For those of you who are regular visitors here you may feel that it doesn’t take very much to get me excited . . . but I am certainly VERY excited this morning to welcome the wonderful, inspirational and EXCITING authoress Kay Jaybee to share with us some insights into her own special world.
I recently had the pleasure of meeting Kay at an erotic-reading evening here in London and she is as delightful and charming in person as she is imaginative and exciting in print.
Her own website catch-phrase is “Everyone Needs A Bedtime Story” . . . but believe you me, I never, EVER, feel sleepy after reading Kay Jaybee . . . and I am sure you will experience the same tingles as I do when you join Kay’s “Imagination Overload” !!!
By Kay Jaybee
I’ve always believed in guardian angels. Not as celestial beings, but as important elements in our lives – sometimes they are friends, family, hobbies, skills we have, or even our imaginations. My guardian angel is definitely my imagination – but I suspect it needs its halo’s polishing up a bit!
Sometimes I refer to my imagination as Miss Dubious Enterprises. Steering me along my erotic path, she takes me by the hand and points me in the direction of every possible source of inspiration.
She prods me as I sit on the bus, and gestures to the couple chatting on the seat opposite, urging me to observe their body language and reproduce their moves on paper at a later date. She reminds me to listen as I stand in shop queues, just in case someone says something I can use to kick start my imagination, once I’m happily settled with my notebook and pen.
Ever since I began my foray into the world of erotica nine years ago, I have seen and heard so many things – so many ordinary things – that my naughty little goddess has twisted and turned, a flirty smile upon her face. Each word she utters has been moulded into stories and poems that are designed to – let’s be honest – make the reader feel rather more than hot and bothered!
I wrote A Delivery of Words for my anthology Quick Kink One after my goddess had pointed out a rather attractive bloke unloading a pile of dictionaries from his lorry, outside the local bookshop. It wasn’t long before my imagination had moved both the man, along with one of the dictionaries, to my home, and started to play with them …
The first part of my trilogy, The Perfect Submissive, came to me after I’d seen a very unusual picture of a hammock… ‘What…’ my imagination angel whispered to me, ‘…could we do with a huge net of rope like that?’ – I just had to work it out and write the story …
The only trouble with my Imagination Angel – and I’d hate you to think I wasn’t grateful to her – is she never leaves me- never. No situation is too mundane to be used within my work. As I buy shoes, she whispers to me that the heels could be used as a dildo, (Bad Behaviour in The Collector). As I walk in the park, she remarks on how much fun it might be to wank on a park bench (A Leading Conversation in Quick Kink One). She points out a passing delivery man, and tells me that I could get him in the back of his van, I could write off all his clothes, I could write the arms of his shirt tying his hands together … (Now that is a story I have to write!!)
More recently, she eavesdropped on a conversation I was having with a friend about how to write Part 2 of The Perfect Submissive, and leapt upon the word ‘retreat’, just as my eyes fell upon an over-iced cupcake …(I’m saying no more!!!) – before I knew it, the whole of The Retreat was mapped out in my head … You see – I can’t go anywhere without Miss Dubious Enterprise sharing her naughty thoughts with me!
Rest assured though, she knows the rules, this angel of mine, and has never strayed to the criminal, vile or horrific. Yet she never calms, never slows, and never stops – and every now and again – without wanting to be ungrateful my dear Goddess, I’d like to switch her off!
But not today…
Thanks ever so much to lovely Modesty for inviting me over today!!
If you’d like to check out any of my stories, you can find all of the links on my web site-
The Perfect Submissive Part One can be found here-
Amazon UK-
The Retreat – The Perfect Submissive Part Two (out in Oct) can be pre-ordered here-
Amazon UK-
Happy reading,
Kay xxx
Kay Jaybee wrote the novels The Retreat – Part 2 of The Perfect Submissive Trilogy, (Xcite, 2013), Making Him Wait, (Sweetmeats Press, 2012), The Voyeur (Xcite, 2012), The Perfect Submissive (Xcite 2012), as well as the novellas, Not Her Type: Erotic Adventures With A Delivery Man (2nd ed. 1001 NightsPress, 2013), Digging Deep (Xcite, 2013), A Sticky Situation, (Xcite, 2012), and The Circus, (Sweetmeats Press). She has also written the anthologies The Collector (Austin & Macauley, 2012 & 2008), The Best of Kay Jaybee (Xcite, 2012), Tied to the Kitchen Sink, Equipment, (All Romance, 2012), Yes Ma’am (Xcite e-books, 2011), Quick KinkOne and Quick Kink Two (Xcite e-books, 2010). Kay has had over 70 short stories published by Cleis Press, Black Lace, Mammoth, Xcite, Penguin, Seal, and Sweetmeats Press.
Details of Kay’s work, past, present and future can be found at
You can follow Kay on Twitter- kay_jaybee, Facebook Goodreads- and the Brit Babes Site-
Kay also writes contemporary romance as Jenny Kane –
It has been so delightful . . . and so EXCITING !!! . . . for me to have Kay posting here . . . and needless-to-say I have ALREADY pre-ordered my own copy of “The Retreat” !!!
I won’t say Kay’s books are the type you just can’t put down . . . because I can never read more than two or three chapters of her books without becoming so aroused that I just have to put them down and start reaching for other things!!! “The Perfect Submissive”, “The Voyeur” . . . et al . . . are simply the most erotic, sexy, stimulating, arousing words I have ever had the pleasure (and I mean PLEASURE) to read.
Wherever, however, you read your erotica you must, Must, MUST read Kay Jaybee . . . I simply COMMAND you !!!
Xxx – Katie