Category Archives: Erotic Authoress Spotlight

Erotic Authoress Spotlight . . . Sabrina York

makingovermaris_msrToday I’d like to welcome Sabrina York to my Erotic Authoress Spotlight page.

Sabrina is a new discovery for me . . . but from the eye-catching cover (Eye-Candy indeed!!!) and some exploration of her web links (see below!!!) . . . I shall certainly be investigating more.

Sabrina has an amazing catalogue of titles available on Amazon, Smashwords, Ellora’s Cave, Cleis Press and others . . . so I have a lot of catching-up to do.

In the meantime, let me hand you over to Sabrina to introduce her latest book, “Making Over Maris” with that extra-specially eye-catching cover !!!

Making Over Maris

Sabrina York

Wired, Book Three

When über-nerd Jack asks Sara to make him more attractive to women, she can’t say no—even though it’s an impossible task. He’s shaggy and doughy and hopelessly inappropriate. He has no style or emotional intelligence but he’s a good person. And a great friend. What Sara never expects? Beneath all that fur and geekiness is a steamy hunk just waiting to emerge.

Jack takes Sara’s regimen very seriously, working out and losing weight until he feels like a new man. He even complies with her command to shave his beard—because Jack didn’t ask Sara to make him over so he would be attractive to other women. He only wants to be attractive to her. They go on a series of fake dates, each hotter and more sinful than the last. It’s not long before Sara discovers Jack’s secret desire to be dominated and what began as an arrangement becomes something amazing—something that could be real.

Inside Scoop: Our hero appreciates Femdom—with the right woman. Our hero doesn’t appreciate perfect strangers grabbing his junk. Ask nicely first, ladies!

WARNING: Making over Maris is a Nerd-to-Hot-Hunk sizzling erotic romance. You will never look the same way at a geek in glasses again.

A Romantica® BDSM erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave


Copyright © SABRINA YORK, 2013

All Rights Reserved, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.

“So… Have you thought about it?” Jack could have kicked himself. He hadn’t intended to burst into her office and blurt it out like that. He’d meant to be suave and slick.

He should have known better.

He’d never been suave and slick.

No. He’d hovered in the vicinity of Sara’s office—after sending Kenny on a meaningless errand—and barged through the door and pounced upon her as soon as Kat left.

“Sit, Jack.”

He plopped into the chair and, because he didn’t know what to do with his hands, laced his fingers.

Sara studied him, dissecting him in that way she had, with her head tipped to the side, wrinkling her button nose. She was so cute when she wrinkled her nose. He forced himself not to wriggle. His cock didn’t listen. Something about her eyes, her lips, her scent, always stirred him.

He shouldn’t have this kind of reaction to her. In the office. Everywhere. But he couldn’t help it. He just did. Always.

When she looked at him like that, when she spoke to him in that clear, commanding voice, it was even worse.

Or better, depending on one’s perspective.

She cleared her throat. “Okay. I’ve thought about it.”

His pulse jerked. “And…?”

She dropped her attention to her blotter and meticulously rearranged several deformed paper clips. His heart pounded a painful tattoo as he waited for her response. “And…” She met his eyes—God, she was gorgeous. “If I do this, we need to have an understanding.”

Relief, or something like it, trickled through him. An understanding was awfully close to an agreement. A promise. “Okay.”

Sara sucked in a breath. “First of all, we need to agree this is an impossible task.”

“Not impossible,” he grumbled. Surely not impossible.

“Okay. Improbable then. My chances of success are…dismal.”

Dismal? Jack’s belly dropped. He fiddled with the wiry hairs on the back of his neck. He didn’t like the way this was going. It was depressing that she thought so poorly of him. “Am I that hideous?”

Her eyes widened. A flush rose on her cheeks. “Oh my God, Jack. No. I didn’t mean it that way.”

“It sounded that way.”

“Jack…” She rubbed her hands over her face. “Okay. How about this? We have a long way to go. Can we agree on that?”

“Sure.” He knew he was pouting. But he had a damn good excuse. She’d pretty much come out and said making him attractive to women—to her in particular—was a hopeless cause.

“My worry is this. I can teach you all the right things to say and coach you on how to act around women, prescribe a diet and exercise plan and even give you a makeover. But if you don’t listen to me—if you don’t follow the plan—I fail.”

“I’ll listen. I’ll follow the plan.” Hell. He’d follow her anywhere she wanted to lead. If she only knew…

Something fierce stirred in her eyes. “It’s not going to be easy, Jack. I’m gonna work you.” Why he shivered at the tone in her voice, he had no clue. Or maybe he did. “I want you to agree to honor our contract—even if you drop the ball.”

“Of course.” He always kept his promises.

“You swear?”

He put a hand over his heart. “I swear.”

About Sabrina York

Her Royal Hotness, Sabrina York, writes naked erotic fiction for fans who like it hot, hard and balls-to-the-wall, and erotic romance and fantasy for readers who prefer a slow burn to passion.

An award winning author of hot, humorous stories for smart and sexy readers, her titles range from sweet & sexy erotic romance to BDSM to erotic horror. Connect with her on twitter @sabrina_york, on Facebook or on Pintrest. Check out Sabrina’s books and read an excerpt on Amazon or wherever e-books are sold. Visit her webpage at to check out her books, excerpts and contests. Don’t forget to enter to win the royal tiara!


Facebook Author Page

Twitter @sabrina_york




Amazon Author Page:

Barnes & Noble Author page:

Ellora’s Cave:


Most recent release! Making Over Maris

Win Sabrina’s MEGA Romanticon Swag Giveaway (deadline December 30th)

Free Teaser Book:

Enter to win a signed print copy of Tristan’s Temptation (Deadline November 30th)

Download my free Teaser Book for 75 pages of book blurbs, excerpts and reviews.

Books by Sabrina York

Adam’s Obsession (Erotic Contemporary, Ellora’s Cave)

Dark Duke (Erotic Regency, Ellora’s Cave) —Coming soon

Brigand (Erotic Regency, Ellora’s Cave) —Coming soon

Dark Fancy (Erotic Regency, Ellora’s Cave)

Dragonfly Kisses: A Tryst Island Erotic Romance (Erotic Contemporary)

Extreme Couponing (Erotic Contemporary, Ellora’s Cave)

Fierce (One Night Stand, Decadence Press)

Five Alarm Fire (Erotic Contemporary for the High Octane Heroes Anthology, Cleis Press)

Folly (Erotic Regency, Ellora’s Cave)

Heart of Ash: A Tryst Island Erotic Romance (Erotic Contemporary)

Lust Eternal (Erotic Fantasy, Ellora’s Cave)

Pushing Her Buttons (Erotic Contemporary, Ellora’s Cave)

Making Over Maris (Erotic Contemporary, Ellora’s Cave) —Coming November 6th

Man Hungry (Erotic Contemporary, Ellora’s Cave)

Rebound: A Tryst Island Erotic Romance (Erotic Contemporary, Available on Amazon)

Rebound is now available on Smashwords

Rising Green (Erotic Horror, Ellora’s Cave)

Saving Charlotte (Erotic Contemporary for the Smokin’ Hot Firemen Anthology, Cleis Press)

Smoking Holt: A Tryst Island Erotic Romance (Erotic Contemporary)

Training Tess (Erotic Contemporary, Ellora’s Cave)

Trickery (Erotic Contemporary with Magical Elements, Ellora’s Cave Hex Line)

Tristan’s Temptation (Erotic Contemporary, Ellora’s Cave)

I hope you will enjoy, and share, the above and if you would like to join my Erotic Authoress Spotlight features . . . and post your own Erotic work here, please email me with your details, from my Ebook page.

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Filed under Erotic Authoress Spotlight

Erotic Authoress Spotlight Pt 2 – Elodie Parkes

Yesterday as Part 1 of my latest Erotic Authoress Spotlight, my guest Elodie Parkes featured details, and an 18+-rated sample reading, of one her latest publications  “Swoop on Love“.

Today, Elodie returns to talk about her latest sex-sational offering . . . “A Night of the Horse“.


‘Night of the Horse’ is erotic paranormal romance. A steamy contemporary love story with a twist. It’s set in present day England in a semi-rural town. Summer had just begun and Rosie, our heroine is feeling wistful. She’s lonely beginning to wonder if she’ll ever find love.

It’s a ‘Romance on the Go’ line book and so is short, about 12,000 words.

A lonely young woman signs up for dance lessons. Two gorgeous guys find her as fascinating as she finds them. On the country road where she lives, she hears horses in the night, and opens her bedroom window to watch them gallop. They’re beautiful, a silver white horse and tall black horse…they turn to stare at her. Had they heard and understood when she sighed over them?

Today two of the main characters Jude and Rosie are visiting the blog.

Rosie, would you like to tell the readers about how you and Jude met?

Rosie: We met on the high street in the doorway of the art supply shop didn’t we Jude?

Jude: We did meet then. I liked her as soon as I saw her. That was before we actually met. I’d seen her around shall we say. I don’t want to give spoilers.

Rosie: That’s true because although I didn’t know it I’d watched him from a distance.

Jude: You did more than watch you sighed over me. You sighed over Justin too. That’s another story, but just so you know my best friend loves Rosie too. It’s all cool.

He leans across and kisses Rosie, then keeps hold of her hand.

Rosie, Can you describe when you first knew you were in love with Jude?

Rosie: That would be the first time we made love, it was sex that turned into making love. For me anyway. Although I liked him the moment I saw him, in the shop doorway. I wanted those arms around me right away.

Jude: I loved her from day one. I saw her in the country road where she lived and she passed the shop on the high street when Justin and I were moving the stuff in after we bought it. She hurried by and I watched her go. I said to Justin, ‘look at that lovely girl. The way she moves, her pretty hair, something about her makes me tingle.’

Rosie: You never told me that before. Justin said you were the one who said if it’s meant to be I’d find you both. That’s lovely Jude.

She leans across and kisses him this time. I better ask another question since now they are starting to get a little heated.

What’s one thing you might have changed about your story?

Rosie: Not a thing, since it’s the real thing. Although I’ve never been happy with my name, and that I’m not very tall, both Jude and Justin can tuck me under their arm.

Jude: That’s so sexy Rosie, that I can pick you up and cuddle you into my body. You’re beautiful the way you are.

As for me changing the story. More sex. Although there’s loads, I’m addicted to Rosie and I find it hard to keep my hands off her. I’m happy with the ending that’s the best ending ever.

Jude, tell us something about Rosie, how would you describe her in a few words?

Jude: She’s very pretty, slender, intelligent. I think she’s kind and generous, and she treats people really well. She’s brave too. She likes the countryside and animals. Starts to laugh and hugs Rosie.

Rosie, describe Jude in a few words.

Rosie: Very sexy, giving, clever, thoughtful, a great lover, knows what he wants or needs to do and goes for it. Very creative and talented artistically.

So what’s hot about the story?

Jude: Two gorgeous guys and one girl. The steam rises from the love scenes.

Two men who are so different, one whose gentle, sensual lovemaking wraps you in a haze of lust. The other whose hot, raw sexual need, wets you through and takes you on a wild ride to bliss.

Who doesn’t dream of having both?

Now Rosie is stroking his arm, okay time for an excerpt.

How about you both choose your favorite scene from the book.

Rosie: It has to be a love scene for me, what about you Jude?

Jude: I think so, the hotter the better. (Grins)

Read their chosen snippet, 18+

Jude made the slightest sound. “You’re not wearing panties.” He licked her thighs and stroked between them with his fingers, teasing her wet pussy until Rosie melted. She throbbed with need. Jude stood and held her to his body as he fingered her. Rosie leaned into him and turned her face up to be kissed as he pushed his fingers into her pussy, in and out, until she clung to him her mouth against his jaw.

She tried to unzip his jeans and fumbled about until he stopped kissing her and smiled.

“I’ll help.” He moved his fingers from her pussy and undid his jeans.

Rosie took hold of them and pulled them down his thighs until his cock sprang free. It looked so big, hard and thick, a rush of sexual longing made her breasts feel heavy. Cream ran from her pussy onto the inner tops of her thighs.

A murmur escaped her. “Oh, you’re only wearing jeans. It’s so sexy.” She pulled his jeans to his ankles. “You have no shoes on, Jude.”

His answer was just a sound as he stepped out of his jeans, pushing them off with his feet. Rosie knelt holding his cock low on the shaft. She took half into her mouth, and then ran her tongue around the head, before she sucked as much as she could into her mouth. Jude moaned and moved his hips. Rosie put her other hand between his legs and stroked his balls.

“Rosie. Rosie,” he whispered, breathing fast.

She let go of his cock and stood. Jude lifted her and carried her from the open field to the edge of the woods. The silver-white horse stood watching them as Jude lay Rosie on a patch of lush grass and leaned over her. “I need to fuck now before I lose it and come all over you, instead of in you.”

Rosie opened her legs and Jude lay between them. She guided him to her entrance, and then pushed her hips up to meet him as he thrust into her. It felt so good she moaned in relief at having him inside her. He thrust in and out as she wrapped her legs around his waist. His arms were next to her breasts as he supported himself, and the muscles felt hard, and sexy. She lifted her arms, holding his head to hers when he kissed her. He slowed his thrusts and moved his face back from hers to watch her face as they fucked.

“You’re beautiful, lovely.”

Rosie pulled his head back to have his kiss. He thrust his cock into her hard as his lips found hers. Rosie’s orgasm shot up through her as the very core of her body convulsed with delicious, mind numbing waves. The pleasure so great she held Jude’s head tight until she stopped coming.

Copyright Elodie Parkes 2013

I hope you’ll explore Elodie’s erotic and naughty world from some of the links above, or directly from her own blog at

If you would like to join my Erotic Authoress Spotlight features . . . and post your own Erotic work here, please email me with your details, from my Ebook page.

Xxx – K

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Filed under Erotic Authoress Spotlight, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, womens Erotica

Erotic Authoress Spotlight Pt 1 – Elodie Parkes

Earlier this year Elodie introduced her  Millie Reinvented here at one of my first Erotic Authoress Spotlight posts and I am delighted that she is returning today, and again tomorrow, with not one but two new publications to talk about.

Let’s let Elodie explain . . .

banner1rgbforsuntanThank you for inviting me to the blog today to talk about my new release from Evernight Publishing.

‘Swoop on Love’, is an erotic paranormal romance.

Today meet my two shifter heroes.

Reed and Nathan, are eagle shifters. They live in the United Kingdom and so they’re what we call Sea Eagles.

As men, they are similar in looks but very different in personality.

Reed Aquila,

Tall, 6 feet 2, and although he’s muscled, he’s elegant, gentle, with slender hips. He looks out for Nathan. He’s a businessman, but works online most of the time. He buys and sells real estate, stocks, and shares. He reads lots. He loves pine trees and coniferous forests. He loves to see the sky and wants to live in a light airy place. His lovemaking is caring, gentle, sensual, very sexy, and he likes to make love lots. His blue eyes are dreamy.

Nathan Aquila,

Nathan loves music. He loves to fly. He’s impulsive, a dare devil, an alpha, he takes risks he shouldn’t. He’s brave and yet all this overlays a deep need for freedom, acceptance, and love.

He’s tall, blue-eyed, strong, and very sexy.

His lovemaking is intense, and overwhelming. He gets Reed and himself into trouble and brings them to our heroine, Jeanie’s notice.

SOLforblogpostsSwoop on Love

Lured to the place by its intriguing name, Jeanie was to find no owls lived there, but someone or thing does…will she realize before it’s too late?

Suspense…shifters…sex…and love

Jeanie explores her new neighborhood and finds a strange little road leading to a place with an intriguing name. Owlswick. It’s Saturday and she has no plans, as usual, why not drive down this road? What she finds there is even more fascinating than the place name, and to her delight, a very attractive man lives there. Too bad he’s furious with her for taking a photograph. Why is that? What will Jeanie find when she checks the picture out at home later?

A love story, graphic sex scenes and a twist of fantasy suspense, 18+

Buy the book:

An 18+ rated excerpt:

They fell into each other’s arms. Nathan pulled her close and kissed her softly. Jeanie responded to him. She pressed against him with such passion it filled him with a longing he’d not experienced for many years. He drew back from her and rested his forehead against hers. They breathed against each other for a moment before Nathan kissed her again. Down her neck, across her throat, up to her ear, where he lingered and whispered, “You’re so lovely.”

She pushed closer and he cupped her bottom, pulling her in so that she could feel his cock hard against her. It felt so good to press against her, that he lost himself in kissing her. He nibbled her bottom lip. At her gasp of desire, his stomach clenched and his cock jerked. He slid his tongue against hers and kissed her until he couldn’t breathe. Her body felt so right against his, and he savored the taste of her lips, the softness of her ass in his hands. His heart pounded and although he hadn’t set out to, he wanted it all to be real. He thrust against her, ramming her back against her car. She clung to him, murmuring low sounds of pleasure. His cock was so hard he thought he might come right then when she smoothed her hands down the back of his thighs, leaving a trail of heat through his jeans.

Copyright Elodie Parkes 2013

About Elodie:

Elodie Parkes is a British author writing romance, erotic, contemporary, and often with a twist of mystery, paranormal or suspense. Her books are always steamy, cool stories and hot love scenes.

Elodie lives in Canterbury with her two dogs. She works in an antique shop by day and writes at night, loving the cloak of silent, darkness that descends on the rural countryside around her home.

Elodie writes for, Hot Ink Press, Moon Rose Publishing, Eternal Press, and Evernight

She has also released titles as an individual indie author.

Find Elodie online: Blog  Tumblr  Facebook  Twitter  Google +  Pinterest  YouTube  Amazon USA  Amazon UK  Smashwords  Barnes and Noble  ARe

Elodie is running a giveaway for the book launch. Enter the draw via the rafflecopter with just a comment on the blog, to win a $10 or £10 Amazon gift card. Visit her blog for a chance to win!

blackbannerbuttonedJoin me here again tomorrow, for the second of Elodie’s new publications “Night of the Horse” . . .

If you would like to join my Erotic Authoress Spotlight features . . . and post your own Erotic work here, please email me with your details, from my Ebook page.

Xxx – K

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Filed under Erotic Authoress Spotlight

Imagination overload . . . with the Exciting Kay Jaybee !!!

For those of you who are regular visitors here you may feel that it doesn’t take very much to get me excited . . . but I am certainly VERY excited this morning to welcome the wonderful, inspirational and EXCITING authoress Kay Jaybee to share with us some insights into her own special world.

I recently had the pleasure of meeting Kay at an erotic-reading evening here in London and she is as delightful and charming in person as she is imaginative and exciting in print.

Her own website catch-phrase is “Everyone Needs A Bedtime Story” . . . but believe you me, I never, EVER, feel sleepy after reading Kay Jaybee . . . and I am sure you will experience the same tingles as I do when you join Kay’s “Imagination Overload” !!!


kayjaybee-_pic_in_blackIMAGINATION OVERLOAD!!

By Kay Jaybee

I’ve always believed in guardian angels. Not as celestial beings, but as important elements in our lives – sometimes they are friends, family, hobbies, skills we have, or even our imaginations. My guardian angel is definitely my imagination – but I suspect it needs its halo’s polishing up a bit!

Sometimes I refer to my imagination as Miss Dubious Enterprises. Steering me along my erotic path, she takes me by the hand and points me in the direction of every possible source of inspiration.

She prods me as I sit on the bus, and gestures to the couple chatting on the seat opposite, urging me to observe their body language and reproduce their moves on paper at a later date. She reminds me to listen as I stand in shop queues, just in case someone says something I can use to kick start my imagination, once I’m happily settled with my notebook and pen.

Ever since I began my foray into the world of erotica nine years ago, I have seen and heard so many things – so many ordinary things – that my naughty little goddess has twisted and turned, a flirty smile upon her face. Each word she utters has been moulded into stories and poems that are designed to – let’s be honest – make the reader feel rather more than hot and bothered!

Quick KinkI wrote A Delivery of Words for my anthology Quick Kink One after my goddess had pointed out a rather attractive bloke unloading a pile of dictionaries from his lorry, outside the local bookshop. It wasn’t long before my imagination had moved both the man, along with one of the dictionaries, to my home, and started to play with them …

The Per Sub- new ropeThe first part of my trilogy, The Perfect Submissive, came to me after I’d seen a very unusual picture of a hammock… ‘What…’ my imagination angel whispered to me, ‘…could we do with a huge net of rope like that?’ – I just had to work it out and write the story …

The only trouble with my Imagination Angel – and I’d hate you to think I wasn’t grateful to her – is she never leaves me- never. No situation is too mundane to be used within my work. As I buy shoes, she whispers to me that the heels could be used as a dildo, (Bad Behaviour in The Collector). As I walk in the park, she remarks on how much fun it might be to wank on a park bench (A Leading Conversation in Quick Kink One). She points out a passing delivery man, and tells me that I could get him in the back of his van, I could write off all his clothes, I could write the arms of his shirt tying his hands together … (Now that is a story I have to write!!)

The_Collector_2012More recently, she eavesdropped on a conversation I was having with a friend about how to write Part 2 of The Perfect Submissive, and leapt upon the word ‘retreat’, just as my eyes fell upon an over-iced cupcake …(I’m saying no more!!!) – before I knew it, the whole of The Retreat was mapped out in my head … You see – I can’t go anywhere without Miss Dubious Enterprise sharing her naughty thoughts with me!

Rest assured though, she knows the rules, this angel of mine, and has never strayed to the criminal, vile or horrific. Yet she never calms, never slows, and never stops – and every now and again – without wanting to be ungrateful my dear Goddess, I’d like to switch her off!

But not today…

Thanks ever so much to lovely Modesty for inviting me over today!!

If you’d like to check out any of my stories, you can find all of the links on my web site-

The Perfect Submissive Part One can be found here-

Amazon UK-

The RetreatThe Retreat – The Perfect Submissive Part Two (out in Oct) can be pre-ordered here-

Amazon UK-

Happy reading,

Kay xxx



Kay Jaybee wrote the novels The RetreatPart 2 of The Perfect Submissive Trilogy, (Xcite, 2013), Making Him Wait, (Sweetmeats Press, 2012), The Voyeur (Xcite, 2012), The Perfect Submissive (Xcite 2012), as well as the novellas, Not Her Type: Erotic Adventures With A Delivery Man (2nd ed. 1001 NightsPress, 2013), Digging Deep (Xcite, 2013), A Sticky Situation, (Xcite, 2012), and The Circus, (Sweetmeats Press). She has also written the anthologies The Collector (Austin & Macauley, 2012 & 2008), The Best of Kay Jaybee (Xcite, 2012), Tied to the Kitchen Sink, Equipment, (All Romance, 2012), Yes Ma’am (Xcite e-books, 2011), Quick KinkOne and Quick Kink Two (Xcite e-books, 2010). Kay has had over 70 short stories published by Cleis Press, Black Lace, Mammoth, Xcite, Penguin, Seal, and Sweetmeats Press.

Details of Kay’s work, past, present and future can be found at

You can follow Kay on Twitter- kay_jaybee, Facebook Goodreads- and the Brit Babes Site-

Kay also writes contemporary romance as Jenny Kane –


It has been so delightful . . . and so EXCITING !!! . . . for me to have Kay posting here . . .  and needless-to-say I have ALREADY pre-ordered my own copy of “The Retreat” !!!

I won’t say Kay’s books are the type you just can’t put down . . . because I can never read more than two or three chapters of her books without becoming so aroused that I just have to put them down and start reaching for other things!!! “The Perfect Submissive”, “The Voyeur” . . . et al . . . are simply the most erotic, sexy, stimulating, arousing words I have ever had the pleasure (and I mean PLEASURE) to read.

Wherever, however, you read your erotica you must, Must, MUST read Kay Jaybee . . . I simply COMMAND you !!!

Xxx – Katie

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Filed under Erotic Authoress Spotlight, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, womens Erotica

Erotic Authoress Spotlight – Bebe Balocca

I am so delighted to feature Bebe Balocca to my site today. As I’m sure you will discover when you visit her own blog at: Bebe Bebe has published some very, very arousing, and very naughty erotica . . . and there is a wonderfully naughty excerpt included here.

So, without further ado, welcome to the lovely . . .



I am a huge fan of Modesty Ablaze, so it’s a special thrill for me to be here. In honor of one of my favorite of Katie’s posts, where she visited a wonderfully uninhibited club, I’d like to share a bit about my latest release.

Thanks so much for having me, and I hope you all have a wonderfully modesty-free evening.


learningtosoar_800-1What happens at Volare STAYS at Volare…

Ever since her relationship with Mark crashed and burned, Chloe’s been unable to take off and reach the big O. Enter Damien Walters, a deliciously unconventional sex therapist. Damien’s therapy sessions take place at his nightclub, and Chloe quickly sees why admittance to Volare is by-invitation-only.

Volare’s patrons, who are Damien’s satisfied and discreet former clients, leave their inhibitions at the door when they walk past the bouncer. Anything goes on Volare’s dance floor…

Using a few key accessories and some hands-on help from Volare’s regulars, Damien enables Chloe to reach her full sexual potential once more. And he has a special proposal just for her: Chloe can join him on the Volare crew as his accountant and therapy assistant. It’s an offer Chloe can hardly refuse, especially given the fact that Damien’s the man with his hand on the throttle.

With the pulsing beat of Volare’s dance floor, the seductively suave Damien bent on pleasing her, and her newly restored sexual prowess, Chloe’s position at Volare seems like a dream come true. However, she’s going to have to help Damien get over some of his own issues in order for the two of them to soar together.

An excerpt from Learning to Soar:

Chloe stepped onto the smooth wooden floor and felt the music throb in her bones. Does it have to be so damn loud? she wondered. She worked her way around several couples and came upon two laughing young women. They appeared to be engaged in a contest to see who could squat down to the floor then rise up, slowly, while moving to the beat. Just looking at them made Chloe’s thighs burn in protest.

With her eyes on the dancers with thighs of steel, Chloe failed to watch where she was going. She bumped into a solid wall and recoiled in alarm and embarrassment.


The huge man grinned — his bright white smile shone from his dark face. Chloe’s jaw dropped open and she felt the chrome toy start to slide out. Clenching her muscles tightly, she clamped her thighs together and willed the sleek little metal egg to get back where it belonged. Once again, the heavy fullness from its insertion combined with the tingling pressure against her G spot caused her to gasp with pleasure.

And the hugely muscled, hot guy in front of her wasn’t helping any.

Arnaud placed one hand on the small of her back and drew her to him, rolling his hips enticingly.

Chloe let her pull him close. She swayed with him as the music pounded in her head. His black silk shirt was now open almost to his navel, exposing his hairless, sculpted torso. Arnaud caught her eye and winked. Chloe smiled and brought her hand up to his arm. It seemed that, with regard to their awkward introduction, all was forgiven. Chloe’s fingers failed to reach even halfway around his bicep, but what she could reach of his unyielding, muscular hardness felt wonderful.

Chloe blushed to feel the stiffness of Arnaud’s cock against her belly. She stroked his thick arm as he pressed into her, thrilling at the sweet, shameless pressure from his erection. Leaning against him, she lightly traced her nipples against his chest. Arnaud’s eyes widened and his cock twitched in response.

Chloe rubbed her jewellery-encased nipples against his pectorals and ground her belly against his erection, closing her eyes and relishing the wickedly delicious sensations. The chain hanging from the metal toy tickled her lady bits delicately, and the chrome egg inside her felt heavy, thick, slippery, and… alive?

She cried out when the egg vibrated inside her and glanced up to the balcony in alarm. There was Damien, sitting at a table and looking down at her. He waved nonchalantly and held up a small device.

“Mmm . . . sounds like MY sort of CLUB Bebe !!!”

You can purchase Bebe’s wonderfully arousing books from:

Total-E-Bound buy link:

Amazon buy link:

Or, visit Bebe at:

Bebe’s site:

Bebe on Facebook:

Bebe on Twitter: @BebeBalocca

Do let me know if you have enjoyed this slight diversion from my “normal” posts . . . and if you would like to feature your own Erotic work here, please email me with your details, from my Ebook page.

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Filed under 3 somes, Erotic Authoress Spotlight, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Hotwives, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Swinging, womens Erotica

Erotic Authoress Spotlight – Mary Sue Wehr

Not only has she written a wonderfully erotic novel with a twist “A Heart’s Endeavor“, but Mary Sue Wehr’sLet’s Talk Romance” is one of my favourite blog-stops. A wonderful theme, easy to read and navigate and, of course, she features some lovely guests!

I recommend you visit soon . . . and in the meantime urge you to check out “A Heart’s Endeavor” below:


There are times when it’s best to allow your heart to overrule your head.

Being diagnosed with depression not only messed up Melanie Manning’s life, but her marriage as well. Her husband made it very clear that he considered her “damaged goods” and he didn’t have time to coddle a mentally ill wife. After his sudden death, Melanie knew she was destined to be alone. Loneliness sounded a hell of a lot better than exposing her illness to another man. Her self-esteem couldn’t survive another blow.

When state trooper Jack Horan meets Melanie, the attraction is immediate. Her deep blue eyes make him weak in the knees, but those eyes also hold a hint of sadness. Jack is determined to wipe away her pain, but how can he do that when Melanie refuses to let him get close to her?

Can Melanie learn to face her fears and trust her heart in the hands of another man?

Content Warning: some strong language, spanking, and sex play with a piece of fruit wielded by a hot guy in uniform.

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Do let me know if you have enjoyed this slight diversion from my “normal” posts . . . and if you would like to feature your own Erotic work here, please email me with your details, from my Ebook page.

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Filed under Erotic Authoress Spotlight, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, womens Erotica

Erotic Authoress Spotlight – Elodie Parkes

This time last month I was privileged to be featured on Elodie Parkes “Wicked Wednesday” blogspot and today I would  I like to return that favour and introduce you all to Elodie’s own series of erotic romance stories.

If you enjoy a passionate love story I know you will love Elodie’s  Millie Reinvented’. I certainly did and I am so looking forward to her new book which is due for release in May..


Elodie lives in Canterbury, United Kingdom. It’s famous for the Cathedral, Chaucer, and there is a UNESCO world heritage site, which includes the ancient ruins of St Augustine’s Abbey and St Martin’s Church. There is also a ruined castle. It’s a pretty place too and the coast nearby is great.

She works in an antiques shop and writes. Elodie has two dogs that keep her fit with their need for walks.

Elodie writes romance, contemporary and always erotic with a twist of mystery, paranormal, and suspense now and then. She likes to make the story unusual in some way, by a quirk in the tale.

Welcome Elodie tell us a little about why you write erotic romance.

I started writing when I was seventeen. I never did anything like submitting to publishers etc. until I was about twenty-five and then queried to no avail.

I started writing again seriously a couple of years ago because I had so many stories in my head.

I have published three erotic romance books to date and I am working on another book right now.

They are available on Amazon kindle. I love eBooks myself, and it’s rare now for me to buy a paperback or hardback.

I read heaps myself from across all types of genres.

For my own writing people and emotions inspires me. The complexity of life spurs me to write.

I find the world harsh. There’s not enough love in it. Lots of people never find love. I write love stories with happy endings to spread a little lightness around.

realcoverMillie copyforwebFor instance my book Millie Reinvented’ was inspired through my day job.

I was talking to a young woman who was in the antiques shop where I work and she was buying a little sculpture of two lovers kissing. She said she had to have it because it was so nice to look at, as her husband didn’t even kiss her anymore. She told me a couple of other things about him too.

I couldn’t say anything I just wrapped the item, and stored the thoughts until the story burst out onto my laptop about a year later. I gave her a happy ending, but so many lonely or betrayed people don’t get that.

My books fall into the category of erotic romance because I do write the sex scenes graphically and that’s because I want the love the characters feel to show up properly in my stories.

I think too that readers have become used to reading more. They don’t want the description of the romance to stop at the bedroom door.

My latest release ‘The Horoscope Writer’ was inspired by signs along a country road when I was out driving one day in another county.

The main characters just started to flow into my head and by the time I had driven home, which was a three hour journey through the countryside, I had the book and characters completely ready.

Dominic Reed the horoscope writer is desperate for love. He doesn’t know he has never had the kind of love he suddenly finds with Cassie the female lead character. It ignites a sexual passion in him he didn’t know he could feel.
My books do contain graphic sex in the love scenes but they are love scenes, romantic and the characters are driven by love.

finalcoverDforwebThe Horoscope Writer’ is about a man, Dominic, who is a writer and has lots of different writing jobs for magazines amongst which is that of horoscope writing. He is a lonely soul, living in the country on a funny country lane where a few artisan’s workshops are. Fortunately he has a friend there too, Jeremy, who has a workshop, design studio there on the lane.

Dominic is lonely. His last relationship broke up a couple of years prior to the opening of the story and he really wants love.

There is a workshop to let on the lane and Cassie comes along to rent it.

Dominic is instantly attracted to her when he sees her in Jeremy’s office and she finds Dominic irresistible. They are both desperate for love when they meet and Cassie who is normally reticent decides to go for it.

There is a mild paranormal streak running through what is an erotic romance because Dominic has been influenced by his great uncle who was also a horoscope writer.

This is a love story, erotic and enticing.

EXCERPT 18+ From The Horoscope Writer

“Can I get you anything Cassie? Coffee?”

She smiled at him thinking he had perhaps changed his mind about going to bed together.

“Okay coffee is good” she answered.

Dominic washed his hands and made coffee. Cassie watched him.

“If you’ve changed your mind Dominic it’s okay”, she told him. It was what Dominic needed.

He went to her and held her head to kiss her. The kiss was like nectar to Cassie and she began to put her hand up inside his sweater to reach his skin. Dominic held her head with one hand kissing her almost desperately as he used the other hand to unzip her jeans and push them down her thighs. Cassie unzipped his jeans. Dominic felt almost lightheaded, he couldn’t stop kissing her, and he put his hand down inside her underwear to press his palm against her lower stomach.

Cassie gasped and searched for a way to lower his jeans and feel his hard bottom. She felt his fingers reach her entrance and she parted her legs a little so that he could push them into her.

Dominic’s voice was a whisper.

“Cassie let’s go to bed. I want to feel you naked against me. I need you”.

She nodded slightly as his face was still against hers. She moaned involuntarily as he took his fingers from her.

Dominic took her jacket, and put it over the back of a kitchen chair.

Cassie pulled her jeans up leaving them unzipped.

Dominic held her hand to lead her up to his bedroom. The staircase was surprisingly wide, and they could walk up there side by side. Dominic’s room was at the end of the landing, and he pushed the door open with the side of his body as he turned to hold Cassie again and kiss her.

Somehow, though it wasn’t clear how to either of them when they thought about it later, they undressed, and lay clasped against each other on the bed breathing into each other’s mouths when the sensation of being skin to skin overwhelmed them for a few moments.

Dominic traced his fingers down her stomach reaching her entrance to find she was wet for him. His lips found hers and their tongues touched gently as his fingers began to work magic on Cassie. She moved against his palm and made little sounds into his kiss as she reached for him. He thrust into her hands and they both groaned with need.

Copyright Elodie Parkes 2012


Find Elodie’s books on,

Amazon, Bookiejar,

Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, KOBO, Apple iBooks, and Diesel ebooks

Find Elodie online: where you can read lots of snippets from my erotic romance novels, meet other authors and read snippets from their books.

Do let me know if you have enjoyed this slight diversion from my “normal” posts . . . and if you would like to feature your own Erotic work here, please email me with your details, from my Ebook page.

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Filed under 3 somes, Erotic Authoress Spotlight, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Hotwives, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Swinging, womens Erotica

Erotic Authoress Spotlight – Vallory Vance

When I first started posting my diary here online earlier this year, I immediately started receiving emails and messages suggesting I should publish my posts as Ebooks. Through exploring and joining a number of the Erotic Publishing forums and Websites that were recommended to me, I have been lucky enough to meet some wonderful authors and discover a huge variety of romantic erotic novels and short stories.

And there can be no better way to start off the New Year than to introduce one of those authoresses here . . . Vallory Vance, and her new book, “Cheers” . . . which I thoroughly recommend!!!

“Cheers” – A Sensual Contemporary Short Story

As a successful Sales and Catering Manager for the posh Hayden Court Hotel located in New Orleans’ famed French Quarter, Darcey St. Claire is absolutely thrilled to be working on New Year’s Eve.  The commission and bonus she’ll receive from the two day Guidry Construction event will not only fund her spring trip to New York City, but buy a cute pair of shoes for the plane ride!
Her enthusiasm quickly turns to barely disguised irritation when Vincent Guidry arrives hours early for his scheduled check-in, demanding access to his suite.  After he slashes the budget for the event, not even the crystal blue eyes of the former quarterback can quell the anger surging in her chest.
That is until he walks into the Chat Noir where she is trying to regroup after her irksome day.
In the private enclave known as the Cristal Room, Vincent willingly lights up Darcey’s New Year’s Eve and may have lost his heart in the process to the young woman who isn’t looking for anything serious.
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This new author is a color inside the lines Human Resources professional living in the Southern US, Texas to be exact. After her family consisting of a husband of almost twenty years, three kids and two dogs have filled her evenings with laughter, she sits down to her laptop to write tales of the first moments of falling in love when nothing else seems to matter.
As a fortieth birthday present to herself, she decided to share her stories. Vallory Vance is the pen name she uses to write contemporary romances that range from sweet to sensual.
Online Connections:
Twitter: @ValloryVance

Do let me know if you have enjoyed this slight diversion from my “normal” posts . . . and if you would like to feature your own Erotic work here, please email me with your details, from my Ebook page.

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Filed under 3 somes, Erotic Authoress Spotlight, erotic ebooks, erotic stories online, Erotica On-line, Hotwives, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation, Swinging, womens Erotica