Mistressing sessions, I want it to be fun and obviously consensual, and something that I can relate to on my own, personal, level.
And that is why I enjoy being part of MakeLoveNotPorn . . . realworldsex,
for and by realworldpeople just like you and me. And more and more in
today’s world, I think being by-the-people, for-the-people, is how life should really be.
So, although I know I posted earlier this year on my videos at MLNP . . . and used the same image and the same link to my “Why I Love Make Love Not Porn” video from March 2014 . . . I make no apologies, because although I know it will not be to everyone’s taste . . . if I had to start my own porn-site it would be just like MakeLoveNotPorn !!!
There’s bound to be many more “Pornographic”, thoughts to be discovered at this week’s Wicked Wednesday.
Xxx- K