Change – isn’t it just the ONE thing that none of us can really ever control?
Of course the things we do, the steps we take, the decisions we make . . . are all things that can shape our journey, but . . . time itself is really something that we can never fully control. It shapes and influences . . . and changes, all of us . . . usually in ways we could never have imagined.
And very often . . . as I look back through the years . . . I think that perhaps that is the way that life should really be. That some things will always, forever be, outside of our own control . . . and that possibly, in the end, our lives will be
all the better for it!
I know, from looking back to one of Hubby’s first #polaroidspast of me
. . . in 1982 . . . that I could never have imagined our adventures over the
34 years to come!!!
But . . . there are sure to be lot more changes and reflections to discover at this week’s Sinful Sunday from kissing the lips below!
Xxx – K
And, despite being something that we can never stop, change is something I’m sure that we all like to look back on occasionally. Sometimes with affection, sometimes not . . . but almost always I’m sure, with lots of giggles and gasps!!!
But I always say – “Try to Be Proud of Who You Were . . . and
Who You Have Become!”
So why not join me at #polaroidspast ?
Xxx – K