Category Archives: Eroticon 2013

A Modest Fantasy #wickedwednesday

Modesty Ablaze Tisbury One June 2019

We all have dreams . . . dreams and fantasies . . . and you probably won’t be surprised to hear that, for as long as I can remember, mine have usually been of the erotic, or sexual, variety.

And I’ve been very lucky over the past three decades, to have been able to indulge in, and live-out, many of those fantasies in real life.

They haven’t all been as wildly successful or fulfilling as in my dreams of course
. . . but many of them have!

And certainly one of my earliest fantasies from my early teens, after reading magazine articles and gazing at steamy photos of glamorous and sexy starlets of stage and screen . . . or perhaps of a wilful “model” exposed after some scandalous liaison or “ménage à trois” . . . was that I dreamt of having photos
of my own. Just like that.

Scandalous, erotic, naughty . . . and unashamedly . . . sexy !!!

Well, life has a way of offering opportunities to explore one’s fantasies doesn’t it! And, as my modesty slowly smouldered and, gradually, blazed and . . . eventually . . . exploded into my pages here, suddenly I found myself in a situation where I was able to indulge in my “photo-shoot” fantasy from all those years ago.

It was at Eroticon 2013 . . . my first visit . . . “Oh look”, I said to Hubby “there’s a session on ‘Erotic Photography’ by a John Tisbury. I know your Polaroids are fun, but . . .”

We’d not heard of John before, but from the moment his first photo appeared on the screen behind him, I was transfixed. I wanted to ask him more as his session ended . . . but lost my nerve.

But later in the day, during one of the mid-session breaks, I noticed John pouring himself a coffee . . . so dragging Hubby across the room with me, I strode over to introduce myself . . . and ask if he did private commissions.

Taking Hubby (and myself) totally by surprise, I said to John “I’d like to book a session please . . . Hubby will treat me for my birthday. It’s a special one . . . no, not my 30th.”

So, some weeks later, we spent an absolutely lovely afternoon in John’s wonderful studio, fulfilling yet another of my fantasies! And I enjoyed every minute of it, and every single photo from the session. He really is the loveliest man, and most wonderful photographer one could ever wish to meet.

I felt instantly at ease in his company and absolutely thrilled with the results . . . and if any of you have ever had similar fantasies of indulging in an erotic photo-shoot of your own, I would suggest you visit John’s website and book a session. Right now . . . and I’m sure you will never regret it.

Modesty Ablaze Tisbury Two June 2019

It should be obvious, of course, that the photos above . . . and my Slideshow are from John’s session that day!!!

For more confessions and fantasies visit this week’s Wicked Wednesday, by clicking on the button below !!!


Xxx- K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under Body Positivity, Eroticon 2013, Exhibitionism, Polaroids Past, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Wicked Wednesday

Shopping at Erotica 2013


I’ve just enjoyed a wonderfully fun time at Erotica 2013 here in London over the weekend.

Made Hubby buy me lots of new toys . . . including these Spreader Bars from Sportsheets . . . and we’ve already put them to good use!!!

See who else is being delightfully Sinful this Sunday by clicking the link below!

Sinful Sunday

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Filed under Eroticon 2013, Sinful Sunday

No. 3 in Ether Books Top 10

EtherBooksNo3CroppedThank you so much for making my latest short-story “My Cougar Moment”, No. 3 in the Ether Book’s Top 10 Paid Downloads list.

It’s always a thrill to know people enjoy my diary excerpts enough to actually download them . . . but even more so when I know that Ether Books is such a new concept.

I love it actually (reading naughty things on my phone I mean!!!). There is something quite exciting about sitting on the bus on my way to work scrolling through a naughty story whilst everyone else is probably scrolling through their text messages!!

Often I’ll wonder if the grumpy, elderly, gentleman sitting next to me is scowling just because I’m playing with my phone on the bus . . . OR whether it’s because he’s been taking sly glances at the naughty words as I become totally engrossed in a story and forget to tilt the phone away to a more “private” angle!!

You can listen to me reading a short extract from this story at my Soundcloud Audio link below.

So once again, many, many thanks to anyone who has downloaded “My Cougar Moment” . . . or any of the other three short-stories I have available at my Ether Books profile page.

I hope you’ll enjoy coming back for more . . . I certainly always do !!!

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Filed under erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Eroticon 2013, Hotwives, Swinging, womens Erotica

Such a lovely time at Eroticon 2013

EroticonMar213I had such a wonderful time at Eroticon 2013 last weekend here in London.

It was the first event of it’s kind that I have ever been to and I must admit that I was initially so nervous about being amongst so many of the writers and bloggers that I have been reading and following on-line over the past year.

But Hubby and I met so many welcoming and friendly people, that we soon felt perfectly at ease amongst like minded visitors from all over the UK, Europe and America.

My decision to book for the conference initially was simply as a fan, just to meet and listen. (My own E-books, and my posts here, are actual extracts from my diary so I’ve never really considered myself to be an author . . . and I didn’t see myself as a sex-blogger either . . . though of course lots of people told me that I am!!!). So my reason for attending was just to be amongst people that I admired for being able to express all their thoughts and visions and experiences, so vividly and imaginatively.

But to discover that so many of the people I revere and look up to,  are such nice and genuine (and yes everybody . . . NORMAL !!!) individuals . . . was truly, truly special and motivational.

The sessions I attended were all, without exception, fun and interesting and have made me realise how much more I need to edit and personalise my own writing. (Even as a “diarist” rather than an “author”).

So, (with special big kisses to Ian Jade and Rose Monrou) it was so lovely to meet such inspirational and talented people as Molly, Mina, Ruby Kiddell, Harper  Elliott, Curious Muse, Ruby Goodnight . . . and so many more.

Just can’t wait until next year !!!!

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Filed under erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Eroticon 2013, Hotwives, Sexual liberation, Swinging, womens Erotica