Sex In Las Vegas … Does It Stay There

Sex in Las Vegas 1

Las Vegas is hands down among the most outrageous if not the most outrageous city within the United States. The infamous slogan ‘what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas’ lends itself to that reputation. People travel from far and wide to go there and let go of all of their inhibitions without fear of judgment or retribution. Sex, drugs, alcohol, whatever your dream is yours when you’re in Vegas. What about the people who live and work there? Does this concept apply to them too?

Throughout many parts of Nevada, state laws have had sex work legalized except in Las Vegas. The state has developed a reputation for its porn, prostitution, and strippers. This market could not flourish if it were not for the willing women out there selling sex. The women in the industry make good money and seem content with their lives in Nevada. What is this life like selling sex in Las Vegas?

Life For Sex Workers In Las Vegas

Escort workers who sell sex in Las Vegas indicate some aspects of their work may not surprise many people, but then some parts may shock you.

  • Many women turn to prostitution in Las Vegas because it pays more than video work, webcam, or things of that nature. Some webcam sites will keep a majority of the proceeds from the work being done with the girls making very little at the end of the day. This leads the ladies to turn away from those mediums and go where the money is…prostitution.
  • There’s more to it than just sexing. There is a difference between being an escort and being a prostitute in Las Vegas. When you’re with a prostitute, you have sex, and they leave with no communication being exchanged. An escort has the responsibility to pose as a faux girlfriend or a friend. They refer to this as the ‘GFE’ or the ‘Girlfriend Experience’.

The escort interacts and socializes with the client. They will have drinks at the bar, perhaps go to dinner and see a show. She may act as a guide around town for the man, basically a companion. There are times that they never even have sex in the escort scenario.

The escort industry is extremely competitive in Las Vegas meaning women have to work harder in this type of role. They have the added benefit of advertising when they’re an escort because the men are paying for companionship as opposed to prostitution. Read here to learn the legalities of nudity in Las Vegas.

Sex in Las Vegas 2
  • Typically, if you’re working out of a brothel, that’s also where you live. The brothel has a structured regimen that you’re to follow when you live there. There is time for the gym, having their hair done and outfit selection, and then the day starts. The system used for booking appointments as well as negotiating/collecting payments is very sophisticated, complete with a computer program and a hostess ensuring that everything went well, with the client having a good time.
  • Among those managing the brothels and the escorts, the most critical aspect for the men is discretion. None of the men want to be found out by their families or with their jobs as having received services from a sex worker. This is also the case with many of the sex workers who are also married with jobs of their own during the day. It is just as important for the ladies that things be kept quiet. It’s not unheard of for clients to be asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement.
  • Brothels offer safety and security that the girls wouldn’t have if they were out on their own. In a different situation as with a pimp, they wouldn’t get to pick who they sleep with and most often they are abused. Brothels mandate that the girls go through STD screenings and there are strict rules which protect and benefit the girls who work there. They maintain a weekly shift schedule while living there. The girls have a contractual obligation once they arrive at the brothel and are bound to that contract until the end date. Go to to read more about legalized prostitution within Nevada.
  • The escorts are busy providing companionship to a wide variety of different men which sounds like they’re being wined and dined consistently. But the fact is they indicate that this is actually among the loneliest of lives to be involved in. Prostitutes bond with each other because the industry has a stigma that brings them together.

A majority of men will not publicly date a prostitute if they find out what she does. Even developing true friendships within the industry becomes difficult based on the level of competition. Not being able to fully communicate the life that you live with those around you makes becoming close with people very difficult. That’s their reality.

Sometimes they see their lifestyle as a good thing, and then there are other times that they’re sorry they got involved. It can be extremely dangerous, but if you were to ask them, most would say it’s what they want. People are going to buy and sell sex, so really, we need to get rid of the stigma. It’s happening all around us and not necessarily just in Vegas. But what is happening in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine


Filed under Modesty Ablaze Sex Toy & Product Reviews, Sex and Relationship, Sex Toys, Sex Toys Reviews, sexual empowerment for women, Sexual liberation

2 Responses to Sex In Las Vegas … Does It Stay There

  1. Don

    Good article. I’ve never been there but am interested in nevada’s laws and how they can be adapted to my state.

  2. Steve

    Only been once. It was a real trip from what I remember of it 😉 🙂

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