Category Archives: #polaroidspast

Change 1982 – 2016 #sinfulsunday


Modesty Ablaze – Looking Ahead 1982

Change – isn’t it just the ONE thing that none of us can really ever control?

Of course the things we do, the steps we take, the decisions we make . . . are all things that can shape our journey, but . . . time itself is really something that we can never fully control. It shapes and influences . . . and changes, all of us . . . usually in ways we could never have imagined.

And very often . . . as I look back through the years . . . I think that perhaps that is the way that life should really be. That some things will always, forever be, outside of our own control . . . and that possibly, in the end, our lives will be
all the better for it!

I know, from looking back to one of Hubby’s first #polaroidspast of me
. . . in 1982 . . . that I could never have imagined our adventures over the
34 years to come!!!


Modesty Ablaze – Looking Back 2016

But . . . there are sure to be lot more changes and reflections to discover at this week’s Sinful Sunday from kissing the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

And, despite being something that we can never stop, change is something I’m sure that we all like to look back on occasionally. Sometimes with affection, sometimes not . . . but almost always I’m sure, with lots of giggles and gasps!!!  

Modesty Ablaze in Polaroids Past

But I always say  – “Try to Be Proud of Who You Were . . . and
Who You Have Become!”

So why not join me at #polaroidspast ?
Xxx – K


Filed under #polaroidspast, Polaroids Past, Sinful Sunday

A Modest Identity #wickedwednesday


Modesty Ablaze – Sultry in 1989

I suppose our “Identity” . . . in the sense of who we think we are, or how we want others to perceive us . . . changes over time, in much the same way as our appearance does.

I know that from my own point-of-view, I now worry far less about others perception of me, than I used to. Accepting who we are, not trying to be the sort of person whom we know we are not, is all part of maturing and feeling comfortable in one’s self. And having that self-confidence, in just being ourselves, shapes how we interact with others around us and how, ultimately, they accept us . . . or otherwise!

So, as I say, I worry far less about those things than I probably did in my younger days. And looking at this picture from my #polaroidspast in 1989 makes me giggle now. Just who was I trying to be? A Sultry Siren ??? LOL!!! . . . or perhaps I was just sulking and getting annoyed at Hubby seeming to take forever to actually set-up his camera and “just click-the-button!” (Some things never change, he’s still the same!!!)

Anyway, there will be lots more thoughts on “Identity” to discover in this week’s theme at Wicked Wednesday from clicking-the-button below!


Xxx – K

Modesty Ablaze in Polaroids Past

Oh and P.S. – Be Proud of Who You Were . . . and
Who You Have Become!

Join me at #polaroidspast
Xxx – K



Filed under #polaroidspast, Polaroids Past, Wicked Wednesday

Mirrored Past #sinfulsunday


Modesty Ablaze – #polaroidspast – 1983

I’ve never really liked mirrors . . . because, very often, I don’t really like
what I see looking back at me.

I suppose it’s because one always thinks that it is the mirror that reflects everything about who we are.

But then I’ll remember which one of us is really in control . . . so I’ll shake
my finger in defiance and say “there will always be more to me than you
can ever see!!!”

 Of course, I probably wasn’t thinking that as I stood brushing my hair in my #polaroidspast picture from 1983 . . . but as Mirrors is this week’s theme at Sinful Sunday there is sure to be lots more reflections-shared from
brushing the lips below!

Sinful Sunday

Xxx – K

Modesty Ablaze in Polaroids Past

Oh and P.S. – Be Proud of Who You Were . . . and
Who You Have Become!

Join me at #polaroidspast
Xxx – K


Filed under #polaroidspast, Polaroids Past, Sinful Sunday