Category Archives: erotic ebooks

A Modest Quickie #wickedwednesday

I’ve always enjoyed reading erotic stories . . . for as long as I can remember . . . it was always the “naughty books” that interested me much more than the sort of books I was always told I “should be reading”.

But as much as I loved to read . . . I could never write a story. An essay assignment at school was always my worst nightmare! I’d stare at a blank sheet of paper, praying for inspiration and words to appear, whilst all around me I could hear my classmates scribbling furiously into their exercise books!

FurtherCover400Aug2916But diaries? Well that was another matter. A diary was real . . . things that had happened, things that whilst I didn’t necessarily want to share (certainly NOT with my parents or family!!!) . . . for some strange, compelling . . . thrilling? . . . reason, they were things that somehow just seemed to write themselves. Often just dates and names (LOL!!!), scrawled code-words, filling pages of those little soft-covered (usually pink!!!) diary books one always seemed to be given for Christmas and Birthdays.

And the fact that I never stopped, is what . . . eventually . . . led me to be here at Modesty Ablaze Dot Com. And, after publishing my first few diary extracts here on-line, I was astounded to suddenly start receiving lots of emails suggesting I should turn them into Ebooks as well. So, over the course of the next few months I uploaded five short-diary compilations from my E-books page . . . and was part-way through compiling a sixth (“Further Adventures”) when I stopped.

Why? Well mainly because I it was just so difficult finding the time to put them together actually . . . I was too busy enjoying “new diary entries” !!!

But I do keep receiving nice messages of encouragement asking for more, so this week’s Wicked Wednesday theme of “Dear Diary” has spurred me into including one of the chapters of “Further Adventures” below. And you never know, perhaps I will . . . one day . . . find that my “new diary entries” have slowed down enough for me to find the time to complete that sixth compilation!!!

Morning Quickie . . .

One of the benefits of having a lover who is self-employed and has his own office, is that we can often meet at short-notice and on a spur-of-the-moment whim or tease.

That is exactly what happened when Lover Two called me on my way into work on Monday. He wanted to meet up sometime this week for a meal and night out but I was already committed to other (boring) things on both of the nights that he was suggesting. He teasingly said “Ok, how about coming round to the office now. I’ll switch off the phones for an hour”.

Although I much prefer a hotel room and a longer more leisurely evening, we’d had similar “quickies” in his office before, and there’s something that I must admit I do find quite thrilling and risque about occasionally letting myself go in those sort of circumstances. I told him I’d pop round “just for a little kiss and cuddle” then.

I rang into work to tell my colleagues I’d been delayed and would be an hour or so late, and quickly changed lines a few stops later. Hurrying through the rest of the tube-commuters I already felt quite excited by my “naughtiness” as the rest of the crowd were all scurrying off to their work, I was scurrying off for something entirely different! I thought about texting hubby as I exited the underground, but a taxi was right there, and it was only a short journey to Lover Two’s office . . . and the cabby was full of chat and distracting, so hubby would have to wait. It would be a nice surprise for him when he got home that night!

Lover Two met me at the main doors and led me upstairs to his office. We’d used his sofa on a few occasions before, but it still felt different and “dirty” and “exciting”. We fumbled and caressed and kissed and unclipped and unzipped each other. He pulled my knickers off completely and threw them across the room behind us. His cock was almost bursting out of his pants as I pulled and worked it free. The passion was actually quite overwhelming and I actually came in just a few minutes, just from his fingers sliding in and out of me and his lips sucking and scraping at my breasts which he’d freed from my bra and unbuttoned blouse.

I lay back on the sofa whilst he stood and slid off his trousers and pants, and thankfully his shoes and socks. I started to pull at my skirt, lifting my hips so that he could pull it off me, but he told me he wanted me to keep it on, and my hold-ups. He told me to turn over on my tummy and brought my knees down onto the floor so that I was actually leaning forward onto the seat of the sofa. I felt him kneeling down behind me and spreading my cheeks apart. Then I felt him pushing into me. “You’re always so wet” he was whispering into my ear. “I love it, I love you filling my juicy cunt” I groaned in response. I know he loves hearing me talk this way to him . . . and I do so love “talking dirty” when I’m really in the mood.

He was only pumping for a few minutes, and I could tell from his breathing getting louder and quicker that he was going to come. He was holding each of my hips and thrusting vigorously . . . but he knows I don’t like him coming inside. He pulled out and spun me round by my shoulders, stepping over me and pushing his erection towards my face. I leant forward and swallowed him into my mouth. He was gasping and groaning and holding my head tightly against him. I heard, and then felt him coming, swallowing it down as he continued holding my head. I knew he wouldn’t release until he’d finished his shuddering . . . finally pulling away and lifting me up to my feet. “God that was so nice” he said. Our tongues swirled in each others mouths as we kissed and clung to each other. Finally pulling away from each other we started to regain our composure. He pulled his pants and trousers back on and sat down on the sofa to put his shoes and socks back on. I’d re-adjusted my bra and skirt and started searching for my knickers behind the sofa. He found them first “let me keep them!” he teased, dodging my thrusts as I tried to get them back. “You could go commando all day” he laughed. I told him that would be very naughty and very horny, but I’d probably end up “dribbling, and that wouldn’t be comfortable”.

He called me a taxi . . . I was only going to be an hour and a half late for work . . . as I walked up the stairs to my own office I tried to compose myself and appear as normal as I could. But I couldn’t stop thinking about such an exciting start to the week, and couldn’t wait until I could tell hubby about it when he got home, and, yes, I WAS dribbling during the day.

So . . . if you’ve got down this far . . . you are sure to find lot’s more
“Dear Diary” Confessions
from tapping on the button below!


Xxx – K


Filed under Erotic Authoress Spotlight, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, sexual empowerment for women, Wicked Wednesday, womens Erotica

Je vous remercie La Bauge littéraire


It’s always very nice when someone says flattering things about you, especially so when those words come from someone with similar interests . . . in this case erotic literature . . . and even more so from someone for whom English is not their native language.

So I was thrilled to receive a lovely email two weeks ago from the gentleman who publishes at La Bauge littéraire (a site dedicated to erotic literature) to tell me about his review of my Ebook  The Modesty Diaries – Part 1 The Journey on his site. Now although I’m multi-lots-of-things (as you can probably imagine), I’m afraid multi-lingual is not one of them . . . although I just swoon at the sound of a French accent, my schoolgirl french is not good enough to read more than a few words!.

However La Bauge has just re-published his review in English which he has very graciously allowed me to re-publish in full below. Several other posts from La Bauge also have English translations and I really urge you to visit the wonderful world of Amber Jahn and discover some of her amazing paintings at: A Radiant Artist. They are quite simply stunning!!!

Thank you once again to La Bauge . . . and, as I have already said to him . . . his words below have motivated me to try to find some time to compile more of my (lots and lots) diary scribbles over the past few years, into a new Ebook Edition as soon as I can.

Katie Ellison, The Modesty Diaries, t. 1 « The journey »

The article you are about to read on the Modesty Diaries has first been published in a French version on my website dedicated to erotic literature, La Bauge littéraire. As the French still have difficulties coping with the idea that there are things worth saying in other languages than their own, this original feature on Katie Ellsion and her Modesty Diairies has remained without any attention. Which is rather sad, as Katie and her excellent texts are worthy of being discovered by a larger public. So I decided to publish an English translation in order to reach a bigger audience, for the sake of these diairies, its saucy details and its human dimension which extends far beyond the boundaries of physical love-making.

As you all know, literature is a kind of a game at the crossroads of reality and fiction. While some texts don’t seem to have any connection whatsoever to the world we all live in, others try to render it in the most accurate way or are destined to give an account of someone’s (for example the author’s) life and his reflections on it. Regardless of this consideration, literature is always fictional, never the real thing entirely. Conscious of this state of things, I was not able to exclude the idea of the Modesty Diaries being some kind of literary hoax. Something rather common and not to be rejected as false or dishonest, just a way of making literature out of something. Since the initial publication of this feature, I have chatted on multiple occasions with this diary’s author, and I am convinced now that the woman behind it all is in fact real. As for the actions related, I am of course not an eye-witness and I can by no means guarantee the veracity of every single detail, but I am convinced that the episodes of her life she has chosen to integrate into this stunning text – those that have led the author on her path to an enlightened – and profoundly human – sexuality – are indeed genuine. This being said, we should of course not forget that, having been transformed into literature, these experiences have acquired an additional dimension  and a veracity that extends beyond that of a single person.


Those who come and visit the den of literature’s wild boar on a regular basis know all about the terrible thirst of this beast of the Teutonic forests for all things related to literature, a thirst that pushes it to transgress all bounds in its search for something to quench the fire in its guts, a fire nourished by its lust for literature and sex, a lust so measureless that it makes him forget all decency, a longing to push to the heart of even the strangest phantasms. You can easily imagine that such a longing is difficult to satisfy, and this is one of the reasons that pushes the wild boar to take a good look over the fence, to see what treasures there may possibly be in other languages. After Barbara Shumway, an American author presented recently with two features, it is now the turn of Katie Ellison, an English writer that I met, just as Barbara, on, a site that built its business case around the notion of egotism, a kind of virtual visiting card that seems to exert a particular attraction on writers of erotica.

We should perhaps start by asking ourselves in what measure Katie Ellsion is about literature. Her texts are presented as excerpts from her diary, first published on a blog destined to be some kind of report of her discovery of – and slow progression toward – polyamory and a swinging life-style, of her first steps in this new world whose doors so often remain closed to the common mortal, caught in the conventions of a society that professes some sort of serial monogamy.

« These extracts are not fiction, but real life accounts of her occasional affairs, swinging adventures and encounters over the past decade. »1

Having never met the author elsewhere than in her writings, it is of course entirely possible that this is some kind of literary hoax, something rather common since the romantic ages, a trick that consists in creating fake biographies with all the appearances of the real thing. Whatever it may be in this case, as we talk (almost) exclusively literature in the wild boar’s den, and as this one has the habit of reaching out to those that offer him the possibility to travel the minds of writers, we are going to give credence to Katie’s story and delve into her texts, The Modesty Diaries, as if these really were the true confessions of a woman fulfilled by the experience of her openly assumed free sexuality.

As one would expect in a diary, everything is written from a first person perspective. As one follows the plot, one discovers a woman that nothing seems to make any different from the ordinary twenty-first century woman, married with kids, doing well in the job and at home. A woman whose first steps in the discovery of the sentimental and sexual aspects of life are those of the biggest part of her contemporaries. Up to the day where she starts (or lets herself get into) an affair, with all those mixed feelings that come along with it:

“Someone else found me attractive! Wanted me! Aroused me! Excited me! I just couldn’t help myself… even the complete feelings of guilt and shame in the aftermath, couldn’t stop me. I enjoyed it… and yes, I wanted it, I needed it.”2

A not very original experience that many have lived through, torn between fulfilment and shame, and that many have not been able to prevent from letting it destroy their marriage. But here lies the difference : The main character of this very intimate diary had the chance of being married to a man that not only understands her but actively encourages her to take more lovers, at the sole condition of telling him everything about it, up to the most saucy details. And that has been the start of a series of encounters that the author has chosen to present on her blog, which has later become the basis of the three volumes of her Modesty Diaries.

The episodes inspired by the rich sexual life of Katie E. (yes, this should remind you of the work of another famous sexual egotist, The sexual life of Catherine M.) have all one thing in common (at least in the first volume I just finished reading), a certain naiveté that, despite the open indecency of the characters and certain of their practices, makes for a refreshing sense of innocence. An innocence that largely contributes to make even more credible the allegations of the chief protagonist who professes the extra-literary, non-fictional character of herself and her texts. The things happening between Modesty (aka Katie) and her lovers are not out of the ordinary, and every person with a healthy sexuality is sure to have enjoyed it in some form: Modesty loves to suck cock, gets her nipples played with, enjoys head-jobs and passionate french-kissing. As I said, nothing out of the ordinary. There are no transgressions apart from the main one that lies at the heart of the matter, polyamory (rendered even more spicy by a big dosage of cuckolding). Apart from that, the sexual habits of Modesty Ablaze are those of about 99% of the population, and no-one would find anything wrong with that.

So, nothing special as for this matter, if it were not for the sincerity of the narrative that contributes to make Modesty Ablaze a real human being, a fellow, a person one would love to meet, not only to enjoy her open-mindedness and her excellence in all matters sexual, but to bask in the all-to-human warmth that she irradiates, a warmth so contagious that it makes exceptional beings out of those who just cross her path, beings that get into the readers’ heads and continue to live there. All thanks to the writing skill of Katie Ellison. And I hope you understand that this is an exploit so outstanding I just had to single it out.

If I have chosen to present to you, my faithful readers, the works of Katie Ellison, it is first and foremost for the profound humanity that lies at the heart of her writing, a humanity we all have a great need for in these times of obscurantist terror, a humanity that expresses itself precisely by what makes us human in the first place, tenderness and love, feelings that lead us into the arms – and between the legs spread wide open – of our fellow humans. This being said, I cannot stress enough how much the indecent encounters of Katie E. can be arousing! A reading adventure that guides those who let themselves be tempted from sexual heat to human warmth, an exploit that makes the diaries of this woman – a woman in the most profound of ways – such a remarkable read.


Republished here with permission from La Bauge littéraire (a site dedicated to erotic literature)

Xxx – K

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Filed under Erotic Authoress Spotlight, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Sexy Saturday, womens Erotica

Holiday Reading #wickedwednesday

I’m a bit old fashioned . . . about lots of things really . . . but especially so when it comes to books! I still like the real ones, you know, the kind that feel substantial and thick when you hold them in your hands! (I do like holding something substantial, and thick, in my hands!!!)

I try to read as often as I can . . . but find the most enjoyable reading is when I’m away on my holidays. So imagine how delighted I was to find this communal bookcase in the courtyard of our apartment block when we were on our Grecian vacation two summers ago.


And look at one of the titles I found nestled innocently between all the modern romance and detective thrillers. Perhaps the owner had left it there, perhaps he knew I was returning for my second visit!!!


But don’t be fooled by the title gentlemen! I can switch at the flick of a . . . Modest Whip!!!


Oh . . . and I do still pop-in to my local library occasionally to browse through their Erotic Fiction section >here<!!!

Book’s are this week’s theme at Wicked Wednesday and you will discover lots more reading-matter from the reading-circle below!


Xxx – K


Filed under Erotic Authoress Spotlight, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Wicked Wednesday

Modesty’s memories of Desire #wickedwednesday

This week’s theme at Wicked Wednesday is “Desire” . . . the very emotion that first set my Modesty Ablaze and started Hubby and I on our amazing journey that has brought us here.

So I thought it an appropriate moment to share an excerpt from my diaries at the time. Diaries that I wrote initially to share only with Hubby . . . then became brave enough to share in short posts on my first attempts at blogging here at . . . and then, at the suggestion of several early followers, to publish as short autobiographical ebooks.

The excerpt here is from my first diary “The Journey”.

S had been texting and calling me for a week suggesting we meet for “an early Valentines”. As the weather had been so bad over the past few days, and negotiating the streets and finding parking in Hampstead can be difficult even in normal circumstances, we agreed to meet directly at our normal hotel. S suggested we could order room service and just soak in the bath whilst we waited.

He’d reminded me it would be an “anniversary” of sorts (he’s always coming up with “anniversaries” of different meetings, places or events of our times together) . . . so I decided to impress him by packing the red bra, panties and suspenders set he’d bought me last year into my “work bag” as I left for the office in the morning. I’d shown James of course as we got ready to leave for work. We always kiss our goodbyes even more passionately in the morning when he knows that I’ll be meeting S after work, but knowing that I was taking “special undies” made him even more passionate than normal.

The, by now, depressing routine of nine hours plus at the office was made more bearable during the day by my tingles of excitement that I’d be having an evening out after work! I freshened-up in the washroom as all my colleagues disappeared one by one, and I locked myself in my office to do my nails and begin changing. I knew I had loads of time before I needed to call a taxi, so decided to do my toenails as well. As I sat with my tissue dividers between my toes waiting for them to dry I got more and more excited thinking about “dressing-up” for my meeting. I’d already changed into my bra and suspenders and panties and was sitting on my chair with just my jacket draped around my shoulders whilst waiting for my nails to dry. I decided that perhaps I didn’t need my blouse or skirt after-all . . . that perhaps I could just arrive with my grey woollen overcoat and scarf . . . and nothing else at all apart from my lacy red undies. I was sure he’d really appreciate seeing his gift displayed so quickly as I took-off my coat!

Then reality kicked-in and I realised how dangerous, and naughty, it would be to be sitting in the back of a taxi all the way from the West End to the other side of Hampstead with virtually nothing on except for a coat and scarf. I’d walked, in the middle of the night, the few streets to and from S’s house like that, but travelling miles and miles in the back of a black cab . . . that was an entirely different matter!

The more I thought about it though, the more tingly I became. I thought about calling James and asking him, but I knew he’d be on his way home and, anyway, I knew what he would say of course!!

I removed the tissues and pulled on and fastened my stockings. I pulled on my coat and scarf and sneaked down the corridor to the washroom. The mirror isn’t full-length but I stood back as far as I could to see if it “looked unusual”. As I slipped back to my office I knew I’d have to be phoning for a cab soon anyway, so I had to make up my mind. I could hear my voice almost trembling as I phoned. Here I was ordering a taxi on the business account . . . arranging to meet a lover not a client . . . and I was hardly dressed appropriately for company travel . . . Would the radio-controller be able to tell from my voice, would the cab-driver know ?

Fifteen minutes before the cab would arrive and I took off my coat and started to put on my skirt . . . several times!

I was excited . . . and then sensible . . . and then excited . . . and then nervous again. Then my phone rang. Security from reception to say my taxi had arrived !! I pushed my blouse and skirt into the bottom drawer of my desk, tightened my scarf as tightly as I could . . . and, almost floated, to the door of the lifts.

I have sunbathed topless in Spain and Greece, streaked naked for a few hundred yards through Epping Forest in the pouring rain, spent a day at the Tennis Championships with no panties beneath my dress . . . but I have never felt so tingly and so naughty . . . and so aroused as I felt sitting in the back of that taxi. As we crawled along Edgware Road and I gazed out of the window at everybody bustling by and the other cars next to us in the traffic, I felt hot flushes rather than chilly as I thought I might. The taxi-driver had his heater on of course, but it was my tingling that was making me feel hot, and I was sure my face must have been as red as my nails and lipstick. The driver was jovial and talkative . . . and I was polite and conversational in return, but all the time my mind was racing about what James would think when I told him later of how I’d left the office. We were still ten minutes away from the hotel when S texted to tell me he’d arrived and gave me the room number. I replied that he could “start running me a bath” and that I would be there soon.

I certainly felt the chill as I stepped out of the taxi outside the hotel and thanked the driver . . . but I felt a completely different sensation as I strode across the foyer and stepped into the lift !!

I found the room easily and tapped lightly on the door. S kissed me lightly on the cheek as he let me into the room, telling me “your bath is ready madam”. But as I twisted off my scarf and unbuttoned and opened my coat he just stood for a few seconds, his face changing from a smile to almost a gasping look . . . “wow, incredible, simply incredible” . . . before stepping forward and pulling me into a squeezing embrace. His hands were running all over my back and his kisses almost stiffling me. I had to pull away and extricate my arms from the sleeves of the coat before he was pulling me into him again and kissing down my neck to my breasts. He unclipped my bra and was then sucking at my nipples . . . all seemingly within a few seconds. We were still standing just inside the door of the room. “Do you remember these?” I asked him as I helped him slide the straps of the bra from my shoulders. “Of course. I can’t believe you came just like this”.

“Mmm. I can’t believe I did either, but it’s made me feeling very naughty!” We continued kissing, still standing in the same spot. He had slid both his hands inside my panties, squeezing my bum cheeks and kissing from one nipple to the other. He pulled my panties down, dropping down onto his knees as he pulled them to the floor, and nuzzling into my pussy. As I opened my legs to step out of the panties and shake them off each ankle, his tongue was licking between my lips and he was pulling me into his face as he kissed and licked more. He stood up and led me across to the bed, sitting me down and then kneeling down by the side of the bed to continue licking at me more. I was already tingling all over but protested I should “have my bath first”. He lifted away to say I tasted so sweet and sexy that he didn’t want to stop. He pulled off my shoes as he continued to lick at me and then as I lay back a little more onto the bed, I felt  . . .

There is more of course . . . but I wouldn’t want you to become bored . . . SO, So, so . . . for more thoughts, memories and experiences of “Desire”, this week’s theme at Wicked Wednesday, simply click the button below!!!


Xxx – K

P.S. – If you would like to read the conclusion of this excerpt, “The Journey” my first auto-biographical diary is availabe as an E-book PDF >here<.



Filed under erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Hotwives, sexual empowerment for women, Wicked Wednesday, womens Erotica

Book Review: “My Not-So-Shameful Sex Secrets” by Girl On The Net

My recent, all too short, holiday allowed me the opportunity to catch-up on some relaxing . . . and exciting . . . reading.

Whilst I do try to spend every free commuting moment to and from work each day buried in my kindle, there is something so much more relaxing and rewarding about lounging by the pool completely lost in a new book. With only the occasional interruption . . . requesting “more sun-screen please, oh and whilst you’re up, I’d like a wine top-up as well!” from Hubby, or needing an hourly, 15-minute dip, in the water to cool me down (from the book as well as the sun!!!) . . . I was able to completely finish three new books during our time away. Each different in their own right, and each certainly very, very naughty and very, very exciting!

I’d brought two books with me . . . and was surprised (and delighted) to find another, very interesting book, on the communal bookshelf in the downstairs outside-lobby of our small apartment complex (See below: Does this count as a “Library” Scavenger Hunt Dee? LOL!!!). But more on that later . . .

ModestyBookcaseFull. . . BECAUSE, now that I’ve caught your attention . . . !!!

One of those two books I’d brought with me was “Girl on the Net: My Not-So-Shameful Sex Secrets” (Kindle Edition) by one of my most frequent click-to-visit bloggers Girl On The Net.

If you have read even just a few of her always direct and often intriguing blog-posts (and if you haven’t I urge you to visit NOW!!!) you may think you will know what to expect from Carina’s autobio-so-far-ography. But actually it is so, so much more than, certainly I, and I think probably most readers, would have expected!

If I tell you that on one of the most wonderful, relaxing, sexciting, fulfilling holidays . . . in one of the most beautiful and relaxing locations, I’ve ever experienced . . . reading “Girl on the Net: My Not-So-Shameful Sex Secrets” was one of the highlights of my vacation, then you may, just may, sense a tiny amount of the enjoyment I got from losing myself almost completely in Carina’s story.

And I should also tell you that Hubby would often have to tap me on the shoulder and whisper “Sh!” as I burst out into loud giggles of laughter, or exclamations of “yes, yes!!!” . . . so much so that other guests lounging by the pool would, apparently, lift themselves off their sunbeds, or look-up from their own books (or worse, remove their headphones) to enquire “she must have a good book???” as I rolled and shuffled and wriggled in shock, delight and (most often) agreement . . . and (occasionally) “oh no” disagreement . . . of the words as they jumped, squirmed and snaked from my Kindle screen.

To say that Carina’s words are direct, honest and straight-to-the-point, would be an understatement LOL! (there you see, I’m doing it again!!!) . . . but THAT is this book’s strength, appeal and, (dare I say it???), charm.

My life is seemingly completely the reverse of her own . . . I’d never set foot in a university until accompanying my own children on their first exploratory visits, never embarked on my first “fling” with another partner until after 10 years of marriage, never visited swinging or fetish clubs until another 10 years had passed . . . and yet every word, every emotion, every up . . . and every down . . . had me nodding in understanding, wonder and, yes, in agreement.

GirlOnTheNetCoverGirl On The Net’s frank and open narrative of her journey from those first discoveries of those private-bits that we all have, those feelings of doubt, guilt, enjoyment . . . those pressures from parents and peers alike . . . are simply wonderful to see recalled and described in such a simple, emotive and REAL manner.

Through first boyfriends, first loves, first orgasms, first heart-breaks . . . all whilst still at school!!! No preaching, no cry for help, no excuses made, nor expected, as we move chapter by chapter through Girl’s lovers (and loves), gains and losses, highs and lows. Some may be shocked by the language here (and by that I mean both in it’s form and description) . . . and at times I would pause from my nodding in agreement and ask myself “we have a son and daughter not too-much younger, would I be happy . . .?”

But do you know what !!! . . . these words make me think . . . “Yes, yes, I would”. Because?

Because Carina’s words, and emotions, and experiences . . . are real. Emotions that we all feel and experience . . . and yet her directness, her honesty, show an understanding, acceptance, maturity, that far too many people (parents with far too-short memories?), will admit to.

Reading “My Not-So-Shameful Sex Secrets” left me feeling I had been invited to share not just Carina’s story, but all of our stories, described in a way that most of us would be too introverted, worried, or “ashamed” to admit. Difficult, confusing, challenging, worrying . . . incomplete (both figuratively and literally in this case) . . . this book is all of those things and yet it is compelling reading, inspiring and questioning. It states the obvious in a very LOUD voice that demands to know why can’t we see, or admit to, the obvious! It cajoles and challenges with a wonderful sense of wit and humour, dry sarcasm . . . and yes, wisdom . . . that seems to shout “I know, I accept, who I am, but do YOU?”

If I haven’t prefaced the story, described the timeline, mentioned the principles, teased you with the climax . . . that is because I want you, challenge you, to read this book. To ask yourself if you don’t, really, truly, see at least a part of yourself amongst these pages . . . and to hope that in that realisation you, (we all), may think a little differently about how we see, accept or judge both ourselves and those around us.

Modesty Rating: 10 out of 10
Pros: Realworld language, honest, direct, humorous & witty, yet informative & compelling reading.
Cons: I can’t think of any.
Pages: 260pp
Buy Link: Girl on the Net: My Not-So-Shameful Sex Secrets (Kindle Edition)
Blog: Girl On The Net


The Modesty Rider:
I realise, of course, that there are already thousands of long-established Sex Toy Reviewers and Review sites . . . most of whom will be far more adapt at explaining all the technical details and specifications of things. But for me, sexy clothes and lingerie, sexy toys . . . and even sexy books . . . are all about adding a little fun and excitement to things. So that is how I tend to approach my reviews and videos!!! Just to explain “how it was for me” in a fun, and light-hearted, way without taking things too seriously! Chances are that if something makes me giggle and tingle and feel good, it will score higher on my Modesty Rating.


Xxx – K


Filed under erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Sex Toys, Sex Toys Reviews, sexual empowerment for women, womens Erotica

“Knowing Her Place ” by Kay Jaybee . . . the THRILL is in the Detail !!!

You must know the feeling . . . quite by some unexpected twist of fate you’ve discovered a wonderful album by a completely new (to you) musician. Or perhaps a debut movie by an unheard of actor (or actress). Or maybe a book by an author you’ve never come across before. And the surprise and enjoyment of your discovery leaves you craving for more . . . that next album, that next movie, that next book . . .

. . . only to find when it arrives in your excitedly expectant hands that your sense of anticipation as you begin to listen, watch or read, is replaced instead by a flat feeling of disappointment and let-down.

Such was my worry as I shakingly began to renew my acquaintance with Jess Sanders in “Knowing Her Place” the third book in Kay Jaybee’s “The Perfect Submissive” trilogy***.

"Knowing Her Place"

“The Perfect Submissive” had not only been my introduction to Ms Jaybee’s writing, but had quite simply been the first book I’d ever read that I just didn’t want to put down until I’d finished.

Of course I physically had to stop reading from time-to-time (from excited exhaustion!), but just couldn’t wait to resume at the earliest possible moment.

The words just jumped from the page with almost electrical emotion and arousal, perfectly expressing all those enthralling and erotically exciting scenarios that I’m sure we all desire in our moments of passion.

For me that is the beauty and power of words, more than any other medium, that they inspire and stimulate your imagination and bring them into your world . . . and yours into theirs.

That was the effect of “The Perfect Submissive” and Jess’s story. I shared her journey, her emotions and her discoveries . . . and I am thrilled (in so many ways!!!) to be able to say that far from a disappointment or let-down, “Knowing Her Place” builds on the excitement and the anticipation of The Fables of “The Perfect Submissive” and the Fairtasia of “The Retreat” to a tumultuously tingling and erotically explosive Finale.

Jess’s journey in “Knowing Her Place” begins with her departure in Scotland from “The Retreat” and continues with five erotically-charged stopovers throughout England towards her final destination. And though the different situations, and different company, she finds herself in all have that (often unstated) reference back to her previous adventures, such is the descriptive beauty and power of “Knowing Her Place” that it stands as a wonderfully exciting and erotic journey in its own right (or write, so-to-speak!)

And that beauty and power is due to the way every sentence seems to balance, so wonderfully, the ability to describe and yet ask one to imagine the story unfolding before you.

For me the thrill is in the detail . . . the detail of the surroundings, the very being (the scent, the smell) of the people my heroine encounters. The feel of the fabric of every piece of clothing. The touch, weight and proportion of the props and implements Jess is asked to endure.

And just like any adventurous journey there are many unexpected and surprising twists and turns, acts of treachery and betrayal, denial and fulfilment.

Yes, the thrill is in the detail . . . but the detail is not gratuitous not forced, it begs to be imagined, to be drawn and touched and felt by all of ones senses.

That is what sets “Knowing Her Place” and the previous two books apart from any other erotica I have read. It is that wonderful ability that Ms Jaybee seems to find so natural.

Every page seems to flow, to inspire, to stimulate . . . and excite.

So, if you’ve felt disappointment, or let-down . . . or unsatisfied . . . by any other erotica you have read, I challenge you to take Jess Sanders journey. I am sure your imagination will take a new and exciting journey of it’s own.

Buy links for “Knowing Her Place”

***As I said . . . “Knowing Her Place” is a wonderfully exciting and erotic journey in its own right . . . but perhaps to get the most fulfillment and satisfaction from following Jess’s adventures, you could first indulge yourself in even more excitement by devouring the first two instalments in the Trilogy. After all, we all enjoy foreplay don’t we???

Needless to say I loved both of them . . . you can see my 5-star post on Goodreads from last year on “The Perfect Submissive” >here< and my review of “The Retreat” in March of this year >here<. So “Knowing Her Place” just couldn’t come quickly enough for me . . . because of course you just know how much I enjoy a three-some . . . sorry I mean, a trilogy!!!

So, go on, treat yourself . . . or tantalise and tease your nearest and dearest . . . to “The Perfect Submissive” and “The Retreat” by clicking on the respective covers below.


"The Retreat"










P.S. –  I just HAVE to mention the cover designs for all three of these books in “The Perfect Submissive Trilogy” series . . . and I’m knot saying this just because I have a thing about rope . . . I’m saying so because the lovely and subtle graphic binds (sorry!) each book to the other in a sort of simple, but powerful theme of submission and devotion. A theme so perfectly brought to life by the magical and enchanting stories within!!!

And, once you’ve regained your composure but left desperate for more . . . as I’m confident you surely will . . . visit Kay Jaybee on-line to discover more of the most arousing erotica I think you will ever find!!!

Xxx – K


Filed under erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Sex Toys, Sex Toys Reviews, sexual empowerment for women, womens Erotica

Book Review – “The Retreat” by Kay Jaybee

We’re all familiar with Fairytales . . . whether from distant memories of wonder and enchantment from our own childhood, or attempting to stimulate imagination and excitement in reading to our own children at bedtime.

But never . . . ever . . . could Hans Christian or the Grim Brothers have imagined such tales as those told between the covers of “The Retreat”.

TheRetreatNewRopeRegular readers here will remember that I’ve previously described authoress Kay Jaybee’s first instalment in her trilogy of submission and dominance, “The Perfect Submissive”, as “the most arousing and inspiring” book I’ve ever read. So I’d awaited this second instalment with huge anticipation . . . and expectation.

I’d wondered what the future held for Jess and what fearsome, and exciting, tasks she’d be asked to perform. Surely the imagination of her mistress had already reached the limit of all bounds of reasonable possibility?

But Kay Jaybee is clearly a woman apart . . . and the new scenarios and surroundings of a mysterious castle in the Scottish highlands seems the perfect setting to unleash yet more of her wild and wicked imagination.

My heroine Jess finds herself caught in a whirlwind of new masters and new submissive partners . . . and set a series of new tasks and new challenges at every twist and turn of the castles cold and unwelcoming corridors.

Just as with “The Perfect Submissive” each new chapter of “The Retreat” had me tingling with wonder and excitement (rather than enchantment in this instance) at Ms Jaybee’s extremely vivid imagination.

The tension builds throughout towards Fairtasias climatic finale-ball . . . quite unlike those bedtime stories of times long gone by!!!

Without wishing to divulge too much of the plot and positions required, and enacted here, there are some arousingly descriptive moments which had my pulse racing to the sort of dangerous levels I’ve not experienced since reading . . . and re-reading . . . the pages of “TPS”.

But, more than just simple lust and eroticism, Kay Jaybee’s story has that unusual skill of engaging her characters somehow into ones pysche . . . I wanted to share each new challenge with Jess, worried for her strength of will, worried just how that final chapter would unravel. A Fairytale end to the ball . . . or will the wicked Witchtress prevail???

And that, quite simply, is something that I don’t often find in my other reading, not just in erotica (and you know how much I enjoy reading naughty stories! LOL!!!), but in “normal” books . . . or normal media.

I remember thinking as I shuddered through the final pages of “TPS” that someone, somewhere, somehow should make it into a movie (and that I wanted to be in it! LOL!!!)

“The Retreat” may well be a more difficult movie to make (I still want a part though Kay!!!), but I urge you to read the real words . . . as they were first written . . . before this book, and “TPS”, and the now eagerly awaited final “Knowing Her Place” find their way to Holly(or Pine)Wood.

And, whilst you are at it, and in the mood . . . as I’m confident you surely will find yourself . . . visit Kay Jaybee on-line to marvel at and devour some of the most arousing erotica I think you will ever find!!!

Xxx – K

Modesty Ablaze & The Retreat

P.S. – Just couldn’t resist – Even 12,000 miles from home I found that “The Retreat” was never far from my mind!!!


Filed under erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Sex Toys, Sex Toys Reviews, sexual empowerment for women, womens Erotica

Eroticon 2014 this weekend . . . don’t miss!!!

EroticonMar213Eroticon 2014 is coming to Bristol this weekend . . . Saturday the 8th and Sunday the 9th of March . . . and if you have any interest in erotic writing, publishing and blogging, it is a weekend not-to-be-missed!!!

I had such an enjoyable time at my first Eroticon last year . . . (see my post-event picture on the left), it really was a fabulous opportunity to not only watch, listen and be inspired by so many of the writers and bloggers that I had been reading and following on-line, but it was also so wonderful to meet and chat with so many welcoming and friendly people.

Even despite being nervous and feeling very unsure of myself, I was soon perfectly at ease amongst like minded visitors from all over the UK, Europe and America.

And to discover that so many of the people I admired and looked up to,  were all such nice and genuine (and yes everybody . . . NORMAL !!!) individuals . . . was truly, truly special and motivational.

The sessions I attended were all, without exception, fun and interesting . . . and the schedule of speakers and events this year looks to be just as interesting and exciting.

Just >click< and scroll through and you will see just who, and what, I mean with such amazing people as Emma Dubberley, Mia More, KayJaybee, Lucy Felthouse, Harper Elliott, Cara Sutra, Molly Moore, KD Grace, Victoria Blisse and many, many more.

It’s not too late to still grab tickets  . . . don’t miss out!!! Simply click the Eroticon 2014 Write Sex Right badge below!!!


Xxx – K

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Modesty’s Valentines kiss – 3 for 1!

It really has been a busy year already . . . and the coming week is just as busy . . . so I thought I’d wish you all an early Happy and Sexy Valentines Day for this cumming Friday.

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And . . . as a special Valentines bonus . . .  if you buy just one of my Modesty Ablaze Diaries during the next two weeks, I will email you any two other books of your choice completely FREE.

Details of all my current E-Diaries are available on my E-books page and they can be downloaded from my Amazon, Smashwords and Gumroad profiles. (You can hear me reading a short extract from two of my books at my Modesty Speaks page).

So, three kisses for one!!!

And I hope you have . . . and give . . . lots and lots more sexy and fun kisses over the next few days.

Xxx – K

P.s. Thank you to the wonderful John Tisbury (see my sidebar) and, of course, the lovely Hubby . . . for their pictures above.

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Filed under 3 somes, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Hotwives, sexual empowerment for women, Swinging, womens Erotica

Give a 69 from Modesty Ablaze this Christmas . . .


Yes Christmas is just around the corner . . . and if you are wondering just what gift you could give to your “special friend”, how about a Modesty Ablaze diary . . . for just 69 pence???

I don’t mean the sort of diary you start scribbling notes into in January . . . and then leave unopened on top of the fridge for the rest of the year . . . I mean one of my Ebook diaries of some of my own special dates from the past!!!

Choose any of my Diaries, using the special discount codes below from Gumroad, from now until the New Year.  (Simply enter the appropriate code in the “Offer Code” panel in the payment details screen). Ebook downloads at Gumroad are in PDF format which can be read on Kindle and E-book readers, AND directly on your Tablets and Laptops. AND, the PDF files will have a FREE bonus picture on the back page.

AND . . . if you prefer . . . once you have downloaded the file you can email me directly to request an additional FREE Kindle or E-Pub version if you wish.

So, why not share a Modesty Ablaze 69 with that special someone in your life . . . you never know, it might just put some tingles in your jingles this Holiday Season!!!

TheJourney200forFrontPageThe Modesty Diaries Pt 1 – The Journey

With every thrust my lover was sending me further into my cocoon, my own world of warmth and explosion. I was vaguely aware of the flashing of a camera, my husbands camera, and above my gasps and moans, and the rising grunts of my young lover thrusting above me, I could hear the clicks of the lens!! As I felt the orgasm rising within me, memories of the past two decades flashed before me.
Discount Code  er131013  at  Gumroad

Arrivals400The Modesty Diaries Pt 2 – Arrivals & Departures – A passionate goodbye

Vince was the unlikeliest of all my lovers. Almost half my age, and seconded to my department on a temporary placement from the Paris office. The CEO had asked that he be made welcome and helped to settle in to develop a higher European profile for the company. My initial upset at being given this unwanted responsibility, was soon swayed by the young Frenchman’s wit and charm.

Discount Code  er131013  at Gumroad

The Modesty Diaries - Pt 3 The BalconyThe Modesty Diaries Pt 3 – The Balcony

Vince was my most recent lover. He was new in the office, and 20 years my junior. His candour and youthful charm had already taken me into new levels of excitement and passion. But tonight’s embrace on the balcony overlooking The Thames is just the start of an even wilder evening. An evening that ends with an exciting confession to make to my husband James when I, finally, returned home.

Discount Code  er131013  at Gumroad

NaughtySurprise200pixThe Modesty Diaries Pt 4 – A Naughty Surprise

I knew one shouldn’t play too close to home, but Scot was only my second lover. I’d met him on the morning school run and with my new-found ‘freedom’ I just couldn’t resist his flirting. I knew it was dangerous and risky. What if the other Mums noticed our playground glances and private jokes? What if they put two and two together? But we couldn’t control ourselves. Our affair exploded into almost weekly meetings of passion and excitement.

Discount Code  er131013  at Gumroad


The Modesty Diaries Pt 5 – My Cougar Moment

Normally when Hubby and I have a night out at our Swingers Club we will spend the first hour or so sitting at the Bar chatting to staff or to other couples, or singles, that we have met previously. And Hubby enjoys me dressing like that and sitting, or standing, at my side or watching me take an occasional stroll away from the bar to investigate what may be happening in the play areas, or “public” viewing rooms, and then strolling back through the main lounge, “strutting my stuff” as he calls it.

But on our most recent visit, I did something I’d never, ever done before and it turned into one of the most exciting evenings we’ve ever enjoyed there.

Discount Code  er131013  at Gumroad

The Cover Picture on EACH of my books is me !!! . . . and, the Gumroad PDF editions feature a different naughty Bonus back cover picture on each diary, and cover images of all my current Ebooks.

AND, yes, the normal Ebooks FREE EXTRA’s still apply to any of my Modesty Ablaze 69 special purchases.

Xxx – Katie

P.S. – Thank you to the wonderful John Tisbury (see sidebar links) for the “handcuffs” photograph of me above.

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Filed under erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Hotwives, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, womens Erotica