Category Archives: Erotica On-line

Modesty Ablaze “Unmasked” – Part 7 of The Modesty Ablaze Diaries

As I’ve mentioned on several occasions previously, my pages here at Modesty Ablaze started almost as a form of therapeutic release.

Celebration and release actually, because I can’t deny that it was a thrill to satisfy that exhibitionist streak within that we all have, and to be able to share . . . “anonymously” . . . some of the personal diaries that I’d been writing for years and years.

Because I often wanted to shout-out to many of my “normal” friends, that one shouldn’t be ashamed of, our sexual feelings or desires. And that if we all talked about, and expressed those more openly with our partners, it just may lead their relationships to places they’d never imagined . . . as it had for myself.

Because for years I had been meeting several different lovers . . . with the complete knowledge and acceptance of Hubby . . . and had been keeping a record of every meeting in my diaries. So sharing some of those diary entries in the early pages of my blog, made me feel as though I was sharing the joy . . . and love . . . that such wonderful relationships can bring.

And to my absolute surprise, within the first month of those initial postings,
I began receiving emails asking for more . . . and then several suggestions
that I should publish them as Ebooks.

So . . . slowly at first . . . “The Modesty Ablaze Diaries” were born.

And, as I still often receive requests for more, I am happy to say that “Modesty Ablaze Unmasked – Part 7 of The Modesty Ablaze Diaries” has recently been published at both my Amazon, and Gumroad pages.

Modesty Unmasked” follows on directly from “Further Adventures”, with more diary entries of my personal meetings and . . . in the latter chapters . . . how those  “meetings” just seemed to naturally evolve into amazing three-some fun with Hubby as well. And then from there, into our first wonderfully sex-citing Swinging Adventures.

And . . . if you are sitting comfortably . . . you can listen to a reading from the beginning of Chapter 19 – “New Club Couple” from the audio link below.

Modesty Ablaze Unmasked” is now available in Ebook format from my Amazon US, and Amazon UK pages . . . or in downloadable and printable PDF format at my Gumroad pages.

Visit my Ebooks page >here< for information, and links, to all six
of my previous editions of “The Modesty Ablaze Diaries”.
I hope they may bring you fun and enjoyment!!!

Xxx – K


Filed under Erotic Authoress Spotlight, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Swinging, The Modesty Ablaze Diaries, womens Erotica

“Further Adventures” – The Modesty Ablaze Diairies @Gumroad

The Modesty Ablaze DiariesWhen I first began posting pages here at the end of 2011, the purpose of my Modesty Ablaze blog was almost as a form of therapeutic release.

Well . . . release AND celebration.

Release, because I can’t deny that it was a thrill to satisfy that exhibitionist streak within that we all have, and finally be able to share “anonymously” some of the personal diaries that I’d been writing for years and years.

But also a celebration, because I so often wanted to shout-out to many of my “normal” friends, that one shouldn’t be ashamed of, our sexual feelings or desires. And that if we all talked about, and expressed those more openly with our partners, it just may lead their relationships to places they’d never imagined
. . . as it had for myself.

At that time I didn’t actually have the courage to tell any of my friends that for years I had been meeting several different lovers, all over the same period of time, and with the complete knowledge and acceptance of my Hubby. And that I had been keeping a record of every meeting in my diaries . . . but sharing some of those diary entries on my blog, made me at least feel as though I had told them.

And to my absolute surprise, within the first month of those initial postings, I began receiving emails asking for more . . . and then several suggestions that I should self-publish them as Ebooks. I originally replied that my posts were just journal entries that probably wouldn’t best suit the format of a proper book, but after being assured that they surely would . . . I decided to “at least give it a try”.

It took me a little while of course . . . but eventually I had three short diary compilations on Amazon, and was amazed to start receiving regular requests to publish more.

I kept promising myself . . . and all those responders who kept asking over the following (three !!!) years . . . that I would publish more from my “archives” just as soon as I could find the time.

I did manage to publish several, short, diary excerpts on Gumroad. But despite several “starts” at compiling a longer, more complete book from my diaries, I just couldn’t get one finished. Life seemed to get busier and busier . . . not just with the normal everyday routines of work and family . . . but with new adventures and fun experiences to explore!

However last year I received a lovely series of emails, and subsequently a wonderfully flattering review on a French literature website La Bauge littéraire, that made me determined to publish another compilation of my diary entries “before the year was out”.

I failed of course! But . . . eventually and finally . . . “Further Adventures – Part 6 of The Modesty Ablaze Diaries” . . . has made it up into the ether-world of Amazon and Gumroad.

And, unlike my previous compilations which were random excerpts, “Further Adventures” is a chronological, virtually “cut and pasted”, sequence of diary entries from the same period as “Part 1 – The Journey”.

It features several of my earliest “acquaintances” . . . and how our relationships developed and “blossomed” . . . and how I shared those experiences so openly with Hubby, every evening on my return.

“Further Adventures” is still just £1.75 from my Gumroad page . . . and as well as being downloadable from there as a printable PDF file, that PDF format can also be read on your Kindle and other Ebook Readers.

I hope you will enjoy . . . and discover how these Further Adventures helped shape and define what has been, (and still is), a wonderfully fulfilling and loving open way of life for Hubby and myself!!!

Enjoy – Xxx – K


Filed under Body Positivity, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, sexual empowerment for women, Swinging, The Modesty Ablaze Diaries

A Modest Cover Reveal

It has been so very flattering since the release of my “Further Adventures – Part 6 of The Modesty Ablaze Diaries” to have received so many requests for more excerpts from my personal diaries.

So I am delighted to reveal that “Modesty Unmasked”, my seventh published Ebook Diary compilation, will soon be available from my Amazon and Gumroad profile pages.

But . . . I have a dilemma for which I need some help and advice!

You see, it’s become more and more difficult as I have published each of my diary excerpts, to choose a Cover image for each book. And as “Modesty Unmasked” is perhaps the most open, and un-edited of my journals so far,
(in that it recounts my experiences evolving into three-somes, and more-somes, and fun “swingers club” adventures), I really did want the cover of the book to reflect that title.

But I realise that, in the interests of common decency . . . and despite what you may think, I really do never wish to offend, or disturb, anyone . . . I wonder if my first choice of cover photo might be rejected by both Amazon and Gumroad as displaying “too much”.

The very reason I publish both my Diaries . . . and my posts here at . . . is because I really do feel that we all have the right to express our own sexuality and enjoyment of who we are, and who we enjoy sharing our love and freedom with.

So I would hope that either of the above Cover images would be accepted . . . but what do you think? Which image do you think I should submit?

Any advice in comments, or emails, gratefully accepted.

Xxx – K



Filed under Body Positivity, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Swinging

The Modesty Ablaze Diaries at Gumroad

To celebrate the publication of my new book Further Adventures, Part 6 in my The Modesty Ablaze Diaries series , two of my previous short-story excerpts “My Cougar Moment” and “A Naughty Surprise” are on sale for just $1 each at my Modesty Ablaze Gumroad profile page.

They are both short extracts from different years in my Personal Diaries Collection . . . and from very different meetings with different lovers.

“My Cougar Moment” – Normally when Hubby and I have a night out at our Swingers Club we will spend the first hour or so sitting at the Bar chatting to staff or to other couples, or singles, that we have met previously.

But on our most recent visit, I did something I’d never, ever done before.

And it turned into one of the most exciting evenings we’ve ever enjoyed there.


“My Cougar Moment” – $1 at Gumroad


“A Naughty Surprise” – I knew one shouldn’t play too close to home, but Scot was only my second lover. I’d met him on the morning school run and with my new-found ‘freedom’ I just couldn’t resist his flirting. I knew it was dangerous and risky. What if the other Mums noticed our playground glances and private jokes? What if they put two and two together?

But we just couldn’t control ourselves. Our affair exploded into almost weekly meetings of passion and excitement.

“A Naughty Surprise” – $1 at Gumroad

“Further Adventues” . . . 233 pages from one year of my Diary entries . . . is also available in downloadable PDF format at my Gumroad page, as well as in Kindle format from both my Amazon UK and Amazon US pages.

You can listen to me reading a short extract from “Further Adventures” from the audio link below.

“Further Adventures – Part 6 of The Modesty Ablaze Diaries”

Enjoy – Xxx – K


Filed under Body Positivity, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, sexual empowerment for women, Swinging, The Modesty Ablaze Diaries, womens Erotica

More Than Just the Sex: 5 Reasons Why Younger Men & Older Women Are the Perfect Match

If you have visited me here occasionally before, you will know how much fun I have in my regular evenings with one of my younger lovers.

So my curiousity . . .  and attention . . . was immediately drawn by the “More Than Just the Sex: 5 Reasons Why Younger Men & Older Women Are the Perfect Match” article I was recently sent (see below), and which I find myself nodding along in agreement to, as I read. Not to mention becoming aroused all over again at so many pleasant memories!

Well, okay, it is partially about the sex.

Times, are changing. LGBTQ rights are making progress and younger women are dating men on television. Consider Alicia Florrick’s one-night stand with her campaign manager (gasp, a double-whammy) from the ever popular legal drama, “The Good Wife”.

For the rest of us mid-life mortals still biting our lips every time a pretty young (male) thing walks by, you hereby have scientific and actual permission to go after what you want.

Or, at least, 5 reasons worth considering, if satisfaction and happiness are something you’ve been taught to just deny, deny, deny.

But, everyone needs to start somewhere.

  1. Lasting Longer
    For all you newbies and monogamy converts, there’s something in it for you: those dates and encounters that start casually between an older women and younger man are much more likely to end up turning into a lasting relationship. While “4ever” may not be quite forever, there’s a greater chance, according to studies for the symbiotic affinity younger men have for older women to transform the connection into a long-term relationship.
  2. Millennial Men Are Setting a New Standard
    It’s not just women’s social status, attitudes and expectations that are changing alongside their newfound power and professionalism. It’s also the status of younger guys. There is a lot more flexibility and younger men are more likely to be “open-minded” – and this doesn’t only have to do with their youth. It’s also because millennials, as a group, tend to be more self-reliant, highly educated and entrepreneurial. So if she’s dating a millennial man, he’s more like “young money”.
  3. The Tables Have Turned
    Usually, older women who date younger men are painted as desperate to cling on to a notion of youth that’s long passed them. Or else, they’re just closet-dominatrixes. After all, popular culture has a Maddona-Whore complex in the age of the 2010s for a reason, okay? But, now, it’s younger men who are actively attracted to older women, specifically singling them out as potential dating material – and are more than willing to take commitment to the next level with them. And it’s not because they have mommy issues, either. It’s because older women in this day and age tend to be financially and emotionally stable.
  4. Baggage Check – It’s no secret: older men tend to have baggage – and masks for hiding the baggage. The baggage is usually a couple of (failed) marriages, losses in life, emotional stagnation, teenagers and alimony. And their masks have been perfected over a century. Younger guys are not only less likely to have accumulated these fodder-for-a-therapist issues, they’re also less likely to internalize them so deeply or have it affect them as intensely as older men. Seriously though, younger guys have a greater tendency to roll with the punches – for now. So make hay while the sunshines.
  1. Older Women Make Younger Men Feel…Sexy! Another myth we’re turning inside out, folks: it’s actually younger men who end up feeling way sexier in a relationship with older women. See, older women who are confident enough are confident enough to go for younger guys. They don’t need a man, they want a man. They’ve lived with their beautiful bodies for long enough to know what they’re capable of, what their best features are and why they should respect themselves. Which means they’re more willing and able to tell their younger male counterparts how sexy they find their bodies, or their minds, or their voices. It’s often the younger man that will blush and feel shy and yet delighted at the genuine attention and care an older woman showers him with.

What’s the Big Deal, Anyway?

As an older woman, you’re likely to encounter many “boy toy” comments. And they’ll mostly come from other older men or (particularly judgemental) younger women. This happens because these groups feel threatened.

So consider this spin: you’re so in charge of your own desires, it actually threatens others who secretly want what you want but are “too afraid”  to go and get it.

Let that really sit for a moment. Now, if you’re feeling more mischievous and inspired than ever before, head online to Milf Area, gather a few close girlfriends and head to a local clubbing event dressed to the nines or chat up that cutie in the gym.

After all, what is that all those younger guys are saying?
“YOLO”: You only live once, right?

I am so happy to enter into such a fun collaboration with Milf Area because . . . as I mentioned in my opening paragraph . . .  I find myself nodding along in agreement with much of the above. With the rider of course that, as with ANY relationship, the key factor should always be open and honest communication between both (or in my case, all) parties involved. For as long as one’s desires, intentions and expectations are clear good, and fun things, normally happen!!!

Xxx – K   


Filed under Erotica On-line, Hotwives, MILF Area, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Swinging, womens Erotica

Eyes Closed Shut #wickedwednesday

Last week at Wicked Wednesday I included an excerpt from one of my Diaries entries from my still-to-be-completed E-book, “More Adventures”, from two years or so ago. That was “Part One” of a wonderfully fun, and adventurous evening, which I thought it only fair (after several special requests) to complete at this week’s edition with “Part Two”.

So . . . continued from last week . . .  

As the men followed us into the room I could tell they were both obviously aroused by the fact that D was gently pushing me back onto the bed . . .

I have kissed another woman before . . . playing at the club. But this was something different, completely different.

Her mouth was warm and wet, and her tongue hard yet gentle, in a way that I just couldn’t compare with the kisses I would normally receive from Hubby, or one of my lovers. Not really physically different, I suppose, but different in sensation and emotion. The taste seemed somehow sweeter, warmer, softer. I felt her hands squeezing gently over my nipples again, and then felt her pulling my hand down to her pussy. “I don’t really know what to do” I told her. “Play with me as though you are playing with yourself” she whispered into my ear. Her warm breath tickled my senses, and her words made me tingle and arch my back as her own fingers ran a trail down over my tummy, sliding in between my lips and instantly finding my button. Her lips slid away from my kisses and ran down in little pecks over my neck, down over my breasts, kissing at them each, gently on top, and to the sides, and then, pausing above me for a moment, sucking suddenly down onto my right nipple. Sucking and pinching, and stretching it away from my chest with her lips, before releasing it with a wonderful nip of her teeth, before performing the same task on my left nipple.

I had had my eyes closed tightly shut for several minutes, but could now sense her lifting away . . . and then felt her fingers being replaced with larger and thicker hands. I opened my eyes again to see M leaning over me, spreading my legs wider for a moment before running his fingers up my inner thigh and finding the exact spot that just a moment before was being caressed by his wife.

I lay back, groaning again but heard Hubby’s voice saying something unclear and unintelligible to D. I opened my eyes once more and gasped as I saw D kneeling back onto the bed with a large, very large, dildo in her hands. “Have you ever fucked another woman?” she asked. I suddenly knew that these were the words I had just heard her asking Hubby. “Oh my god” I said. Half giggling, half tingling, as I watched her kneeling between my legs and sliding one end of the long pink shape into herself. “I don’t know, I don’t think I could” I stammered. But a moment later I heard myself gasping louder as M’s fingers slid over me to hold me open and D pushed herself forward. “Ohh, ohh” I knew I was gurgling. I felt her sliding forward into me, the softness of her leg rubbing over mine, and then gasping loudly again as, with a little help from M, she lifted my other leg over the top of hers. She started pushing and groaning and gasping louder with every stroke. I pushed myself back against her and groaned again as M’s fingers twirled between us as I felt us slapping together, each with half of her dildo engulfed within us.

Pushing against her I could feel her pussy, and legs, and bottom slapping against mine and feel the thickness of the silicon pushing into me, then relaxing again, then pushing back. And M’s fingers working over me, working over the both of us, was making my groans more breathless, and louder and louder. I opened my eyes again to see Hubby standing next to the bed to my right. His cock was standing vertical against his tummy, and kneeling next to me on the bed to my left, M’s cock was swaying back and forth and tapping against my shoulder. I reached out to grasp Hubby’s cock and pull him onto the bed next to me. He eagerly obliged by kneeling right over me and guiding his cock towards my mouth. I sucked him up and down, cupping his balls in right hand whilst reaching out and stroking M up and down his shaft with my left. I felt him turning and shuffling his own knees up the bed closer towards me. I pulled away from Hubby’s cock, loving the plopping sound as his hardness slipped out of my mouth, and turned to my left to immediately guide M’s cock between my lips.

I could hear D groaning as she pushed and I thrust back against her, feeling the thickness and hardness of the dildo straining inside me. And, directly above me, both men were now grunting and groaning as I sucked and swung my mouth back from my left to my right and then back again. Sucking to the left whilst stroking with my hand to the right, and then turning to suck from the right and stroke to my left. My own muffled gasps were getting louder as M was still leaning forward stretching his hands down over my tummy to twist and twirl his fingers over both of our thrusting pussies. Hubby was squeezing and pinching at my nipples and I managed to gasp out “harder, pinch them harder” as I swivelled my mouth from left to right.

I heard D gasping out that she was going to come and felt her shuddering against me with convulsions as her legs squeezed together against mine. She suddenly pulled away and I felt the thickness slide out of me, making me cry out with my own orgasm as M’s fingers slid deliciously inside me for a moment before my own twists and shudders pushed them away.

I heard Hubby’s voice gasping out above me and then felt sudden warm splashes splatter across my breasts and stomach. I opened my eyes as M pulled his cock from my mouth and clasped both his hands around himself as he cried out as well. I saw the first burst of white from the eye of his knob as it shot past my forehead, and then felt the rest spurting onto my cheek and chin and then dribbling down onto my neck.

“I’m so sorry” he gasped, “I couldn’t stop it. I’ll get tissues” he continued as he swivelled off the side of the bed and stood up next to us. His cock was still erect and looked lovely bobbling around, still dripping, as he leant forward to pull some tissues from a drawer at the side of the bed. “You should apologise, you’re such a messy bugger” D said as she sat up at the other end of the bed.

I lifted myself up as well, “No, no, it was lovely. You don’t have to apologise” I told him as I accepted his handful of tissues. Hubby was sitting up on the other side of me, and accepted more tissues from M, so that he could wipe up his own “mess” from my tummy.

D lay down beside me reaching over to pull me closer against her, kissing me first on the cheek and saying “you are just beautiful”, before kissing me full on the lips again, just as she had earlier. “Thank you” I replied. “You are both beautiful too.” She sat up on one elbow and said “Have you ever done that before? Did you enjoy?”

I giggled “No, and Yes” as my reply. “I feel very greedy, it’s all been about me” I said. M sat back down on the bed and said “Well it’s still early yet . . . !”

As I say, there are more of my Diary entries still waiting for me to find the spare-time to finish, and publish, “More Adventures” . . . but finding that time is so difficult! . . . after all, my “spare-time” is my “fun-time”!!!

And just in case you prefer pictures instead of words, I thought I would include another occasion when I was blinded by the light . . . this time the light from the flash of Hubby’s camera as I stood on my favourite Grecian Steps around this time last year.

For more blindingly hot stories, you simply must visit this week’s Wicked Wednesday from lapping at the button below!

rainbowcircle1-200Xxx – K


Filed under erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Hotwives, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Swinging, Wicked Wednesday

Nominate your Top Sex Blogs of 2016


Every year around this time, nominations open for the annual Top 100 Sex Bloggers List. I believe this will be the eighth year of the lists existence . . . and it has become something I so look forward to scrolling through every year, to discover new gems of excitement, education and, of course, stimulation!!!

Now of course, lists, recommendations and compilations are always subjective aren’t they? What appeals to one person may be of no interest at all to another. But to me what is so important about the Top 100 Sex Bloggers List is that it is the perfect starting point for discovering a hugely diverse and entertaining group of people discussing, promoting, and most importantly in my view, celebrating  one’s sexuality in a way that it is never, ever approached in mainstream media.

And that is important in enlightening, educating and helping to hopefully remove all of the stigma, shame and guilt from what is, after all, the most basic and empowering . . . and exciting . . . of all of one’s natural emotions and instincts.

But enough of the preaching and finger-shaking from me . . . because none of us like too much of that do we? (Depends exactly where the finger is shaking actually!!!)

I will let the wonderfully remarkable, curator-supreme, Molly, explain the history and ethos of the list >herewith< but I really, really urge and encourage you all to scroll through the names, and links, of those blogs already listed . . . and investigate as many as you can . . . because I am sure you will find lots and lots of fun reading and, as I mentioned earlier, lots of enlightenment and stimulation!

And we all need more fun and enlightenment and stimulation in our lives from time-to-time don’t we???

Xxx – K


1 Comment

Filed under Erotica On-line, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Top 100 Sex Bloggers List, womens Erotica

A Modest Quickie #wickedwednesday

I’ve always enjoyed reading erotic stories . . . for as long as I can remember . . . it was always the “naughty books” that interested me much more than the sort of books I was always told I “should be reading”.

But as much as I loved to read . . . I could never write a story. An essay assignment at school was always my worst nightmare! I’d stare at a blank sheet of paper, praying for inspiration and words to appear, whilst all around me I could hear my classmates scribbling furiously into their exercise books!

FurtherCover400Aug2916But diaries? Well that was another matter. A diary was real . . . things that had happened, things that whilst I didn’t necessarily want to share (certainly NOT with my parents or family!!!) . . . for some strange, compelling . . . thrilling? . . . reason, they were things that somehow just seemed to write themselves. Often just dates and names (LOL!!!), scrawled code-words, filling pages of those little soft-covered (usually pink!!!) diary books one always seemed to be given for Christmas and Birthdays.

And the fact that I never stopped, is what . . . eventually . . . led me to be here at Modesty Ablaze Dot Com. And, after publishing my first few diary extracts here on-line, I was astounded to suddenly start receiving lots of emails suggesting I should turn them into Ebooks as well. So, over the course of the next few months I uploaded five short-diary compilations from my E-books page . . . and was part-way through compiling a sixth (“Further Adventures”) when I stopped.

Why? Well mainly because I it was just so difficult finding the time to put them together actually . . . I was too busy enjoying “new diary entries” !!!

But I do keep receiving nice messages of encouragement asking for more, so this week’s Wicked Wednesday theme of “Dear Diary” has spurred me into including one of the chapters of “Further Adventures” below. And you never know, perhaps I will . . . one day . . . find that my “new diary entries” have slowed down enough for me to find the time to complete that sixth compilation!!!

Morning Quickie . . .

One of the benefits of having a lover who is self-employed and has his own office, is that we can often meet at short-notice and on a spur-of-the-moment whim or tease.

That is exactly what happened when Lover Two called me on my way into work on Monday. He wanted to meet up sometime this week for a meal and night out but I was already committed to other (boring) things on both of the nights that he was suggesting. He teasingly said “Ok, how about coming round to the office now. I’ll switch off the phones for an hour”.

Although I much prefer a hotel room and a longer more leisurely evening, we’d had similar “quickies” in his office before, and there’s something that I must admit I do find quite thrilling and risque about occasionally letting myself go in those sort of circumstances. I told him I’d pop round “just for a little kiss and cuddle” then.

I rang into work to tell my colleagues I’d been delayed and would be an hour or so late, and quickly changed lines a few stops later. Hurrying through the rest of the tube-commuters I already felt quite excited by my “naughtiness” as the rest of the crowd were all scurrying off to their work, I was scurrying off for something entirely different! I thought about texting hubby as I exited the underground, but a taxi was right there, and it was only a short journey to Lover Two’s office . . . and the cabby was full of chat and distracting, so hubby would have to wait. It would be a nice surprise for him when he got home that night!

Lover Two met me at the main doors and led me upstairs to his office. We’d used his sofa on a few occasions before, but it still felt different and “dirty” and “exciting”. We fumbled and caressed and kissed and unclipped and unzipped each other. He pulled my knickers off completely and threw them across the room behind us. His cock was almost bursting out of his pants as I pulled and worked it free. The passion was actually quite overwhelming and I actually came in just a few minutes, just from his fingers sliding in and out of me and his lips sucking and scraping at my breasts which he’d freed from my bra and unbuttoned blouse.

I lay back on the sofa whilst he stood and slid off his trousers and pants, and thankfully his shoes and socks. I started to pull at my skirt, lifting my hips so that he could pull it off me, but he told me he wanted me to keep it on, and my hold-ups. He told me to turn over on my tummy and brought my knees down onto the floor so that I was actually leaning forward onto the seat of the sofa. I felt him kneeling down behind me and spreading my cheeks apart. Then I felt him pushing into me. “You’re always so wet” he was whispering into my ear. “I love it, I love you filling my juicy cunt” I groaned in response. I know he loves hearing me talk this way to him . . . and I do so love “talking dirty” when I’m really in the mood.

He was only pumping for a few minutes, and I could tell from his breathing getting louder and quicker that he was going to come. He was holding each of my hips and thrusting vigorously . . . but he knows I don’t like him coming inside. He pulled out and spun me round by my shoulders, stepping over me and pushing his erection towards my face. I leant forward and swallowed him into my mouth. He was gasping and groaning and holding my head tightly against him. I heard, and then felt him coming, swallowing it down as he continued holding my head. I knew he wouldn’t release until he’d finished his shuddering . . . finally pulling away and lifting me up to my feet. “God that was so nice” he said. Our tongues swirled in each others mouths as we kissed and clung to each other. Finally pulling away from each other we started to regain our composure. He pulled his pants and trousers back on and sat down on the sofa to put his shoes and socks back on. I’d re-adjusted my bra and skirt and started searching for my knickers behind the sofa. He found them first “let me keep them!” he teased, dodging my thrusts as I tried to get them back. “You could go commando all day” he laughed. I told him that would be very naughty and very horny, but I’d probably end up “dribbling, and that wouldn’t be comfortable”.

He called me a taxi . . . I was only going to be an hour and a half late for work . . . as I walked up the stairs to my own office I tried to compose myself and appear as normal as I could. But I couldn’t stop thinking about such an exciting start to the week, and couldn’t wait until I could tell hubby about it when he got home, and, yes, I WAS dribbling during the day.

So . . . if you’ve got down this far . . . you are sure to find lot’s more
“Dear Diary” Confessions
from tapping on the button below!


Xxx – K


Filed under Erotic Authoress Spotlight, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, sexual empowerment for women, Wicked Wednesday, womens Erotica

Je vous remercie La Bauge littéraire


It’s always very nice when someone says flattering things about you, especially so when those words come from someone with similar interests . . . in this case erotic literature . . . and even more so from someone for whom English is not their native language.

So I was thrilled to receive a lovely email two weeks ago from the gentleman who publishes at La Bauge littéraire (a site dedicated to erotic literature) to tell me about his review of my Ebook  The Modesty Diaries – Part 1 The Journey on his site. Now although I’m multi-lots-of-things (as you can probably imagine), I’m afraid multi-lingual is not one of them . . . although I just swoon at the sound of a French accent, my schoolgirl french is not good enough to read more than a few words!.

However La Bauge has just re-published his review in English which he has very graciously allowed me to re-publish in full below. Several other posts from La Bauge also have English translations and I really urge you to visit the wonderful world of Amber Jahn and discover some of her amazing paintings at: A Radiant Artist. They are quite simply stunning!!!

Thank you once again to La Bauge . . . and, as I have already said to him . . . his words below have motivated me to try to find some time to compile more of my (lots and lots) diary scribbles over the past few years, into a new Ebook Edition as soon as I can.

Katie Ellison, The Modesty Diaries, t. 1 « The journey »

The article you are about to read on the Modesty Diaries has first been published in a French version on my website dedicated to erotic literature, La Bauge littéraire. As the French still have difficulties coping with the idea that there are things worth saying in other languages than their own, this original feature on Katie Ellsion and her Modesty Diairies has remained without any attention. Which is rather sad, as Katie and her excellent texts are worthy of being discovered by a larger public. So I decided to publish an English translation in order to reach a bigger audience, for the sake of these diairies, its saucy details and its human dimension which extends far beyond the boundaries of physical love-making.

As you all know, literature is a kind of a game at the crossroads of reality and fiction. While some texts don’t seem to have any connection whatsoever to the world we all live in, others try to render it in the most accurate way or are destined to give an account of someone’s (for example the author’s) life and his reflections on it. Regardless of this consideration, literature is always fictional, never the real thing entirely. Conscious of this state of things, I was not able to exclude the idea of the Modesty Diaries being some kind of literary hoax. Something rather common and not to be rejected as false or dishonest, just a way of making literature out of something. Since the initial publication of this feature, I have chatted on multiple occasions with this diary’s author, and I am convinced now that the woman behind it all is in fact real. As for the actions related, I am of course not an eye-witness and I can by no means guarantee the veracity of every single detail, but I am convinced that the episodes of her life she has chosen to integrate into this stunning text – those that have led the author on her path to an enlightened – and profoundly human – sexuality – are indeed genuine. This being said, we should of course not forget that, having been transformed into literature, these experiences have acquired an additional dimension  and a veracity that extends beyond that of a single person.


Those who come and visit the den of literature’s wild boar on a regular basis know all about the terrible thirst of this beast of the Teutonic forests for all things related to literature, a thirst that pushes it to transgress all bounds in its search for something to quench the fire in its guts, a fire nourished by its lust for literature and sex, a lust so measureless that it makes him forget all decency, a longing to push to the heart of even the strangest phantasms. You can easily imagine that such a longing is difficult to satisfy, and this is one of the reasons that pushes the wild boar to take a good look over the fence, to see what treasures there may possibly be in other languages. After Barbara Shumway, an American author presented recently with two features, it is now the turn of Katie Ellison, an English writer that I met, just as Barbara, on, a site that built its business case around the notion of egotism, a kind of virtual visiting card that seems to exert a particular attraction on writers of erotica.

We should perhaps start by asking ourselves in what measure Katie Ellsion is about literature. Her texts are presented as excerpts from her diary, first published on a blog destined to be some kind of report of her discovery of – and slow progression toward – polyamory and a swinging life-style, of her first steps in this new world whose doors so often remain closed to the common mortal, caught in the conventions of a society that professes some sort of serial monogamy.

« These extracts are not fiction, but real life accounts of her occasional affairs, swinging adventures and encounters over the past decade. »1

Having never met the author elsewhere than in her writings, it is of course entirely possible that this is some kind of literary hoax, something rather common since the romantic ages, a trick that consists in creating fake biographies with all the appearances of the real thing. Whatever it may be in this case, as we talk (almost) exclusively literature in the wild boar’s den, and as this one has the habit of reaching out to those that offer him the possibility to travel the minds of writers, we are going to give credence to Katie’s story and delve into her texts, The Modesty Diaries, as if these really were the true confessions of a woman fulfilled by the experience of her openly assumed free sexuality.

As one would expect in a diary, everything is written from a first person perspective. As one follows the plot, one discovers a woman that nothing seems to make any different from the ordinary twenty-first century woman, married with kids, doing well in the job and at home. A woman whose first steps in the discovery of the sentimental and sexual aspects of life are those of the biggest part of her contemporaries. Up to the day where she starts (or lets herself get into) an affair, with all those mixed feelings that come along with it:

“Someone else found me attractive! Wanted me! Aroused me! Excited me! I just couldn’t help myself… even the complete feelings of guilt and shame in the aftermath, couldn’t stop me. I enjoyed it… and yes, I wanted it, I needed it.”2

A not very original experience that many have lived through, torn between fulfilment and shame, and that many have not been able to prevent from letting it destroy their marriage. But here lies the difference : The main character of this very intimate diary had the chance of being married to a man that not only understands her but actively encourages her to take more lovers, at the sole condition of telling him everything about it, up to the most saucy details. And that has been the start of a series of encounters that the author has chosen to present on her blog, which has later become the basis of the three volumes of her Modesty Diaries.

The episodes inspired by the rich sexual life of Katie E. (yes, this should remind you of the work of another famous sexual egotist, The sexual life of Catherine M.) have all one thing in common (at least in the first volume I just finished reading), a certain naiveté that, despite the open indecency of the characters and certain of their practices, makes for a refreshing sense of innocence. An innocence that largely contributes to make even more credible the allegations of the chief protagonist who professes the extra-literary, non-fictional character of herself and her texts. The things happening between Modesty (aka Katie) and her lovers are not out of the ordinary, and every person with a healthy sexuality is sure to have enjoyed it in some form: Modesty loves to suck cock, gets her nipples played with, enjoys head-jobs and passionate french-kissing. As I said, nothing out of the ordinary. There are no transgressions apart from the main one that lies at the heart of the matter, polyamory (rendered even more spicy by a big dosage of cuckolding). Apart from that, the sexual habits of Modesty Ablaze are those of about 99% of the population, and no-one would find anything wrong with that.

So, nothing special as for this matter, if it were not for the sincerity of the narrative that contributes to make Modesty Ablaze a real human being, a fellow, a person one would love to meet, not only to enjoy her open-mindedness and her excellence in all matters sexual, but to bask in the all-to-human warmth that she irradiates, a warmth so contagious that it makes exceptional beings out of those who just cross her path, beings that get into the readers’ heads and continue to live there. All thanks to the writing skill of Katie Ellison. And I hope you understand that this is an exploit so outstanding I just had to single it out.

If I have chosen to present to you, my faithful readers, the works of Katie Ellison, it is first and foremost for the profound humanity that lies at the heart of her writing, a humanity we all have a great need for in these times of obscurantist terror, a humanity that expresses itself precisely by what makes us human in the first place, tenderness and love, feelings that lead us into the arms – and between the legs spread wide open – of our fellow humans. This being said, I cannot stress enough how much the indecent encounters of Katie E. can be arousing! A reading adventure that guides those who let themselves be tempted from sexual heat to human warmth, an exploit that makes the diaries of this woman – a woman in the most profound of ways – such a remarkable read.


Republished here with permission from La Bauge littéraire (a site dedicated to erotic literature)

Xxx – K

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Filed under Erotic Authoress Spotlight, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sexy Saturday, womens Erotica

Holiday Reading #wickedwednesday

I’m a bit old fashioned . . . about lots of things really . . . but especially so when it comes to books! I still like the real ones, you know, the kind that feel substantial and thick when you hold them in your hands! (I do like holding something substantial, and thick, in my hands!!!)

I try to read as often as I can . . . but find the most enjoyable reading is when I’m away on my holidays. So imagine how delighted I was to find this communal bookcase in the courtyard of our apartment block when we were on our Grecian vacation two summers ago.


And look at one of the titles I found nestled innocently between all the modern romance and detective thrillers. Perhaps the owner had left it there, perhaps he knew I was returning for my second visit!!!


But don’t be fooled by the title gentlemen! I can switch at the flick of a . . . Modest Whip!!!


Oh . . . and I do still pop-in to my local library occasionally to browse through their Erotic Fiction section >here<!!!

Book’s are this week’s theme at Wicked Wednesday and you will discover lots more reading-matter from the reading-circle below!


Xxx – K


Filed under Erotic Authoress Spotlight, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Wicked Wednesday