Category Archives: Erotic Authoress Spotlight

Erotic Authoress Spotlight . . . Trinity Blacio

Today’s Erotic Authoress Spotlight features Trinity Blacio, and her intriguing new book “Grandmas Need Loving Too: Nana’s Biker Friend”.

And her Grandma sounds really quite different to mine. LOL!!!


TrinityBlacioTrinity Blacio has been writing now professionally for ten years. Currently she has available titles from Freya’s Bower, Ravenous Romance, and Riverdale Anenue Books with more to come. She is always excited to be writing, hearing from readers, and helping fellow authors. – See more at:

She lives in Wellington, Ohio and shares with her two children, Cheyenne and Rudy, two cats Smokey and Missy. When Trinity has time you can find her reading all sorts of romance novels. But as you have figured out her favorite are Dark Fantasy, Erotic, Ménage, Erotic Horror.


From Grandmas Need Loving Too: Nana’s Biker Friend.

grandma“What are you talking about? Full what? And how long? I’m sure not taking a whole bunch of guards with me when I go out with my friends or take my grandbabies to do stuff. I can take care of myself.” She grabbed her holster and gun from the table. “Now I’m going down to the store to get some decent clothes. If these two want to go with me, fine, but, Alexander, I will put my foot down if you think I’m going be surrounded by men. Don’t take this wrong.” She shifted her attention to the two in question. “Having such nice eye candy is not a hardship, and I can work around two or even up to four, but that is all!” She took a step toward the door, but he swung her around to face him.

“You don’t need to be checking out any man, but till we know who is trying to kill you, we’re going to have to put up with my parents’ guards, Maria. They are right about this. You are too important to me. I can’t lose you, little one.” He placed his hands on her cheeks, holding her head still as he covered her mouth with his.

What was meant to be a quick kiss became something hot and demanding as soon as he tasted her. Their tongues dueled like swordplay in the old world, but finally his woman gave up control relaxing in his arms. He nipped her bottom lip, sliding his hands up her stomach to cup her breasts.

“Mine, and I don’t share!” He lifted his head and gazed into her dark brown eyes. He squeezed her breasts hard before he released her. “Get whatever you want but make it quick, and, Trent, don’t let her out of your sight. Have everything charged to our room.”

Trinitys Links

I hope you will enjoy, and share, the above and if you would like to join my Erotic Authoress Spotlight features . . . and post your own Erotic work here, please email me with your details, from my Ebook page. You can catch-up with previous Erotic Authoress Spotlight guests >here<.

Xxx – K

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Erotic Authoress Belated Blog Hop – Helen Johnston

Earlier this year I welcomed Helen Johnston to my Erotic Authoress Spotlight page for the release of her first book in the Innocence Lost series. Being away on holiday for the past two weeks has meant that I missed her Blog Hop Tour to mark the release of Innocence Reclaimed . . .

So . . . in an effort to belatedly join the party, may I hand you over to Helen for an introduction to her latest release.

Helen Johnston's Innocence Reclaimed Blog Tour

A little about me!

I grew up in my family’s home in the County of Hampshire, England. My childhood dreams were filled with the desire to become a dancer. An only child, but I was never alone, my years were spent entertained with my vivid imagination. I met and married my husband not long after leaving school and soon after our son was born. My family is made complete with my two cats that are spoiled rotten, which results in them often thinking they rule the home.

My life consisted of home life and a few jobs in the retail industry and my vivid imagination refused to stay quiet. So combined with my love of erotica and all things vampire I decided to try my hand at writing and have never looked back.

You can find me in all sorts of places, including FB, Twitter and my blog and from my buy-links further below:

My Innocence Reclaimed Blurb

Delve deeper into the journey …

Siobhan remains in the clutches of Monique, trapped in her French chateau; her body drawn into a world of sensual and sexual awakening. Torn from Blake’s arms, will she ever see him again?

Jarryd, sworn to protect Siobhan for the Elder Blake, continues to feel overwhelming emotions that he thought were long dead. The passion and desire, his love for her, he knows is futile. A happily ever after with her would be the signing of his own death warrant.

Will Monique’s plans for Siobhan reach fruition as the Elders’ party draws closer, gathering them together once a century? Will hell on earth reign supreme? Or will Blake, one of the most powerful and charismatic Elders, be able to hold his restraint until the perfect time to rescue his love?

Helen’s Buy Links:















I hope you will investigate Helen’s links and enjoy, and share, all of the above. And if you would like to join my Erotic Authoress Spotlight features . . . and post your own Erotic work here . . . please email me with your details, from my Ebook page. 

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Erotic Authoress Spotlight . . . Raven Spencer

Today’s Erotic Authoress Spotlight features another new authoress from America, Raven Spencer, and her novel “A Perfect Dream”.

And that party sounds very interesting Raven . . . I’d love to be invited!!!


Modesty Ablaze Erotic Authoress SpotlightRaven J. Spencer, lesbian, married, loves everything sensual and indulgent which led her to write erotic romance and fantasies. When she’s not writing, you can often find her on Pinterest in the pursuit of inspiration.


Sex and politics can be an explosive combination. Beatrice, wife to a conservative lobbyist, can’t imagine being out in the open about her preferences and orientation, but lucky for her, there’s A Perfect Dream. Secret parties that only the privileged have access to fulfill every fantasy and need she can think of. Beatrice didn’t count in meeting Sage, a woman who not only satisfies her in every way, but challenges everything Beatrice has believed about herself so far. 


PerfectDreamCoverJuly1“There’s someone I’d like you to meet, before you go off on your own,” Piper said, brushing her hand over Beatrice’s chest, and down to her stomach. In the room next to theirs, things had quieted down. “Wait here for a moment?”

Beatrice obliged as Piper got up to cover herself with the robe. She took a deep breath, taking in the room, decorated in loving detail, for the first time. The pink and white tones made her think of dessert, and she smiled to herself. This weekend was all about the most delicious desserts anyone could imagine, and maybe she’d indulge in sweets as well. She deserved this. She needed this. Closing her eyes, she imagined all the things that would happen in the next forty-eight hours, every fantasy possible coming true. She hadn’t cared much for the blindfold the last time, though she’d wanted to try. Getting tied up, or restraining the woman under her hands–that was a different story. Walking into a dark room, tumbling onto a soft surface, being caressed by more than one pair of hands and lips until she wouldn’t be able to tell how many…She was starting to feel light-headed, aroused by the images in her mind.

“You’re not falling asleep on me, are you?” Piper’s amused voice made her eyes snap open. Beatrice had only a split-second of feeling self-conscious in the presence of the two women who had joined Piper. Both of them were beautiful, but the curvier one with the chestnut-colored hair held Beatrice’s gaze a moment longer. They were both wearing the robes, but not for much longer, Beatrice assumed.

“Meet Sage and Tara,” Piper said. “If you’re okay with that, they would like to hang out with us until dinner.”

“I’m very much okay with that.” Beatrice looked at Sage, long enough for the woman to blush and start to fidget. Beatrice hoped she was okay with the arrangement as well. She couldn’t wait to touch and taste her.

“I’d like to…in the bathroom, if you don’t mind,” Sage said.

“Yeah, why don’t you do that?” Piper sounded amused. “Tara and I will be here in the meantime. I know you like that, Bea. We’ll wait until you two have enough water in the tub, so you won’t miss a thing.”

It was crazy, unreal and thrilling to casually discuss the sex she was going to have with a pretty stranger, with Piper and another attractive stranger right there. A pair of screen doors separated the bathroom from the master bedroom, the en suite consisting almost only of the spacious tub. With jets. Her knees felt weak again.

“I appreciate that,” she said, aware of Sage appraising her naked body. Fortunately, the water pressure was strong, and it didn’t take all that long to fill the tub. Sage waited by the screen doors, arms wrapped around herself. Maybe she was self-conscious, or maybe she didn’t talk that much. Beatrice didn’t mind. At this stage, everyone coming together–a nice pun that was–had consented to sexual activities, details to be specified. It meant that whatever happened in that bathtub, it would be highly enjoyable for both of them.

She added honey scented bubble bath, and finally, Sage gave her a somewhat reserved smile before she let the robe fall to the floor, allowing Beatrice a once-over before she climbed into the tub. Beatrice followed her.

On the bed, Tara and Piper were favoring a slow start, caressing each other, kissing softly.

“So you like to watch,” Sage observed. She sat down in the opposite end of the tub.

“Among other things, yes. What do you like?”?

Ravens Links

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I hope you will enjoy, and share, the above and if you would like to join my Erotic Authoress Spotlight features . . . and post your own Erotic work here, please email me with your details, from my Ebook page. You can catch-up with previous Erotic Authoress Spotlight guests >here<.

Xxx – K

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Erotic Authoress Spotlight . . . Jen Cousineau

I’m thrilled to feature Jen Cousineau in this month’s Erotic Authoress Spotlight to introduce her debut novel “A Deadly Bet”. Jen is currently working on two new projects . . . but in the meantime let’s hear more about Jen and her first, deadly, bet!!!


Jen CousineauJen is a chap-stick and coffee addict that lives in the Badger State with her husband James, and their twin daughters Kaylynn and Lilly. She loves to bow hunt, kickbox, and is a food junkie. She’s an obsessive reader with a secret passion for writing. Jens always been a strong believer that dreamers live happier lives and decided to show her girls that hard work and dedication can make your dreams come true no matter where you are in your life.


© 2014 by Jen Cousineau

Veronica’s life was right on track. Attending University of Wisconsin – Green Bay and trying to complete her final year, she had amazing friends, was happily in love with her best friend, and was just working to make all of her dreams come true.

One night changed her whole world. What was supposed to be a girl’s celebration for her friends twenty-first birthday, turned into the worst mistake of her life. Veronica makes a deadly bet that destroys everything she loves.

Four years later, Veronica has a life-altering decision to make. Stay for all the loves of her past and hope for the best or plan an escape for the ultimate love of her future.

If she breaks her word and leaves, can she keep her loved ones safe? Can she survive if she fails?


© 2014 by Jen Cousineau

amazonadeadlybetI pull up to my Dad’s house and see that I’m the last to arrive. The only place to park is across the road. Great. I have to carry all the presents in, and the road and drive look as if I could ice skate on them. Perfect. I wonder if Katie and Ben will help me with them later.

The shades of the great big picture window are open. As I step out of my trailblazer, the cold air bites at my face taking my breath away. I take in the view of the yellow Cape Cod with red shutters framing each of the windows, the red door with the same Christmas wreath Dad hung every year. My sister Katie and I made it when we were kids—it took us hours and it’s a hot mess—but Dad loves it.

My eyes move back to the window, and it appears that they started the festivities without me. I see Lorelei, Katie’s daughter who is three, on my brother, Ben’s shoulders as she tries to hang an ornament towards the top of the tree. Instead, she drops it right onto Ben’s head, and I see my Dad’s grin spread from ear to ear as he tips his head back in laughter. Laura, my stepmom, embraces him in a hug while standing in front of the ginormous tree that my sister Katie insists on Dad getting every Christmas. Katie and my sister-in-law Sam are sitting on the couch, probably gossiping as I can see the back of their heads.

My nerves of what I have to tell them dissolve as nostalgia fills me from deep within. Witnessing the happiness that they hold makes me long to go back to how everything used to be. I feel the smile spread on my face—an unusual feeling that I haven’t experienced in quite some time. I can’t help but stand there and stare. It’s a perfect moment. The last perfect moment before I ruin everyone’s Christmas and strip away their securities. Maybe I’ll wait until after our holiday celebration to tell them. Feeling relieved about my last minute decision, I start walking across the street.

Everything changes to yellows and oranges in a flash. The heat on my face feels to be melting my skin. Before I realize what’s happening, something hits me on my head, knocking me to the ice cold ground. What the hell? I hear a hiss and a loud, high-pitched wale of a scream. That’s when I realize the hiss is a fire that stands where my father’s house stood only moments ago. The scream is coming from me.

The perfect moment is gone. Oh, shit. What the hell have I done?

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Prices include signed book, signed bookmark, and shipping.
US $15
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I hope you will enjoy, and share, the above and if you would like to join my Erotic Authoress Spotlight features . . . and post your own Erotic work here, please email me with your details, from my Ebook page. You can catch-up with previous Erotic Authoress Spotlight guests >here<.

Xxx – K

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Erotic Authoress Spotlight . . . Marilyn Lee

I am delighted to host the award winning author Marilyn Lee to my Erotic Authoress Spotlight today. Marilyn lives, works, and writes on the East Coast of the USA.


In addition to thoroughly enjoying writing erotic romances, she enjoys roller-skating, spending time with her large, extended family, and rooting for all her hometown sports teams. Her other interests include collecting Doc Savage pulp novels from the thirties and forties and collecting Marvel comics from the seventies and eighties (particularly Thor and The Avengers). Her favorite TV shows are forensic shows, westerns (Gunsmoke and Have Gun, Will Travel are particular favorites), mysteries (loves the old Charlie Chan mysteries). She likes the new Sleepy Hollow TV show and was sorry to hear Almost Human was canceled. Her all-time favorite mystery movie is probably Dead, Again), and nearly every vampire movie or television show ever made (Forever Knight and Count Yorga, Vampire are favorites). Almost she doesn’t watch modern vampire movies or TV shows.

Marilyn has won numerous writing accolades, including a CAPA award for Bloodlust: Conquering Mikhel Dumont and the following Lub-Dubs Awards for 2009: Lifetime Achievement Award, In Blood And Worth Loving (Best erotic novel and best sci-fi/fantasy/paranormal Award.

She loves to hear from readers who can email her at or who can visit her website, She’s finally making use of the Facebook one of her supportive readers made for her years ago. But she’s still old school and has a Yahoo! Group called Love Bytes that readers can join by sending an email to:

Writing for My Readers

Hey romance reading folks,

A dissatisfied reader recently said I write about the same things (BBW women getting the hero) and it was old. Hmmm. When I wrote my first plus-size romance back in 2000, (The Fall of Troy , which is published by Ellora’s Cave), there weren’t many books that featured untraditionally sized heroines. Most romance novel heroines were slim. When I approached my editor about the possibility of writing an erotic romance featuring a BBW, neither of us knew what to expect. However, The Fall of Troy was so well-received, my editor suggested I write another plus-size romance. I declined. Readers started writing and asking for a sequel so I finally relented and wrote Full-Bodied Charmer, which was also well received.

Both books resonated with a portion of the romance reading public who was/is full-figured and wanted to read about heroines with which they could identify. At the time, there weren’t many romances that featured BBW as the object of the heroes’ desire in an erotic setting. Then some of my friends who found love across racial lines complained that interracial romances were difficult to find. So I started writing those. Some of my first I/R books were nonstarters so I had to make the hero and heroine the same race or to downplay the I/R aspect to get them published. I faced even more opposition when I decided to have the secondary characters in my Bloodlust series have a same-sex relationship. I was told to either tone down the scenes drastically or better yet, keep the same-sex love scenes off stage if you will. Then I was told that readers weren’t into books with babies in them anymore so the last book in my Bloodlust series was never written because the heroine was pregnant.

On another note, one of my BBW books (Skin Deep) resonated so much with one author that she decided to plagiarize almost all the love scenes and put them in her book. She got rave reviews for a book that included my love scenes so I guess sometimes writing the same thing can have benefits and pitfalls.

Looking back on the last fifteen or so years, I’ve had to battle uphill to write the books I wanted to write the way I and my readers wanted me to write them.

These days, thankfully, readers can feast on countless romances of all heat levels featuring BBW heroines, multicultural relationships, same-sex ones, and nearly anything else they might like. All these elements are ones I included in my books years earlier after much opposition (often from my editor and publisher).

Thanks to very supportive readers and the new dynamics of writing and publishing, I now get to write what I and my readers want me to write the way we want it written. So do I write the same thing over and over again? I write what my readers want to read. And many of them are women of a certain age and want a break from books where the hero falls for the slim, beautiful, twenty-something heroine. With reader encouragement, I’ve started a new series called Mature Men.

Not all women are slim, beautiful, or twenty-something. But all deserve to be able to lose themselves in a romance that reflects who they are. The men in this series won’t always end up with the typical romance heroine (of course it’s been awhile since I’ve written books about typical romance heroines).

But my heroines and heroes are now getting older (like me and my readers). The first book in the series is called Long, Slow Second Look and features a BBW heroine, who has very average looks. I based Amber’s character on a co-worker, who despite being average looking and plus-size, had most of the men in the office where we worked drooling over her. She had a great personality and self-confidence. Like my former co-worker, Amber never doubts that she has just as much right to be swept off her feet as any other woman.

I’m hoping my readers and others will embrace the series as they’ve done with my other efforts when I battled up hill. So please battle with me again. As always, I love to hear from readers. Please email to let me know what you think and what does and doesn’t work for you.

Modesty Ablaze Erotic Authoress SpotlightLong, Slow Second Look blurb:

When full-figured Amber Hunt-Darkwater and sexy John Reddorn meet at a party, they each have an agenda. Amber is there to attract the romantic attention of a handsome doctor who would make a great husband if only he’d stop running and allow her to catch him. John, who is happily divorced and has many willing bed partners, is looking for a female friend without any sexual benefits sought or given.

Nevertheless, within minutes of their meeting, they are lost in a heated lip lock and sharing a sexy bump and grind while the good doctor looks on in shock. The sexual chemistry between them is sizzling. Once they are alone the heat level between them rises to dangerous heights neither can contain nor control.

Buy Links

Buy Long, Slow Second Look from

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I hope you will enjoy, and share, the above and if you would like to join my Erotic Authoress Spotlight features . . . and post your own Erotic work here, please email me with your details, from my Ebook page. You can catch-up with previous Erotic Authoress Spotlight guests >here<.

Xxx – K

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Erotic Authoress Spotlight . . . V.L. Locey

Today I’d like to welcome V.L. Locey to my Erotic Authoress Spotlight pages to highlight her . . . intriguing . . . Hockey Romance Erotica!!!

“Thank you so much, Modesty, for having me over to visit! My name is V.L. Locey, and I`m a multigenre erotic romance author. I`m dropping by today to chat about A Most UnlikelyCountess, the newest book in my To Love a Wildcat hockey romance series.”


Vicki Locey

V.L. Locey loves worn jeans, belly laughs, anything romantic, Greek mythology, New York Rangers hockey, comic books and coffee. (Not necessarily in that order.) She shares her life with her husband, her daughter, one dog, two cats, a steer named after a famous N.H.L. goalie, a pig named after a famous President, and a flock of assorted domestic fowl.

V.L. is a self-published and conventionally published author. She is a proud Torquere Press and Secret Cravings Publishing author. When not writing romantic tales, she can be found enjoying her day with her menagerie in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania with a cup of fresh java in hand, writing, or cheering on her beloved New York Rangers. She can also be found online on Facebook, Twitter, and GoodReads.


He was at the baby grand, his head bowed as he played each note with perfection. Lord Elton John would be proud of how well Veikko was playing Someone Saved My Life Tonight. The keys were hit with passion and agony. I lingered in the doorway of the living room as he lost himself in the song, or so I thought.

Come sit beside me, Piglet,” he said, jarring me from my appraisal of him, the piano, the muted light in the corner, and the tumbler of liquid sitting within easy reach. Whiskey, if the smell was any indication. Not sure if I liked his nickname for me or not, I nonetheless moved closer to him. He glanced up, his long fingers never missing one key, then he jerked his head to indicate the bench. I moved behind him to sit primly at his side. Yes, it was whiskey in the tumbler. The smell was a thick fog around the man. So he had drunk his dinner tonight. That boded well.

Tell me, Piglet, have you ever had a man break your heart?” he asked his accent slightly thicker from the ingestion of who knew how much Jack Daniels.


I get no other details than that?” His hands moved across the keyboard smoothly, leaving me in yet a deeper hole of disbelief. I had come into this job with a massive number of misconceptions about athletic types. Veikko was shattering all my stereotypes. Not only was the man not dumb, he possessed all his teeth, he was a lover of fine art, a philanthropist, a highly skilled pianist, and a deeply emotional human being who was now begging, in his own masculine way, for me to commiserate with him. Maybe it was the booze that had him beseeching in as manly a way possible for heartache tales.

He was a college guy.” I sighed, hearing the lyrics written by Bernie Taupin clearly in my mind. “I was sixteen, he was twenty-one. He got what he wanted and I never saw him again. Typical, right?”

He said something unpleasant in one of his two native tongues that if translated might have made a sailor gasp. It sounded really vile.

Hey, it was years ago, but thanks for getting all big brother about it, Pooh.”

His snort surprised me. As did the gentle elbow he pushed into my side. “Shy little Piglet needs a burly Pooh to defend her honor from time to time.” He chuckled, obviously a bit drunker than he should be given he had to play tomorrow night. “I am sorry he hurt you. You have such a good soul, kind and caring, not filled with conceit and self-absorption.”

Well, what did a person say to that? Going with the usual response I have ready for random acts of kindness, I muttered thanks while wishing I had let my hair down.

The music stopped. I found myself being drawn to look at him, even though it would make me flushed and unable to speak properly. He was too close. His eyes far too hooded.

Sing for me,” he whispered. “I wish to hear the words. They are good words for tonight, don`t you think?”

Wetting my lips my eyes roamed from his face to the whiskey. Maybe I needed a few fifths as well.

I`m really sorry about things, how they happened, I mean. You and she seemed…looked so good together, well, I think if you want me to sing you need to play.”

Thank you, Piglet.” He exhaled, pressed his lips to my cheek then started at the beginning of the song once again. My lips were rather disappointed that I didn`t turn to catch his mouth with mine. I could have. I should have. It would have been so simple: just a turn of the head at the wrong, or right depending on your POV, moment. His lips on mine, just for a minute in a startling kiss that would lead to something hot, carnal, and as everlasting as the peaks of Mardavia.

Those kinds of moments don`t happen for skinny, shy chicks though. Closing my eyes, I began singing about east end nights, slip nooses, and thanking God for music that pulls us through.


Vicki Locey


Book Links

You can find Liz and Veikko`s book, A Most Unlikely Countess, here:

(It is recommended that you read the series in order)

Secret Cravings Store


All Romance eBooks

B & N


Vicki Locey

You can find Pink Pucks & Power Plays, the first book of the To Love a Wildcat series, here:

Secret Cravings Publishing


All Romance






Connect with V.L.:

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I hope you will enjoy, and share, the above and if you would like to join my Erotic Authoress Spotlight features . . . and post your own Erotic work here, please email me with your details, from my Ebook page.

Xxx – K

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Erotic Authoress Spotlight . . . Tory Richards

“Romance with an Attitude” says it all for my Erotic Authoress Spotlight guest for today, Tory Richards.

And Tory is certainly one of the most prolific of writers to have ever joined me here . . . read on and be intrigued!!!


Tory Richards was born in Maine but has lived most of her life in Florida. Recently retired from Disney, she lives with her daughter and her family, and shares her woman-cave with four felines. She loves chocolate, (who doesn’t) good coffee and sweet iced tea. Her greatest joy is being able to spend as much time as she wants with her two grandchildren.

Writing has always been a hobby for Tory, and she’s been doing since around the age of ten. She only pursued a career in it a few years ago, with the encouragement of her daughter and niece. Her first book with Whiskey Creek Press, Cupid’s Arrow, was on the publisher’s best sellers list for two consecutive months! Cupid’s Arrow will be re-released in April of this year with a new title, Kiss Me, and book cover. To date Tory has 22 ebooks out, and 6 slated for release later this year.

Tory likes to hear from readers and will usually respond back within 24 hours.

Tory Richards

You’d think a person who’s a Syfy junkie like I am would write more in that genre. While Syfy on TV seems to cover a multitude of different genres that can be anything from outer space, fantasy, paranormal, monster love and everything else that’s just plain weird, it’s not what I like to read. On the Syfy channel I’ll watch it all, but I like reading werewolf, shifter romances.

For the longest time I just wrote contemporary erotic romance. I ignored the voices in my head saying write that paranormal romance, you know you want to. But the truth was, I didn’t think I could pull it off. Yet the more shifter romances I read, the more I felt the urge to give it a try. So I wrote, The Mating Ritual, an erotic paranormal where the hero and his people, the Oh-Mah, are descendents of Bigfoot.

Scent of a Wolf’s Mate is my second paranormal, and I can easily see another story coming out between the secondary characters, Max and Rose. Will I write it? We’ll see.

Below is a blurb and excerpt of Scent of a Wolf’s Mate.  Enjoy!

Modesty Ablaze Erotic Authoress Spotlight with Tory RichadsAccepting a job as a wildlife veterinarian at the Savage Hills Wolf Sanctuary is Serena’s dream job. Finding out she’s the mate of Savage Hill’s alpha werewolf turns her world as she knows it upside down. Trying to resist the sexy man is impossible. She’s in heat, and he’s more than ready to claim what’s his.

Unedited excerpt – Serena left the bedroom quietly, unsure of what she was going to find. Deciding to follow the aroma, she made her way to a kitchen equipped with every modern appliance you could imagine. Standing at the stove in low hanging pajama bottoms was a man. He was flipping bacon. Didn’t he know it was dangerous to cook without a shirt on?

She stood in the entranceway, slightly afraid and very confused. He was a big man. His dark hair was thick and wild, stopping at the top of his shoulders, shoulders that were wide and muscular. The muscles rippled in his back as he moved, and she could see his well-developed biceps and forearms.

A breeze rushed in through the open window over the sink. Serena watched the curtains dance wildly. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply when the cool mountain air reached where she was standing. Wisps of hair moved about her face, and something else carried on the wind, something that spiked her awareness, flowing together with the scent of pines and wild lavender, and him, an untamed and basic entity that reached into her soul.

“I know you’re there,” he said without turning around. “Don’t come any closer.”

Well, that’s not very friendly. Serena didn’t know what to do at that point. She clutched his robe tighter against her. Without warning he turned, pinning his dark eyes on her. His rugged face was set as though in anger. “I hope you don’t mind that I borrowed your robe. I couldn’t find my clothes.” She tried not to let her gaze wander, but there was no way she could ignore his hard, defined Pecs and six-pack abs. The man was powerfully built and sinfully sexy.

His gaze moved over her. Serena took note of the tic moving in his tense jaw, and she tried to imagine what she’d done to upset him. What did he expect that she would walk out there in her birthday suit?

“That’s okay,” he finally spoke.

“Where am I?”

“Do you remember anything about last night?”

“Some of it. I was running and tripped on something. The last thing I remember is being pinned down by a wolf. Did you kill it?”

“I took care of it.” His tone was short and to the point.

“There was another wolf—”

“I took care of him, too.” He moved to the sink, put the plug in, and turned on the water, then turned back to face her.

“What?” She was confused. “But how? I, I…” She didn’t know what to say. “I never saw you.” She hadn’t seen anyone. “I guess I owe you my life, then.” Serena offered him a smile, hoping to erase the unfriendly look on his face. “My name is Serena.” She stepped further into the kitchen and held out her hand.

He just stared at it for a long moment as if it were a snake, and then finally said his name. “Connor.”

Release date 3/1/2014

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Xxx – K

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Erotic Authoress Spotlight . . . Layla Wilcox

When my Erotic Authoress Spotlight guest for today, Layla Wilcox, first messaged me with “I think you’d like these books about a wife of 20 years transforming her life with her hubby . . .  first in their own marriage, and then with others”, my curiousity was instantly aroused! LOL!!!

And I think you’ll see why when you read the blurb and short excerpt from her “My Secrets Discovered” further below . . .

But first, I’ll let Layla introduce herself . . .

Layla Wilcox at Modesty AblazeBio:
Layla Wilcox is the pseudonym and alter ego of an author who writes erotic contemporary romance. A native New Yorker, Layla writes about mature women who like all things hot: weather, food, and men . . . and not necessarily in that order.

When not writing erotic romances, Layla enjoys watching entire seasons of old television series on Amazon Prime while eating homemade vegan pizza, followed by dark chocolate.


 “Like many secrets, mine began innocently.”
So begins the transformation of an average American housewife.

Jen Hauser loves her accountant husband, Mark, but after twenty years of marriage, she finds their sex life about as exciting as one of his spreadsheets. Things start to heat up after she discovers Secrets, an adult entertainment store in a quiet suburban shopping plaza.

At Secrets, Jen is introduced to the tools of sexual pleasure as well as a mentor, Blondie, who guides her to a total makeover. Together they hatch a plan to seduce Mark. Jen risks everything to find out if her marriage is over or just on ice.

Will a new hairdo, Brazilian bikini wax, and sexy lingerie heat up a dormant love life, or will Jen face a final rejection when she surprises Mark with her new discoveries?

Content Warning: This steamy romance novelette of 13,500 words is for adults only! Contains graphic sex scenes too explicit to include in this blurb. For readers 18+ only!

Themes in this book: female masturbation, sex toys and enhancements, aphrodisiacs, seduction, hot marital sex


(We’re joining Jen at Secrets, an adult entertainment store, as she tries on some new, sexy lingerie in a well-equipped fitting room.)

My-SecretsDiscovered-CoverThe sight of myself in the mirror excited me. I’d put on a few pounds over the years, but the added inches were in all the right places. I had what you’d call an “hourglass figure.” I stepped up on the platform in front of the three-way mirror and checked the rear view. My thighs definitely looked better from the front, but my butt was nice and round. The fullness was in proportion to the rest of me. I put my hands on my waist and focused on the frontal view, the one I’d show Mark first.

The black demi-cup bra trimmed in red lace pushed my ample breasts back up where they used to stand by themselves pre-baby. The matching black thong had the same red lace trim along the elastic that stretched snugly across the curve of my hips. Both items had slits for easy access to my hot spots. The short sheer baby doll nightie had tiny black lace shoulder straps woven with narrow red ribbon. The entire thing would probably slip off in an instant.

I lowered my shoulder, and sure enough, the nightie fell to the floor. The feel of the smooth material against my skin stimulated my nipples, and they perked up pink and hard through the openings in the bra. I giggled, and tweaked them. A surge of heat traveled through my body, and I felt a bit unsteady, so I sat down on the sofa. I decided that it was probably hunger that was making me feel woozy and grabbed a couple of crackers off the tray.

The food steadied my queasiness, and I decided to try on the corset, thong, and garter belt combo. I was midway through changing when Blondie, the store owner, came back in.

“How’s it going? Need any help?”

“Um, yes,” I said, holding up the garter belt. “Should I have some stockings to attach to these?”

“I’ll get you some. Before I do that, though, let me help set the proper mood in here.” She stepped over the entertainment center to flip a few switches and turn a few dials. A scantily clad couple popped up on the flat screen television, and I realized it was a porn movie in progress. “I’ll be right back,” Blondie said, and disappeared beyond the curtain.

I was mesmerized by the couple on the screen. It took only a few minutes of watching them for me to realize how limited my sexual experience truly was. I thought the erotica I was reading was the work of some good imaginations, but clearly people really did do these things—and to each other. Although I was initially engaged with watching from an informational standpoint, I found myself getting highly aroused as I watched the woman drop to her knees to caress the penis of her lover with her hands, tongue, and lips.

The camera came in close, and I could see this couple was engaged in the real thing. I felt my own juices start to flow, and I realized I was standing there with no bottom on while I waited for Blondie to return with stockings. I sat down on the couch and began to stroke between my legs as I watched the man ejaculate in her mouth. The look on her face said she was receiving the best gift ever.

Within seconds of the two of them expressing their rapture, he lifted her onto the bed, and she fell back, legs wide open, bent at the knees. He spread her further apart with one hand, and the camera zoomed in close. He set his mouth down on her, and I watched as he worked her clit with his finger while licking and sucking her. Although the movie audio was turned off, I could imagine her screams of pleasure as she writhed up and down.

I was so engrossed in the visual, I barely realized I had my thumb circling my engorged clit with three fingers inside myself, moving in time with the couple. I stopped abruptly. Blondie was standing inside the curtain holding a package of hosiery in one hand and a long box in the other. I was horrified to be discovered mid-masturbation in her store, but Blondie smiled at me with the look of open friendship.

“Good, I see you’re relaxing.”


If you loved Sex & the City and Desperate Housewives, then you’ll love My Secrets Discovered, book 1 of the Secret Lives of Housewives series. 

All the My Secrets books in the Secret Lives of Housewives series are available for purchase at:
Order of Books in the Series (Each book continues the story, but there are no cliffhangers.)
My Secrets Discovered
My Secrets Revealed
My Secrets Shared
My Secrets Collection (*Best Buy: Books 1-3, plus 2 bonus stories)
My Secrets Bared
My Secrets Exposed

Connect with Layla:




I hope you will enjoy, and share, the above and if you would like to join my Erotic Authoress Spotlight features . . . and post your own Erotic work here, please email me with your details, from my Ebook page.

Xxx – K

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Erotic Authoress Spotlight – Helen Johnston

Today I’m thrilled to welcome Helen Johnston to my Erotic Authoress Spotlight page.

InnocenceLostCoversHelen grew up in her home county of Hampshire, England. Her childhood dreams filled with the desire to become a dancer. An only child she was never alone, her years spent entertained with her vivid imagination. She met and married her husband not long after leaving school and soon after their son was born, their family is made complete with Helen’s two cats who are spoiled rotten which results in them often thinking they rule the home.

Her life consisting of home life, and a few jobs in the retail industry, her vivid imagination refused to stay quiet and combined with her love of erotica and all things vampire she decided to try her hand at writing and has never looked back.

Helen’s new book is the first in her Innocence Lost series.

Exams over and finished with school, Siobhan and her best friends take a glitzy break in the South of France. They’re out for fun and ready to party, but when she meets the enigmatic Blake, all thoughts of a simple holiday romance fly out the window. Siobhan finds herself falling deeply in love, certain that she wants to spend the rest of her life with him.
But in a shocking turn of events, that dream is shattered when Blake and his equally hunky friends vanish without a trace, leaving Siobhan heartbroken and confused, struggling to rebuild her life.
Ten years on, the pair meet again – and Siobhan is left reeling when Blake reveals his darkest secret. He is a powerful vampire Elder – and he wants her for his Queen. But before the couple can even think about living happily ever after, they are separated again.
Siobhan is kidnapped by a malevolent rival – and forced to be a submissive sex slave in a drug-induced, lust-filled living nightmare from which there is no escape. Can Blake find his one true love once more and rescue her before she is corrupted forever?

Blake’s Interview

Smiling to myself I get out of my car and stand looking up at the gothic mansion that is Blake and Siobhan’s home. The door opens and Robert greets me with a smile

“Welcome Ms Helen, I believe Blake is ready for you in the office. You know the way?” He asks with a raise of one eyebrow and I smile back at him and nod, his friendly eyes are full with mischief.

“Yes I think I do.” He bows and leaves me to walk through the mansion alone. I’m nervous. It’s not every day you get your wish to meet an Elder vampire. He’s interviewing me today, but I wish it was the other way around. I have so many questions for him.

I knock tentatively on the door and wait until I hear his deep voice granting me access. Taking a steadying breath I walk in and shut the door gently behind me. Blake’s study is large, as is everything around here. Very masculine with dark wooden flooring, the walls are covered in bookcases overflowing with every type of book you can imagine.

Once I’ve looked at my surroundings I turn and face him. And there he is, wow, oh boy, he is, he’s just… Words fail me. His incredible presence has me nearly swooning.

He gets up out of his chair and stalks towards me I want to shuffle back but I stand still and look up into his amazing green eyes, which are twinkling with amusement. Oh, oh, what’s he got planned?

Blake takes my hand and brings it up to his soft lips and gently kisses my knuckles. Like a school girl meeting her ideal I blush… He stands back up, takes my elbow, and leads me gently to the chair that is placed in front of his huge dark wood desk. Once I’m sat, in the very comfortable black leather chair, he walks and sits in his, an identical one to mine. Only larger, much, much larger.

He and I look at each other as if we are taking inventory. It’s our very first meeting.

“So Helen.” His eyes stare almost hypnotizingly into mine and he has me entranced. “Let’s start.” He looks down at his writing pad in front of him and then looks back up with a wicked smile on his face. I gulp realizing I’m now the one in the spotlight…

“When you first decided to write, why me and Siobhan and why this genre?” His voice is quiet, but then Blake never really has to raise his voice to get the information he desires.

I swallow then reply.

“When I started yours and Siobhan’s story it was before I had read any other erotic vampire books. We are talking over seven years ago. Naively I thought I was the only one who would read and enjoy it. I was wrong. There are a great many authors out there that I have since become huge fans of. I wrote it firstly for myself, a story that I would enjoy reading, but you all grew and I ended up with three books.” Sitting back in my chair I stop fiddling with my hands and rest them on the arm rest of the chair.

Blake nods and looks back down, just as the door is knocked and he tells whoever it is to enter. Robert comes in bearing a tray of drinks and bowls of snacks.

“I thought Ms Helen would enjoy this as you interrogate her.” He coughs trying to not to smile. “I mean her interview sir.” He bows at us both before walking back out. I look up into Blake’s eyes to see him trying not to laugh. It relaxes me and I smile back at him.

Taking the glass of ice cold water I take a sip and lean back waiting on his next question.

“So how did the book come to life? Where did you start and how did the characters get a life of their own?” he places his large hands behind his head and leans back, the picture of a relaxed man or vampire. His bespoke suit covering what I know to be a body to die for, blushing I try hopelessly to reign in my wayward thoughts.

“That’s three questions.” I state and he raises one eyebrow at me and stares as if to say, and? Blushing I reply.

“My husband was working nights and I was alone and fed up with the crap that was on the TV. I’ve read and read, and wanted to see if I could write something that I would find exciting. I actually started a few chapters in, where you and Siobhan meet back up at Club 1. I wanted to know, what if you met back up with someone who you loved desperately and for whatever reason you were separated. At the very beginning it was only my thoughts and it was very rough. A few friends liked it and told me to develop it, so I did. You all are very real to me, it was easy to write your bio’s and bring you to life. You are all so distinctive with very strong personalities and with stories of your own.” Taking another gulp of water, this being interviewed is hard work. But he’s smiling at me so it must be going ok. For a moment I wonder what he would do to me if it wasn’t…

“You never finished your education, do you think if you had gotten your qualifications and was more educated it would make a difference.” He looks serious and he knows this is a personal chip on my shoulder and he knows I find it difficult to talk about. Damn him… I squirm under his unflinching gaze. I realise he’s going to make me answer whether I want to or not.

“I’ve had people asking me outright how can I have the nerve to try and even contemplate what I have done. It’s only made me try harder, I guess I feel inadequate and that I’m guilty of taking things way to personally which I am trying to stop. There seem far more people who are willing to put done your efforts than to help. But yes, looking back I wish I had gained more than what I did from the educational part of my life. I think I’m so stubborn I was determined to flip the non believers in me off and smile and say look at me… I did it!” Looking at him I am lost for breath, he’s so male, so big, and everything I had wanted in a male heartthrob.

Smiling at me he nods his head, and looks at his questions.

“How did the story come about? There are many twists and turns. Some I have to tell you I’m not happy about. Why did my Queen Si, have to be ripped from my arms as soon as I had managed to secure her there?” He’s now glaring at me, and I can almost feel the anger burning in him just under the surface. I gulp.

“I’d like to say it was all thought out in advance, that the story was planned from A to Z, that I researched it thoroughly from all angles. But really, once I had all of you in my head I sat down and used my newly bought computer, which I might add I had never used word before and wrote it. From the beginning to the end. I don’t know if there is a right or wrong way to write a book? For me this works. Also I’m not one of these people who read and reread what they write. I tend to write it and move on. Only when I’ve finished a whole chapter do I go back and reread and add anything or remove things from it.” I take a sip of the water thanking Charles silently for it.

“As to the part you’re referring to, that was as much a surprise to me as it was to you. It wasn’t planned it was just the direction the story needed to go.” I tell him softly, my eyes not quite reaching his, I had been dreading this question above all others.

The door opens and in walks Siobhan, all blond hair, beautiful, graceful and elegant. Smiling at me she runs her hand down my face, her way of saying hello and walks over to Blake. He pulls her into his lap and kisses her until she is breathless. I feel like I shouldn’t be there, watching. She breaks off the kiss and laughs and faces me.

“See the monster you have created?” she looks at him with the love I knew they had for one another clear for me to see. “I thought I would come and rescue you, I’m sure he has interviewed you for long enough. At least you are still breathing right?” she stands up and so does Blake, I realize my time is over with him. I wistfully think it would be nice to stay here and just observe how they all live.

He walks over to me with his arm tightly around her shoulders and extends his hand to me.

“Thank you for answering some of my questions. Perhaps next time we meet you can ask me?” He winks at me as I shake it. They both walk to the door, I follow, thinking I love this couple. They’ve been through so much and they are as strong as ever.

I hope you will enjoy, and share, the above and if you would like to join my Erotic Authoress Spotlight features . . . and post your own Erotic work here . . . please email me with your details, from my Ebook page. 

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Erotic Authoress Spotlight . . . Serena Akeroyd

I’m delighted to be joined today by Serena Akeroyd at my Erotic Authoress Spotlight page.

A Brit born and bred, Serena dreams in American English and of Far-Flung places, strange characters and unusual scenarios. These dreams feed her plots, be they contemporary tales or of the extraordinary.

Currently in the throes of the Naughty Nookie series, a twelve-part book-i-sode that follows three women on their path to personal growth through sexual liberation, Serena enjoys putting a chick-lit twist on erotic works.

She works best in bed, with her dog (Trever) taking up too much room and hogging most of the blankets even though he’s ten pounds of fluff, all with a cup of tea close at hand.  Her most beloved quote is, ‘The truth is stranger than fiction.’ Serena takes personal enjoyment in stretching the limits of both!

The following is a wonderfully hot excerpt from her “Marina: Part One: Naughty Nookie Series” (see the links below) A Bitch In Time.


“Turn on the light,” I order, wanting to see him spread out, like a feast, just for me.

I hear him fumble about with the bedside table, then the faint click before the lights blare on.  The pair of us blink at the brightness, then, as our eyes focus, we shoot dopey smiles at each other.  Mine is a mirror reflection of his and I reach for his left hand, tightening my fingers about his. 

“Hi.”  My whispered greeting has those gorgeous green eyes of his softening and he knots our fingers together.  “It’s good to see you.”  The inane comment in no way describes how relieved I am he’s here.

I’ve never felt this way before, but then, I guess I’ve never felt insecure about any part of my life.  That sounds mega arrogant and I’m only just starting to realize how intolerable I must have been all these years.  So sure of myself, of my actions.So certain I knew what was best.  Yet now, I’m in the shit.  My arrogance didn’t protect me, didn’t keep me from danger. 

I guess it’s pathetic to want to rely on a man for security.  It’s so not the way I was taught.  At school, on the commune, we were taught everything from the theory of relativity to self-defense.  I can shoot a rifle, but I’m a crack shot with my Granddaddy’s old service revolver.  I can actually speak Russian!  So if the bastards had come after me, I could have bored them to death while explaining E = MC² in russkij jazyk a.k.a their mother tongue, while making them spew in the aftermath of a Butterfly Kick to the gut and clutching their hearts after a perfectly aimed shot to the chest!  But come after my friends?  People who are like family to me?  I’m screwed and feel totally useless.

His top lip quirks up.  “I thought I’d let you rest.  I got in a few hours ago and you were asleep —in the middle of the afternoon!  So you must have needed the down time.”

“You’ve no idea.”

He frowns at me.  His eyes literally glow with his concern and despite myself, I’m really touched.  I don’t know why.  He should be concerned.  If he came to me with a problem, I would be.  But still, to see that someone gives a damn, a guy like Nate too, it just makes me feel warm and cozy inside.  And I’m not a warm and cozy kind of girl!

“What’s wrong?”

I wave a hand, trying to seem blasé, when in truth I’m really concerned.  “It doesn’t matter.”

It does, but this first night with Nate is always special and I don’t want to ruin it with news of how I’ve fucked up my life.

There’s time tomorrow to tell him the truth and to ask him advice.

I just want to be with the man and to enjoy him.

“Of course it matters.  Tell me.”

I rock my hips, enticing myself more than him, if truth be told.  The crotch of my short shorts has buried itself between my pussy lips and the slight friction against my clit has tingles rushing up and down my spine.

“Don’t worry about it.”

“Hey!”  His voice is almost a bark.  “What matters to you, matters to me.”

I don’t want to think what those words do to me.  How important they are.

At this moment, with my life in shambles, I can’t think.  I just need him.  I grab his hand and shove it between my legs, but he stops me, his fingers tightening about my own.  This time, his voice is definitely a bark.  “Stop it.  Talk to me, I’m not a fuck doll.”

The bitch in me could laugh aloud at that comment.  But that’s only because he’s denying me what I want.  His gaze is knife-sharp and he cuts into me a little, forcing me to be serious. 

“I don’t want you to feel that way,” I mumble, feeling a little ashamed.

“Well, then.  Talk to me.We’re more than just fuck buddies, Marina.  I care about you.”

For a moment, I’m stunned by his honesty.  In truth, it staggers me.  I can do no less than offer the same to him.  Even though I hadn’t meant to.  But those four words have changed things.  Unexpected, granted.  But they have.

Swallowing back my nerves, I whisper, “I’m ready to go home.”

justawoman2More Naughty Nookie series on:

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Kindle UK


Free Christmas Short – Mona – Deck The Halls With Handsome Hunks

Connect with Serena:

Serena Akeroyd – Website

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Serena Akeroyd – Facebook Page

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Serena Akeroyd – Google +

I hope you will enjoy, and share, the above and if you would like to join my Erotic Authoress Spotlight features . . . and post your own Erotic work here, please email me with your details, from my Ebook page.

Xxx – K

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